Waves of work and play…from office to lake, here we go!

IMG_0116Meet my dad – Sam Elliott.  Might I just take this moment to say that not only is he a role model that I thank God for, but today is his birthday! So Dad, this blog is for you!!!

As long as I can remember, Dad has loved the water.  But growing up, what I remember most about him was that he worked like a Trojan all week long in order for us to play together on the weekend, and where else better to do that but the lake?!?  In my early years, we would visit Lake Norman, take our boat that I am sure he worked long hours to purchase, and put it in at a dock called Skippers Landing.  While the lake breezes were amazing, Skippers offered some pretty amazing hot dogs as well!  What wasn’t to love about these times with him and Mom and my siblings?  Later in life he and mom actually built their second home on Lake Norman, and so my teenage years were some of the sweetest….with hamburgers on the grill, fresh vegetables from the garden that my dad and grandfather planted and my mom made taste more amazing than ice cream, skiing until dark, sitting in a swing on our point until the sun set and sizzled into the lake…..ummmm, memories take me back!IMG_5580Ours was definitely a “home sweet home”, and our friends were always welcome, and usually there!  Mom had a knack for entertaining, and Dad would drive us around that lake until the boat ran out of gas, then gas up and go again!  I am sure I took a lot for granted in those days.IMG_5578Growing up, I was certain it was true….Love really IS all you need!  And so this month this sign hangs as a reminder of that truth.IMG_5571Remember this type of anchor?  I couldn’t pass it up when I saw it!  Perched atop this desk, it is a reminder to me of what Dad so beautifully patterned for me, and demonstrated in his own life…that God is the anchor of our soul.  (But I happen to think it would make an awesome paperweight as well!)



IMG_5569There are several anchors to choose from this month…and sailboats, and oars and most anything that will remind you of a day filled with sunshine, warmth, water and waves!

In fact, you might notice a few lingering beach items….Dad wasn’t just partial to the lake.  We vacationed every year at The Shoreline in Myrtle Beach….a magnificent Southern home complete with a deck that invited you to it with its rocking chairs facing the lapping waves of the ocean and the salty breezes.  Oh how I can smell it now!

So let me give you a preview of some of those beach items that could easily transition to the lake as well!  Things like flip flops, beach towels, bait buckets….

Take a peek!IMG_5576

IMG_5575And although it seems a little late for this, there are still a few July 4th items in the mix….another favorite memory of mine with Dad!  There were fireworks across the bow of the boat as we launched onto the lake in the dark of night to watch with hundreds of other boaters and 4th of July enthusiasts….always watermelon and always meals on the screened porch.  Thus, you will also find a delightful table and chairs this month…a memory to me of days gone by, of meals shared, and laughter plentiful.IMG_4990




Maybe it’s the season for time to stand still in the midst of your own memories?

This clock might be just the thing to help you keep track of moments you are in the middle of…moments that you don’t want to escape your notice.  Moments you want to grasp hold of….for just a bit longer.

So take a walk with me through the rest of this month as I celebrate my Dad….who, by the way, has not only been much of the inspiration and encouragement behind Burlap & Lace, but doesn’t mind a good shopping spree with his daughter from time to time to help her fill her booth!

I love you Dad!

Blessings –
