Grace for the moments of life –

We received the call on Wednesday late that my husband’s father’s death was imminent.  Not even taking time to put a note on the door of the shop, I posted a FB post hoping to explain the sudden closure of the shop for the next 3 days and off we went on our 5 hour drive.  Arriving at 10:30 p.m. and walking into his dad’s room at the nursing facility, we saw a man whose strength was fading as we were told he had not eaten, awaken or opened his eyes in several days.  By 1 a.m., my husband’s brother and his wife had come in as well.  Sleep was hard to claim that night for all of us….

And then with morning, we arrived at his room to find that he was sitting in the dining room eating breakfast!  The nurses told us he had gotten up that morning, showered and when asked if he was hungry, nodded yes!  So for the next 3 days we enjoyed our time with him.  And although he has not spoken an intelligible word for months, he looked me straight in the eye and said very clearly, “I’m not done yet!”   Then back to bed he went, where he has been since we left last Saturday night.  The sweetest moments?  They were there, and I share them with you….

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love never fails.  I Corn 13: 7-8

Pop will always love his bride!  Knowing that he loves our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ makes his life, or his death, sweet.

So thank you for the grace you have shown me upon reopening this week.   With Vintage Market Days just around the corner (next weekend!) and the shop opening on August 31, there is much to be done.  Yet, you have come in to give and get hugs and speak encouragement to my overwhelmed heart.  God is so good to me.

So what is new at Burlap & Lace this week?  Let’s see….IMG_7903This dresser/chest is a chosen favorite.  Priced at $374.95 it will be gone soon I am sure.  BUT, it’s still here today!  Drop in today or tomorrow morning to see it in person.  IMG_8006I specifically chose this picture to show that not everything in my store is “old”, “used” or “worn”.  In fact, quite the opposite!  Vintage doesn’t mean “junk”.  At Burlap & Lace, the word vintage is actually more of an expression of the type items you will find.  And yes, there are things here that have been loved in another home or life at some point in time.  But there are also brand new things (my sister’s pillows, these fun cosmetic bags, the wreath) that would grace your home or life or make fantastic gifts.  So don’t assume it’s all furniture!  In fact, with the upcoming move, expect more and more gift items to come in that will hold the same vintage appeal for me and for you!IMG_7893This secretary (desk) comes complete with the keys for those drawers/cabinets!   $324.95  Headed to VMD with it next week if still here….IMG_8003I would put this piece in a kitchen for showing off platters, etc. and hide my cook books behind those gorgeous glass doors.  OR in a bath, load it up with linens and bath accessories.  OR in a study/den area it would be perfect as a bookcase.  Honestly, this piece would go anywhere you wanted to put it!

New “smalls” have arrived….from copper pieces to ceramic figurines.  and check out that antique paper roller holding soaps!  What do I always say?  “Think outside the box!”

New throw rugs in as well…to use on the floor, or on a table as a mat.  Cool ideas and cool colors to choose from!

These pictures don’t do justice to my new wall art having just arrived!  Lynn Driver, local artist, has partnered with me to bring you some amazing pieces for your walls or shelves.  Most will be at VMD, but others will appear in the shop so be on the lookout!  These are beautiful pieces at affordable prices….made especially with you in mind!

Last of all, come let me serve you as we journey through this life together.  Be it new home design ideas you need, or a hug on the path of life, I offer both!  Can’t wait to see you again.

