A girl can change her mind…and give thanks in all things!

Sept & Oct 2013 029

This picture pretty much sums up the whole of my blog….Burlap (me on the left) and Lace (my sister on the right).  We both love vintage finds….for our homes particularly.  So we have done it again….shopped till we dropped – literally!  And what’s to come will be reflected at Main Street Market Shops in the month of December.

Somehow, November has flown by without a blog from me, and so I want to simply say….”I’m thankful” … for so many people in my life who have believed in me being all God created me to be, and for so many ways to express the creativity He has bestowed upon me.

If you happened to drop by Burlap & Lace this week, you saw a pretty bare window space.  You see,  I had determined to close the doors officially for a season with the close of December.  But I am happy to say that a girl can change her mind, and so I have!  At least for the time being.

The book still needs to be written, and there are still a zillion other things on my “to do” list, but for now just walk with me a day at a time and let’s see (together) what God continues to do!

It’s been a great year so far, and I can’t wait to blog in a week or two to give you the finale for this year’s themes.  It’s gonna be good!

Until then….why not shop till you drop at Burlap & Lace?

Smiles –
