It’s the most wonderful time of the year

IMG_8856Little did I think when I began a retail business that Christmas preparations would need to begin before I had eaten my Thanksgiving turkey!  But such appears to be true!  And I am excited to tell you that Burlap & Lace will be one of 12 businesses participating in the first annual Christmas Crawl on November 11th!  You can start in Brevard at Burlap & Lace and make your way to Weaverville, visiting stores that will all be boasting Vintage Christmas appeal that day.  And I am pleased to announce that Anita will be on site with me that day hosting her Vintage Tea Party for you!  (She was with me on opening day….what a treat!)

All that being said, I have decided to deviate from my regular “change it every week” disclaimer and let Burlap & Lace dwindle down on Fall this last week of October.  Now don’t be thinking there will be nothing exciting or new for you to find though….on the contrary!  What you will most certainly find are LOTS of savings and LOTS of deals on Fall items, furniture wares, and all other manner of things.  Let’s take a peak at what you don’t want to pass by this coming week…

All real pumpkins have to go!  I have three white left and one round orange one, now all reduced to just $4 each!   The smaller ones are now $.25 each….better grab them while they last!  Oh, and one lovely green gourd is now $4 as well.

While wintering ferns is possible, I simply forget to water inside plants.  So this beautiful baby must find a new home.  I have two ferns at $1 each and this lovely larger one for $8.  Two cornstalks are ready to grace your porch at just $7 each!  And I have two mums in baskets marked down as well.  My last summer beauty on the porch is my favorite planter so far….this vintage file bin!  Some green thumb could keep this plant alive all winter in a sunny room….it takes very little water and a whole lot of sunlight.  The bin alone is a steal at just $20!

Let’s talk furniture….in the upper left picture, this child’s washbasin stand has worn out it’s welcome at Burlap & Lace.  It’s an antique piece that has been converted nicely into a side table/bedside table with one drawer and two shelves in the bottom cabinet.  Honestly, it has been a favorite of mine but has drawn little attention.  The fact that it has rollers for feet makes it quite movable.  So, what was once $145 is now…..(drum roll please)…$35!  You really should check this piece out!

In the next picture is a fabulous tobacco stake shelf.  While I have had this in my garden room since bringing it to  Burlap & Lace, I truly think this piece belongs on a porch as a garden shelf, or in a bedroom or den as a bookcase.  Marked originally at $156, this shelf can go home with you for $115!  It is definitely one of a kind.

In the bottom left picture is a hutch that has also gotten many accolades, but to date has not found the right home for it. I see this piece in any and every room of your home:  In a den as the obvious, a bookcase; in a kitchen to hold china, mixing bowls, mixer and recipe books; in a bathroom displaying rolled or folded towels on the shelves and baskets or canisters of bath products behind the sliding leaded glass doors; in a bedroom with shoes on the shelves and sweaters neatly folded behind the glass doors; in a laundry room with glass jars of washing powder and other laundry products and the bottom shelves to house baskets of dog toys, children’s’ hats and gloves or any other numerous but homeless items!  This piece, solidly priced at $574.95 has been reduced to just $350!

The cupboard, once a Hoosier, was $346.50 and is now $200.  Grey hutch was $155 and is now $100.

Can you believe there is still more?  From top left to bottom right:  Cradle was $74.95, now $15.  Farm table with red legs was $184.95, now $125.  Ornate dresser was $540, now $375. Pallet table was $190,  now $75.  Brown loveseat was $164.95, now $50.  Bookstand table (to left of loveseat) was $184.95, now $95.  Queen’s chair and ottoman was $184.95, now $125.  Wardrobe was $425, now $200.

Still not done!  Take a look at this Double Bed, complete with headboard, footboard and rails….was $164.95, now $95!  And this sofa table was $184.95, now $100.

Wait a minute…..why all the furniture discounts?  Because I have a fun new venue to bring you for Christmas and starting into the new year!  And while I have STILL not listed all the deals going on, I hope I have enticed you to come in and see them for yourself!  And one last peek…don’t forget the pieces for your walls!

IMG_8914IMG_8887Until I see you on the front porch of Burlap &  Lace-



Life happens…

6db9211f4c98338f4cce80641f0f1541Morning had broken….the birds were singing, the squirrels were rustling about in the trees outside my window, I had enjoyed my quiet morning reading and planning out my day….yes, the day was shaping up quite nicely.  With one glance to my watch, I figured I had just enough time to throw in a load of laundry before heading down to the shop to start my re-do for the week.  So many ideas were tumbling through my head.  Best get this laundry tumbling too!

With my husband out walking the dog, I headed to our bedroom to strip the bed linens.  Gathering the pile into my arms, I plodded toward the laundry room, enjoying the rhythm of the day.  And then my rhythm broke, and it happened…..

I was suddenly sailing through the air – literally flying the span of two rooms – before banging into the closet wall and landing in a heap on the floor.  I immediately grabbed my right foot, pain searing from the side of it.  What just happened?  I don’t remember my feet tangling in the laundry, I never felt I was tripping….I just suddenly sat in the midst of strung-out bed sheets, holding my foot and wincing in pain.  And that is how my husband found me.

He immediately laughed at the mess, until he saw that I couldn’t stand.  And from there, the day took on a life of its own….nothing of my plans being fulfilled.

Blessings still overtook me, though.  My brother and his wife came to Brevard for lunch, and while that might seem oh so normal to most of you reading this, my brother has been out of the country for a couple of years, returning to the states in late May of this year.  This was the first time I had seen him, and I immediately asked him to put on his professional hat and tell me if I needed an xray.  Fortunate for me, my brother is a doctor!   With a very simple diagnostic test, he said, “Yep, you need an xray.  Your foot is broken at the fifth metatarsal.”  How right he was….

Several hours later, after a trip to Asheville’s Bone and Joint Clinic, I was diagnosed for the second time with a fracture and put into a walking boot, but told to ice my foot and keep it elevated for the next 3-4 days, not being on it for more than 15 minutes every hour.    What that literally means is that I have enough time to wobble myself out of the ice pack encompassing my foot, grab some crutches and get myself to the bathroom, then back into that same position of icing….in about exactly 15 minutes!

With my very ungraceful fall across the floor on Monday, it means that I will be unable to stand at Burlap & Lace to welcome in Fall with you this first week!  Let the icing down of my foot continue as the temperatures begin their own chilling down!

BUT, with the second week of October soon upon us, you can be sure that I will be back on board with new treasures, and new vignettes for you to enjoy!  Another blessing?  Time…..unhurried and lots of it….to plan, to read, to pray and seek what God wants for us in this gorgeous season wrapping all around us.  And while I am being somewhat “forced” into this quiet place, I encourage you to carve out some quiet as well.  Why?   Because one thing I have already noticed about me. Look at this….img_8084.jpgI am prone to sit with eyes downward….searching my phone for the latest news or FB updates….instead of looking up, and out.  Too often I have missed the beauty right in front of me…in the scenery, or in the face of a friend or loved one I am with.  I encourage you – today – to turn your eyes upward and away from what normally entraps you.  Look outward….beyond yourself….and see the beauty all around you.  And remember with me….

The Lord is my Shepherd.  I shall not lack…He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters; He restores my soul.  Ps. 23

May your soul be restored this day.  See  you in a couple weeks!

