Expectations and gifts of the heart –

As soon as he could hold the saw and cut the base of the tree, the tradition began. Every year we tramped through the hills looking for the “perfect” tree. Once we all agreed on it, our youngest son was handed the saw. When he left home for college, he faithfully returned to “do the deed”. It was expected, after all. But it was also his gift to us … a gift of his time, and of keeping the tradition alive. When he married, he still came home for the tradition, bringing along his bride. And then….they began their own family traditions, and it was no longer convenient or practical to continue ours. And so, the tradition died. And yet the remembrance of his gift to us remains.

The adjustment to the “new normal” for my husband and I came gradually. After more than 30 years of the tree-cutting tradition (which actually began with our oldest son until he left home for college), we found we had to let go of that tradition and find ways to create new things to look forward to that revolved around the holidays, Christmas in particular. And so we fell upon the tradition of gift-giving that we had carried with us since we were young, and we stumbled into a trap we set for ourselves unknowingly… the trap of expectations, probably fairly described as more “ours” than”theirs”.

Gift-giving became obcessive, if I am totally honest. This tradition began in my life as a young child, at birthdays and Christmas,and the expectation of gifts grew as I grew. It was something that I insisted on as my husband and I had children of our own. After all, the expectation of the gifts to come and the joy of buying and wrapping seemed to take on a life of their own! And with the growing of age, came the growing of expectation – both ours and theirs. There were stockings to fill…and we went from the traditional apples, oranges and gum that filled our childhood stockings to filling our children’s stockings with socks, books, small toys, knives for the boys and jewelry for their wives. And of course we also bought gifts to wrap for under the tree…so many gifts to wrap and upwrap because that was the fun of it all! I loved seeing a tree full to the lowest branches with wrapped surprises that awaited everyone and took the better part of the day to unwrap. Expectation became the companion of excess, and excess became the companion of frustration as we tried to monetarily keep up with the expectations that we had created over the years. And in complete fairness, this was really not something our children came to expect as much as it was something that I insisted upon.

This year, in particular, I have been challenged in my way of thinking on this subject. This year, in particular, it has become apparent to me that my excessive giving in the past was actually a form of pride. I loved that we gave and gave big. For afterall, I grew up in a family of huge givers. This was the life I knew!

But throughout the years, I cameto realize that it wasn’t just gifts wrapped in pretty paper that got my attention. The gifts, I began to realize, that had meant the most to me over the years were the times we were all together as a family….Christmas Eve hikes, bonfires and s’mores as we huddled together and “talked story”, times when we were able to help our children out with house projects, or when they helped us with the same. There were times when our children were young that my parents came to paint our entire house with us, and times that we spent sitting at the bedside of my mother-in-law as she suffered the clutches of cancer, hearing stories of her childhood that we so longed to hear her recount again and again. These, I came to realize, were the greatest physical gifts we had ever been given, or that we ever gave of ourselves.

Recently, as I drove home from a wonderful visit with my son and his family, the fire inside me began to burn. I was surprised to realize that it was anger that had begun to whell up in me. Anger associated with non-monetary gifts I had recently given that I suddenly felt I should be thanked for….gifts of my time and energy that I had freely given. Gifts given because no one asked for them. Gifts given simply because my heart wanted to give them. And the realization also came that I had been thanked, just not in the way I expected. Oh, how quickly I began to pray and ask God’s forgiveness for my pride! And oh, how quickly the Holy Spirit aided in my thought processing…

Ever so gently, I was reminded that the greatest gift EVER given came to us from God. God so lovingly gave to all of us the free gift of His only Son. That gift, although received by only a few as we scan the entire globe, has often left God with little to no thanksgiving.

For some, Jesus has simply been received, and then put in a corner of the heart without hardly another notice. And then others have chosen to totally reject the free gift altogether, waving it away with declarations that they can do just fine without Him. But still, God gave. A rare few have received the gift of Jesus, and then celebrated Him every day of their lives, thanking God for His indescribable gift of love.

Those reminders as I drove stopped my complaining and desire for attention and appreciation from those I had given to. I mean….the thoughts of truth stopped me. Stopped my selfish complaining. Stopped my expectations of praise for something I gave from the desires of my own heart to do. And then my thoughts turned into continuous praise to God for what I have often failed to give thanks for.

Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life. For all who believe. For all who receive Him into their hearts. He comes freely to those who ask Him to come. He abides in us who believe. He flows out of us, enabling us to give of ourselves to others….without expectation of anything in return. Why? Because that is just Who He is.

For it is the God who commanded light t0 shine out of darkness, who has shown in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” 2 Corn. 4:6

This Christmas and into the coming New Year, my prayer is that I give more than I receive. And that the gifts I give are those that bring life, and light, and joy to the recipient. Not monetary treasures. Not fleeting gifts that will fade with time and age. Truly, my prayer is that I both give and learn to receive gifts given from the heart of the giver…time, selfless service, words of acceptance and love. And most especially, that each of us may understand that God gave the greatest gift ever given….Jesus, God’s Son…so that through faith in Him we may live eternally with God. Forgiven. Free. Accepted. Loved and beloved children. Heirs with Jesus Christ.

This is my prayer for us all.

Amen (so be it).



Steadying my heart … for this day

There’s a fire burning in me….one that doesn’t want to be quenched…. and it’s heat is stirring in me to Be still, and know that I am God. And so here I am. Ready. And waiting. And knowing…

It’s a new season. (Doesn’t it just feel like we are passing from one to the other more quickly these days?) In my life, I have yearned for time to slow my pace. I have felt that I was losing myself in the familiar. And while I love the days I live and try to be obedient to wait on the Lord and do what He leads me to do by His spirit, oftentimes, at the end of the day, I feel breathless. Not the kind of breathless you experience from watching the sun fall into the ocean at days end. But the breathless that has your head bent over as you clutch your knees and gasp for your next breath as if you just ran a marathon. Your head spins…hurts even, and you reel with sickness.

That’s where I have allowed myself to be. But this day, I chose to slow my pace. Actually, the choice began at the beginning of this week. Please allow me to share with you my discoveries.

Laughter. Literal, could kiss those toes till they shrivel, laughter at this child. How I love him.

Friendship. The kind that warms your heart and makes you want to “take off your shoes and sit a spell”. The kind that overflows into thanksgiving. The kind that makes you feel young again…on the inside where it matters.

Heritage. The kind that speaks of righteousness, kindness, unfailing love. Family because God knew you needed them. And perhaps, even, they need you.

Beauty. Color that burns so warmly around me that my eyes and my soul lift together to breathe in the change of this season in my life.

Redemption. Bought back by the blood of Jesus into a life that is bursting in newness where the enemy of my soul tried to rip life away.

Serenity. Such a calmness that I have to stop. Consider. Breathe. Lift my eyes to the hills, knowing that my strength doesn’t come from them, but from the One who spoke them into existance.

Strength. The kind that you don’t know you have until you are asked to use it.

Learning to bend with the wind. This season is bringing about change, and I can’t stand stiffnecked and unbending if I’m going to make it through.

Thankfulness. We may not have the hot tub of our dreams, but we have each other. And no one knows more than the two of us what that means. Our marriage, our lives, fully redeemed and overflowing. To God be the glory.

These are a few of the things that have steadied my heart….not only today, but in the past three months. For each moment, person and experience, I bow my knees to God my Father and thank Him. He is so so kind.

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden,and I will give you rest. Thank you, Jesus. My rest will forever be in You. Amen (so be it)

Maybe you could use some reordering of your days as well. I pray you will allow God to show you how. I promise…it’s worth it.




I’m not good at asking for help. Ask anyone who knows me. To consider it “brave” to ask for help seems ridiculous. Or does it?

The foot had been hurting for literally months…until I finally got a diagnosis after three x-rays and an MRI. Thankfully not a break, but a torn tendon needed a boot nonetheless. And doning that gorgeous black beauty just didn’t seem to be enough. I tripped in it, falling to my knees and cutting my shin wide open.

Finally out of the book 8 weeks later, I graduated to an ice pack at night and a brace during the day. But wait! That wasn’t enough….

While in the brace, I tripped while carrying some tubs of goodies into my shop space. This time the fall resulted in a broken wrist! And because of the fact that my wrist was underneath the tub I was carrying, it broke in an odd place…the back of my wrist. The prognosis? “It will heal, but it will be slow….”.

So here I am a month out of the cast, in my 7th week of physical therapy to regain strength in that wrist. And while I’m sure this is hard to believe, I developed trigger thumb in my left hand while wearing the cast on my right, so therapy is currenty ongoing for both hands! And as a result of all of that, I am also having to undergo therapy simultaneously to help alleviate the numbness that occurs literally 24/7 in both arms from the neck to my fingers.

Help needed? Who me? Ya think?!?

Just hearing my sad tale, my son and husband went to work painting furniture for me. What a blessing!

As if that wasn’t enough, my friends helped me by loading and unloading my furniture for me, they decorated my space, climbed ladders for me and let me tell them where to stage items in my space.

You might just need to swallow your pride and let someone give you a lift today. Humble yourself. It’s the perfect way to let someone else be a blessing to you!



In the gardens of Burlap & Lace

I can never tire of this picture…the sign made by my son for my brick & mortar shop graced by the assortment of coneflowers, planted by another’s hands bur which I was blessed to tend for two years. On the day I closed my shop on Main Street, I collected some of the flowers and later spread the seeds into my home garden, thus taking a bit of that place home with me.

My absolute favorite flower is the daisy. They make me smile, inside and out. Clean and white, dipped with a dot of happy yellow smack dab in the center, they will always be in my gardens.

With Spring quickly approaching, I can honestly say that the thing I am missing most about our last home are the gardens we lovingly cultivated over the years. Don’t get me wrong….we have gorgeous plantings at our new home as a result of the master gardeners that owned the home prior to us. But I don’t yet “know” those plants and how they bend in the sunshine. And I want to give my own personal flare to the gardens with what my husband kindly calls “yard trash”….the hundreds of insulators I’ve collected over the years, the birdhouses inviting the chickadees to again find a home each spring, and the dozens of vessels that will carry the amazing florals indoors.

This Lenten Rose was one of my first surprises at our new home….they bloom right through the winter! There are several scattered about our yard so I can’t wait to see what else pops up here!

Part of my routine in late February/early March is to find all the “fun” yard items that I’ve stored away over the winter and start getting them out and ready to fill our gardens. For me, that always includes clay pots, galvanized watering cans and odd architectural items that end up gracing our yard. As you work on creating your own beautiful yard spaces, think outside the box! What can that rusty shovel now be used for rather than digging? Or that window frame with the broken glass you were taking to the dump? Or that old washing machine you found at the antique store but had no idea what you would do with it? Take a peek into my own yard….

Better yet, come join me at The Marketplace on Locust March 18-20 for our Spring Open House. The entire store will be full of inviting Spring and home décor. You will find furniture for the yard, porch and patio, tableware for a springtime family dinner, and even better, tons of designer ideas on how to use those pieces you love but just can’t figure out where to put them in your home or garden.

So as you await this amazing event, start gazing out the window a bit more than usual and see what your own home patio and yard are inviting you to do as the weather warms. I can’t wait to roll up my sleeves and get started! Until then, I’ll keep planning and dreaming. How about you?



Changing your view…

Am I the only one who finds comfort in the familiar? We have been blessed with this view for the past 15 years….and though it changes daily, there is consistency in it as well….like when the clouds begin forming over the mountains and the fog sets in, we know the rain is not far behind. Or when the morning begins with heavy fog, we know that soon it will lift and we can see all the way to the Blue Ridge Parkway. Consistency brings comfort.

When God appointed a new leader for the Israelites, He instructed them: “Be strong and of good courage; do not fear nor be afraid of (the enemies in the new land); for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” Deut. 31:6

I would do well to remember that. New lands can be both exciting, and discomforting. Why? Because of the loss of familiarity and our own uncertainty about what may lie ahead.

A new table is being set for us….one of anticipation, celebration and freedom. We are entering a new time in our lives….

We are approaching a date set for celebrating our country’s freedom; yet, there seems to be so much unrest and uncertainly all around us. What can we do to keep our focus in the midst of the changes we are undergoing?

Remember that in the end…it will be worth it. Everything we are going through is causing us to determine where we put our hope, our faith, our trust. We have opportunities like never before to be kind, to think of others more than of ourselves, to love unselfishly.

This was the first sign I ever made, and it hangs worn and scuffed on the door of our shed. It will go with us to our next destination because it’s a daily reminder to me of truth. Love….is perceived as many things. But for me, it’s simply this: “For the love of Christ compels us (it leaves us no choice), because we judge thus: that if One (Jesus) died for all, then all died; and He died for all that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them, and rose again.” 2 Corn. 5:14-15

Love IS all I need. God is love (I John 4:8). And because He has loved me so much, I want to live my life for Him and not for myself. And I choose to celebrate the freedom I have in Him….everyday!

What in your life is worth celebrating today, even in the midst of the world pandemic, even in the midst of the riots and injustice, even in the midst of pain? God is not surprised by any of this. In fact, I dare say He wants to get our attention. Perhaps we’ve been living too long for ourselves, wanting what we want, when we want it, without consideration of how our wants may affect someone else’s comfort.

Life really is a dance you learn as you go. Who can boast that they have done everything perfectly? Who can honestly say they haven’t made a mistake or two, or treated others poorly?

My husband and I took dance lessons before our eldest son’s wedding. And I learned pretty quickly a couple of things: (1) Trust the one who has the lead (and oh, by the way, it’s not me!) and (2) Don’t look at your feet! Looking down always makes you stumble. You have to keep your eyes on the one who is leading you, lest you stumble and fall. and (3) You will make mistakes and maybe even fall. But you have to get right back up and try again. “For a righteous man may fall seven times, and rise again…” Proverbs 24: 16

“…don’t let the sun go down on your anger.” Eph 4:26

At the end of the day, changing circumstances may be causing us to change our perspective a bit. I’m putting myself up for the challenge….to be a sweeter spouse, a more loving friend, a more empathetic person. If I haven’t yet walked in your shoes, or you in mine, we just might be called to one day. I pray we walk wisely, and kindly.



The “art” of inspiration

Beginnings are important….as are prayers and dreams. So I want to share with you the “art” of inspiration….where it has come from for me, and how it plays into my designs.

For years I dreamed of and prayed for a house with a wrap-around porch to house the business of Burlap & Lace….but not just that….I wanted a yard full of flowers…a place to tend the garden and till the soil on slow days….a place to sit on the porch and welcome guests/shoppers/friends. And God answered my prayer in 2017. This was not my first brick and mortar space, but it certainly was the one my heart had yearned for, and believed for. And so it all began….

There’s always a “back story”, and mine is simply how Burlap & Lace was born. I have a sister 17 months younger, and we teasingly referred to ourselves as the Burlap (me) and the Lace (her) through our adult years. I encourage you to find and read the rest of the story (search the Home page of my blog), but let’s just say that the name stuck and has carried me for far longer than the brick and mortar beginnings.

She’s the encouragement I need, the laughter in life’s difficult moments and the one who will “cheer” me on when I need it most. Simply said, I would’t be “Burlap” were it not for her, the “Lace”.

But I couldn’t be where I am without the love of one man….My HubE continues to be my greatest source of strength on this earth, and I thank the Lord that he truly encourages me daily to be all God has created me to be.

And what I’ve yearned to be most since I was three years old is “mom”….and I couldn’t be prouder of my two sons. They married well and gave me two amazing daughters who love me and, better yet, love my sons and make them better men.

Inspiration in home decor begins at home for me. If you see it in my space of Burlap & Lace, it’s because I likely have it also in my home. You will definitely see themes in my decor….things I love to decorate with because they speak to who I am. So let’s look at a few of those things that inspire, but that I’ll likely never tire of….

The written word is powerful….and whether it’s in vintage items that depict that, or in books and signs themselves, you will likely always see those items in my space.

Pitchers and vessels that would hold flowers, utensils or other objects always draw me in. Not only are they pretty, but they’re useful! Try thinking outside the box and incorporating a few of these items into your own home!

Milk glass is timeless. I particularly love the hobnail type, but all of it is collectible in my eyes. If you haven’t noticed, I love greenery and flowers, and milk glass is the perfect vessel for both!

Architectural salvage will appear often in my designs, and I will point you to ways to use the items around your home in ways that are both attractive and practical!

Art speaks to me, telling a story that is special to the heart. You will see items in my space, as well as in my home, that speak to the things that make me smile….children, birds, nature….What inspires you? Look for that and fill your spaces with those things.

Painted furniture is something I love to mingle in with bare wood pieces, and painting antique pieces that I have found makes my heart happy as I think of who will be inspired by the piece and want to incorporate it into their own home.

At the end of the day, if you are a vintage girl at heart, just shine! And don’t forget to have fun along the journey.



How to survive a kitchen remodel…

I know we are not the first family to undergo a remodel of a kitchen, but when you are embarking on this journey, somewhere in the midst of the excitement lies a small bit of terror as thoughts arise on how you will remodel the kitchen on a budget and yet eat every meal out for months on end. And what about those wee children and hard-working husbands? Bedtimes, nap times and missed ballgames or meetings for your husband will definitely add to your stress if you are constantly dragging your children to restaurant after restaurant night after night and pleading with your husband to miss his game, or his meeting, to take you out to eat.

I know I’m a bit over the edge Type A, but I am only three weeks into this remodel and I can already tell you some things that have saved us.

I began with “eating down our frig and freezer” the month prior to any work beginning. Simply stating, all that means is ….eat what you have on hand and buy very little else. And if you can make casseroles ahead that will microwave easily (providing you will have a freezer to store them in), that will be time well spent!

Secondly, I began to plan where our make-shift, temporary kitchen would be housed. Although it’s not the best idea to use your sleeping space (particularly if you don’t like to smell food odors into the night), it was the most reasonable spot for us as we have a very small home.

I began by clearing out and stowing away easily movable and small furniture items such as side chairs and tables. I purchased several plastic tubs that I could put our kitchen items in (including food) and began cleaning out the cupboards one by one, filling the tubs and labeling them in case I had to find something later on. I used sticky notes to begin my thought process of where things would go in my make-shift kitchen.

Next, I set up our dining room drop-leaf table in our bedroom, covering it with a beach towel and putting our sink drainer on one end. This area was going to become our dish drying station. On the other end of the table, I placed two plate chargers and a stack of paper plates. (The chargers were to provide extra stability beneath the paper plates).

We were fortunate to have a small college-sized refrigerator in our shed, and my sweet husband cleaned it up and brought it and an old work table inside for me. That, combined with some old storage drawer units we had stuck in the crawlspace of our home, created a nice area for our immediate needs.

The next thing was to take stock of what cooking items and utensils I already had on hand that could be used in meal prep without a stove or oven. (Oh, did I mention we were also replacing all of our appliances?) I already had a counter-top microwave so I made a mental note of where that could go in our temporary kitchen.

I also had a crock pot and a rice cooker, so I knew those would be quite useful. We are blessed as well to have a grill and my husband was more than happy to be included in the meal prep, so naturally I would incorporate some good grilled items into my menu planning (but I’m getting ahead of myself!)

I determined that the only other item I didn’t have that would be helpful was a hot plate. When I walked into our local Wal-Mart, however, I found an electric skillet for under $25 and purchased that instead. It’s been such a great find and something I will use even after the kitchen remodel is complete!

As I packed up the staples of my kitchen (salt, pepper, spices, etc.), I left out those that I use most frequently and put all the rest into one of my designated food tubs. Don’t forget to leave out staples such as peanut butter & crackers!

Next I went to work on planning 30 days of menus that would use microwave, grill, crock pot, rice cooker or electric skillet. Oh, I also left out our toaster! I figured if the reno took more than a month, I would simply start over again with my menus! (Yes, I honestly thought we would be done inside a month’s time!)

I brought in some stacking drawer tubs we had stashed in our shed, cleaned them up and stuffed them beneath a plastic folding table I also had in the shed. Those have proved to be super helpful as well for storing some food items and also some glass baking dishes that I use not only to warm food in, but for storage of leftover items. (KEY here is not to plan meals that you actually have leftovers from unless you have a refrigerator to store them in during your renovation!)

How could I forget our coffee station? I found some cute wipe-able place-mats at Walmart for $1 each and purchased two simply to protect our dresser top. Then I brought in a stacking shelf that was in my cupboard and used it to create my coffee station. Works so great!

Be sure to include in your make-shift kitchen area a trash can, liner bags, a recycling area and lots of bottled water! While we don’t have a kitchen sink or a refrigerator with water built in at present, I have found that the convenience of bottled water is just….well, nice.

Okay, the hard work now has been done! Let the reno begin! Let’s see some of the meals we’ve enjoyed during this journey so far….

Broccoli and salmon were prepared on the grill. Beans and tomatoes were heated in the microwave (not as nice as on the stove top where flavors have an opportunity to mesh, but still good!).

Taco salad anyone? I browned the hamburger in the skillet and the rest was easy peesy! Don’t like paper plates? I promise when you get to meal clean-up you’ll be thankful for them!

Speaking of meal clean up, I chose to use a plastic dish tub that fit inside my bathroom sink so that I didn’t have to wash my sink out everyday! (Lazy, I know…). Because I’m not a fan of drinking coffee from paper or Styrofoam or of using plastic utensils, there are always some items to wash, but overall it has been quite manageable.

Keep the main thing the main thing and don’t forget to enjoy the journey! You will get to enjoy the not-so-exciting food prep in your new kitchen soon enough. For now, think…..Camping! You’ve got this!



Getting settled…finally

I’ve been all over the place….in my mind, in locations, in my decor antics…but it’s time now to settle in, take a deep breath, and enjoy the work God has given me to do…..again.

From my archives I chose the above pictures to give you a taste of where I have journeyed these past few years. From a window space on Main Street in Brevard, to a brick & morter shop of my own, to an underground basement space at The Garage on 25, and finally back home again….It’s been a journey of more than 1000 miles (you should see the odometer on my car!), more than 1000 smiles and some unnumbered tears along the way as things didn’t go as I had hoped and/or planned. But would I change anything along the way? Not one bit….

You see, I am learning that if I don’t praise God for the hard times, I’m not really praising Him at all. He is working ALL things together for my good because I love Him, so even through the heartaches, “It’s all good!”, as my sister would say.

My final landing place until God calls me to end this home decor journey is at The Marketplace on Locust in Hendersonville, NC. How thankful I am to be a part of Ilse’s own dream-come-true!

Ilse, along with her daughter, Hannah, have made me feel so welcomed here. They never fail to lend a helping hand to us vendors, and they are absolutely, hands-down, the BEST at targeting a shopper’s needs and guiding them through the store to find exactly what they are looking for.

Although the window in front of my space doesn’t boast the words here (I added them for the picture), it should! Step inside and see what I’ve created with you in mind!

January has me celebrating the beginning of my fourth year at the Marketplace on Locust. And spread the word….I’m blogging again! Stay tuned….2020 is underway, and with it so are my plans for a fantastic new year with you….at The Marketplace on Locust.



Inspired….but tired

No one could possibly know the planning that went into the event. The ideas had streamed endlessly, waking her before daybreak on more than one occasion. Sketches were made of the layout, backdrop was hammered and drilled by her skilled husband, furniture had been carefully hand-picked, painted and properly distressed. All was ready and months of hard sweat and labor were about to be put on display.

Vintage Market Days….for three 12-14 hour days she worked the event, restocking each evening and each early morning redesigning the space. Daily she went home tired, but inspired. And to all who have never experienced the event, and to those who have, you know the reason why she did it…..

Simply – you.

I love this bit of wall art I added to my space at The Garage on 25. It speaks volumns about the “why” behind what I do. God designed us each so individually, and His own creativity in design is what inspires and spurs me on daily.

Flowers are my fancy. I could spend hours in the yard pulling weeds, fertilizing, planting….you name it, I love it. One of the greatest gifts God gave me was my little slice of heaven on earth….my brick and mortar shop on Main Street. So many days I miss that place. It was my happy place….a work place I enjoyed going to daily, open or not.

It was a season that has now passed, but lingering on is my love of creating and designing spaces. Maybe it’s no longer in that perfect little house with the wrap-around porch and creaky wood floors, but I am blessed still to now occupy two spaces in different locations, each with their own unique blend of style and curiosity. I specifically design each to be a place you long to go…..and to linger in.

So I may be a bit tired after the Vintage Market Days event has passed, but I am even more inspired to create, using my own personal design flair to intrigue your sense of style for your home, office, studio or dorm space.

You can find my wares in two locations (see Where to Find Me page), and I hope you will visit often, and stay long.



Focus….and be still….

My hopes for Spring are not dashed by today’s ice storm. God knows what He’s doing. And yet I feel very much like I imagine this bud of a flower must feel, if a bud had feelings. I’ve been anxious to push ahead to what must surely be “next” in my life, without the slightest clue what that may be, yet certain it will involve something of a bloom rather than the prick of thorns I’ve felt of late. Surely….. hopefully…

If you know me at all, you know I write things down so I won’t forget them. Or to put it another way, I write things down so that I will remember them!

This scripture verse has been over my desk for months….and I would do well to memorize it! For I know that the Lord is a light for me, and the “darkness” I have felt in this season of my life will surely pass. The things that were meant for my harm, God has used for good. And I praise Him. So instead of pushing ahead to “make things happen”, I choose to wait. I choose to be still and allow God, in His time, to reveal His plans for me. Ah, but waiting is hard, because waiting involves patience, and for me, patience is one fruit of the Spirit that I seem to have trouble allowing to grow and mature in my life. You see, patience often means I wait ….. expectantly…without arguing (“But God!”), and without whining. In stillness. Hushed silence. Much like that accompanying a new-fallen snow. Peacefulness. Calm. Quietness.

I buy candles and light them to evoke smells of spring forests. I add faux plants to give “life” to the dreariness of winter indoors. And I laugh at myself, because though these things make me feel like I’m doing something, the something I am actually doing is waiting. Waiting on God. To move, or move me.

And I would be wise to consider that waiting does not mean inactivity. No, while in the waiting room of life, we keep doing what we know to do. We continue the work already given to us to carry out. Eagerly. Expectantly. And for me, in this season of my life, it is….

…being the best HomeBody God has created me to be, all the while being the best wife, best mom, best Nana, best friend and best whatever else I’ve been called to be!

And so I keep hunting for the treasures that make our home a place we love to be….despite my HubE’s efforts to keep his shed “his” space!

And I paint and repurpose….to offer home furnishings to you so that you can make your home a cozy and inviting space.

I walk down memory lane with my mom as she recounts story upon story of the days of her youth….

I eat at favorite restaurants with friends and share stories of heartache and triumph…

I watch the chickadees as they make their home with us again this year in a home more shabby and chippy than I ever imagined they would enjoy!

I keep collecting the things I love and the stories they inspire…

And I realize that even when Spring finally does arrive, there will be “home work” yet to be done, and more lives to touch and be touched by, and I will know that the wait was worth it. For God is faithful. And no matter the season, He will still call me into times of silence, that I might know Him and be known by Him.

So may I focus….and be still….

And may you do the same….especially while we are in the waiting room of this life. Shhhh….I’m expecting something wonderful to be born out of this time of waiting. And I can’t wait to share it with you! So come ….. be still with me.



Finding my place

I’ve felt about as scattered as these Fall leaves….praying consistently for the last several months about where to “land” with Burlap & Lace. I have longed to blog again, and until now, the time has not allowed for it. Time I’ve spent in other arenas, doing other things….

A team of three met together in August with the owner of a local florist and began building a dream she had of reviving her shop of 30+ years and turning it into something new. That dream came to fruition in October as the Co-op of Roosters & Hens was born (a division of Country Creations Florist). And the goal was that the three of us would revitalize, work and give our time and resources to the shop owner for a period of three months, then meet again to see what was next for us all.

Those three months ended with the close of 2018, and with the launching of a new year came the close of my time at the Co-op.

In weighing out my options through prayer and daily discussions with my HubE, we knew that 2019 was to be about scaling down….as that was the original goal in closing my brick & morter shop last August and helping someone else redesign theirs. So where, you ask, does that take Burlap & Lace, and what will this scaling down look like?

To be honest, I don’t know 100% but I’m excited to see where God leads me!

To be sure, it’s been a learning process for me these last few months….one that I’m confident is not over. I long to get back to writing…something I love and have neglected. And for sure I long to continue my design efforts, accepting new and more challenging opportunities to do so.

You will soon find me in a new location – The Marketplace on Locust in Hendersonville, NC while I will continue at The Garage on 25 in Arden as well, although my space will take on a new look soon as I continue my journey toward scaling back. Too many spaces has caused a disconnect between my brain and my body (meaning less creativity caused by a strain to be in too many places doing too many different things).

I don’t plan to leave my love of vintage. (My children still remind me that I AM vintage!) And you will likely always find me bringing nature indoors in my design antics. I’ll still search for the lost and forgotten treasures to see how I can bring new life and purpose to these timeless beauties, but you will begin to see a breath of “new” popping up in my designs as well. It’s nothing new to me, really, as I have always taken on a bit of an eclectic look in our own home. It just suits me….mixing the old with the new.

So here’s to winter’s passing and the looking ahead to fresh, new beginnings as we roll into this New Year. May you and I experience a renewal in our minds as well as our bodies as we seek to be all that God has created us to be. It is, afterall, all for Him.



Finding the new normal

IMG_2851I feel a bit like that baby chick in the picture above…hiding and peeking out into the world to catch a glimpse of what it’s going to find….perhaps a bit unsure, and a bit curious all at the same time.

A chapter in my life’s journey ended as I closed the door of the shop last Saturday.  But another chapter was already being written, its complete revealing unknown to me as of yet. But still I journey, curiously yet cautiously.  Constantly clinging to the One Who wrote out the story of my life long ago.  “For (I) am His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that (I) should walk in them.”  (Eph 2:10)

Walk on, Connie.  Walk on.  “For (I) walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corn 5:7)

IMG_9848The shop at 244 W Main Street may have closed, but Burlap & Lace is still going strong. Vintage Market Days of Asheville is just around the corner and I am busily preparing for that event.  August 17-19 at the Ag Center in Fletcher you will find 100 vendors from all over the US boasting vintage and farmhouse wares such as you cannot even imagine.  But that’s not all!  There will be soaps, candles, food and so much more.  I am anticipating seeing many of you there!

IMG_6263My sweet sister will be with me again at VMD, and may I remind you that without the “lace”, the “burlap” would be lost!

IMG_3516And while you are waiting for VMD to arrive, find me at The Garage on 25 in Fletcher.  Well, not me personally, but my booth space.  New items are going in next week!

IMG_2989Look for where this sign may pop up next, for the dream is ongoing of places where I can meet with you again and share this amazing journey we call life.  But until that time, I leave you with…







No crying allowed!

IMG_2884She thought she was ready for the day until….she wasn’t.  It was a big move.  A change.

Life does that to us, you know.  Brings change.  And I am learning it’s not the change that is the problem, if there is to be one.  It’s our attitude toward the change.

So with that in mind, I have decided to make a celebration out of a difficult decision to move out of my brick and morter shop and into a small booth space again.  And that decision has made all the difference.  So no crying allowed!

Sure, I’m sad to leave behind an amazing shop space that God granted me a year ago (truly the desire of my heart and answered prayer), but I am keenly aware that we have life seasons and this season I’m currently in is ready to give way to the next.  So here I go!  And I’m getting very excited about it all.

Welcome to The Garage on 25!

I moved in this week, and although you will see some of the same wares you saw at Burlap & Lace on Main St, I am excited to be showing you these things through a different lense.  Go check it out!  There are some amazing vendors there and you will fall in love with a whole new store!

IMG_3481For the rest of this week and for Thursday – Saturday next week, I will be at Main St waiting to give out hugs and smiles!  And my friend and fellow-vendor, Stephanie Schuster of Stephanie’s Creations, has kindly merged her wares with mine into the downstairs of the house so that we still have amazing, sweet finds for you!

IMG_3558Like these end tables!  Perfect for a bedside or by a chair….$184.95 each or $340 for the pair!

IMG_3572This antique dresser with beveled mirror is marked at half price – was $324.95, now $162.95.  So beautiful that I chose not to paint it!

IMG_3555Drop leaf table just $224.95.  Set of 6 chairs for $100, or $36.95 each.  And that sweet little black desk and chair in the background?  Just $75!  Help these pieces find a new home this week!

I’ve opened back up the dining room and kitchen this week in preparation for our July 28 celebration so there are plenty of “small” items to choose from as well.  Let’s finish this journey together and thank the Lord for all He has done in this place this past year.  What a journey it’s been!  Stay tuned in because there is still more news to come as I journey one….step….at…a…time.



Goodbye is the hardest thing to say….

IMG_1245It’s raining….figuratively.  Blessings have a way of doing that….pouring down on you when you least expect them.

Such was the way of God when He led me to “this old house” on W Main Street.  And I’ve been dancing here for a year now….literally dancing!  Dancing with joy over the news of babies being born and weddings taking place.  And I’ve embraced a few storms along the way, dancing all the way through them because of your prayers and hugs and words of encouragement.  For those reasons alone, it is hard to say good-bye to this dream-become-reality.  And yet it’s time.  Because God has something else in mind for me now.

As early as next week, I will be moved into The Garage on 25, and I couldn’t be more excited.  I’m not closing Burlap & Lace, but I am relocating it to a smaller space where I will be “one” among “many”.  And I am inviting you to come find me and discover others within that amazing space.

And it would honor me if you would be my guests on the very last business day in this location – Saturday, July 28 – 10:00 – 5:30.  There will be music, and maybe some dancing even!  There will be tons of last minute deals so you will want to shop those as well.  There will be ticket giveaways all day for Vintage Market Days of Asheville….so come on by and enjoy the party!  And above all, let me give you one final hug on the front porch, and a bottle of water as you continue on your journey.

Thank you for making this last year something very special.  I hold each of you dear in my heart.



To everything there is a season –

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.  Ecclesiastes 3:1

A new season has come to Burlap & Lace…one of addition, change and excitement.  But sometimes with change, assumptions are made incorrectly.  So let me set the record straight before going any further with this blog post….IMG_2307This lovely telephone table sets the stage perfectly for my story to unfold.   When I was a teenager, we had this amazing thing called a telephone (no iPhone or cell phone).  This device had a cord that was attached to a wall plug and a shorter, curly stretch cord that attached the receiver to the telephone, enabling conversation with those you had likely just left minutes before on the school yard but felt you just didn’t get enough time to talk things over.  (No texting with that “last word”). And you certainly couldn’t do anything else while you talked because the cord wasn’t long enough to allow that! So you had conversations that were fully involved in every way and you needed a place to sit still while you talked! Tables like this were “the thing” to have in your home.  Now, they make perfect conversation pieces about “the good ‘ol days” as well as bringing functionality to your home.  Imagine this piece with a reading lamp, magazines or school books tucked inside where the phone book used to go and an evening of uninterrupted reading (or sewing, or homework. ) You get the idea!

Because I had caring parents, my conversations with my friends had time limits set on them because…..perhaps…..someone else might want to use this wonderful device too!  I confess that as a teenager, my conversations were more about “that boy”, or “did you see how she was dressed today?” than anything of substance…..and truthful as I hate to admit, they were little more than gossip.  Yep….that thing that destroys friendships and parts people without cause.

Today we have many ways to gossip…..too many….Facebook, Instagram, text messages, phone conversations in Ingles or Walmart where the whole world is privy to “did you know what she’s done now” type things, and it is that which I wish to set straight.

IMG_2367In a world of flowers and beautiful things (did you notice that print above?  It’s the world in floral design!),  sometimes our motives are totally misunderstood.  Like mine….of taking in two new vendors.  Yes, you heard correctly, and I could not be more excited!

And the comments of “she’s closing up shop” and “she’s taking from other store owners by inviting them into her shop” couldn’t be further from the truth. I remember so well the days of my small beginnings….a pole as a booth space in a local shop here in Brevard.  Someone “took a chance” on me, and I fondly remember them daily for that act of kindness.  And then 4 others did the same for me over a period of 6 years as I opened booth space after booth space.  One thing I wanted was to have multiple spaces in different places so that I had more opportunities of my wares (and truthfully, my name) being discovered.  Makes sense if your goal is to be a business, right?

Same is true of Stephanie’s Creations, who has joined Burlap & Lace with intention and with the blessing of Country Creations owner, Sheila McCall, where you can also find Stephanie’s Creations in the front window space.  Sheila and I have been friends for years, and we help one another out as we can….with ideas, with inventory, with help toting and moving and cleaning and working….isn’t that what friends do for one another?  And while it really is no ones business to know that, we do live in a small town, and some of my customers have seen me “working” at Sheila’s shop and have witnessed her at mine as well.  And who would have imagined the stir that has caused?  Certainly neither myself nor Sheila!

So let me put a stop to the rumors and gossip by saying first of all that neither Country Creations nor Burlap & Lace is “going under” and closing.  We both share a love of Stephanie and her style, so now you can find Stephanie’s Creations in two places in town!  And for Sheila and me, that is a win/win.

Stephanie brings with her a mix of French Country styling and farmhouse design.  And her expertise in her painting and decorating style happens to be one of the things I was drawn to immediately.  Like the country song, “she’s a little bit country and a little bit rock & roll”, I think Stephanie is “a little bit french country and a little bit farmhouse style”!  She’s English, so she brings in a completely different feel than I ever could, and I love that about her!  She simply is who she is and that honest, sweet personality is evidenced in her pieces.

IMG_2370Take this music-covered table for instance.  Stephanie’s clever design would be perfect for the home of the music enthusiast! It has plenty of room for a lamp, a drink, books or….music!

And talk about farmhouse styling….check out these adorable pillows!  Smaller in size, they tuck easily in a basket (such as seen here) for pulling out for the grand-kids, or to toss on a bed or in a chair.  Lots of designs to choose from!  And that green canister set!  For real use or simply decor, these are top of my list of pics from her room at Burlap & Lace!

IMG_2365Stephanie’s furniture speaks for itself.  She makes her own chalk paint and does easy distressing on all her pieces to create that farmhouse style we have all come to love.

Now let me show you some of the things you will find in Stephanie’s Creations booth space at Country Creations!

While you settle on the new discovery of Stephanie’s Creations at Burlap & Lace, let me introduce my second new vendor to you….Elizabeth Beasley.

Elizabeth also brings a unique styling experience…. Vintage style mixed with antique discoveries.

I love that antique dresser with glass knobs!  And the marble top makes for a quick clean up if makeup spills on it or you over-water that plant gracing it!


Elizabeth’s clothesline full of linens draws me back to days of summer breezes….ummm….soon to come!  But until they do, come see the wares she brings with her to Burlap & Lace!

One other thing to note at Burlap & Lace is that spring has finally settled in and the porch area is beginning to show small steps of that floral beauty….

There are several vintage planters on the porch, but don’t forget to take stock of the yard!  New planters have been added, some with plants and some without.  So take a walk around the yard on your next visit.

Lastly, I leave you with some of the whimsical style of Burlap & Lace that you’ve come to know so well….

I appreciate YOU and the shout-outs you’ve been giving Burlap & Lace in your Facebook reviews.  Help me spread the news that is factual…..two new vendors have come to the shop and I couldn’t be happier about sharing them with you!

Until we meet again,



My Tribute

IMG_1300Meet Wilma.  She was one classy lady…..even in her death.  She was my mother-in-law, but more than that, she was my friend.

On Tuesday, March 13, my HubE and I picked up the Uhaul and began loading out the shop for Vintage Market Days of Asheville.  Months of planning had gone into the event….an event that encompasses 100 vendors from all over the US.  What a privilege to have been chosen as one of those vendors, now for their third show!  Five hours into the loading process we were nearly finished when the call came from Hospice that “mom” was declining rapidly.  We needed to make a decision to go ahead with VMD, or bale so someone else could quickly take my spot.  We decided to be with mom, and I’m so very thankful for that choice we made.  So we spent the next 3 hours unloading the truck back into the shop….in heaps of furniture and boxes spread between three rooms.  Hindsight…what was I thinking????  Somehow I thought all that would fit into a 10 x 20 booth space!  (I’m smiling….)

We arrived in Cary early Wednesday morning and spent the next 4 days with mom, leaving her side only for meals when her dear friends would come and sit with her.  For the first 2 days, she could speak albeit garbled.  But in those days, she gave her son a hug and told him she loved him.  And that was well worth the trip all by itself.

IMG_1296I was able to tell mom the one thing I had always wanted her to know….that she had shown me Christ through her grace, love and forgiveness of me after the years that my HubE and I spent apart.  She was an amazing and kind woman who raised three men to be gentle, kind men of integrity and faith.  Her legacy lives on in her sons, one of whom I am blessed to call husband.

Spring came to the mountains while we sat with mom.   Proof that life goes on.  In the first day we were with mom, I asked her if she was afraid of dying.  Her answer was quick, “Oh no!  I can’t wait to meet Jesus!”  She was sure of the fact that life indeed does go on….even after death.  Her eternal life would be one of peace, and she was ready.

She passed from this life on Sunday morning, March 18.  Just 12 hours prior to her passing, after days of not getting up or moving about at all, and certainly no more speaking, she sat bolt upright in her bed and began the motions of slipping her arms from her sleeves, though her gown had no sleeves at all.  She ran her hand down one arm, then tried to do the other and said to me (eyes closed), “You finish”.  So I ran my hand down her other arm as if helping to remove the garment she wanted off.  Then she took her hand and slipped it over her watch, as if to remove it.   She continued with her wedding rings and then cupped my hand and “placed” the items in my palm, closing my hand around the invisible valuables.  She then said, “Done” and laid back down.  That was her last word.  She knew the time had come, and that was the last thing she needed to do.  I wept.

She was one classy lady….even in death.

IMG_1274Easter is on its way, and though many celebrate bunnies and candy, I will be celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Because of His death and life, all those who believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.  Mom is living it up….literally!  And we rejoice with her, though we weep for ourselves.

Through this last month, Burlap & Lace has been closed more than open.  Now you know why.  And I don’t regret any of the moments we high-tailed it to Cary when she needed us.  Sometimes it was for doctors appointments, other times because she needed to physically move her residence, and at moments it was simply because we heard in her voice that it would be nice to have family close by, but she would never have wanted to disrupt our lives.  It was as if she believed her dying process was an inconvenience to those she loved, and far be it from her to let it be so!  We never felt inconvenienced; we felt blessed to be with her.

I’m trying to formulate a plan to reopen….and yet we are still in the process of grieving and saying goodbye.  The funeral is this Sunday so we will return to Cary Saturday.  There are details to take care of regarding vacating her apartment after the service, so for a few days we will remain in Cary.  My hope is to reopen Thursday, March 29.  But to be honest, it’s a tall order I’m not sure I can fill.

This is only a small vision of the chaos that awaits sorting at the shop…. one corner of one room.  And there are three rooms full with only a walk-path between.

I am going to do my best, and I apologize that I can’t give an exact reopen date until after the funeral takes place and I know how long we will be gone.  So I simply ask that you watch my Facebook page for notice of the reopening and spread the word.

Through it all, I thank you for loving me and my family, and for giving such grace yourselves by understanding the shop closures this month.  It will be good to see you all again soon.  Until then,



He’s not done with me yet!

This should have been me today, but oh no…..I am usually the one you would NEVER find sitting around….always doing the heavy lifting that three men and a boy usually do.  And today, my stubbornness cost me dearly….in more ways than one….

and it’s the first day I’ve cried at Burlap &  Lace.

Let’s just leave it at this….I was trying to help someone by carrying a small dresser to the door for them (and if my husband is reading this I am going to be in so much trouble when I get home tonight!), but as I sat it down and turned around to get the drawers for it all in one swift motion, one of the legs of the dresser was obviously not on the ground well and the piece tumbled off the step and landed upside down.  A piece was broken off the corner of the dresser, and one of the drawers was broken.  Although the drawer was easily fixable and I immediately set out to make the situation right in every way I could, the situation allowed things to be said and done that hurt me to the core.  So I did what every good newbie shop owner would do….I made it right financially for the couple, fixed the drawer and once they were on their way, I walked inside and dissolved in tears.  Not so much because of them, but because of the inadequacy I immediately felt flood through me.

And the day continued on that path with one difficult situation after the other.  I was beginning to let that become my focus until I remembered my morning time with the Lord.  “Give thanks in all things”….

Yes, Lord.  Thank You that I have two feet and I am able to walk.  Thank You that You bring people to my sweet little shop that YOU want to come here.  Thank You for friends who come  in with kind, supportive words and with cookies warm from the oven.  Thank You for those that make me laugh….out loud even!  Thank You for meeting every need I have….spiritually, financially, mentally, physically.  Thank You that at the end of this work day, this is what I get to go home to…..

IMG_9349Thank You for leaves that lay on our grass, bringing awareness to me that the season is changing, and You are still changing me from glory to glory…..perfecting me to be more like Your image every day.

I feel a bit like that broken corner of the dresser with my broken foot in this boot still, but I rejoice that I CAN do all things through Christ Who gives me strength! And while I will keep on believing that I can move mountains, please….until I get both feet healed completely, be understanding and bring help with you to move those great pieces you buy from me.  I really do appreciate your business, but most of all….I appreciate that you know I’m doing my very best to bring you a cozy place to shop and be with friends.  And that is exactly what I consider each of you…friends.



Sharing the things you are thankful for

With the purchase of the turkey and the details of the meal being carefully considered, it might escape us to remember why we are celebrating.  Thanksgiving isn’t something taught.  It’s a way of life, a rhythm of your heart if you will.  And I suggest that the best way to celebrate the things we are thankful for is to daily celebrate them, and share them.

IMG_9185Celebrate your family…

This is my husband.   He is my witness to the good, the bad and the ugly in my life, day in and day out.  Nothing escapes his notice…not my attitude (good or bad) and not the way I share life with him and those I meet daily.  He encourages me to be all that God has made me to be….daily.  And so I celebrate him – the integrity that he walks in, the way he loves God and through that relationship loves me well, the forgiveness he shows me when I fail.  He’s not perfect, but he’s perfect for me!

IMG_9243Celebrate your home…

My grandmother used to tell us, “Little birds in their nest must agree!”  The point was that we all lived within a small space, and we best learn to get along!  Whether your home is a pallet on the ground or a towering home among the pines, celebrate that you have a place to rest your head.  A home is built from the love you pour into it and the prayers you pour over it.  Celebrate your home.  And share it with those that God brings your way.

IMG_8876Celebrate the food you eat…

Likely, you are not among those who have ever known starvation.  Granted, we complain about our weight, the clothes that don’t fit and often the food we have to eat.  But did you just read that?  The food we have….to…..eat.  Celebrate that you have food.  And drink.  Fresh water is a blessing.  And share what you have with others.  You never know who may need what you have to give.

One of the things that I thank the Lord for daily is Burlap & Lace….the little shop that He has given me to share with you.  I don’t take that lightly.  I have said, and mean it, that if you simply want to come grab a bottle of water from the frig and sit on the porch among friends, do it!  You are always welcome!

Until we meet on the porch…




Life happens…

6db9211f4c98338f4cce80641f0f1541Morning had broken….the birds were singing, the squirrels were rustling about in the trees outside my window, I had enjoyed my quiet morning reading and planning out my day….yes, the day was shaping up quite nicely.  With one glance to my watch, I figured I had just enough time to throw in a load of laundry before heading down to the shop to start my re-do for the week.  So many ideas were tumbling through my head.  Best get this laundry tumbling too!

With my husband out walking the dog, I headed to our bedroom to strip the bed linens.  Gathering the pile into my arms, I plodded toward the laundry room, enjoying the rhythm of the day.  And then my rhythm broke, and it happened…..

I was suddenly sailing through the air – literally flying the span of two rooms – before banging into the closet wall and landing in a heap on the floor.  I immediately grabbed my right foot, pain searing from the side of it.  What just happened?  I don’t remember my feet tangling in the laundry, I never felt I was tripping….I just suddenly sat in the midst of strung-out bed sheets, holding my foot and wincing in pain.  And that is how my husband found me.

He immediately laughed at the mess, until he saw that I couldn’t stand.  And from there, the day took on a life of its own….nothing of my plans being fulfilled.

Blessings still overtook me, though.  My brother and his wife came to Brevard for lunch, and while that might seem oh so normal to most of you reading this, my brother has been out of the country for a couple of years, returning to the states in late May of this year.  This was the first time I had seen him, and I immediately asked him to put on his professional hat and tell me if I needed an xray.  Fortunate for me, my brother is a doctor!   With a very simple diagnostic test, he said, “Yep, you need an xray.  Your foot is broken at the fifth metatarsal.”  How right he was….

Several hours later, after a trip to Asheville’s Bone and Joint Clinic, I was diagnosed for the second time with a fracture and put into a walking boot, but told to ice my foot and keep it elevated for the next 3-4 days, not being on it for more than 15 minutes every hour.    What that literally means is that I have enough time to wobble myself out of the ice pack encompassing my foot, grab some crutches and get myself to the bathroom, then back into that same position of icing….in about exactly 15 minutes!

With my very ungraceful fall across the floor on Monday, it means that I will be unable to stand at Burlap & Lace to welcome in Fall with you this first week!  Let the icing down of my foot continue as the temperatures begin their own chilling down!

BUT, with the second week of October soon upon us, you can be sure that I will be back on board with new treasures, and new vignettes for you to enjoy!  Another blessing?  Time…..unhurried and lots of it….to plan, to read, to pray and seek what God wants for us in this gorgeous season wrapping all around us.  And while I am being somewhat “forced” into this quiet place, I encourage you to carve out some quiet as well.  Why?   Because one thing I have already noticed about me. Look at this….img_8084.jpgI am prone to sit with eyes downward….searching my phone for the latest news or FB updates….instead of looking up, and out.  Too often I have missed the beauty right in front of me…in the scenery, or in the face of a friend or loved one I am with.  I encourage you – today – to turn your eyes upward and away from what normally entraps you.  Look outward….beyond yourself….and see the beauty all around you.  And remember with me….

The Lord is my Shepherd.  I shall not lack…He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters; He restores my soul.  Ps. 23

May your soul be restored this day.  See  you in a couple weeks!



True confessions….

My first book was published in 2013…Only One Gets the Prize.   And in it I wrote this:

Determine what your passion is.  Determine. Don’t just fling out some random thought and wonder if it is what defines you.  Determine.  Decide beyond one shadow of a doubt that this is the thing you desire above all other things.  Why determine and not just decide?  Because whatever you determine in your heart is the thing you will pursue.  You will become steadfast in your pursuit.  Nothing will be able to turn you back from your pursuit.  Nothing will pull you away from it.  And it is the thing that will also pursue you because it is what you have set your heart on.  Determine what your passion is.  

So here comes my confession, for those of you who care to know it.  My passion….my pursuit since I was 33 years old….has been to know my Savior as deeply as I possibly can.  Jesus is my life, and I don’t mind telling anyone that.  He has saved me from more than you would ever believe.  And I love Him.

Knowing that God has a specific purpose for my life does not mean that it is easy to know  exactly every minute of every day that I am on the path He has marked out for me.  But I do know that if I continue to pursue Him first, He will make the pathway clear for me.

And that leads me to the rest of my confession.  I love to write.  Always have if I am honest with myself.  With the publication of my first book, I thought that the desire to write would leave.  In fact the opposite has been true….I now have not one, not two but three books in mind to write!  Whew!  Let’s suffice it to say that I have begun book #2 with a goal completion date in mind (this year!).

But I also love to create…specifically, I have learned over the past several years just how very much I enjoy designing spaces as an outlet for my creativity, and that passion has deepened this past year as I have been able to fulfill yet another dream of mine….having a store front window space at Main Street Market Shops in Brevard, NC!

This blog is my breezeway to lead you now from one dream of mine to another….to let you  know that as of December 31, 2015, I will be closing the doors to Burlap & Lace for a season in order that I can pursue writing more in hopes of finishing that second book! AND, who knows what else God may have in store for me?

One thing I clearly want to continue is this blog.  And I am determined to spend some of my creative energy  creating spaces within my own home this next year….so look for the same inspiration to come through this blog site, only instead of my booth space, with ideas from my own home decorating schemes!

You will still find Burlap & Lace in the window at Main Street Market shops for the next 2 months, as I finish out my year of celebrating the people in my life who have helped shape my creative bent and my love of life.  In fact, this Friday will be a total re-do, so if you see it there now, best stop in and get it!

Thanks for following my site…Stay tuned!  I hope you will continue to find your own creative outlet, even as you follow along with the journey I am on and explore with me the new paths ahead.  And while you journey with me, consider this:

Determine your passion!

Blessings –



“Do one thing, and do it well.”

My children and I give full credit to my husband for being a man of great “one liners”.  In fact, one day I may just write a book of his “themes” that are handed down to us as wisdom statements.

Over and over this past month, his words have stung my heart as they floated past my ears.  “Connie, just do one thing, and do it well.”  He knows my passion for expanding my business, and my ability to let things take on a life of their own.  To me, expanding my business meant being in more than one location.  But I have learned that in such a small town as we live in, that simply doesn’t lend itself to anything but exhaustion!

I have attempted to house Burlap & Lace in multiple locations across this small town I live in, thinking that was “the answer” to expanding my business without having to drive 40 miles to keep and maintain a second booth space.  But because of the uniqueness of Brevard and its shops, I realized that to grow in this manner would actually necessitate diversifying the type merchandise I offered in order to be more unique in the different locations, and that totally went against the grain of the fabric of my business.

My ultimate dream has been to own my own business….to stroll to the quaint little doors of a downtown shop before sunrise on any given morning, slip the key to my shop into the keyhole and walk through the door of a place “all my own”….where once the lights were turned up and the sun gave way to a new day, those passing by might stop to gaze excitedly through the windows and then hurry inside to see what treasures they might scoop up before the next person beat them to the find.

Imagine, then, my enormous delight when the owners of Main Street Market Shops called me one Sunday afternoon and said, “Connie, we want you to take our window space.  We love your style and the way you create.  Are you interested?”  Are you kidding?  Am I interested?  YES!!!!!  I am interested! 

God has a way of fulfilling our dreams and delighting our hearts in ways that are not quite as we imagined, but are oh so much better than we could have dared to dream.  Really.  So much better….

So let me introduce you to Main Street Market Shops, the new home of Burlap & Lace.  Main Street Market Shops is located on Main Street in downtown Brevard, directly across from Mayberry’s and next door to Gravy and Fox Hollow Gifts.  Owned by the same gentlemen that own Fox Hollow Gifts, you will be greeted with some good ‘ol Southern charm when you enter their doors!



Let me give you a preview of my new space…..with entertainment being the “theme” this month…


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As I finished setting up my space last week, the sun was setting and my heart was questioning if I had done the right thing.  This was a big step for me and it was going to require me to make some more changes…significant ones.  I turned to leave the shop, and my eyes fell on this in my newly created window….


God let the last rays of daylight seep through the window and onto a canvas I had painted, giving me a message my heart desperately needed to hear.  I embraced the moment.

So what about Country Creations?  Ah….

Sheila, Christy and Candace have been amazing to me.  The last year (and then some) has been full of fun, friendships and sharing life with these ladies.  I pray those days continue even though my business is finding a new home.  I will close my booth space at Country Creations on February 28th.  What that means is a great big SALE through the end of February!  Begin to look for mark-downs on merchandise that is there through the end of this month.   And then please come find me at Main Street Market Shops!  I’m not gone…I’ve just changed locations.  And not because they haven’t been amazing to me at Country Creations, but because God is fulfilling yet another dream of mine.

Coming in March…..I’m going to have a GARDEN PARTY and you are invited!  You will not want to miss this …  Main Street Market Shops …

March 1-31.

Until then, blessings.


Home Decor, and so much more…

Beth TriceMeet Beth.

She’s probably the single greatest reason I love home decorating the way I do, though I’ve likely never told her so.

Beth and I were college roommates, and being the home economics major that she was, her love for sewing and cooking was contagious enough that I wanted to ‘watch and learn’ from her then, and still do!  Today I credit her  with the reason I have a blog, for when I got hooked on reading hers, I decided to start my own and she was instrumental in helping me do just that by answering a dozen questions flung her way.  So hats off to you this month, Beth, for inspiring me to dream big, and to achieve more than I could have ever imagined!  This blog’s for you!

Two things are especially noteworthy this month for Burlap & Lace – (1) the continuation of my heritage as lived out through the remembrance of my grandmothers and (2) expansion (finally!) into a new location that I can’t wait to share with you!

My grandmothers were two very different women with two very definite and differing personalities.  One sparked energy, artistic ability, and a love of the outdoors while the other was quiet, proper and very unassuming.  As a young girl growing up around both women, I bounced nearly every weekend from painting with watercolors to playing games of Old Maid to hitting golf balls in the back yard to sitting quietly in a room with a china teacup perched on my lap.  Featured this month at Burlap & Lace are remembrances of my wonderful grandmothers and what they have taught me.










My art work boasts of  things that remind me of both women and of days gone by.  Flowers were a favorite of both grandmothers and put a smile on my face as well, so you will see a lot of those this month both in the art, and in other uses and forms.  There will be more of a mix of color mingled in as well, as I could not possibly limit a color scheme to either grandmother (though they both loved yellow and they both loved pink).

IMG_2954One grandmother knitted and crocheted, so I wanted to be sure to include these baby caps handmade by my daughter-in-law.  These would be the perfect baby gifts for that special someone in your life!  And making February even more special this year is that my daughter-in-law is expecting her first baby (my first grandchild!) this month as well!

In keeping with the celebration topic comes news of the expansion that I spoke of earlier.  This month, I have opened my second shop located at Main Street Market Shops (next door to Gravy) in downtown Brevard.  I am VERY excited about this opportunity for expansion and hope you will drop in to either Country Creations or to Main Street Market Shops to see what you may find!  I have only just begun to set up at Main Street Market Shops, but let’s take a peek preview….

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You can expect to see some changes there in the week ahead as I get settled in there.  You know I will keep you posted!

Blessings in the journey –





Did any of you ever watch The Lucy Show?  If so, you know the line….”Lucy!  You’ve got some ‘splainin’ to do!”  I am in that boat with Lucille Ball tonight, and wish to confess something to you.  I hear confession is good for the soul, and I believe in good health!

In my anxiousness for expansion of Burlap & Lace, I did something I knew not to do so quickly, but I ignored that “still, small voice” and put my hands over my ears as I signed the contract on a second booth space in a second location in town.  There was so much that  didn’t play into that decision….such as discussing it with my husband first, and waiting to see if this was the right place.  It so happens that my husband is an amazing man, and while he was not unhappy with me for the decision (once I told him what I had done), I wrestled over it all night after signing the contract on my new space.  In fact, God gave me a dream that has yet to leave me, and it was so very astounding that I carried it with me to church Sunday morning.

Our youth pastor spoke Sunday, and his sermon on being a hypocrite didn’t begin to sting me until I was home and still thinking about my dream.  It was then that I realized that I needed to talk again with my husband, and to tell him that I had tried to make this expansion sound so good to him that I was even deceiving myself into thinking it was the right thing…at the right time.

Why do I choose to share that with you? Because obedience matters.  And it costs us something.

For me, the cost was submitting to the authority God has placed over me (my husband), knowing that He has done so for my own good!  Expansion may still come, but it will be when the timing is right, and after I have learned obedience through the things I suffer.  (And lest you misunderstand, listening to my husband is not suffering –  Losing the money I had put down in rent on the space is!  Not to mention the loss of peace in my hasty decision to take on that second space!)

You will still find me at Country Creations…happily decorating my booth space and probably even singing while I do so!  It’s where God led me, and where He has blessed the fruit of my labor.  To Him be the glory…forever.

I challenge you to look at your own life, and see where obedience needs to play out, before it costs you more than you can pay.  And remember this…Jesus really did pay it all…His life, for yours.  I dare say He is trustworthy to follow, and to obey.


Stories of the Journey

Suffice it to say …..  I am blessed indeed.   On any given day, the view from my deck spans a horizon that is altogether breathtaking, and never without notice. And yet, I am ashamed to say that often in the rush of life, I fail to notice.


2013 August view

 From this vantage point, my morning routine begins with a glimpse toward the sky….”I will lift up my eyes to the hills…”.


Truly, my help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.  Help me, today, Lord, to be thankful for the blessings You give…and help me to notice them.

As the clouds settle in over the town for the night, my gaze is lifted to the skies once again….nothing compares to this…nothing, that is, except knowing that God, Who is in His heaven and does whatever He pleases, did this.  Oh how I praise Him!