Leave something to the imagination…

img_4817Anyone else out there ever have a car that looks like this?!?  And get this….rainy days usually end up being my shopping days….what’s up with that?!?  Of course, if you live in Transylvania County you have quickly learned that “Land of the Waterfalls” translates easily into “Land WHERE the water falls”!

But take a closer look…other than a few visible items, you would never know what was for dinner, much less what was in all those bags!

Furniture is no different….on first glance you might think “what a worthless piece of junk!”, but then, someone takes that discarded heap and turns it into a one of a kind beauty.  Ever think that God does the same thing with us?

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.  1 Corn. 6:9-11

Not too long ago I was at a Chamber event and was given the opportunity to make my 30 second “elevator speech”.  Not expecting such, I told the name of my business, then proceeded to tell how I like to take unwanted, forgotten pieces and turn them into treasures by giving them a new purpose.  After the words left my lips, I thought that I will never again tell someone that I “re-purpose”.  Why?  Because quite honestly I believe that  God has given each of us a purpose and equipped us fully to carry it out.  BUT, until we come to know Him as our Savior, we quite possibly look for ways to “re-purpose” and reconstruct our lives to do what we want instead of what He intended us to do.  We look for ways to bring purpose to our lives without ever realizing that we have already been given purpose…we just need to know the Creator and we will come to understand our specific purpose!  So how cool that the very thing God has given me to do totally speaks of all that He has done IN me! You could easily say that God took the unwanted, forgotten Connie and turned her into his precious treasure.  Ah….that absolutely humbles me to think of it.  How thankful I am!

Speaking of treasures, let’s see what special finds await you as we leave February and merge happily into March at Marketplace on Locust.   Mirror, mirror on the wall…..So many to choose from at Burlap & Lace! From small to large, don’t miss a single one!

From farmhouse style to cottage living spaces, nothing speaks better than cows! But if that’s not your thing, don’t overlook metal pieces. This hanging scale would be great in a kitchen to hold potatoes. Or in the laundry room to toss in unmatched socks while they await their mate! Add a touch of cottage style to your bathroom by rolling up handtowels and putting them inside the scale for an easy grab. The possibilities are endless!

I’m always on the lookout for that different piece that will add a bit of rustic charm to your home. I nailed it with this antique hotel lobby cubby! Can’t you just imagine getting off the stagecoach, heading for that hot bath at the hotel and stopping at the front desk for your room key and any mail you may have received while en route to this dusty little town? I believe this is the perfect piece for your art studio…fill those cubbies with your paints and brushes…easy to find what you need but keeping everything neatly tucked away when not in use. Or what about the kids’ room? Fill the cubbies with shoes, hats, gloves, you name it. Perfect also for the mudd room, holding gardening tools, the dog’s leash, the gym weights you keep stumbling over….

While you are drooling over the PO cubby, take a look at the art work sitting on top! Local artist, Erin Jones, does more than paint. Every piece she does has a unique story….check her out on FB and see more!

Just added this week is this newly upholstered bench. Come on in and take a gaze around my space as you take a load off your feet. Bet ya you will not want to leave without it! Dressing up a bedroom? See the lovely blue chest of drawers behind the bench? Update a bedroom with the bench at the foot of your bed, the chest of drawers snuggled into the room with the throw (nestled inside the chest) tossed over the foot of the bed. Add the matching bedside table (pictured below) and you have just updated the room in one big sweep! Well done you!

From desks (secretary or more modern), dressers, benches, tables, chairs and bedside tables, take your pick! As February ends, pieces will be going out in order to bring in new for March in preparation for our Spring Open House coming up March 31-April 2. Even the rugs are for sale as I bring in new ones in two weeks!

As you imagine one (or many!) of these pieces within the walls of your home space, don’t forget to linger a moment over the purpose of the piece(s) you choose, and to dwell on the purpose God has for you. There is a purpose for your life….seek for it. You will find it, I’m sure of it.



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