Celebrate Life

It’s a new day in your life….the life you are writing in invisible script. So how will your story unfold….today? For eternity?

I’ve pondered the same question, more since this pandemic began than ever before. For suddenly, I don’t go….anywhere! Or see….anyone! For this extroverted person, I have at times felt I was literally going stir-crazy! So I have decided to get back to some basics…things I used to enjoy but have stopped doing, and I also decided to learn some new skills during this stay-at-home time.

And what of putting some things of meaning in our lives?

The sign above is made from my dad’s old drafting board and then covered with the pages of an antique book: Tom Sawyer. Seemed fitting for me….between Tom’s story and that of his friend, Huckleberry Finn, I would say that I often think of my life as a huge adventure, much the same as those two had! And then I ran across this quote….and it fit. I’m hoping to hang this in our loft space when it gets remodeled (soon, I hope!)

If it’s in our home, it’s because it means something to me and my husband. I have been spending hours with Joanna Gaines’ book Homebody, drawing out one room at a time as we are beginning to remodel our home. The book is perched upon my great-grandfather’s old tool trunk, turned upright and nestled in behind our loveseat. The small sign is a reminder to me of two things: (1) that God commands us to be still (Psalm 46:10) and to know Him and (2) that my friend, Melissa Ward, took a chance on me a long time ago and invited me to set up a booth space within her shop. Thank you, friend!

So since we are home more these days, I decided to start learning some upholstery skills. This sewing stool was a gift from my parents upon my college graduation. As I tore off the old, fading fabric, it wasn’t without finally seeing the labor my mom underwent in upholstering it for me some 30 years ago! And she didn’t have the tools we have today, so indeed it was a labor of love! I hope to use it also in our loft space.

Another love I have is to refinish old furniture pieces to sell in my booth space at Marketplace on Locust in Hendersonville. That was my intent with this sideboard/buffet, but it may just stay at home with me a while longer!

Can you say that your home has always been a gathering place? Ours has been….from our family, to our son and his friends during college, to home group gatherings to neighbors stopping by. We miss those days, but truly believe “there’s no place like home”. Soon, we will get back to the gatherings. Until then, stop in and shop my space at Marketplace on Locust and start getting your own home space ready to receive friends and family soon too!

Years ago my husband and I put together this sign depicting places we or our kids had lived, or places we might as well have lived as we’ve traveled there so often. During this season in our lives, it felt good to paint it again and bring it back to life. And to give thanks for all those places, and the people that we met there.

We might be getting older, but also getting wiser! We have chosen to enjoy nature so much more during this pandemic time! Our oldest son built this birdhouse with his grandfather (my dad) years ago. And every year since he was about 11 (he’s 35 now!), we have hung it and had birds nest in it. This particular year, we watched the parents feed their babies nightly and were present to watch the fledglings leave the nest. Had we been in our normal crazy routine of life, we would have missed that! What have you witnessed during this time that you otherwise would have paid no attention to?

Except for the newly sprouting buds and those sweet chirps from the birds, we would have thought that Spring had passed us by. Sad to say, but in a way I always gauged Spring by my merchandise at Marketplace! It is absolutely my favorite time of year, and I missed not decorating there, but I chose to use the time to decorate and enjoy our home instead.

I’ve had my own struggles during this time….just ask those closest to me. But as always has been the case in my life, God has proven to be more faithful than any trial I feel I am passing through.

Businesses are beginning to open back up, and I have to admit there’s a part of me that is ecstatic and a part of me that is mournful of that fact. The obvious exciting part (if you know me, you get this) is to see people again and to get out and about. But the mournful part of that is not being able to hug them, and just be who God created me to be in that way. That part will come, but bear with me as I do my best to refrain that part of my personality. It’s just not like me to see you and not squeal and let a hug pass between us.

In the days and months that follow, I pray we will all be kind to one another, enjoy the smallest of moments as they come, embrace the one(s) we share a home with and don’t be afraid to offer up a smile. I’m looking forward to when we can be together again (so brace yourself for that hug!). Until then –



One thought on “Celebrate Life

  1. I’m so excited to see you soon. I’m too am a hugger and it is quite hard to resist. We shall overcome and be strong. Thanks for always being positive and encouraging. I love your blogs. ❤️


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