Vintage old…and Vintage new…

IMG_6410I’m taking a walk down memory lane this morning…counting my blessings and the many things I have to be thankful for.  I’ll start with the greatest blessing of all…..salvation through my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Because of His great love for us, my HubE and I can celebrate 34 years of marriage minus a huge, ugly burp in the middle.  But even with that burp stage (divorce), God faithfully restored all that was lost, and has made our marriage so much richer and sweeter.  I praise Him for that.

The birth of Burlap & Lace as a storefront occurred in March of 2017.  From its humble beginnings at the 500′ office space turned storefront to the amazing 1915 home it now embodies, the journey has – to this point – been far more than I ever would have expected.

From the receipt of my first dollar at the first space to my first dollar at the second space, it’s never been about the money, but more about the people I have met.  And for that I am incredibly thankful.

IMG_9367The name Burlap & Lace, if you recall, originated from the story of my sister and me.  (Read back on the blog for the story of that journey!)  To this day, you will find remnants of those items in the shop.  But as my youngest child likes to remind me, the shop will always be vintage-inspired because “Mom, you ARE vintage!”.  I smile at that truth.

IMG_6263And if you haven’t met my sister until now know that she has been with me throughout the whole journey, and I thank God for our friendship and love of everything cottage, farmhouse, antique, rusty and beautiful.  From ironstone pitchers to architectural pieces, we share a love for the very things that make our houses more into homes for us.

While you might not wear these antique boots today, why not stuff some flowers in them and use as a doorstop?  Pretty unique idea and you can change the flowers out seasonally!

While I definitely have vintage decor to choose from, I have introduced some newer items this season that would make fabulous gifts….

IMG_9404Wine bags….paintings by local artist, Lynn Driver…

Calligraphy wall decor, snowmen from vintage fabrics & buttons – both crafted by local artisans…. beer soap (don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it!) and candles by Inglenooks Soaps….

Pillows and fun decor…..and still, there is room for the truly “old” vintage and farmhouse appeal as well….

choose from a variety of hankies, or a random ornament package…

Window buntings and kitchen Santas….

Fun kitchen decor (or go ahead and use these tree baking tins), and homemade signs by yours truly.

And for those of you who want to capitalize on the benefits of a year-end sale just beginning, let me whet your appetite with an array of Fall items and home decor items marked down 50% from the already reduced prices….


Linens… and lamps, furniture and decor…

And maybe just a little bit more….

See anything you like?  Capitalize on Small Biz Saturday and shop local!

And from my home to yours, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving…



He’s not done with me yet!

This should have been me today, but oh no…..I am usually the one you would NEVER find sitting around….always doing the heavy lifting that three men and a boy usually do.  And today, my stubbornness cost me dearly….in more ways than one….

and it’s the first day I’ve cried at Burlap &  Lace.

Let’s just leave it at this….I was trying to help someone by carrying a small dresser to the door for them (and if my husband is reading this I am going to be in so much trouble when I get home tonight!), but as I sat it down and turned around to get the drawers for it all in one swift motion, one of the legs of the dresser was obviously not on the ground well and the piece tumbled off the step and landed upside down.  A piece was broken off the corner of the dresser, and one of the drawers was broken.  Although the drawer was easily fixable and I immediately set out to make the situation right in every way I could, the situation allowed things to be said and done that hurt me to the core.  So I did what every good newbie shop owner would do….I made it right financially for the couple, fixed the drawer and once they were on their way, I walked inside and dissolved in tears.  Not so much because of them, but because of the inadequacy I immediately felt flood through me.

And the day continued on that path with one difficult situation after the other.  I was beginning to let that become my focus until I remembered my morning time with the Lord.  “Give thanks in all things”….

Yes, Lord.  Thank You that I have two feet and I am able to walk.  Thank You that You bring people to my sweet little shop that YOU want to come here.  Thank You for friends who come  in with kind, supportive words and with cookies warm from the oven.  Thank You for those that make me laugh….out loud even!  Thank You for meeting every need I have….spiritually, financially, mentally, physically.  Thank You that at the end of this work day, this is what I get to go home to…..

IMG_9349Thank You for leaves that lay on our grass, bringing awareness to me that the season is changing, and You are still changing me from glory to glory…..perfecting me to be more like Your image every day.

I feel a bit like that broken corner of the dresser with my broken foot in this boot still, but I rejoice that I CAN do all things through Christ Who gives me strength! And while I will keep on believing that I can move mountains, please….until I get both feet healed completely, be understanding and bring help with you to move those great pieces you buy from me.  I really do appreciate your business, but most of all….I appreciate that you know I’m doing my very best to bring you a cozy place to shop and be with friends.  And that is exactly what I consider each of you…friends.



Sharing the things you are thankful for

With the purchase of the turkey and the details of the meal being carefully considered, it might escape us to remember why we are celebrating.  Thanksgiving isn’t something taught.  It’s a way of life, a rhythm of your heart if you will.  And I suggest that the best way to celebrate the things we are thankful for is to daily celebrate them, and share them.

IMG_9185Celebrate your family…

This is my husband.   He is my witness to the good, the bad and the ugly in my life, day in and day out.  Nothing escapes his notice…not my attitude (good or bad) and not the way I share life with him and those I meet daily.  He encourages me to be all that God has made me to be….daily.  And so I celebrate him – the integrity that he walks in, the way he loves God and through that relationship loves me well, the forgiveness he shows me when I fail.  He’s not perfect, but he’s perfect for me!

IMG_9243Celebrate your home…

My grandmother used to tell us, “Little birds in their nest must agree!”  The point was that we all lived within a small space, and we best learn to get along!  Whether your home is a pallet on the ground or a towering home among the pines, celebrate that you have a place to rest your head.  A home is built from the love you pour into it and the prayers you pour over it.  Celebrate your home.  And share it with those that God brings your way.

IMG_8876Celebrate the food you eat…

Likely, you are not among those who have ever known starvation.  Granted, we complain about our weight, the clothes that don’t fit and often the food we have to eat.  But did you just read that?  The food we have….to…  Celebrate that you have food.  And drink.  Fresh water is a blessing.  And share what you have with others.  You never know who may need what you have to give.

One of the things that I thank the Lord for daily is Burlap & Lace….the little shop that He has given me to share with you.  I don’t take that lightly.  I have said, and mean it, that if you simply want to come grab a bottle of water from the frig and sit on the porch among friends, do it!  You are always welcome!

Until we meet on the porch…




Deck the halls…

IMG_9231Christmas is a favorite time of year for me…..the smells of pine, fir and balsam as we tromp through the fields in search of the perfect tree… digging out the stockings to hang by the chimney (or from the banister)….searching for the perfect gifts to give….all of these things help to make the season one of remembrance for me.

Last week was a highlight at Burlap & Lace as I literally decked out the entire house (minus one room for my Fall Sale) in Christmas attire!  New items will be added throughout the rest of this month and next, so don’t assume you have “seen it all” from one week to the next!

Vintage, of course, is in play in nearly every room.  From the whimsical Santa to the elegant choirboy of the 60’s, and not forgetting the reindeer from the 50’s that light their way through the darkest night – you will find plenty to make you smile and to bring a memory or two.

Lynn has been painting for me again and I love showcasing all she has done!

IMG_9239As you think of decorating your own spaces this holiday, think of ways you can add whimsy alongside practicality….for instance, take in this green door that came straight from a local camp!  It’s the perfect addition to a bedroom to allow guests to hang their towels on.  And when not in use for your guests, throw a garland over the top and add a stocking for wreath to add decor and fancy to your room!  Even the vintage hamper is a great addition, allowing your guests to feel at home in your home this holiday!  Why should they have to stuff their dirty clothes back into their suitcase before their trip is over?

Need a hostess gift for the office party?  Why not choose from the items in the kitchen?  Lots of stemware, serving dishes and pitchers to choose from….

Need a different suggestion?  Why not choose one of these festive wine bottle holders?  No wrapping necessary!  Or pick a stocking and fill it with a variety of small items.  Wouldn’t that be a wonderful surprise for any host or hostess?!?

IMG_9230Holiday pillows add a touch of class to any location….from a bed to a chair to a shelf!

Pick a dress form and set it in any room for added fun!  This one is ready to serve you!  (By the way, there are numerous holiday aprons to choose from as well….fun to wear OR to decorate with!).

I would be amiss after all this “show” not to reveal to you the real reason I celebrate this season.  Jesus Christ…..who was “in the beginning” and came to earth in the form of man…with one mission…. to purchase my life back from the death sentence I had because of my own foolish ways.  Because of His death, he paid the ransom for not only me, but you as well!  And because of my faith in Him, I can claim eternity with Him as He reigns as King of kings and Lord of lords over all creation!  To Him be the glory….forever!

