Inventory reduction/reorganization sale coming Aug. 30!

IMG_0201Growing piles in my husband’s shed prompted the idea….
IMG_0202A Burlap & Lace Home Sale seemed to be just the ticket to clear out inventory and reorganize for the months ahead….so that’s just what is in store at my home on Sunday, August 30 from 3 p.m. until 7 p.m.

But as I pondered on the idea, I reasoned that I shouldn’t just offer these great prices on my home items, but on the items already in my booth space at Main Street Market Shops!  So I have drastically slashed prices there too in order to make way for some really great, new things upcoming!

IMG_0206This beautiful piece didn’t even make it in the front door before it was bought!

IMG_0400But don’t worry…there are still fun items to choose from at Main Street!  Lamps, lamps and more lamps….not any priced for more than $30 and most under $15!  Better hurry in…at these prices they won’t last for long!

IMG_0403And there are some fun new furniture pieces as well….

So whether you shop at Main Street Market Shops, or come to the home sale/yard sale, you are sure to go away happy!

See you soon, and happy shopping!



Woman of Distinction; Man of Style

IMG_5462Classy lady, she is.  And boy can she entertain!  She can produce a party from nothing more than peanuts and a Coke.  Her family and friends spark her life, evidenced by the fact that she can produce candles from a dusty box and create a splendid, romantic evening for two in a moment’s notice.  Her name is Wilma, and she is my friend as well as my mother-in-law.  Classy lady, she is!


Man of style, they called him.  From his dusting of red hair to the kind way he called the waitress “Sugah” while his eyes tinted humor, nevermind his plaid pants that didn’t match his sport coat, or the way he wore his belt on the side.  He created his own style, and wore it well.  So well, in fact, that he made his own kind of statement and was respected for it.  That’s my Papaw.  His name was Sam. His faith and love of God was what carried him through life, and what he passed on to me….a heritage I am thankful for.

I have dedicated this month at Burlap & Lace to these two important people in my life. Each has touched me in ways that would take decades to tell of.  And each is noted in my booth this month in ways that tell a bit of their stories….

IMG_0149Let the party begin!  This glasstop table and 4 colorful chairs welcomes a gathering of friends or family and calls for all to be invited in!  Keeping with the vintage style I love, you will find a plethora of things this month to get the party going in your own home!

IMG_0144A favorite of mine is the mirror-turned-menu board boasting an antique frame.  Hung atop it are vintage napkins, making a simple make-do valence for any window or wall.  The mint cabinet is small enough to tuck into a corner of the room, but don’t hide its vintage appeal!  Let it showcase your vintage linens, towels and toiletries in a bathroom or use it to keep your favorite entertainment pieces on hand near the kitchen. The etched-in-black glass door fronts your display and keeps you oooing over this piece for years to come.

IMG_0148Hankies aren’t just for looking pretty in a lady’s purse!  Use them to tuck on a platter for your baked goods, as a napkin (a fun way to throw a party is a different one at every place!), or to hang as a valence in a bathroom window.

IMG_0146I know modern day kitchens have put to bed these aluminum coffee, sugar and tea canisters, but I have a set in my own home that I now use to stash away granola bars and snacks to grab in a hurry.  And choose from a variety of table and bed linens in various sizes and colors this month.  Think out side the box when decorating your table!
IMG_0137It’s a washtub, it’s an amazing place to throw some ice and drinks on the patio, or keep it outside to give the dog a bath or the kids a quick swim!  It would make a wonderful laundry tub to give your laundry room a vintage feel and house that dirty laundry while it waits to be washed!

Bags of burlap pieces sit nestled in a wooden bread box, which by the way is another fun way to display bottled water or soft drinks at a party!

IMG_0142From silver goblets to aluminum ice  bucket, this planter takes on a new look of service at a party!  It is resting atop an aluminum-topped table …..what a find! Pull back the tablecloth and take a peek!  It’s in near perfect condition and begs a spot in your vintage kitchen or on a side porch.


Check out those stools!  They are the perfect height for your table, workbench or to sit at the kitchen bar.  With just the right amount of rust patina on the tops, these won’t last long before someone snatches them up and takes them home!


Papaw was known for the way he wore his belt buckled on the side, so this month I had to bring in a few belts in his memory!  Choose from three classics for the man of style in your life…all at ridiculous prices!  And why not take home the hanger for your necklaces while you are at it?  Or use it to clothespin on your greeting cards from friends or your notes and reminders to your spouse and/or children.

Think “classy”, think “entertain”, think “sophisticated”, think “distinctive”….and you not only will have gotten to know Wilma and Sam a bit more, but you will be sure to discover things at Burlap & Lace this month to match all those great descriptive words!
IMG_0132So come on in and grab a  bit of style to take home with you!
IMG_0141IMG_0140IMG_0138Happy shopping!
