Next steps

Yep, that’s me. Pretending all is well when change swirls around me in every direction. But I’ve always embraced change, so I’m good, right?

It is well with my soul.

How did the Shunammite woman whose son had just died say those words? So assuredly. So determinedly. So accurately. (2 Kings 4:8-37)

She knew that God was in control. And she knew God.

That’s where I believe I am now …walking by faith and not by sight. Clinging to the One Who loves me unfailing and has a purpose for my life…a purpose only He can help me find.

April 30, 2024 marks the closing of a dream come true. I’m saying goodbye to Burlap & Lace, and to be perfectly honest, it feels sooo good. Not in a way that I’m glad to be done with this business. No no. More like, I knew to do this a year ago but stubbornly held on. And God allowed me to do so. But not without consequences. That’s just how much He loves me. He disciplines me. To make me stronger and more sure of His voice. I’m thankful beyond words.

As I’ve sorted through inventory the past two weeks- selling some, donating some- I’ve had time to do things I haven’t had time to do in years because of how much time I spent on my business.

I’ve had amazing hours of communing with friends without rushing off to do ‘the next thing’. I’ve cleaned out my refrigerator! I mean cleaned out my refrigerator! I’ve cooked meals, gone out of town to visit family, heard some really good sermons, engaged in much-needed prayer, slept…and been quiet…and relished the breezes of Spring. I’ve planted flowers in the yard, worked alongside neighbors on community projects, sipped tea slowly and laughed with my bestie and didn’t worry that the laundry sat undisturbed for hours.

And now I’m preparing to spend the next two months holding new grandbabies in my aging arms and playing backyard games with my grandkids too big to carry. Life doesn’t just seem good. It is good.

I’ve been asked over and over what I will do now. Where will my creative outlet be nourished?

Honestly, I don’t know. And I’m okay with that! I feel a blessed calmness like never before.

But before I close this chapter of my life, I want to say to each of you who have journeyed along over the years…thank you for the memories. Thank you for the support. Thank you for loving me through the topples (some of them literal!), and thanks for inspiring me to be all that God has created me to be.

He is worthy to be praised. He made you. He loves you. He has not left you alone to figure things out. He is available to you. Seek Him. You will find Him when you search for Him with all your heart.

Until we meet again,



Expectations and gifts of the heart –

As soon as he could hold the saw and cut the base of the tree, the tradition began. Every year we tramped through the hills looking for the “perfect” tree. Once we all agreed on it, our youngest son was handed the saw. When he left home for college, he faithfully returned to “do the deed”. It was expected, after all. But it was also his gift to us … a gift of his time, and of keeping the tradition alive. When he married, he still came home for the tradition, bringing along his bride. And then….they began their own family traditions, and it was no longer convenient or practical to continue ours. And so, the tradition died. And yet the remembrance of his gift to us remains.

The adjustment to the “new normal” for my husband and I came gradually. After more than 30 years of the tree-cutting tradition (which actually began with our oldest son until he left home for college), we found we had to let go of that tradition and find ways to create new things to look forward to that revolved around the holidays, Christmas in particular. And so we fell upon the tradition of gift-giving that we had carried with us since we were young, and we stumbled into a trap we set for ourselves unknowingly… the trap of expectations, probably fairly described as more “ours” than”theirs”.

Gift-giving became obcessive, if I am totally honest. This tradition began in my life as a young child, at birthdays and Christmas,and the expectation of gifts grew as I grew. It was something that I insisted on as my husband and I had children of our own. After all, the expectation of the gifts to come and the joy of buying and wrapping seemed to take on a life of their own! And with the growing of age, came the growing of expectation – both ours and theirs. There were stockings to fill…and we went from the traditional apples, oranges and gum that filled our childhood stockings to filling our children’s stockings with socks, books, small toys, knives for the boys and jewelry for their wives. And of course we also bought gifts to wrap for under the tree…so many gifts to wrap and upwrap because that was the fun of it all! I loved seeing a tree full to the lowest branches with wrapped surprises that awaited everyone and took the better part of the day to unwrap. Expectation became the companion of excess, and excess became the companion of frustration as we tried to monetarily keep up with the expectations that we had created over the years. And in complete fairness, this was really not something our children came to expect as much as it was something that I insisted upon.

This year, in particular, I have been challenged in my way of thinking on this subject. This year, in particular, it has become apparent to me that my excessive giving in the past was actually a form of pride. I loved that we gave and gave big. For afterall, I grew up in a family of huge givers. This was the life I knew!

But throughout the years, I cameto realize that it wasn’t just gifts wrapped in pretty paper that got my attention. The gifts, I began to realize, that had meant the most to me over the years were the times we were all together as a family….Christmas Eve hikes, bonfires and s’mores as we huddled together and “talked story”, times when we were able to help our children out with house projects, or when they helped us with the same. There were times when our children were young that my parents came to paint our entire house with us, and times that we spent sitting at the bedside of my mother-in-law as she suffered the clutches of cancer, hearing stories of her childhood that we so longed to hear her recount again and again. These, I came to realize, were the greatest physical gifts we had ever been given, or that we ever gave of ourselves.

Recently, as I drove home from a wonderful visit with my son and his family, the fire inside me began to burn. I was surprised to realize that it was anger that had begun to whell up in me. Anger associated with non-monetary gifts I had recently given that I suddenly felt I should be thanked for….gifts of my time and energy that I had freely given. Gifts given because no one asked for them. Gifts given simply because my heart wanted to give them. And the realization also came that I had been thanked, just not in the way I expected. Oh, how quickly I began to pray and ask God’s forgiveness for my pride! And oh, how quickly the Holy Spirit aided in my thought processing…

Ever so gently, I was reminded that the greatest gift EVER given came to us from God. God so lovingly gave to all of us the free gift of His only Son. That gift, although received by only a few as we scan the entire globe, has often left God with little to no thanksgiving.

For some, Jesus has simply been received, and then put in a corner of the heart without hardly another notice. And then others have chosen to totally reject the free gift altogether, waving it away with declarations that they can do just fine without Him. But still, God gave. A rare few have received the gift of Jesus, and then celebrated Him every day of their lives, thanking God for His indescribable gift of love.

Those reminders as I drove stopped my complaining and desire for attention and appreciation from those I had given to. I mean….the thoughts of truth stopped me. Stopped my selfish complaining. Stopped my expectations of praise for something I gave from the desires of my own heart to do. And then my thoughts turned into continuous praise to God for what I have often failed to give thanks for.

Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life. For all who believe. For all who receive Him into their hearts. He comes freely to those who ask Him to come. He abides in us who believe. He flows out of us, enabling us to give of ourselves to others….without expectation of anything in return. Why? Because that is just Who He is.

For it is the God who commanded light t0 shine out of darkness, who has shown in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” 2 Corn. 4:6

This Christmas and into the coming New Year, my prayer is that I give more than I receive. And that the gifts I give are those that bring life, and light, and joy to the recipient. Not monetary treasures. Not fleeting gifts that will fade with time and age. Truly, my prayer is that I both give and learn to receive gifts given from the heart of the giver…time, selfless service, words of acceptance and love. And most especially, that each of us may understand that God gave the greatest gift ever given….Jesus, God’s Son…so that through faith in Him we may live eternally with God. Forgiven. Free. Accepted. Loved and beloved children. Heirs with Jesus Christ.

This is my prayer for us all.

Amen (so be it).



Steadying my heart … for this day

There’s a fire burning in me….one that doesn’t want to be quenched…. and it’s heat is stirring in me to Be still, and know that I am God. And so here I am. Ready. And waiting. And knowing…

It’s a new season. (Doesn’t it just feel like we are passing from one to the other more quickly these days?) In my life, I have yearned for time to slow my pace. I have felt that I was losing myself in the familiar. And while I love the days I live and try to be obedient to wait on the Lord and do what He leads me to do by His spirit, oftentimes, at the end of the day, I feel breathless. Not the kind of breathless you experience from watching the sun fall into the ocean at days end. But the breathless that has your head bent over as you clutch your knees and gasp for your next breath as if you just ran a marathon. Your head spins…hurts even, and you reel with sickness.

That’s where I have allowed myself to be. But this day, I chose to slow my pace. Actually, the choice began at the beginning of this week. Please allow me to share with you my discoveries.

Laughter. Literal, could kiss those toes till they shrivel, laughter at this child. How I love him.

Friendship. The kind that warms your heart and makes you want to “take off your shoes and sit a spell”. The kind that overflows into thanksgiving. The kind that makes you feel young again…on the inside where it matters.

Heritage. The kind that speaks of righteousness, kindness, unfailing love. Family because God knew you needed them. And perhaps, even, they need you.

Beauty. Color that burns so warmly around me that my eyes and my soul lift together to breathe in the change of this season in my life.

Redemption. Bought back by the blood of Jesus into a life that is bursting in newness where the enemy of my soul tried to rip life away.

Serenity. Such a calmness that I have to stop. Consider. Breathe. Lift my eyes to the hills, knowing that my strength doesn’t come from them, but from the One who spoke them into existance.

Strength. The kind that you don’t know you have until you are asked to use it.

Learning to bend with the wind. This season is bringing about change, and I can’t stand stiffnecked and unbending if I’m going to make it through.

Thankfulness. We may not have the hot tub of our dreams, but we have each other. And no one knows more than the two of us what that means. Our marriage, our lives, fully redeemed and overflowing. To God be the glory.

These are a few of the things that have steadied my heart….not only today, but in the past three months. For each moment, person and experience, I bow my knees to God my Father and thank Him. He is so so kind.

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden,and I will give you rest. Thank you, Jesus. My rest will forever be in You. Amen (so be it)

Maybe you could use some reordering of your days as well. I pray you will allow God to show you how. I promise…it’s worth it.



Joy…in the form of a boy (or two)

Today is your Birth Day…the day God gave you to me and your dad. He created you to bear His image, and for a specific purpose…His specific purpose. I know deep within my soul that He gave you to me because He knew you would always be there for me… giving me Scripture truths to consider, holding me up when I needed a lift (both physically and spiritually),and being my JoyBoy for as long as you have lived on this earth (33 years as of today). How blessed I am by you, my son.

God knew you would marry this woman and have this child…the child who exudes your joyful personality and thereby warms my heart daily. And how we prayed for this “daughter”, joking throughout your high school years that we were praying you would marry a nurse to take care of you as you seemed to be accident prone from the time you could walk! And this daughter (now ours to claim also) is just that! A nurse with the highest calling … to be your wife and his moma. I breathe out my thanks daily for her, and for him.

God, in His ultimate creativity, bestowed His creative spirit within you…so much so that you now design, manage, plan and create for a company who notices your gifts and allows you to use them well. And again, I am thankful.

My son, the way you love and care for your own son makes me so proud. Through the love you share with them, I am so blessed.

And the way you love, care for and serve your wife? Well, you remind me of your father, and I couldn’t be more blessed there either. Thank you for loving her well, and for giving yourself up for her. Thank you for being all that God has created you to be…loving her and putting her needs above your own. Daily.

So here’s to you, my JoyBoy…on your 33rd Birth Day. Go – continue to be all that God has called you to me. And remember always that your moma is praying for you, and believes in you. I love you. Always.


Where is the strength that prevails?

I’ve been reading and studying a book by John Eldredge titled Resilient. He got my attention with the first chapter when he said,” Mental fragmentation is one of the classic symptoms following trauma. Five minutes after brushing my teeth, I don’t remember if I brushed my teeth. I pick up my phone to text someone, and in the four seconds it takes to raise my arm, I don’t recall who I was going to text. I can’t stay focused on one task very long; I flit from thing to thing.”

I put the book down, staring blankly out the window across from my chair. He just described where I’ve been since June.

I thought I was suffering from sheer exhaustion. But because I tend to look at everything first through a spiritual filter (called the Holy Spirit), Eldredge’s words resignated deep within me. Not to mention his suggestion that the weariness of spirit I was feeling was actually an attempt by my enemy, Satan, to cause me to lose faith. And I was allowing the foothold he had gained to sap my strength. Eldredge suggested that the strength that prevails first comes to us as the strength not to quit.

I won’t spoil the good read for you (and I do encourage you to read Eldredge’s book) but I want to tell you that God is speaking to me directly through this man’s writings. Before I started reading it, I actually told my husband that I was worried that I was losing my faith….the very anchor of my soul….my saving, life-giving, keep believing faith.

I love Jesus with all that is in me. That I know above every other thing I doubt. So when my faith began to be attacted, I nearly panicked. “Your current emotional state – does it reflect your confidence that Jesus is absolute Lord of everything on earth, galaxies to governments? That his church is center stage, not the world? That Christ is going to get the final word?” , Eldredge asked. My gut hurt with my answer.

I began to realize that I am in this great big story that Jesus wrote and cast me in as a principle character, and yet I can’t figure out where I am in His story, or why He would even want me to be a part of HIS story! Knowing where I am in His story is critical for my survival, Eldredge writes. And my heart knows it to be true.

I’m still reading. I’m returning to my Jesus, weary of heart and soul, seeking and asking Him to revive me and to help me stop and get my bearings. I am especially asking Him to unfog my mind so that I can concentrate. And as I read His word, His story, and see my place in it, I am beginning a veryyyyy slowwww journey toward home again. I may be crawling, but I am returning and seeking the living water that will refresh my soul.

Eric and I are going to host a group in our home beginning October 10, 2023, meeting informally from 6:00 – 8:00. We will share a meal with you, share our story of why we are desiring this type of fellowship when so many other things are pulling on us, and we will pray and encourage each other not to lose faith….to find the strength that prevails.

2 Chronicles 16:9 says, “The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” I want to be fully committed to Jesus. Do you?

Come join us. I’m weary just like you. But let’s lock arms and bend our knees, asking and expecting the Lord Almighty to grant us this strength that He offers…to prevail.



It’s no surprise that I’m not surprised –

I think I’ve finally found the quote for my tombstone.

One friend told me (with a few explitives added), “Connie! You’re like a dog trying to lay down!!! ” What she meant was, “Connie, you change your mind and go round and round in circles without stopping to settle long enough to know if the place in front of you is the right place to lay down!”

It’s been true of me most of my life. I second guess my decisions, unsure if I am making the right decision at the right time. All because I don’t do the first thing first. Pray. Listen. Know myself. Know my passions. My God-given passions. And be okay with who I am. Because the world will adjust.

I used this stencil above the mantle in a space I had once. I outlined the words with tree branches and daisies. I loved it all. Nothing of it was for sale except the mantle, which I just parted with last week after years of hauling it around from space to space. Why? I liked it! No other reason was necessary. It made me happy.

These grandchildren are now my greatest passion. I literally thrill at time with them. Each of the four are uniquely designed and each of them has gifts and a calling from God for their lives. Ephesians 2:10- For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. My desire is to help these precious children be all that God has designed them to be by being all that God has called ME to be.

And so it’s no surprise that I’m not surprised… at my decision to keep my very small space open at Marketplace on Locust a bit longer than I anticipated.

I am a designer at heart.

A lover of people first and design second. Which is why being “me” means taking time with my grandkids, loving them and creating with them, and it also means spending time creating and designing home decor for Burlap & Lace.

With this decision comes the opportunity for me to bring in more upholstery pieces- items that are unique, one of a kind and detailed to suit the cottage and farmhouse appeal that has become my style. And at the end of the day? I’m gonna be the me that God uniquely created. And as the world adjusts to me being me, I know I can never have too much happy.

Thank you Ilse Tolles- you know all the reasons.



It’s a new day for Burlap & Lace!

This man, I love. And together with him we have built a life that we love. That life includes our children, our grandchildren, siblings and parents still with us. And to that point, a new day is on the horizon for Burlap & Lace.

After numerous injuries over the last three years, I have finally made the hard decision of downsizing Burlap & Lace with the end result being terminating the business altogether. While I am not sure when that end will actually take place, the process has begun.

This is where it began for me in 2017….a sweet brick and mortar shop in downtown Brevard, NC. Many of you will remember my days there, welcoming you on the porch of my shop. And over a journey of years and seasons, I landed at my stopping place, Marketplace on Locust.

Owner of Marketplace on Locust, Ilse Tolles, has completed the picture for me of what small business should look like. And she has done it so well that I have embraced my time in her shop for the last 4 years, thinking I would never leave. But with my last diagnosis of 2 spinal fractures due to overuse of my back, the decision finally had to be made.

Beginning sometime in April, I will downsize to a very small space at the back of Ilse’s store, with the idea being to phase out completely at some point yet to be determined. I cannot thank you enough for enjoying this journey with me through the last 6 years, and honestly for over 15 if you count the times I had booth spaces elsewhere before opening my own shop.

I am excited to discover where this transition takes me. And wherever that is, I know it will be good. Because all things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose. Don’t you just love that?!? HIS purpose and not mine. Makes me smile.

Come enjoy my small space with me- still at Marketplace on Locust and open 10-5 Monday through Saturday.

~ Blessings,


It doesn’t have to be all or nothing…(reposted from 2021 and still applicable)

My husband is a very smart man. He knows me so well, and when I get to the end of my rope, he knows how to grab hold and pull me back to get my footing stabilized again. Like now…

In my quiet time this morning, I was reading in a book by Kevin Deyoung, Crazy Busy, and stumbled (quite purposefully, I’m sure) across these words: “…busyness can ruin our joy.” He first described busyness as this, “…we are distracted. We are preoccupied. We can’t focus on the task in front of us. We don’t follow through. We don’t keep our commitments. We are so busy with a million pursuits that we don’t even notice the most important things slipping away.”

Ouch. Mr. Deyoung just described my life of late. And although the description was dead-on accurate, it didn’t make me feel any better. He had just put onto paper exactly what is happening to me at present….I am allowing my joy to be ruined.

This is how most weeks look in my world….a truck full of furniture and “fun” things heading into my spaces at the Marketplace on Locust. It is in this space of time each week that I am content in the moment. I love designing spaces that people can wander through, finding joy for their own day perhaps by being in a place that offers smiles, friendship, good deals and lots of home decor items just waiting to be discovered. But when I get worn down, worn out and simply worn to shreds (due to my own doing/overdoing), my joy flits away as fast as it came. And then I go searching for how to create more time in my days….to do what I love to do.

Like baking – (and oh, by the way, take notice of that cake plate! I bought it from a vendor at The Marketplace on Locust!). I used to stop my “work” everyday around 3:00 and head to the kitchen where I would begin prepping dinner, making desserts and getting ready to entertain friends or family.

And it was never ONLY about the food! Notice the dishes those delicious goodies are settled on….items hand-picked from antiquing with my sister, or shopping on my own at thrift stores. I love a good find, whether I’m bringing it to the shop for you or taking it home for myself!

And then there’s that “other” thing I’ve come to enjoy…upholstery! I see fabric now as an opportunity to move my design skills to a different level. Not only do I like coming up with the perfect pieces for my spaces, but my brain starts flowing in colors, patterns and setting the perfect scene for you to come explore at The Marketplace on Locust. Which then involves shopping, which then leads to painting furniture to go with the fabric I’ve just discovered. The cycle of busyness is moving rapidly in a downhill motion, picking up momentum….

Until I head outdoors into our yard and catch a glimpse of a quieter kind of beauty. B-R-E-A-T-H-E. Breathe deeply child. You’re about to have your joy unraveled by all the things you love doing. And you. Don’t. Even. Realize. It.

Relationships are being put on the back burner. And for what gain? More fatigue? More money? More accolades of your creativity? More exhaustion of mind, body and soul?

That web was spun overnight in our yard. With one swift sweep of my broom, it was gone. All that hard work, yet some spider was suddenly homeless. (I know, just writing that makes me feel bad all over again.)

So maybe all my hard work won’t be swept away overnight, but….it could be. And then what do I have left? Broken relationships? Unmet friends? Bruises on my arms and legs from carrying furniture too heavy to be lifted by a little ‘ol lady (me)?

And his voice comes back to me, ever so gently…”It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, Connie.” And then I pick up my book from my morning quiet time and read: “Margin is the space between our load and our limits. Planning for margin means planning for the unplannable. It means we understand what’s possible for us as finite creatures and then we schedule for less than that.”

Me? Schedule LESS? (I need some air, a paper bag to breathe in, anything!) “Yes, Child,” my Father assures me.

The view was something I could not have planned. But I was still enough last night to notice it. And to breathe it in.

So here is my declaration, the way I purpose in my heart to get back to the things God has given me to do instead of doing all the things this world expects me to do….

  1. Spend time with God daily. He is my life. It is because of Him that I have breath in my lungs and can create anything from a good home to a good booth space. And in my busyness, I have neglected the Giver of Life.
  2. Spend time with the people I love….my husband and children first of all, because THEY are the first gift God gave me when He gave me the desire of my heart to be a wife and mom.
  3. Spend time cultivating relationships I have abandoned. My parents, my siblings, my friends. They matter.
  4. Write, write, write. Not because I think I have anything important that the world needs to hear but rather because by writing I often tell myself things I need to hear. I have pushed that creative and God-given outlet off the stove altogether (never mind putting it on the back burner!).
  5. Keep creating the spaces I love with zeal and new insight, but stop letting those spaces “take on a life of their own”, as my husband knows all too well that I can do. When that creative outlet comes before the first 4 things on this list, I have flung my joy totally away. I crash. And others get caught in my spinning out of control. Nobody wins that race. But we all get hurt in the crash.
  6. Last, I am giving up social media altogether. (It’s okay, really.) I have let other people’s comments (or lack of comments) drive me to places I would rather not admit that I’ve gone. I won’t miss my own rants, and truthfully, you likely won’t miss me! If you enjoy my blog posts, then subscribe at the bottom of this one. You will be notified whenever I write. And my writing will still include the pictures and stories of my time at The Marketplace on Locust, but I pray it will also include far more important things that awaken your senses to the hope we all have available to us by a life with Jesus as your Savior.

Taste and see that the Lord is good. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. But margin is important (that space between our load and our limits).

My load has become too great, and my limits have been met. I am turning back to the Source of my strength and my creativity. In that place, I will find again my joy in this journey. And be sure I will be sharing that with you.



When you’ve done all you know to do –

Stand.  That’s what Scripture says.

Ephesians 6:13:  Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

IMG_2625Babies grow in the womb for 9 months (some shorter times, some longer).  And I’ve been told that businesses take a minimum of 3 years to experience growth.  As I approached the end of my first year, I found myself in a place where I truly questioned if I’d done all I knew to do.  Had I succeeded in blessing people in all situations as they walked through the door?  Had I helped anyone along the way?  Or was it all for naught.

I have had absolutely no doubts about starting this business, or about the locations I have been in.  If you read back over my blogs you will agree with me that God opened up each specific place for me in His specific way and time.  But there came a time when I wondered…..Am I trying to push open doors that God has firmly shut by staying on after my first year in my brick and morter shop?  Without sales, a business cannot survive.   Neither can it survive without the help of others along the way.  And yet I know that God kept me in that brick and morter shop until He said clearly,  “Child, you’re done here”.  So I stood then, and so I still stand – because I’ve done all I know to do.

Tell me, am I the only struggling warrior out there?

This business…..Burlap & Lace…..has been more than a shop or a store front to me.  And I in no way want to kick open doors to make my dream live on.  Seasons are again changing, and while I don’t know exactly what the next season will look like, I can tell you this:  It will be good!  


I’m heading back solely into the first space I longed for and eventually moved into at Marketplace on Locust, giving up my second space.  The upcoming designs will still reflect my style of decorating, much as they do now, but I hope you will find new and creative additions flowing out of a heart of gratitude (and perhaps a few more blog posts!). God has led me through some thick and difficult waters in my past, but He has continuously been faithful to me. 

savingPNG (10)

To have landed in Ilse’s shop 4 years ago was no thoughtless meandering on my part.  God opened up a place for me there and has held my heart in it these four years.  I have gone beyond the normal “booth space mentality” to understand the thing I wanted most of all in opening up my own brick and morter….to be with and enjoy the people He puts in my path daily.  I thought that would only be possible in my own shop, but not so.  Ilse has been gracious to allow me to hang out at Marketplace more often than I ever imagined she would….and when I’m not working in my own space, she graciously allows me to help her customers find things in her shop that have them leaving with new goodies and a smile on their faces.  And my joy is fulfilled….I’ve done what I love to do and been in a place where I love doing it.  


It may sound a bit simplistic, but this first sign I ever made really does say it all….Love…is all you need.

So you see, standing, when I didn’t know what else to do, WAS something to do. And it kept me from falling, except to my knees, even now, to thank God for His merciful kindness to me….in it all, and through it….all. To Him be the glory forever. Amen (so be it).



Leave something to the imagination…

img_4817Anyone else out there ever have a car that looks like this?!?  And get this….rainy days usually end up being my shopping days….what’s up with that?!?  Of course, if you live in Transylvania County you have quickly learned that “Land of the Waterfalls” translates easily into “Land WHERE the water falls”!

But take a closer look…other than a few visible items, you would never know what was for dinner, much less what was in all those bags!

Furniture is no different….on first glance you might think “what a worthless piece of junk!”, but then, someone takes that discarded heap and turns it into a one of a kind beauty.  Ever think that God does the same thing with us?

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.  1 Corn. 6:9-11

Not too long ago I was at a Chamber event and was given the opportunity to make my 30 second “elevator speech”.  Not expecting such, I told the name of my business, then proceeded to tell how I like to take unwanted, forgotten pieces and turn them into treasures by giving them a new purpose.  After the words left my lips, I thought that I will never again tell someone that I “re-purpose”.  Why?  Because quite honestly I believe that  God has given each of us a purpose and equipped us fully to carry it out.  BUT, until we come to know Him as our Savior, we quite possibly look for ways to “re-purpose” and reconstruct our lives to do what we want instead of what He intended us to do.  We look for ways to bring purpose to our lives without ever realizing that we have already been given purpose…we just need to know the Creator and we will come to understand our specific purpose!  So how cool that the very thing God has given me to do totally speaks of all that He has done IN me! You could easily say that God took the unwanted, forgotten Connie and turned her into his precious treasure.  Ah….that absolutely humbles me to think of it.  How thankful I am!

Speaking of treasures, let’s see what special finds await you as we leave February and merge happily into March at Marketplace on Locust.   Mirror, mirror on the wall…..So many to choose from at Burlap & Lace! From small to large, don’t miss a single one!

From farmhouse style to cottage living spaces, nothing speaks better than cows! But if that’s not your thing, don’t overlook metal pieces. This hanging scale would be great in a kitchen to hold potatoes. Or in the laundry room to toss in unmatched socks while they await their mate! Add a touch of cottage style to your bathroom by rolling up handtowels and putting them inside the scale for an easy grab. The possibilities are endless!

I’m always on the lookout for that different piece that will add a bit of rustic charm to your home. I nailed it with this antique hotel lobby cubby! Can’t you just imagine getting off the stagecoach, heading for that hot bath at the hotel and stopping at the front desk for your room key and any mail you may have received while en route to this dusty little town? I believe this is the perfect piece for your art studio…fill those cubbies with your paints and brushes…easy to find what you need but keeping everything neatly tucked away when not in use. Or what about the kids’ room? Fill the cubbies with shoes, hats, gloves, you name it. Perfect also for the mudd room, holding gardening tools, the dog’s leash, the gym weights you keep stumbling over….

While you are drooling over the PO cubby, take a look at the art work sitting on top! Local artist, Erin Jones, does more than paint. Every piece she does has a unique story….check her out on FB and see more!

Just added this week is this newly upholstered bench. Come on in and take a gaze around my space as you take a load off your feet. Bet ya you will not want to leave without it! Dressing up a bedroom? See the lovely blue chest of drawers behind the bench? Update a bedroom with the bench at the foot of your bed, the chest of drawers snuggled into the room with the throw (nestled inside the chest) tossed over the foot of the bed. Add the matching bedside table (pictured below) and you have just updated the room in one big sweep! Well done you!

From desks (secretary or more modern), dressers, benches, tables, chairs and bedside tables, take your pick! As February ends, pieces will be going out in order to bring in new for March in preparation for our Spring Open House coming up March 31-April 2. Even the rugs are for sale as I bring in new ones in two weeks!

As you imagine one (or many!) of these pieces within the walls of your home space, don’t forget to linger a moment over the purpose of the piece(s) you choose, and to dwell on the purpose God has for you. There is a purpose for your life….seek for it. You will find it, I’m sure of it.



Remember to laugh, and take notice….

It was quite a year for us – 2021 – and if we are not careful, 2022 will take on sourness as we groan over Covid still lingering with us, having to wear masks, argue over whether vaccinations work or they don’t….and half a dozen other “worldly” things that take our attention away from the enjoyment of every day life.

Don’t get me wrong….I realize all too well that those things take our focus sometimes. But I want to encourage you to step away from the ho-hum drum of life, the anxieties of things you may have missed out on while quarantining, and step back, breathe a fresh breath, and find joy….in THIS year’s journey. To do so, I wanted to step back in time to last year in my own life, and share with you a few things that make me want to enjoy THIS year to the full. And in doing so, I pray you will take a stroll through your own memories of 2021 and look ahead to this year with a new anticipation of joy.

We were blessed to have our children and grandchildren come for a visit last June. We hadn’t seen them in two years, so you can imagine at their young ages what a refreshment this was to us! During their visit, our old dog wouldn’t eat….until our granddaughter figured she could hand-feed him and he would nibble from her hands. The trick for her was getting his food from the can that was nearly as big as she was! No worries there…she found a way. And I laughed at the sight of her.

Back at their home, they kept the moods light as they mused….Covid keeps us quaranatined and you and daddy can’t go on that date? We’ve got you covered! At home theater! And again, I laugh.

We all need to find some joy, some laughter and some smiles with all that is happening around us these days. Perhaps, like me, you just need a moment to remember what makes your heart happy…

Spring flowers blooming late into Fall….
Celebrations that happened from our own back deck….
Grandchildren painting birdhouses for my gardens so that I will remember them, even when they have returned home…

God’s glory displayed in the early morning sunrise as I walked out my front door…

Hikes with my hubby….

Sunsets and quiet nights….
Finding the beauty in things that otherwise would be a nusance….and lingering to realize that we are not alone in this world of wonder.

I pray each of us will step into a new rhythm this year. May God give you eyes to see, ears to listen and a heart to love your way through every day He gives you.



It doesn’t have to be all or nothing…

My husband is a very smart man. He knows me so well, and when I get to the end of my rope, he knows how to grab hold and pull me back to get my footing stabilized again. Like now…

In my quiet time this morning, I was reading in a book by Kevin Deyoung, Crazy Busy, and stumbled (quite purposefully, I’m sure) across these words: “…busyness can ruin our joy.” He first described busyness as this, “…we are distracted. We are preoccupied. We can’t focus on the task in front of us. We don’t follow through. We don’t keep our commitments. We are so busy with a million pursuits that we don’t even notice the most important things slipping away.”

Ouch. Mr. Deyoung just described my life of late. And although the description was dead-on accurate, it didn’t make me feel any better. He had just put onto paper exactly what is happening to me at present….I am allowing my joy to be ruined.

This is how most weeks look in my world….a truck full of furniture and “fun” things heading into my spaces at the Marketplace on Locust. It is in this space of time each week that I am content in the moment. I love designing spaces that people can wander through, finding joy for their own day perhaps by being in a place that offers smiles, friendship, good deals and lots of home decor items just waiting to be discovered. But when I get worn down, worn out and simply worn to shreds (due to my own doing/overdoing), my joy flits away as fast as it came. And then I go searching for how to create more time in my days….to do what I love to do.

Like baking – (and oh, by the way, take notice of that cake plate! I bought it from a vendor at The Marketplace on Locust!). I used to stop my “work” everyday around 3:00 and head to the kitchen where I would begin prepping dinner, making desserts and getting ready to entertain friends or family.

And it was never ONLY about the food! Notice the dishes those delicious goodies are settled on….items hand-picked from antiquing with my sister, or shopping on my own at thrift stores. I love a good find, whether I’m bringing it to the shop for you or taking it home for myself!

And then there’s that “other” thing I’ve come to enjoy…upholstery! I see fabric now as an opportunity to move my design skills to a different level. Not only do I like coming up with the perfect pieces for my spaces, but my brain starts flowing in colors, patterns and setting the perfect scene for you to come explore at The Marketplace on Locust. Which then involves shopping, which then leads to painting furniture to go with the fabric I’ve just discovered. The cycle of busyness is moving rapidly in a downhill motion, picking up momentum….

Until I head outdoors into our yard and catch a glimpse of a quieter kind of beauty. B-R-E-A-T-H-E. Breathe deeply child. You’re about to have your joy unraveled by all the things you love doing. And you. Don’t. Even. Realize. It.

Relationships are being put on the back burner. And for what gain? More fatigue? More money? More accolades of your creativity? More exhaustion of mind, body and soul?

That web was spun overnight in our yard. With one swift sweep of my broom, it was gone. All that hard work, yet some spider was suddenly homeless. (I know, just writing that makes me feel bad all over again.)

So maybe all my hard work won’t be swept away overnight, but….it could be. And then what do I have left? Broken relationships? Unmet friends? Bruises on my arms and legs from carrying furniture too heavy to be lifted by a little ‘ol lady (me)?

And his voice comes back to me, ever so gently…”It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, Connie.” And then I pick up my book from my morning quiet time and read: “Margin is the space between our load and our limits. Planning for margin means planning for the unplannable. It means we understand what’s possible for us as finite creatures and then we schedule for less than that.”

Me? Schedule LESS? (I need some air, a paper bag to breathe in, anything!) “Yes, Child,” my Father assures me.

The view was something I could not have planned. But I was still enough last night to notice it. And to breathe it in.

So here is my declaration, the way I purpose in my heart to get back to the things God has given me to do instead of doing all the things this world expects me to do….

  1. Spend time with God daily. He is my life. It is because of Him that I have breath in my lungs and can create anything from a good home to a good booth space. And in my busyness, I have neglected the Giver of Life.
  2. Spend time with the people I love….my husband and children first of all, because THEY are the first gift God gave me when He gave me the desire of my heart to be a wife and mom.
  3. Spend time cultivating relationships I have abandoned. My parents, my siblings, my friends. They matter.
  4. Write, write, write. Not because I think I have anything important that the world needs to hear but rather because by writing I often tell myself things I need to hear. I have pushed that creative and God-given outlet off the stove altogether (never mind putting it on the back burner!).
  5. Keep creating the spaces I love with zeal and new insight, but stop letting those spaces “take on a life of their own”, as my husband knows all too well that I can do. When that creative outlet comes before the first 4 things on this list, I have flung my joy totally away. I crash. And others get caught in my spinning out of control. Nobody wins that race. But we all get hurt in the crash.
  6. Last, I am giving up social media altogether. (It’s okay, really.) I have let other people’s comments (or lack of comments) drive me to places I would rather not admit that I’ve gone. I won’t miss my own rants, and truthfully, you likely won’t miss me! If you enjoy my blog posts, then subscribe at the bottom of this one. You will be notified whenever I write. And my writing will still include the pictures and stories of my time at The Marketplace on Locust, but I pray it will also include far more important things that awaken your senses to the hope we all have available to us by a life with Jesus as your Savior.

Taste and see that the Lord is good. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. But margin is important (that space between our load and our limits).

My load has become too great, and my limits have been met. I am turning back to the Source of my strength and my creativity. In that place, I will find again my joy in this journey. And be sure I will be sharing that with you.



Accepting the challenge

February has been a cold, wet and dreary month. As a result, I have caught up on some reading of other’s blogs which has prompted me to accept the challenge of a “no spend February” from Miss Mustard Seed’s blog (love her!), using my time to declutter our home rather than spend more money on things I don’t need. That being said, I’ve spent the first two weeks of February sprucing up my Marketplace at Locust space and planning for our Spring Open House upcoming, so now it’s time I got a schedule together and joined others inspired to “take the plunge” and get organized this month! Needless to say, my organizational efforts will be carried into March since I am getting a late start!

Those were the days, my friends!

I’ve always been a pretty organized person, but probably like you, sometimes I need a specified schedule to “deep clean” my home. I learned the most about deep cleaning in my employ at Bed & Breakfast on Tiffany Hill, located in Mills River, NC. For me, that was absolutely a dream job. As a three year old girl, all I wanted was to be a mommy and a homemaker (my mom did it so well and I wanted to be just like her!). In late 2013 I met Selena Einwechter, proprietor of said B&B, while interviewing for a job. Every year she left her B&B in the capable hands of her staff and headed to Florida while we closed the Bed & Breakfast for a month and a half and did our Spring Cleaning. I still incorporate that learned habit into my own home cleaning. No better time than now to pick a couple of weeks and dive in! (Next year I will totally have to take the full month to do this properly!)

We moved into a new home (four doors down from our old home) in July of 2020. Suffice it to say that much of my time since that move has simply been in painting and doing some remodeling, all the while maintaining my space at Marketplace on Locust, so I haven’t had a lot of desire to spring clean when I didn’t even have all the boxes unpacked! COVID helped with that as I have literally been organizing as I go! But as I was painting yesterday, I realized I really could use some days for organization….

So to my “list” of items yet to wade through…

  • Basement Workroom
    • Go thru fabrics and toss/donate items that will not be used
    • Organize scrapbook materials/send unwanted stickers to grandkids
    • Clean out paints/toss old or dried up cans
  • Kitchen
    • Clean and organize all cabinets inside
    • Clean outside of cabinet doors
    • Go thru pantry items (spices, etc)/toss out of date items
    • Clean out refrigerator/magic eraser!
  • Laundry room
    • Go thru cleaning supplies/Recirculate cleaning supplies throughout house
    • Organize batteries/lightbulbs/sliders/lunch boxes
  • Dining room
    • Organize napkins, table linens
    • Organize tablescape items and decor
  • Downstairs deck area
    • Build/relocate potting shed area
    • Wash pots to be ready for spring planting (should have done this at season’s end but we had just moved!)
  • Front deck
    • Pots organized for spring plants
    • Windows cleaned
  • Screened porch
    • Scrub down furniture
    • Replace rugs
    • Wash windows/screens
    • Stock pie safe with outdoor candles and table linens
  • Front gardens
    • Add yard art
    • Add mulch/prune and spruce up
  • Screened porch
    • Scrub down furniture
    • Replace rugs
    • Wash windows/screens
    • Stock pie safe with outdoor candles and table linens
  • Master BR closet
    • Weed out clothes not worn in a year
    • Clean out purses and bags/donate
    • Move ironed table linens to linen closet
    • Donate unworn shoes
  • Master Bath
    • Clean windows and blinds
  • C3’s office
    • Organize greeting cards and journals
    • Donate unwanted organizers, notebooks, etc.

Ambitious, aren’t I? Let’s get busy and get organized! Spring is on the way!!!



Reflections…on 2020

The truth of the matter is, we’ve been masking ourselves – our true selves, our inner selves – to the world for quite some time.  But in March of 2020, COVID-19 hit our world, and the masks we began to wear were no longer hidden masks of our hearts.  They became (to me) a physical reminder of the deeper heart wounds that we try to hide everyday.

Four months into the virus, I found myself (probably like the rest of you) needing a haircut.  It was in that pandemic struggle that I found a person who was willing to share not only her skills in hairdressing, but she bore her heart, and I found something so precious and so refreshing that I sought her out more than once in the months that followed.

As I sat in her small one room salon, Erin shared many truths with me.  My heart sang at having found a sister in Christ to talk with…someone that shared my faith and love of Jesus, and who was unashamed to speak of that love.

On the wall across from us was this painting.  As I inquired about it, I learned that Erin was indeed an artist in more than one form!  This piece, called “Caged Beauty” spoke a story to my heart as she unfolded what she had painted, and why.  She practically breathed life into the creation as she recounted her affection and heartache for children caught in sex trafficking.  As she described this piece to me, I could envision clearly her portrayal of the children’s’ beauty, but the tragedy of them being trapped behind a world of lies, deceit and fear.  The story spoke so personally to me that it became my first purchased piece of true art for our new home.

As months passed, I learned of Erin’s new art studio space in downtown Brevard.  It was in my visit with her there that I felt a tug on my heart to purchase Erin’s pieces and to sell them at Burlap & Lace’s space within the Marketplace on Locust in Hendersonville, NC.  I loved her heart that was sketched into every piece, and I wanted to help expose her work to others.  In that vein, I asked Erin if I might video her telling of her work in her own words, and she was readily agreeable.  I also took notes (so glad I did!) in case my videoing skills were lacking.  As it turns out, my skills didn’t fail me, but this blog site has.  Video additions are not part of my “free” package.  So to the best of my ability, I will share Erin’s paintings and her stories behind them with you. My words of description will be as much hers as mine, as I wrote down exact quotes from her. And just so you know, her work will be offered for sale in my space after Christmas so spread the word by sharing this blog with your friends and on your personal pages.  And please understand….these are not Hobby Lobby reproductions and will not be priced as such.  They are creative, expressive, works of Erin’s heart.  Galleries will soon be promoting her work, and I am more than ecstatic to have her pieces gracing the walls of Burlap & Lace!

On the day I visited Erin in her studio, I knew I wanted to purchase all that she had available.  Above was the last piece I purchased from Erin that day, but the first to share with you here.  She calls it “Most Cunning”.

Many things struck me about this piece, the first being that it is entirely finger painted!  Erin told me that she painted this during the beginning of the quarantine period of the pandemic, having no foreknowledge when she began of what she would paint.  As she swirled her fingers on the canvas, she was meditating on the truth, the fear, the confusion and the heaviness of 2020.  That the serpent manifested itself was NOT her plan.   As she prayed and painted , she began to see the manifestation of the serpent and was shocked, as she didn’t want to paint something scary.  She remembered at once that although Satan is the most cunning of all creatures, yet the promise to every believer in Jesus Christ is that he, the serpent, is under the heel of the believer, and that God is ultimately in control of all that has been happening this Covid year.

This acrylic and mixed medium canvas painting is $895.

The above piece is called “Sanctuary”.  How often have you longed for a place of retreat?   A place where you could fall on your face and feel no condemnation, no shame, only comfort?  Erin found such a place at a time when she was not a believer.  Her Catholic grandmother, she remembers vividly, would always take her to church when she was a young child.  And although she laughingly (and somewhat fondly) remembers those cathedrals as much “greater” than what she has painted, the portrayal for her was the peace she felt when in that place.  It was as if somehow she knew when she was inside the church she was on holy ground.  Later, she explains, in some of the darkest times of her life, she would get down on her knees and pray, even though she didn’t believe.  Her faith began to grow through those hard times, and she stated that she began to paint a series of church paintings, always white and always bright.  Although painted some years ago, I’m so thankful she had this one left for me to purchase!  As with most of her pieces, this is an acrylic/mixed medium on canvas.  And with all of her canvas paintings, they are perfect stand-alone pieces, or would be stunningly attractive encompassed by a frame of your choosing.  This piece sells for $225.

Look closely at this next painting…I had to!  It’s called “Love Wins” and is again an acrylic/mixed medium on canvas.  When at a local art show, Erin saw a bronze bust with a glass rose coming out of the chest.  Erin was drawn to the bust, and explained that at the time, she was going through a divorce, which to her was the equivalence of a huge death that lasted several years.  It was during this time that she first began to paint, and to feel her grandmother’s gift of painting being passed on to her.   She wanted to paint a rendition of the sculpture she had seen….this is her first bust painting.  She indicates that the rose symbolized to her something beautiful….that she was going to recover and come through the darkest time of her life, all the while honoring her Father in heaven and remembering that love ultimately always wins.  Thus, the naming of her piece, which sells for $425.

Called “Grateful”, Erin’s most recently painted work came about as an excited, bright, happy and hopeful circumstance occurred in her life….the rental of the art space studio that she now occupies in downtown Brevard.  Erin recalled to me such an explosion of joy from her heart over having a designated space in which to do her art.  With my own love of flowers, and with the brightness of this work, it will be a favorite to display in my shop.  This acrylic/mixed media canvas painting will be offered at $395.

Unlike all the other purchased pieces that day, this gorgeous painting, done on wood, is likely the one that draws me in most to the story behind it.  And I might add here, that this is the video clip I hope to put on my IG or FB page soon, so look for it.  Erin’s heart speaks so clearly that I really want you to hear her words from her own mouth.  But until such a time, I will do my best to recount her story of this painting to you….

Being outside in her yard, setting up her easel, she had a birds eye view of the church that rents her home to her.  She unashamedly admits that on that particular day, she was dealing with her own emotions and feelings of anger, frustration and fear.  For a long time, she had been praying for a home that no one would be able to take from her.  She was angry at her circumstances, afraid of the church and feeling very frustrated as she began to paint.  What she felt  flowing outward from her heavy heart was nothing like what was unfolding onto the wood before her.  Erin very clearly recanted to me how God began to show her that she was to be aware of her feelings, but that she was to let her reflection be one of beauty and light, not darkness and fear.  Selling for $795,  I might add that when you buy Erin’s art, you are witness to a piece of her heart that is woven into every creation that pours forth from her fingertips, or from her brushes.

There are two more paintings that I walked away from Erin’s studio with that day.  Suffice it to say, neither will be seen at Burlap & Lace as they are now gracing the walls of our own home.  As you visit Burlap & Lace in 2021, my hope is that you will come to gaze upon these pieces (and hopefully more!), celebrating as I have that something so clearly speaks to your heart that it then becomes a timeless focal piece for your home.

May you be blessed as you spend time in the Reflections of 2020, understanding that God has gifted each of us in different ways.  Let’s choose to celebrate those differences as we move into the new year of 2021, sharing what we have to offer with those we meet along our journey.



Changing your view…

Am I the only one who finds comfort in the familiar? We have been blessed with this view for the past 15 years….and though it changes daily, there is consistency in it as well….like when the clouds begin forming over the mountains and the fog sets in, we know the rain is not far behind. Or when the morning begins with heavy fog, we know that soon it will lift and we can see all the way to the Blue Ridge Parkway. Consistency brings comfort.

When God appointed a new leader for the Israelites, He instructed them: “Be strong and of good courage; do not fear nor be afraid of (the enemies in the new land); for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” Deut. 31:6

I would do well to remember that. New lands can be both exciting, and discomforting. Why? Because of the loss of familiarity and our own uncertainty about what may lie ahead.

A new table is being set for us….one of anticipation, celebration and freedom. We are entering a new time in our lives….

We are approaching a date set for celebrating our country’s freedom; yet, there seems to be so much unrest and uncertainly all around us. What can we do to keep our focus in the midst of the changes we are undergoing?

Remember that in the end…it will be worth it. Everything we are going through is causing us to determine where we put our hope, our faith, our trust. We have opportunities like never before to be kind, to think of others more than of ourselves, to love unselfishly.

This was the first sign I ever made, and it hangs worn and scuffed on the door of our shed. It will go with us to our next destination because it’s a daily reminder to me of truth. Love….is perceived as many things. But for me, it’s simply this: “For the love of Christ compels us (it leaves us no choice), because we judge thus: that if One (Jesus) died for all, then all died; and He died for all that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them, and rose again.” 2 Corn. 5:14-15

Love IS all I need. God is love (I John 4:8). And because He has loved me so much, I want to live my life for Him and not for myself. And I choose to celebrate the freedom I have in Him….everyday!

What in your life is worth celebrating today, even in the midst of the world pandemic, even in the midst of the riots and injustice, even in the midst of pain? God is not surprised by any of this. In fact, I dare say He wants to get our attention. Perhaps we’ve been living too long for ourselves, wanting what we want, when we want it, without consideration of how our wants may affect someone else’s comfort.

Life really is a dance you learn as you go. Who can boast that they have done everything perfectly? Who can honestly say they haven’t made a mistake or two, or treated others poorly?

My husband and I took dance lessons before our eldest son’s wedding. And I learned pretty quickly a couple of things: (1) Trust the one who has the lead (and oh, by the way, it’s not me!) and (2) Don’t look at your feet! Looking down always makes you stumble. You have to keep your eyes on the one who is leading you, lest you stumble and fall. and (3) You will make mistakes and maybe even fall. But you have to get right back up and try again. “For a righteous man may fall seven times, and rise again…” Proverbs 24: 16

“…don’t let the sun go down on your anger.” Eph 4:26

At the end of the day, changing circumstances may be causing us to change our perspective a bit. I’m putting myself up for the challenge….to be a sweeter spouse, a more loving friend, a more empathetic person. If I haven’t yet walked in your shoes, or you in mine, we just might be called to one day. I pray we walk wisely, and kindly.



Celebrate Life

It’s a new day in your life….the life you are writing in invisible script. So how will your story unfold….today? For eternity?

I’ve pondered the same question, more since this pandemic began than ever before. For suddenly, I don’t go….anywhere! Or see….anyone! For this extroverted person, I have at times felt I was literally going stir-crazy! So I have decided to get back to some basics…things I used to enjoy but have stopped doing, and I also decided to learn some new skills during this stay-at-home time.

And what of putting some things of meaning in our lives?

The sign above is made from my dad’s old drafting board and then covered with the pages of an antique book: Tom Sawyer. Seemed fitting for me….between Tom’s story and that of his friend, Huckleberry Finn, I would say that I often think of my life as a huge adventure, much the same as those two had! And then I ran across this quote….and it fit. I’m hoping to hang this in our loft space when it gets remodeled (soon, I hope!)

If it’s in our home, it’s because it means something to me and my husband. I have been spending hours with Joanna Gaines’ book Homebody, drawing out one room at a time as we are beginning to remodel our home. The book is perched upon my great-grandfather’s old tool trunk, turned upright and nestled in behind our loveseat. The small sign is a reminder to me of two things: (1) that God commands us to be still (Psalm 46:10) and to know Him and (2) that my friend, Melissa Ward, took a chance on me a long time ago and invited me to set up a booth space within her shop. Thank you, friend!

So since we are home more these days, I decided to start learning some upholstery skills. This sewing stool was a gift from my parents upon my college graduation. As I tore off the old, fading fabric, it wasn’t without finally seeing the labor my mom underwent in upholstering it for me some 30 years ago! And she didn’t have the tools we have today, so indeed it was a labor of love! I hope to use it also in our loft space.

Another love I have is to refinish old furniture pieces to sell in my booth space at Marketplace on Locust in Hendersonville. That was my intent with this sideboard/buffet, but it may just stay at home with me a while longer!

Can you say that your home has always been a gathering place? Ours has been….from our family, to our son and his friends during college, to home group gatherings to neighbors stopping by. We miss those days, but truly believe “there’s no place like home”. Soon, we will get back to the gatherings. Until then, stop in and shop my space at Marketplace on Locust and start getting your own home space ready to receive friends and family soon too!

Years ago my husband and I put together this sign depicting places we or our kids had lived, or places we might as well have lived as we’ve traveled there so often. During this season in our lives, it felt good to paint it again and bring it back to life. And to give thanks for all those places, and the people that we met there.

We might be getting older, but also getting wiser! We have chosen to enjoy nature so much more during this pandemic time! Our oldest son built this birdhouse with his grandfather (my dad) years ago. And every year since he was about 11 (he’s 35 now!), we have hung it and had birds nest in it. This particular year, we watched the parents feed their babies nightly and were present to watch the fledglings leave the nest. Had we been in our normal crazy routine of life, we would have missed that! What have you witnessed during this time that you otherwise would have paid no attention to?

Except for the newly sprouting buds and those sweet chirps from the birds, we would have thought that Spring had passed us by. Sad to say, but in a way I always gauged Spring by my merchandise at Marketplace! It is absolutely my favorite time of year, and I missed not decorating there, but I chose to use the time to decorate and enjoy our home instead.

I’ve had my own struggles during this time….just ask those closest to me. But as always has been the case in my life, God has proven to be more faithful than any trial I feel I am passing through.

Businesses are beginning to open back up, and I have to admit there’s a part of me that is ecstatic and a part of me that is mournful of that fact. The obvious exciting part (if you know me, you get this) is to see people again and to get out and about. But the mournful part of that is not being able to hug them, and just be who God created me to be in that way. That part will come, but bear with me as I do my best to refrain that part of my personality. It’s just not like me to see you and not squeal and let a hug pass between us.

In the days and months that follow, I pray we will all be kind to one another, enjoy the smallest of moments as they come, embrace the one(s) we share a home with and don’t be afraid to offer up a smile. I’m looking forward to when we can be together again (so brace yourself for that hug!). Until then –



Cottage designs & Farmhouse finds

“Settling in” is definitely something that brings a snug and cozy feeling to my heart, and that is exactly what I’ve been doing in the last few weeks of February at The Marketplace on Locust. As I have moved into a larger, one-room space, I am creating a one-of-a-kind, ever-changing space for you to come enjoy and to gain inspiration from. Every week will usher in fresh new ideas, inspiring vignettes of how you can stage your own living spaces and a surplus of home interior goodies – everything from furniture, to art work, to lamps and every imaginable piece of home decor. Let’s take a tour of the “firsts” that have been designed with you in mind!

Every home needs a desk….whether in a living space, an office, a bedroom or a loft….creating a space that is both unique and functional is important! This kidney-shaped desk is all of the above, complete with a bookcase built into the backside! Plenty of room for a computer, desk pad, calculator or whatever makes your office space “work” for you!

This coffee table is a re-purposed antique piece with so much character and charm that it barely made it into the shop instead of into my own home. Solid wood and tall enough to house beneath it a basket of throws for those cold winter nights or a magazine basket. Stack a few old suitcases beneath it for appeal and extra storage!

This charcoal grey table works well in place behind a love seat or small couch. Would make a nice server with space to house dishes and silverware within the cabinets and drawer. Or what about a TV perch? Use the drawer to store remotes and the side cabinets for those candlesticks you never have a place to store!

There are several antique trunks in my space this month….all restored and perfect storage as well as just pretty pieces to adorn any room.

Spring is on the way so why not start thinking of ways to outfit your home with some of the beauty of the season? This antique basket of lavender is guaranteed never to lose its shine! Use it outdoors or in….And the cloche is a perfect way to transform your dining table or side table from season to season. Seen here with a few antique plates and some white birds to welcome in the season. And how about hanging these tin pieces filled with succulents on a porch or in a bathroom? These beauties will never need watering!

The vintage love in me just can’t help but come through! Try a dress form in a corner of your home and transform it seasonally to keep vintage appeal alive and fresh. Seen this month in linen white fashioned with touches of silver necklaces – all for sale! And this scalloped bookcase is meant to fold but has purposefully been screwed in place to avoid mishap! Just keep that tidbit in mind when looking….easily stores should the need arise! Don’t you just love the chippy patina!?!

Buffets used to be standard fare in homes “back in the day”, and they are making a comeback as more and more we turn to entertaining in our homes again. And even if entertaining isn’t your idea, these pieces are the perfect landing spot for an over-sized TV or for your music ensemble! This particular piece, however, is perfectly outfitted with dividers in the top drawer for your utensils.

Seating options for your home and porch should include both style, fashion and comfort….so expect to always have a choice at Burlap & Lace that meets all three of those criteria!

Try styling a guest dresser with a vignette of vintage pieces perfect to delight the eye and entice the guest to a good night of sleep. This styling is brought to life within a vintage hat box filled with old gloves, an antique book, some greenery and of course, ironstone! You could even add fresh flowers to the bottle vase for your guest!

Don’t forget to adorn your walls with fun, interesting and decorative items! From this whimsical cow painting to the birds nest candle mount or the wooden arches or mirrored door, nothing charms a home more than a bit of wall decor. I try to incorporate a bit of architectural salvage accompanied with practicality in every room of my home. Unsure where to begin? Ask Ilse, the owner of Marketplace on Locust, for help as you browse through the entire store. She is a designer like no other and always ready to help you put together the perfect ensemble for any room in your home or office!

Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 28….the Spring Open House will be from 10-6 at the Marketplace on Locust and everything in the store will be 10% off! Can’t wait to show you what’s coming to the space of Burlap & Lace for that Spring event! Until then…happy shopping!



Getting settled…finally

I’ve been all over the place….in my mind, in locations, in my decor antics…but it’s time now to settle in, take a deep breath, and enjoy the work God has given me to do…..again.

From my archives I chose the above pictures to give you a taste of where I have journeyed these past few years. From a window space on Main Street in Brevard, to a brick & morter shop of my own, to an underground basement space at The Garage on 25, and finally back home again….It’s been a journey of more than 1000 miles (you should see the odometer on my car!), more than 1000 smiles and some unnumbered tears along the way as things didn’t go as I had hoped and/or planned. But would I change anything along the way? Not one bit….

You see, I am learning that if I don’t praise God for the hard times, I’m not really praising Him at all. He is working ALL things together for my good because I love Him, so even through the heartaches, “It’s all good!”, as my sister would say.

My final landing place until God calls me to end this home decor journey is at The Marketplace on Locust in Hendersonville, NC. How thankful I am to be a part of Ilse’s own dream-come-true!

Ilse, along with her daughter, Hannah, have made me feel so welcomed here. They never fail to lend a helping hand to us vendors, and they are absolutely, hands-down, the BEST at targeting a shopper’s needs and guiding them through the store to find exactly what they are looking for.

Although the window in front of my space doesn’t boast the words here (I added them for the picture), it should! Step inside and see what I’ve created with you in mind!

January has me celebrating the beginning of my fourth year at the Marketplace on Locust. And spread the word….I’m blogging again! Stay tuned….2020 is underway, and with it so are my plans for a fantastic new year with you….at The Marketplace on Locust.



Focus….and be still….

My hopes for Spring are not dashed by today’s ice storm. God knows what He’s doing. And yet I feel very much like I imagine this bud of a flower must feel, if a bud had feelings. I’ve been anxious to push ahead to what must surely be “next” in my life, without the slightest clue what that may be, yet certain it will involve something of a bloom rather than the prick of thorns I’ve felt of late. Surely….. hopefully…

If you know me at all, you know I write things down so I won’t forget them. Or to put it another way, I write things down so that I will remember them!

This scripture verse has been over my desk for months….and I would do well to memorize it! For I know that the Lord is a light for me, and the “darkness” I have felt in this season of my life will surely pass. The things that were meant for my harm, God has used for good. And I praise Him. So instead of pushing ahead to “make things happen”, I choose to wait. I choose to be still and allow God, in His time, to reveal His plans for me. Ah, but waiting is hard, because waiting involves patience, and for me, patience is one fruit of the Spirit that I seem to have trouble allowing to grow and mature in my life. You see, patience often means I wait ….. expectantly…without arguing (“But God!”), and without whining. In stillness. Hushed silence. Much like that accompanying a new-fallen snow. Peacefulness. Calm. Quietness.

I buy candles and light them to evoke smells of spring forests. I add faux plants to give “life” to the dreariness of winter indoors. And I laugh at myself, because though these things make me feel like I’m doing something, the something I am actually doing is waiting. Waiting on God. To move, or move me.

And I would be wise to consider that waiting does not mean inactivity. No, while in the waiting room of life, we keep doing what we know to do. We continue the work already given to us to carry out. Eagerly. Expectantly. And for me, in this season of my life, it is….

…being the best HomeBody God has created me to be, all the while being the best wife, best mom, best Nana, best friend and best whatever else I’ve been called to be!

And so I keep hunting for the treasures that make our home a place we love to be….despite my HubE’s efforts to keep his shed “his” space!

And I paint and repurpose….to offer home furnishings to you so that you can make your home a cozy and inviting space.

I walk down memory lane with my mom as she recounts story upon story of the days of her youth….

I eat at favorite restaurants with friends and share stories of heartache and triumph…

I watch the chickadees as they make their home with us again this year in a home more shabby and chippy than I ever imagined they would enjoy!

I keep collecting the things I love and the stories they inspire…

And I realize that even when Spring finally does arrive, there will be “home work” yet to be done, and more lives to touch and be touched by, and I will know that the wait was worth it. For God is faithful. And no matter the season, He will still call me into times of silence, that I might know Him and be known by Him.

So may I focus….and be still….

And may you do the same….especially while we are in the waiting room of this life. Shhhh….I’m expecting something wonderful to be born out of this time of waiting. And I can’t wait to share it with you! So come ….. be still with me.



The hushed, unhurried life

It’s no secret that if you live in Brevard, NC, the local grocery store (Ingles) is more accurately referred to among the locals as “Mingles”. There is no such thing as “running in for a few groceries”, because you are sure to meet more than one person you’ve not seen in a while, and you will stop to chat on an isle for a moment or twenty minutes before continuing on with your shopping. And just so you know, I am guilty as well. Nothing better than catching up with your neighbors between the milk and the eggs!

Last week as I was literally running in for just a few things before I had to hurry home to prepare dinner for our guests who were due in less than an hour (yes, I admit I crowd way too much into most days), I patted a neighbor on the back and tossed a hello over my shoulder as I marathoned out with my cart. Her words lingered at the back of my neck….”….always in a hurry. Never takes time to stop and chat…” Albeit true, the words stung me. Yet I didn’t turn around and stop to see how she was doing, because after all, I had dinner to cook and deadlines to meet!

Sadly, this was the second time in less than a week someone had said something similar of me. And I have begun to ponder the truth in the accusations.

I do tend to be about the moment I’m in. If that’s shopping, it’s shopping. If it’s merchandising my booth spaces, that’s my focus. And while that doesn’t mean I won’t stop to chat with you should you catch me in the middle of my frenzy, it just means that I may not linger, or my words may be edged with distraction, as my mind was in full gear somewhere else before the interruption, no matter how pleasant that interruption may be!

Even as I am squeezing in this moment from the fleeting minutes of my own self-imposed hurry of painting furniture, I am anxious to get back out and complete my task before the winds rise and the temperature drops. It is, afterall, February, and winter is still upon us.

For days the lyrics from an old Simon & Garfunkle song have tumbled through my head. Maybe you know it too

….Slow down, you move too fast.  You’ve got to make the morning last…

So this post is about just that….slowing down and looking at each moment as God gives it. To be cherished, embraced, bewildered by or simply caught in the gasp of delight as you linger in the breath you’ve just inhaled. Please allow me to share a few of this week’s joys with you from the booths of Burlap & Lace, located at The Garage on 25 in Arden and at The Marketplace on Locust in Hendersonville, and even a few from home.

The Marketplace on Locust: Salvaged barnwood bookcase complete with lots of home decor!

The Garage on 25: finds for your home, garden, office and loved ones – all in one space!
The Garage on 25: Vintage enamel table with pull out sides….check out all the vintage kitchen ware while there!

Marketplace on Locust: The perfect table for two!

Marketplace on Locust: The perfect side table for a bedroom, den or office. Paint done by Stephanie’s Creations (check out her spaces at both locations as well!)
Marketplace on Locust: Distressed antique ironing board stool is perched beneath an antique drawer, wooden scoop and crocheted table runner. What a pairing!
Garage on 25: Fennial decor tops a mantle decorated with seasonal candle-lamps. Love those old oil drip pans with seasonal florals on the wall behind!

And choose your own wall art saying from a basket beneath the mantle….easy to install, and won’t hurt your walls!
The Garage on 25: Love these hanging wooden bowls! Great in a kitchen for vegies, or in a bathroom for washclothes, soaps, etc. Also great in the garden for bird seed! Bird nest paintings done by local Brevard artist, Lynn Driver. Make great gifts!
I will lift my eyes to the hills. Where does my help come from? It comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.

May you find your peace in the hush of a new day….



Finding my place

I’ve felt about as scattered as these Fall leaves….praying consistently for the last several months about where to “land” with Burlap & Lace. I have longed to blog again, and until now, the time has not allowed for it. Time I’ve spent in other arenas, doing other things….

A team of three met together in August with the owner of a local florist and began building a dream she had of reviving her shop of 30+ years and turning it into something new. That dream came to fruition in October as the Co-op of Roosters & Hens was born (a division of Country Creations Florist). And the goal was that the three of us would revitalize, work and give our time and resources to the shop owner for a period of three months, then meet again to see what was next for us all.

Those three months ended with the close of 2018, and with the launching of a new year came the close of my time at the Co-op.

In weighing out my options through prayer and daily discussions with my HubE, we knew that 2019 was to be about scaling down….as that was the original goal in closing my brick & morter shop last August and helping someone else redesign theirs. So where, you ask, does that take Burlap & Lace, and what will this scaling down look like?

To be honest, I don’t know 100% but I’m excited to see where God leads me!

To be sure, it’s been a learning process for me these last few months….one that I’m confident is not over. I long to get back to writing…something I love and have neglected. And for sure I long to continue my design efforts, accepting new and more challenging opportunities to do so.

You will soon find me in a new location – The Marketplace on Locust in Hendersonville, NC while I will continue at The Garage on 25 in Arden as well, although my space will take on a new look soon as I continue my journey toward scaling back. Too many spaces has caused a disconnect between my brain and my body (meaning less creativity caused by a strain to be in too many places doing too many different things).

I don’t plan to leave my love of vintage. (My children still remind me that I AM vintage!) And you will likely always find me bringing nature indoors in my design antics. I’ll still search for the lost and forgotten treasures to see how I can bring new life and purpose to these timeless beauties, but you will begin to see a breath of “new” popping up in my designs as well. It’s nothing new to me, really, as I have always taken on a bit of an eclectic look in our own home. It just suits me….mixing the old with the new.

So here’s to winter’s passing and the looking ahead to fresh, new beginnings as we roll into this New Year. May you and I experience a renewal in our minds as well as our bodies as we seek to be all that God has created us to be. It is, afterall, all for Him.



Goodbye is the hardest thing to say….

IMG_1245It’s raining….figuratively.  Blessings have a way of doing that….pouring down on you when you least expect them.

Such was the way of God when He led me to “this old house” on W Main Street.  And I’ve been dancing here for a year now….literally dancing!  Dancing with joy over the news of babies being born and weddings taking place.  And I’ve embraced a few storms along the way, dancing all the way through them because of your prayers and hugs and words of encouragement.  For those reasons alone, it is hard to say good-bye to this dream-become-reality.  And yet it’s time.  Because God has something else in mind for me now.

As early as next week, I will be moved into The Garage on 25, and I couldn’t be more excited.  I’m not closing Burlap & Lace, but I am relocating it to a smaller space where I will be “one” among “many”.  And I am inviting you to come find me and discover others within that amazing space.

And it would honor me if you would be my guests on the very last business day in this location – Saturday, July 28 – 10:00 – 5:30.  There will be music, and maybe some dancing even!  There will be tons of last minute deals so you will want to shop those as well.  There will be ticket giveaways all day for Vintage Market Days of Asheville….so come on by and enjoy the party!  And above all, let me give you one final hug on the front porch, and a bottle of water as you continue on your journey.

Thank you for making this last year something very special.  I hold each of you dear in my heart.



Showcasing Smalls

IMG_2851Have you ever been standing, gazing into thin air, as if you were asleep?  You were very much awake, but in a trance-like state, focused on the enormous task before you and how little you felt you were accomplishing?  Possibly, you wonder why you ever began!

That’s where we find Zerrubbabel (now that’s a mouthful!). He had been having a conversation with an angel, and apparently, he had to take in what all had been told him….

“Then the angel who had been talking with me returned and woke me, as though I had been asleep.  “What do you see now?” he asked.

The angel and Zerrubbabel continued their conversation of what had suddenly become visible to the eye, and what it all meant.  Zerrubbabel had been given divine direction to build the Lord’s temple.  He must have become a bit discouraged that the work was extensive, and that he was laboring alone (or so he thought) to do the work set before him.  But the angel spoke to him….

“Zerrubbabel is the one who laid the foundation of this Temple, and he will complete it… not despise this day of small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin….” (Excerpts from Zechariah 4)

Wow.  My take-away?  Don’t despise what the Lord has given you to do no matter how small it looks to you in the beginning.  He is surely working His purpose out in and through your obedience to Him.  And that is key….obedience.

So with that in mind, I have decided to focus on “smalls” in this blog….those seemingly insignificant pieces that adorn your home and work spaces.  The fact is, without those small pieces, the rest of your very large space would appear dull!  (Boy, that could preach too!)

IMG_2885At least once every day, you and I take an article of clothing from a hanger.   But how often do you and I use silk hangers???  These beauties are a thing of the past, yet every closet/home should possess at least one!  Why?  They absolutely will not wrinkle your freshly ironed clothing, they have nothing on them to snag or tear the fabrics you place on them, they work for any item because you can slip a pin into the hanger to hold a skirt in place….I could go on and on.  And oh yes, they’re pretty!  Suffice it to say, these are new and fabulous.  You should take one (or two) home with you!  Oh, and did I mention that they make great gifts?!

Let’s talk tissues….what has become of putting those much-needed items in a pretty shell to hold them?  These two are beauties for sure.  I really like how the one on the left shows through the color of the box!  But oh, those roses on the right….

IMG_2880Who doesn’t need more storage?   These floral canvas tote boxes are ideal for the car, the closet or to put by a chair.  Guess what?  They will also hold a tissue box!  Just sayin’….

IMG_2867 I admit I’m missing my granddaughters more than normal today.  I’ve had several “Mimi”s come in today with their grandchildren.  These little enamel cups and bowls are the perfect size for them to enjoy “baking” or having a tea party with.  And the good news?  They can’t break!

IMG_2876Need a small gift to let that special friend know you are thinking of her?  This may be just the ticket!

IMG_2868These zipper bags come in four sizes and just as many patterns.  Perfect for carrying a cell phone, credit cards and keys in, or makeup in the largest size (it’s lined to wipe clean!).  Lightweight and pretty….the perfect combination!

IMG_2863 I keep a bottle of olive oil on my kitchen counter for easy access.  This holder would be a gorgeous accent instead of a plain bottle!  And I love that Biscuits Tin!  I had to ask my English friend what our equivalent to biscuits are….any idea?  How about cookies!

IMG_2856These etched sherbet dishes are the perfect size for a taste of dessert!  Lovely, yet practical….again, a great gift idea or a wonderful addition to your own kitchen collection!

IMG_2854Who remembers these potholders?  These particular ones are quite special because they are hand-crafted locally by a 13 year young man.  This young man’s grandmother saved old socks from when her children were small, made the dye herself and then crafted the loom for her children in their youth to use in making potholders themselves!  Her grandchildren are now reviving this past art with their grandmother’s help while having fun “going vintage” with me this summer!  Don’t miss that each one of these crafted items has a uniquely different design woven into it!  (And my personal testimony is that I have taken one home to use and wash…..all of which worked beautifully!  They are made from socks so of course they launder well!  Thicker than most, they also won’t allow a burn to the hand when using them.)  And again, a great gift idea for anyone on your shopping list!

IMG_2838The season is ripe for picking flowers to bring indoors.  Choose from a collection of vases and allow the beauty of the buds to enhance the use of the vessel.  And don’t let your imagination wane….anything can become a vase!

IMG_2837I often marvel at how well-thought-through were the older household items.  Take these silver encased glasses for instance.  The silver is not only attractive, but it holds the chill of the beverage!  The glasses remove for washing.  Yep, I’m tempted to take these beauties home with me!

IMG_2359Some small things are just plain cute!  Love all the vintage planters, and succulents are hard to kill so I’m liking these even more!

Thanks for considering the “small” things this week.  Drop by sometime and I’ll show you a few more of my favs!  Until then, remember that obedience to the “small” tasks God has given you matters.

~ Blessings,


Summertime’s Calling Me…


I think it’s the flowers.  Or maybe it’s the things that remind me of the beach.  No, it could be the spring breezes turned warm under the heat of the sun.  Perhaps, just maybe, it’s a reminder that almost a full year has circled the calendar since I opened Burlap & Lace in its current location.  Let me just suffice it to say…..summertime’s calling me….and I’m listening.

I’ve come out to the porch to blog this afternoon, rain finally giving way to sunshine after weeks on end of deluge.  And the coolness of the breeze brings a surprising pleasantness to the day.  So I’ve snipped back flowers, tip-toed through the dandelions overgrown in the grass too wet yet to mow, and I’ve chatted with friends on the porch.  It’s a lovely day in every way.

IMG_2584This is my perching post today.  Why not come join me?!?  Check out the succulents and plants….all for sale at Burlap & Lace!  Think my scrabble wish for them to “grow up” will work?  Sure hope so!

Most of you likely dream of tides at the beach and flowers in the spring, but do you wake up having dreamed of how to use this tobacco bookshelf in a new way?  I did!  I think it would be fabulous on a porch with those garden succulents and inspirational books and magazines that make you want to sip lemonade and view your magnificent garden after a hard day’s labor!

IMG_2586I finally gave up on dumping rain out of my wagon and brought it into the dry.  And how neat that I can just pull it out when the rains stop!  Love these pinks with the red of the wagon….

Step into the cool with me for a minute and take a peek at these great chenille pillows!  What I love most about them is that they are made from bedspreads….so if they need washing, just slip the covers off and throw them in!  They come out just as beautiful as before!  These pillows are statement pieces for sure.

IMG_2605Stephanie is rocking it this month!  Her English style soothes the senses.  Come browse her room and see for yourself!

So much I love in her space, from the furniture to the smalls…..

IMG_2612Stephanie has displayed two pairs of lamps….ideal for any room in your home.  And don’t overlook these ladder back chairs….great accent pieces in any room as well! French Country never looked so good!

This wardrobe is my newest addition this week.  In near-perfect condition, it’s the perfect piece for the guest room that always needs more space, the bedroom that doesn’t like clutter (tuck it away in here!), or the kitchen/dining area….yes, you heard me correctly!  Hang those table linens, use the tie rack for hanging up odd utensils rarely used but handy when you need them; store that crock pot and other cumbersome items on the shelf and tuck away candles, cookbooks and other odds and ends in the drawers.

IMG_2627Take in the above shelf….perfect for the kitchen, the bath or the bedroom.  Small books will fit between the posts if needing a bedroom piece, and perfect for displaying the things you need daily like cream pitchers in the kitchen and toiletries in the bath.

IMG_2589When you’re all done browsing, come sit on the porch and take time to still your soul.  I may even join you there!  And until we meet again….



To everything there is a season –

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.  Ecclesiastes 3:1

A new season has come to Burlap & Lace…one of addition, change and excitement.  But sometimes with change, assumptions are made incorrectly.  So let me set the record straight before going any further with this blog post….IMG_2307This lovely telephone table sets the stage perfectly for my story to unfold.   When I was a teenager, we had this amazing thing called a telephone (no iPhone or cell phone).  This device had a cord that was attached to a wall plug and a shorter, curly stretch cord that attached the receiver to the telephone, enabling conversation with those you had likely just left minutes before on the school yard but felt you just didn’t get enough time to talk things over.  (No texting with that “last word”). And you certainly couldn’t do anything else while you talked because the cord wasn’t long enough to allow that! So you had conversations that were fully involved in every way and you needed a place to sit still while you talked! Tables like this were “the thing” to have in your home.  Now, they make perfect conversation pieces about “the good ‘ol days” as well as bringing functionality to your home.  Imagine this piece with a reading lamp, magazines or school books tucked inside where the phone book used to go and an evening of uninterrupted reading (or sewing, or homework. ) You get the idea!

Because I had caring parents, my conversations with my friends had time limits set on them because…..perhaps…..someone else might want to use this wonderful device too!  I confess that as a teenager, my conversations were more about “that boy”, or “did you see how she was dressed today?” than anything of substance…..and truthful as I hate to admit, they were little more than gossip.  Yep….that thing that destroys friendships and parts people without cause.

Today we have many ways to gossip…..too many….Facebook, Instagram, text messages, phone conversations in Ingles or Walmart where the whole world is privy to “did you know what she’s done now” type things, and it is that which I wish to set straight.

IMG_2367In a world of flowers and beautiful things (did you notice that print above?  It’s the world in floral design!),  sometimes our motives are totally misunderstood.  Like mine….of taking in two new vendors.  Yes, you heard correctly, and I could not be more excited!

And the comments of “she’s closing up shop” and “she’s taking from other store owners by inviting them into her shop” couldn’t be further from the truth. I remember so well the days of my small beginnings….a pole as a booth space in a local shop here in Brevard.  Someone “took a chance” on me, and I fondly remember them daily for that act of kindness.  And then 4 others did the same for me over a period of 6 years as I opened booth space after booth space.  One thing I wanted was to have multiple spaces in different places so that I had more opportunities of my wares (and truthfully, my name) being discovered.  Makes sense if your goal is to be a business, right?

Same is true of Stephanie’s Creations, who has joined Burlap & Lace with intention and with the blessing of Country Creations owner, Sheila McCall, where you can also find Stephanie’s Creations in the front window space.  Sheila and I have been friends for years, and we help one another out as we can….with ideas, with inventory, with help toting and moving and cleaning and working….isn’t that what friends do for one another?  And while it really is no ones business to know that, we do live in a small town, and some of my customers have seen me “working” at Sheila’s shop and have witnessed her at mine as well.  And who would have imagined the stir that has caused?  Certainly neither myself nor Sheila!

So let me put a stop to the rumors and gossip by saying first of all that neither Country Creations nor Burlap & Lace is “going under” and closing.  We both share a love of Stephanie and her style, so now you can find Stephanie’s Creations in two places in town!  And for Sheila and me, that is a win/win.

Stephanie brings with her a mix of French Country styling and farmhouse design.  And her expertise in her painting and decorating style happens to be one of the things I was drawn to immediately.  Like the country song, “she’s a little bit country and a little bit rock & roll”, I think Stephanie is “a little bit french country and a little bit farmhouse style”!  She’s English, so she brings in a completely different feel than I ever could, and I love that about her!  She simply is who she is and that honest, sweet personality is evidenced in her pieces.

IMG_2370Take this music-covered table for instance.  Stephanie’s clever design would be perfect for the home of the music enthusiast! It has plenty of room for a lamp, a drink, books or….music!

And talk about farmhouse styling….check out these adorable pillows!  Smaller in size, they tuck easily in a basket (such as seen here) for pulling out for the grand-kids, or to toss on a bed or in a chair.  Lots of designs to choose from!  And that green canister set!  For real use or simply decor, these are top of my list of pics from her room at Burlap & Lace!

IMG_2365Stephanie’s furniture speaks for itself.  She makes her own chalk paint and does easy distressing on all her pieces to create that farmhouse style we have all come to love.

Now let me show you some of the things you will find in Stephanie’s Creations booth space at Country Creations!

While you settle on the new discovery of Stephanie’s Creations at Burlap & Lace, let me introduce my second new vendor to you….Elizabeth Beasley.

Elizabeth also brings a unique styling experience…. Vintage style mixed with antique discoveries.

I love that antique dresser with glass knobs!  And the marble top makes for a quick clean up if makeup spills on it or you over-water that plant gracing it!


Elizabeth’s clothesline full of linens draws me back to days of summer breezes….ummm….soon to come!  But until they do, come see the wares she brings with her to Burlap & Lace!

One other thing to note at Burlap & Lace is that spring has finally settled in and the porch area is beginning to show small steps of that floral beauty….

There are several vintage planters on the porch, but don’t forget to take stock of the yard!  New planters have been added, some with plants and some without.  So take a walk around the yard on your next visit.

Lastly, I leave you with some of the whimsical style of Burlap & Lace that you’ve come to know so well….

I appreciate YOU and the shout-outs you’ve been giving Burlap & Lace in your Facebook reviews.  Help me spread the news that is factual…..two new vendors have come to the shop and I couldn’t be happier about sharing them with you!

Until we meet again,



Have you considered my servant…..

IMG_1842“Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them.  And the Lord said to Satan, “From where do you come?”  So  Satan answered the Lord and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.  Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job…”

Read the whole account.  The book of  Job.  Forty-two chapters.  Ah, come on.  You’ve read far more books with more chapters than that!  And this story is fascinating.  Attack after attack come to Job from Satan, all allowed by God.  For what purpose?  To do Job good in the end.  “Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning…”

Ever wonder if God may have said to Satan concerning you, “Have you considered my servant Ann, Joe, Bob, Sally (insert your name).”  The story, the whole account, makes me strive to be that someone that God allows to be sifted…..because He knows that though doubts may come to me with the trials set before me, there will be no denying Him….not His power, or His sovereignty, not his goodness and certainly not His love.

This past week has been that way for me.  Trial after personal trial….causing me to stop and listen to the Lord.  To know with all certainty that I am where He wants me to be, doing what He wants me to be doing.  The journey has been (and truthfully always is for me) eye-opening, heart-awakening, gratifying to be sure.

“Have you considered my servant….”  Ummmm….great question.  I challenge you to be someone to be considered!

Knowing that Burlap & Lace is a gift in this season of my life, one that I enjoy so much sharing with you, let’s move to the items here in the shop worth considering for your home, work and life spaces.

Mirrors!  So many here to choose from!  Many have been marked down so let your eyes linger over them for a moment.  And let me show you one more….IMG_2022So while you gaze into that mirror, consider some of the things reflected in it!  And then move on with me to the next consideration at Burlap & Lace …. furniture pieces!

IMG_2034One of my favorites is this bookshelf with leaded glass sliding doors.  Why should you consider this piece for your home?  Because it can literally go in any room in your home….as a bookshelf, yes.  But in a bathroom….imagine those rolled up or nicely folded towels on the open shelves and your more personal items hidden behind that fabulous glass.  And in a closet?  Tuck away the more personal items in baskets hidden behind the glass doors and put your shoes on the shelves!  And the kitchen….ah, “now I know where to hide the toaster and blender I seldom use” comes to mind.  And cookbooks on the bottom shelves, or your grandmother’s china!  Again, limitless ideas!

Newest addition to the shop is this amazing wardrobe.  Such a great find!

IMG_2030French country more your style?  Romantic cottage?   Then this is your dresser/buffet/TV stand!  Recently reduced to move it on out ….

Are you a bit more contemporary?  Traditional?  Look at these great pieces!  All reduced recently as well.

For the home, the porch, the bedroom, the office….bet I can help you style your home!  So let’s talk accessories now….there’s a sale going on through May 12, then prices return to normal….

Because there are so many smaller items here, I encourage you to drop in and consider it all in person!  (Besides, that way we get to visit!)  From your walls to your floors, porches to baths, get that imagination flowing.  And while you think on decor, consider that you just might want to be someone that God says of, “Have you considered my servant…..”.  Think on that today.  I know I am!

~Blessings, friends.


Local flavor – don’t miss it!


With this view, we honestly don’t need anything more, but my vintage soul simply loves to decorate so off I go on my hunt as we continue what has become our “constant” re-do project for the last 13 years!  And I want to share my finds with you, because I’m a huge believer in shopping local!

Let’s start with my finds from Gravy, located on Main Street in Brevard….IMG_1617This gorgeous antique table was a “stop, turn around, purchase” find.  We really haven’t started our bedroom renovation yet, but I know I want a sitting area in the corner by the window so I’m happy to start with this piece.  And interestingly enough, the lamp came from Gravy years ago (thanks Sandy and Alicia)!  Still a mainstay in our home.  The enamelware pitcher came from Country Creations….not just a florist!  And the pillows?  From Burlap & Lace!

IMG_1620I could be embarrassed to show you our rustic orange counter tops, but at least I’m working with them in this vintage-styled home!  I have tried so many utensil vessels and finally found this piece (also from Gravy).  In fact, some of the utensils came from there as well!

IMG_1613The last Gravy find of late was the sign (I actually purchased this one from The Tin Roof, but the artist has relocated to Gravy)….you really should check out this local favorite spot!

Now for more about Country Creations, located on S  Broad Street in Brevard.  Sheila McCall, owner, opened up booth spaces in her floral shop years ago, and I was blessed to have one of my first spaces there.  I make her shop a weekly stop as well, so let me show you why…IMG_1783Sheila has some amazing vendors.  The platter came from Stephanie’s Creations, the booth that is located in the window space there.  And to let you in on a secret, when my foot was broken, I was blessed to find Stephanie for so many reasons.  I began purchasing some of her painted pieces for Burlap &  Lace, as I was unable to paint myself for about 5 months and her style was so similar to mine that I couldn’t pass her work by.  (To be honest she paints better than I do!)  Stephanie will be bringing more of her English Style to Burlap & Lace beginning in May, as she will be styling one of the upstairs rooms for me!  Please stop in both here and Country Creations to see her work….I’ll be surprised if you don’t take a few of her pieces home with you!IMG_1740.JPGUnderground Salvage is another “must go” stop and shop place for me.  The bench came from there….perfect indoors or out!

IMG_0997 (1).JPGThe door was another Underground Salvage find….perfect to cover a doorway in our home when company is visiting and we want to block off the bedrooms from the den area.  Still need to go back there to find the perfect hardware for the handle!

Now I want to move from my home to Burlap & Lace and let you see some of the “local finds” that you will enjoy when you come shop here!


Springtime has come to the mountains, despite those departing March winds that still want to linger!  It’s time to get your porch spruced up after the winter months….wicker is back in, in case you haven’t heard, and I have rocking chairs, settees and tables….all perfect for both your indoor and your outdoor spaces.  Toss a chenille pillow on the chairs and you’re set!


As those flowers start popping their blooms, be ready with unique vases on hand to receive them.  Enamelware always makes blooms seem more vibrant, as the white accents any flower.  Why not take home this most unusual twisted iron vase?  Inside glass tube comes out for ease in washing.


Just a few more ideas for your spring flowers above….and until they actually start their show, try a few artificial ones!


Spring also makes me think of birds, young love, porch entertaining and …. yes, another way to display those blooms! (Can you tell I love flowers?!?)


While setting your table, think of creative ways to display your cloth napkins for your guests and your dinnerware prior to and after serving….the above rack is an old record holder!  Another fun way to display is by using an old spring or garden rake….IMG_1839As you can see, shopping local can be beneficial as well as FUN!  Can’t wait to see you next time you’re out and about locally shopping  Brevard!  Until then,



A few of my favorite things

IMG_1492When anyone tells me to “pick your favorite”, I struggle.  I  have a LOT of favorite things!  And I just finished telling a customer how much I loved something she noticed in my shop, then I laughed and thought how egotistical that sounded!  But of course I love what is in my shop!!!  All of it!  That being said, however, I do have some favs and I thought I would share those with you today, as well as the story behind the love.

Let’s start with the picture above….sitting atop a splintered wood desk I placed a rusty grate I found on a picking spree.  When asked what I was going to do with it, I had no idea.  But when I found these succulents it all began to come together!  If you’re like me and don’t have much of a green thumb (I killed the succulents my sister gave me for my shop when I first opened!), try a few artificial ones.  They make much less of a mess and look so much like the real thing!

IMG_1504But I am a bit of a nut about live plants as well…..especially ivy cause it’s really hard to kill!  This old organ stool came from my grandmother’s house and I absolutely LOVE this piece. Maybe because of its memory, but I adore the chippy paint as well left from her artist days…

IMG_1540When I can combine antique with new, I’m thrilled.  Lynn Driver’s artwork keeps me happy in my little shop….and this bicycle was a special request she did for me.  How perfect that it has teal and pink combined!  Oh, if only I could find it a new home.  Maybe mine!

IMG_1527Honestly, I’m trying to find room in our home for all these favs!  The washtub stand would be so perfect on a patio with a bowl of ice and drinks, or a potted plant for those of you who can keep those real beauties alive and well!  And the bird pitcher and bowl …. what’s not to love about them both?!?

I found this antique spice box and fell in love with the patina alone!  What would you use it for?  I think (once again) some succulents, or to store jewelry in.  How perfect it would be for travel.

IMG_1545Admittedly, I have spent a lot of my life around gold pieces (I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s) and I have tried to get past it!  But for some reason, this plant urn called my name and I couldn’t resist it!  Paired with black it gives off a rather classy look, don’t you agree?  So I’ve added it to my list of favorites this month…

My husband says I could warm our home without actual heat just by lighting all the candles!  So I’m a natural hunter of candle holders and these two pair are just as different as can be.  The white ones are a light metal; the pink and green (my two favorite colors, especially when paired together) are ceramic.  So unique that I had to get both sets!

IMG_1493I forgot to brag on this beauty!  Wouldn’t you love to dine on a table with these lit up?

IMG_1496Candlewick glassware is my new favorite find.  I decided to pair these two pieces on a desk….one for paperclips and the other to hold sticky note pads and pens!  But maybe you would prefer using them in a bath to hold soap?  Or as actual dishes….the smaller round one for lime or lemon slices and the larger one for butter….or maybe put the round one on the oblong one and you have a chip and dip plate!  The ideas are limitless, and the candlewick pattern makes it a bit more special than plain glass, yet they match any decor!

IMG_1495Because I love books both to read and to display, I have a great collection here, held together on a desk by the innards of a chicken feeder (a rusty one of course!).

And before I continue with the pictures, let me go backwards a bit to say that almost without a doubt my favorite things will include the following:  flowers (especially daisies and hydrangeas), birds, books, rusty things, chippy things, glassware, baskets, candles and prints that tell a story.  So on with the photo gallery…. starting with….

Baskets and containers

Prints/art that tells a story

Flowers and chippy make a great combo!

I also love things that were intended for one purpose but work so great for another….

Old drawers make fabulous displays for your wares, rusty oil pans make great dish holders, an old tackle box makes the perfect jewelry box, a wine bottle holder gives your rolling pins or towels a lift, and an old washer is a great plant stand!

And pink….well, pink works whenever for any reason….because I love it!

My love of birds is evidenced here, there and everywhere!

IMG_1489More rust for you….old scales work great in so many places….indoors and out!

IMG_1497Sigh…..I think I’ll find a place for it all!

Come see why I love what I do and know you are the best part of that reason!



Expansion at Burlap & Lace

IMG_0690I cannot lie….although the snow is quite beautiful and serene, the winter season  is the hardest for me, and this winter, in particular, has been so.


As you may or may not have heard, I broke my foot on October 2 and the healing process has been long and extensive but I praise the Lord that it IS healing….still!  I am now on a bone simulator to help speed up the process, and I am  in my second week of wearing two shoes!  (no more boot!).  What that wonderful boot did for me, though, was to cause other body parts to be sacrificed in their mobility abilities.  (That’s a tongue twister!)  So….I am now in physical therapy two days/week through March!

IMG_0825And just yesterday this was the sight in the front yard of Burlap &  Lace….the promise that Spring is coming!  And how like God to give me a PINK flower to boost my morale!  Pink is absolutely my favorite color (I know, so girl-like!), and I don’t mind showcasing it.


And with Spring comes what has become my “I can’t wait for it to arrive” moment…Vintage Market Days of Asheville!  And if you’ve followed me for long, you know this will be my third event there.  So what does that mean?

IMG_0811That despite 20 degree weather, snow and ice, I will be painting and getting ready for  March 16-18, 2018!IMG_0807And I will be hunting down the chippy, worn, rusted beauties to adorn my booth space….


AND, I will have pillows made from vintage linens….


And other rare, but handmade goodies from vintage chenille….

IMG_0843and then there will be the usual surprises in furniture  pieces, tableware, garden delights and so much more!

So what does any of this have to do with my expansion at Burlap & Lace?  And what IS the expansion I am talking about????

gieoXdBzTBeginning February 8, I will be opening on extended days and hours.  These will be posted on Facebook, but go ahead and plan on seeing me more in the months to come as noted here:

Sunday:   CLOSED    Monday:  CLOSED  Tuesday:  12:00 – 5:30    Wednesday:  12:00 – 5:30    Thursday:  11:00 – 5:30    Friday:  11:00 – 5:30  Saturday:  11:00 – 7:00

In March, I will be CLOSED for two weeks in order to be at Vintage Market Days and then to dress up the shop again to reopen.  Those two weeks will be the weeks of March 5 and March 12.

Now don’t worry…..Just follow me on Facebook and my hours will be updated weekly until after Vintage Market Days when I will land on a permanent schedule through the end of the year.  I still need time to shop for great finds, paint those great furniture pieces and wall art, AND change the venue weekly at the shop so that you nor I get bored!


Until we meet at Burlap & Lace, you’ll find me dreaming of warmer days and spending a lot of time sprucing up my garden room…..simply to delight my heart!



Walls that speak…

I love reading a good story…..something that makes you laugh, or cry, but that lets you into the lives of the characters.  Likely, that’s because people mean so much to me.  An old song floats through my brain….”photographs and memories”….and my walls at home are covered in both.

With a new year beginning, perhaps your walls need an uplift as much as your spirit!   So let’s take a tour of some of my favorites here this month…

IMG_0742Laundry is something that we all have to do so why not jazz up your laundry space with a tin photo in a shabby frame?  Let your imagination go with me….Sally’s mom was so busy today!  Leaving her doll on the floor, Sally grabbed her dolls and toys and set out to work alongside her mother.  Surely those dolls needed clean clothes too!

IMG_0757Betsy stretched her small frame until she stood on her tiptoes.  Still, she couldn’t reach the knocker and she wondered how she could deliver her  mother’s freshly baked bread to their sick neighbor?  The aroma wafted upward toward her nose and she wobbled unsteadily, trying her best not to dump the loaves on the ground with her stretching.  Feeling defeated, she spied the wooden bench next to the door.  Perhaps she could leave the loaves there?

IMG_0755It had been a long season already, the winter claiming the trees with its icy breath.  Carol turned toward the window when she heard a familiar chirp.  The birds were back!  Perhaps spring was coming sooner than she had dared to hope! It was in that moment that she turned toward her wall hanging and knew its truth:  her own nest had become a place of rest and retreat for her during the winter months.  But with the chirping outside her window, she realized that the time to spread her wings had come….

Where did I put that letter I meant to mail?  If only I had a place to clip all those notes to myself so I could remember to do the things I wrote on them!  Sure would be nice if that recipe was clipped on the wall where I could read it!  Maybe I could clip the mismatched socks here in the laundry room and the kids could collect them as they needed them?

IMG_0763Oh, for a touch of spring to put on my porch!  Wait!  Didn’t I see a great idea at Burlap & Lace last week?!?

IMG_0761It was time to turn the doldrums of the day into a memory.  Taking the soapy hands from the sink, he turned her to him and whispered, “May I have this dance for the rest of my life?”  Her heart melted beneath the strength of his arms.  The dishes could wait….

IMG_0752Ridicule always awaited her…simply because she was different!  She didn’t care anymore.  With a determined sense of abandonment to all that had previously held her back, she walked out the door and faced a new day of opportunity.

IMG_0735With the sun streaming in the window, the rims of the bicycle glistened and she smiled.  Seeing the flowers in the basket and smelling the fresh air of morning wafting in through the open blinds, she swung her feet over the side of the bed and onto the wood floor.  An adventure was awaiting her today….

IMG_0741Some things are just to make you laugh….

IMG_0737Others are to make you live what you believe…

You get the picture!  So let me give you a few other ideas for your walls.  Maybe these don’t tell the stories we’ve just discovered, but they add fancy and fun in other ways…

Mirrors are great pieces to make any room look larger.  You will find quite a selection here, and don’t be surprised if they are not hanging!  I like to lay them on a table and add decor to the top!

Shutters and frames make excellent wall decor.  They can stand alone or in a grouping, and don’t be afraid to add a touch of greenery or to wrap a piece of art in a frame!  Shutters are excellent ways to add a rustic touch to any room, and the slats are perfect for slipping in cards received or bills to be paid!  Or even a photograph or two!

Use decorative plates and chargers, old gate pieces or fences, and even old oil pans filled with plates or flowers to give a unique flair to your space.

Want art gallery pieces without paying art gallery prices?  From abstracts to more modern pieces, you will certainly have stunning pieces to choose from.

For the garden enthusiast, you’ve met your match!  Anything metal, rustic, wood or floral grabs my attention.  I’ve been known to splash these items throughout home and yard alike!

IMG_0725Sandy, don’t look so sad!  You got to wear your blue dress while sitting for this portrait!  But Connie, YOU got to wear the blue tie at your neck!

Only my sister will understand that last one!  But you get the point.  Wall decor can be fun!  So enjoy the journey of sprucing up your spaces this month and don’t forget to let your imagination enjoy the journey with you!



No secrets here! (Well, maybe just one….)

Possibly the most frequently asked question about my business is…”Where do you get your things to sell?!?”  And my answer has become that of my late grandmother, “Can you keep a secret?”  I watch the customer, wide-eyed, slip closer as if they are about to hear the most wonderful secret in the world.  Nodding yes, I whisper to them, “So can I!”

Now, I say that not to be mean, but let’s face it….would you go into any other retail store and ask that question?  I think not!  But what I will tell you is that I shop and shop and shop to bring you the absolute best items I can find at the absolute best prices.  Which leads to my second most asked question….. “Why are you only open 3 days/week?”  And my answer is some rendition of the fact that in order to bring a new and creative look weekly, I take a day to shop, a day to paint and a day to re-create the rooms of this ‘ol house, which leaves three days to be open.  Because Sunday….is my time with my husband and a time to rest and refresh!

In line with all of that is the fact that not everything in my store is true vintage.  Much of it simply has a vintage appeal… in other words, I try to always have new items here as well (such as the paintings from local artist Lynn Driver) and gift items galore for all occasions.  Which brings me to my most current secret revealed.  (Lean in closer….you don’t want to miss this!)

It’s certainly no secret that one of my beginnings was in having a booth space at Country Creations in downtown Brevard.  I still shop there frequently for my own home decor.  I remember and appreciate the effort that vendors put into their booth spaces (myself included!), and I like to support those vendors in every way I can.  And while I do not make it a practice to consign other vendor’s wares in my shop, I do look for other vendors whose tastes are much as my own, and you better believe I will scoop up their wares whenever I can!

On one such venture into Country Creations, I noticed a new vendor had acquired a space there and I was immediately drawn to her work.  Much of it had a shabby chic appearance, some of it crossed over into French Country and Farmhouse styles.  But all of it was quality, and I was impressed.  So I began to purchase her items…..and I took her card, intending to give her a call at some point.

Weeks later, I was surprised when this lovely vendor actually made a visit to my shop!  She  introduced herself and I am sure I practically fell all over her in my excitement.  Fast forward a month later, and herein lies my secret revealed….

IMG_9838I purchased my first piece for Burlap & Lace from Stephanie’s Creations…and there began what I hope will be yet another lasting relationship for my sweet little business.  As I said, Stephanie’s work is quality, and totally in line with my taste in decor.  And while you can certainly also find her creations at Country Creations (and I encourage you to do so!),  you will begin to see some of her pieces here as well.

There are many things in this life that I consider blessings.  One is Stephanie Schuster, and God’s timing in bringing her to me.  Because as much as I love finding and painting my own furniture pieces, it is no secret at all that this season in my life (i.e. broken foot) has kept me from being able to do the shopping and the painting that I love so much.  So hats off to Stephanie’s Creations!  Let me show you her newest addition here… a gorgeous French Country chair….to use with the desk, or alone in a bedroom, sitting room, family room….why any room!

So as you shop at Burlap & Lace in the future, help me welcome Stephanie’s Creations to her second home in Brevard….and remember to shop her booth at Country Creations as well!

‘Tis the season….and I’m feeling generous, so while I’m on a roll I’ll let you in on just a couple more of my secrets….IMG_9852I love ironstone and I love linens!  So to be sure, you will find those pieces in my shop year-round…

I also love being in the kitchen at home….it’s where the best conversations take place and the sweetest things are made…. so items to help you entertain or simply just enjoy being in your own kitchen will always be found here!  While I really don’t enjoy wearing an apron, if I must..I will always choose a vintage one!  And why not have one for every season?  I have several Christmas ones to choose from here.

And glassware….these fun polka dot glasses are new….perfect for those before dinner cocktails, iced tea or any cold beverage!   And mugs!  I love my coffee and so I purposefully have a variety of different mugs to choose from at my house. Why not have the same here for you to choose from?  These holiday mugs are new as well….and quite special!

Next secret….(can you believe how much I am revealing to you?!?)….I love birds, plants and anything that has to do with the outdoors basically.  So again, these things will always grace the shelves of Burlap & Lace, and I will endeavor to always show you new and inventive ways to use/display them.

IMG_9845Last secret of the day is that I love thinking outside the box.  While you may see the same items in the shop week to week, you will rarely see them used the same way.  This vintage tree stand for instance…what a fun candle holder for your holiday table! And as Christmas ends but Winter lingers, why not replace the candle with a glass or globe and add some sprigs of greenery on the bottom and some pine cones within the glass?

Now, for some of my favorite additions this week…..

IMG_9853My grandfather, when he was living, made these as toys for my boys.  I’m not sure if they enjoyed them more or if we adults did!  They are button toys made from wood and string.  Come in and ask for a demonstration!  They make great stocking stuffers and are a fun diversion from the electronic toys of today (i.e. the only noise they make is the giggles from those using them!).

IMG_9848Burlap & Lace tote bags have arrived!  Great for tucking in your car and having as you shop!  Also perfect for books, travel toys and a whole host of other things….only 5 left so don’t wait to get yours!

IMG_9851My newest “fun” addition to the holiday kitchen is this dip sleigh….the elf is actually a cheese spreader!  Simply add your dip to the sleigh, put the sleigh on a white plate filled with crackers and you’re ready to entertain those hungry guests!

IMG_9854Got a grinch in your house?  Cheer him/her up with this fun sack wall or door hanging….

IMG_9840And just because Christmas comes and goes that doesn’t mean you have to put away all your decor.  This snowman is perfect for your door through the winter months and gives a hint of spring with that birdhouse….love this!

Why not keep a stocking on hand for that unexpected guest who is blessed to come to your home this season? And you have have extra blankets to warm you by the fire (and a tobacco stick ladder to hang them on when not in use?).  And don’t forget that architectural salvage pieces are always among the decor options at Burlap &  Lace….they simply bring an essence of time past back to the present day and make great conversation pieces for your family and friends who visit.

So I leave you with this….Spring will surely come, but until then, drop in at Burlap & Lace for daily surprises and much-needed peace during the busiest time of the year.  My prayer is that you will always feel welcomed here, and find a place of soothing relaxation for your soul.



Vintage old…and Vintage new…

IMG_6410I’m taking a walk down memory lane this morning…counting my blessings and the many things I have to be thankful for.  I’ll start with the greatest blessing of all…..salvation through my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Because of His great love for us, my HubE and I can celebrate 34 years of marriage minus a huge, ugly burp in the middle.  But even with that burp stage (divorce), God faithfully restored all that was lost, and has made our marriage so much richer and sweeter.  I praise Him for that.

The birth of Burlap & Lace as a storefront occurred in March of 2017.  From its humble beginnings at the 500′ office space turned storefront to the amazing 1915 home it now embodies, the journey has – to this point – been far more than I ever would have expected.

From the receipt of my first dollar at the first space to my first dollar at the second space, it’s never been about the money, but more about the people I have met.  And for that I am incredibly thankful.

IMG_9367The name Burlap & Lace, if you recall, originated from the story of my sister and me.  (Read back on the blog for the story of that journey!)  To this day, you will find remnants of those items in the shop.  But as my youngest child likes to remind me, the shop will always be vintage-inspired because “Mom, you ARE vintage!”.  I smile at that truth.

IMG_6263And if you haven’t met my sister until now know that she has been with me throughout the whole journey, and I thank God for our friendship and love of everything cottage, farmhouse, antique, rusty and beautiful.  From ironstone pitchers to architectural pieces, we share a love for the very things that make our houses more into homes for us.

While you might not wear these antique boots today, why not stuff some flowers in them and use as a doorstop?  Pretty unique idea and you can change the flowers out seasonally!

While I definitely have vintage decor to choose from, I have introduced some newer items this season that would make fabulous gifts….

IMG_9404Wine bags….paintings by local artist, Lynn Driver…

Calligraphy wall decor, snowmen from vintage fabrics & buttons – both crafted by local artisans…. beer soap (don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it!) and candles by Inglenooks Soaps….

Pillows and fun decor…..and still, there is room for the truly “old” vintage and farmhouse appeal as well….

choose from a variety of hankies, or a random ornament package…

Window buntings and kitchen Santas….

Fun kitchen decor (or go ahead and use these tree baking tins), and homemade signs by yours truly.

And for those of you who want to capitalize on the benefits of a year-end sale just beginning, let me whet your appetite with an array of Fall items and home decor items marked down 50% from the already reduced prices….


Linens… and lamps, furniture and decor…

And maybe just a little bit more….

See anything you like?  Capitalize on Small Biz Saturday and shop local!

And from my home to yours, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving…



Deck the halls…

IMG_9231Christmas is a favorite time of year for me…..the smells of pine, fir and balsam as we tromp through the fields in search of the perfect tree… digging out the stockings to hang by the chimney (or from the banister)….searching for the perfect gifts to give….all of these things help to make the season one of remembrance for me.

Last week was a highlight at Burlap & Lace as I literally decked out the entire house (minus one room for my Fall Sale) in Christmas attire!  New items will be added throughout the rest of this month and next, so don’t assume you have “seen it all” from one week to the next!

Vintage, of course, is in play in nearly every room.  From the whimsical Santa to the elegant choirboy of the 60’s, and not forgetting the reindeer from the 50’s that light their way through the darkest night – you will find plenty to make you smile and to bring a memory or two.

Lynn has been painting for me again and I love showcasing all she has done!

IMG_9239As you think of decorating your own spaces this holiday, think of ways you can add whimsy alongside practicality….for instance, take in this green door that came straight from a local camp!  It’s the perfect addition to a bedroom to allow guests to hang their towels on.  And when not in use for your guests, throw a garland over the top and add a stocking for wreath to add decor and fancy to your room!  Even the vintage hamper is a great addition, allowing your guests to feel at home in your home this holiday!  Why should they have to stuff their dirty clothes back into their suitcase before their trip is over?

Need a hostess gift for the office party?  Why not choose from the items in the kitchen?  Lots of stemware, serving dishes and pitchers to choose from….

Need a different suggestion?  Why not choose one of these festive wine bottle holders?  No wrapping necessary!  Or pick a stocking and fill it with a variety of small items.  Wouldn’t that be a wonderful surprise for any host or hostess?!?

IMG_9230Holiday pillows add a touch of class to any location….from a bed to a chair to a shelf!

Pick a dress form and set it in any room for added fun!  This one is ready to serve you!  (By the way, there are numerous holiday aprons to choose from as well….fun to wear OR to decorate with!).

I would be amiss after all this “show” not to reveal to you the real reason I celebrate this season.  Jesus Christ…..who was “in the beginning” and came to earth in the form of man…with one mission…. to purchase my life back from the death sentence I had because of my own foolish ways.  Because of His death, he paid the ransom for not only me, but you as well!  And because of my faith in Him, I can claim eternity with Him as He reigns as King of kings and Lord of lords over all creation!  To Him be the glory….forever!



I’m not Joanna Gaines…but read on!

IMG_3403So many things inspire me, but none like the known loves and passions in my life….(1) my love for Jesus Christ (2) my love for my husband (3) my love for family (4) my passion for creating & decorating (5) my passion for writing and telling a good story…

So let’s begin here…my passion for creating and decorating…  Though recently inspired by Joanna Gaines (truth be told I only learned about her and Chip this past January while inn-sitting and getting more than 5 TV channels!), my passion has deeper roots than this past winter.  Since I was quite young, I thought it “fun” to mess up my room in order to be made to “clean it”, which to me meant rearranging all the furniture, reorganizing the desk drawers and making a fun new creation to hang on my wall.  Call me weird, but these times of room cleaning at a very young age are among my favorite memories.

So let’s bring it closer to home…to today, or even this moment.

IMG_3481Sitting at my computer, I am blessed to be surrounded by  “a few of my favorite things”, and it hit me that perhaps all you need to inspire you in your own home is just that….a few favorites.  So let me help you get started!  See the pencil/pen cup?  My sister, also featured in the picture above, and I were doing one of our favorite things together…antiquing…and as we got up to the counter to check out, I spied that cup and asked if it was for sale.  “That thing?”, the owner laughed, then offered it to me for $1.00.  It boasts of pink, green and flowers….what’s not to love about it?!?  So now it has a new home.

IMG_3480I love architectural salvage, and anything dented and rusted.  So when I found this old money box, I thought it the perfect thing for my desk, with a picture of my sweet HubE perched on top and an antique frog for holding his latest “note” to me (yes, he leaves them daily with my coffee cup).

IMG_3436Often my finds just outright make me laugh…as was the case with this cow!  Found at The Tin Roof in Traceylee’s Southern Junkin Princess’s booth, both the picture and the pillows were a “must have” purchase.  My husband has worked in agriculture all his life…specifically with cattle…AND, his grandma had a pet milk cow named Bossie.  He totally understood my desire to add the photo to our bedroom, with our otherwise wall of family photos…

IMG_3438Let’s take a look at this picture…years ago I began a wall of my favorite photos….so that when I lay in bed at night, I see my family and remember….times shared  and how thankful I am for each person and moment.  The bench beneath is a “find” I actually tried many times to sell in my booth spaces of past, and finally decided it was meant to come home with me!  Someone had previously carved the word “meek” into its top slat.  Meekness (which was an attribute described of Jesus) means power under perfect control…a reminder to me of Christ’s power living in and through me.

Baskets beneath the bench hold books for my precious granddaughter…at a low enough height that she can sit on the floor and enjoy them, or bring them to Nana to read to her.  The spool is simply a decorative piece added, as is the grey wine box…also from Traceylee’s booth!  The bowl and pitcher were one of the few things I have left from  my childhood room.  At Christmas, it holds vintage Christmas balls!  A few of my favorite things…

IMG_3470When looking for pieces for your home, start with things you have and love and build from there.  This metal “wallflower” has been in our home some 30 years, inspired by my love of flowers, yes, but also my passion for metals and architectural pieces.  My husband’s grandmother used to collect pitchers, and while she must have had more than 5 dozen, I have only 5…and I use them all!  My coffee creamer goes in one every morning, and the larger milk pitcher I save for when we have guests.  And the vintage tins actually hold what they say….at an easy reach while adding a decorative touch to my 70’s kitchen.

Let me stop here to add this disclaimer…if you live in a 1970’s or 1980’s home, don’t think you have to shovel down to the bones to redecorate.  Start where you are, and add touches bit by bit.  There will be time and money down the road (after you save….and wait…and add anticipation…) to do a total makeover!  In the meantime, find what you can or must live with and build.  For example, I have orange counter tops, and while orange is not at all in my list of desired colors, I have found ways to incorporate it into my overall scheme while downplaying the fact that I have orange counters!  IMG_3472Such as adding touches of blue…

IMG_3469And even a dusty pink antique cookie jar, which pales against the orange.

IMG_3479My antique lamp, in white, doesn’t formalize things, but rather softens the color and draws your eye away from the o-r-a-n-g-e.

IMG_3467It also allows me to bring in a touch of something else I love…hobnail.  These glasses were found at a thrift store where I paid ten cents apiece for them.  They are now the perfect glass for me because the hobnail keeps my arthritic hands from sliding down the outside as it condensates from the cold liquid inside. I may actually get to keep these in the family for awhile!

IMG_3464I don’t really have a china cabinet, but my entry cabinet is the perfect storage spot for some of my favorite things….a wine decanter and glasses from my grandmother now sit ready to use at our home for communion with friends and family.  You will always find aluminum pieces at my home as well….they are quite useful and also make attractive decorating pieces!

IMG_3462Think outside the box….you’ve heard me say it over and over again.  I love to display pieces that make me happy, such as this table scarf and platter.  But we don’t have a lot of room, and we needed a place for our dog biscuits…so I just combined them all into one fun spot…just inside the front door for easy access and an attractive entryway.

IMG_3461My friends at  Southern Chicks know me well, both for my Burlap &  Lace store, and for my own home finds!  And they know, too, that often what I purchase for our home may one day end up in my booth space because I like change so much!  But this piece I may never part with!  It now holds my storehouse of china and glassware that I have accumulated since working at the Bed & Breakfast on Tiffany Hill…things I bought to entertain with in my own home after enjoying it so much at work!  And see the lamps?  Antique store finds at only $5 each, but without shades.  Trick of the trade….buy white shades at a thrift store (these from Goodwill for 50 cents each), then spray paint them whatever color you need!  I painted mine black to draw in the furniture tones in the den that offsets the entryway.  While I would love to paint every piece of furniture in our home, my husband (rightly so) puts a big “no” on some items, and we already had a lot of black furniture pieces so I decided to leave them and work with them… for example, in our guest room….

IMG_3448With all black furniture, I decided that this would make the perfect “architectural salvage” room…as both my boys love the same and I reason they will likely be our guests most often!  I stole the ladder idea from a friend of mine…then chose a family photo of us all and hung in black frames between the rungs.

IMG_3456This cedar trunk was left behind in my grandmother’s attic.  I was drawn to it because it had crackled white chippy paint on it…and check out those feet!  I LOVED this piece!  BUT, I wanted to use it as a toy box and wasn’t sure if it was lead based paint so I attempted to sand it off and start over.  Fail.  So I attempted to add stain to make it “worn” and just reasoned that I would leave the paint alone otherwise.  Fail again.  All that did was produce a very ugly creamy brown color.  So I did the unthinkable….I grabbed my spray paint cans of brown and black and went to work on this piece!  And I LOVE it!  Where there’s a will, there’s a way, right?

IMG_3476I started Burlap & Lace by making signs…wall art of many descriptions.  My son, in college at the time, took hold of my love and began painting his own creations.  For a surprise, he left me this 3-piece tree to sell in my booth….NO WAY!  This piece is center in our den, and probably will forever be!  I simply added my own interpretation of window and stars to capture the “starry, starry night”, then splashed a few colored bottles around and called it good!  And looky there….orange is again brought into the scene, but toned down by greens and blues and yellows!

I hope you’re not tiring of my home tour, but I have a purpose.  Hang on…it’s coming!  Just a few more pictures & ideas to share…

IMG_3446Don’t be afraid to mix the old with the new!  I began buying silver platters and creamers for my son’s wedding, but afterwards decided they made lovely pieces in my home as well.  And the coke crate is from my husband’s grandfather’s store of years gone by.  I wanted to use it, but was unsure how until I needed a place for washcloths!

IMG_3440Baskets are everywhere in my can use them for everything!   And while struggling to find something to use in our bathroom but not yet ready to tear out the sink and start from scratch, I came across this corner shelf at Southern Chicks and grabbed it up!  Weeks afterwards, I was in there again and another vendor had the same cabinet for sale…so I bought it for my booth so you couldn’t say I wasn’t thinking about you when I was shopping!  Two other things in this picture to notice…(1) the round enamel plate.  I love enamelware, and use it in every room; (2) the picture….I bought the frame years ago at Gravy in Brevard, but had no use for it…I just loved it!  Then years after I found this tin photo, just the size of the frame!  The picture made me smile…not sure why, but some things don’t need explanation to create a warm place in your heart.  So when you find something you like, something that makes you giggle or smile, perhaps it’s meant to go home with you…for a later time! Don’t be afraid to store some things away…the challenge is not to do so in excess!

IMG_3460I appreciate old wood…even discards that no one else sees value in.  This piece, topped with my prayer scripture for about 9 years, was the first piece I made for our home.

IMG_3450Try turning books backwards to show the worn pages instead of always stacking them with the binding facing outward.  This shoe form was a bargain at $3, but I didn’t buy it for the bargain it was….I bought it because of the name “Joy” on it!  What a reminder to me….

IMG_3443A garden planter becomes a holding place for my business cards and price tags…

IMG_3444A vintage ironing board sits by my rocker as a different sort of table, complete with a coaster for my morning coffee, a favorite picture of my boys-now-men, a lamp atop yet another metal box, and my mother-in-law’s table scarf to soften the overall look. The chalkboard was made by my son and framed in my grandmother’s discarded frame.  Now it is my morning inspiration spot, placing whatever God has put on my heart to learn or remember upon it.  You can’t see it here, but I have an insulator turned upside down to hold my chalk!  You will find those in my booth this month as well…

IMG_3414So to Burlap & Lace we go….here is that corner shelf I told you about!  And many items of silver (all for $16.95 or less….unheard of!), wood and insulators, as promised.

IMG_3410Baskets to choose from, and vintage tablecloths as well.  At $14.95 each, you won’t find tablecloths anywhere at this price!

IMG_3400This vintage table would be perfect in a bathroom makeover…simply add the basin (why not an antique bowl with the pitcher sitting beneath?) and faucets and you have a dreamy new addition!  Or if you don’t want to go that far in your redecorating scheme, do as I have done here and put this piece on a deck with ice and drinks for your next barbecue!

IMG_3405For a few more weeks you will find wedding ideas and items for sale.  But get them quickly because new ideas are in the making for mid-June to usher in summer’s sizzle!

IMG_3402Let me leave you with one last view of the booth …  hopefully to inspire you, but also to encourage you to start with that one “favorite” item in your home and begin to do what you have been too overwhelmed to begin up until now.  My motto?  Think outside the box!  If you see something you like but are unsure what you could do with it, email me or write a comment here.  I love a good challenge! And stop in to the Tin Roof to check out the other vendors as well.  Like me, you may end up with a good starting place just by finding a cow!

Laughter is good medicine.











The Tin Roof adventure begins!

11238231_820941801308551_2148637034823567877_nPerhaps you’ve seen this sign on Brevard Road as you make your way toward the new Outlet Mall, or Discount Shoes?   I found it as I rambled past my husband’s office one day on my way toward Asheville….and boy did I do a quick U-turn to check it out!  What I found on the inside delighted my heart and spun my head in a hundred directions all at once!

Having decided to bring Burlap & Lace home for a season, stopping in here made me rethink my decision.  So I did what I always do in such times as this….I left the owner my card, invited her to check out my blog, told her I would bring back my portfolio for her to see, walked to my car, and sat in the parking lot praying.  I prayed that if the Lord was redirecting me He would make it evident to me…that I would not press this but that they would ask me to join them in their shop.  I prayed that my husband would be completely agreeable to the idea because I know all too well that if we are not in agreement, things collapse around us.  And I prayed that I would patiently walk through the process and not try to “make things happen”.  Then I drove home….but the butterflies of hope and excitement were already flitting around in the pit of my stomach like they do when I am on the verge of something new and exciting.

At the end of that week, I was headed to Charlotte to see my Dad (see previous blog), and decided that it wouldn’t hurt to stop in again and pray as I walked through the place once more.  And so I did.  The owner wasn’t there, but the sweet lady that greeted me (and she did greet me…with a warm smile!) talked with me and then showed me her booth space at my request.  I continued to walk through the store, praying and taking in every nook and cranny.  Then I was off on my 2 1/2 hour drive to Charlotte, with plenty of time to think and pray on the way!

Upon my return home, I did talk with my husband about it all.  He was sitting in his favorite chair as we talked, and his eyes hinted laughter as he watched me excitedly describe this prayer adventure to him.  Then he laughed out loud and said to me, “I think you should do it.”  I almost stopped breathing as I looked at him in disbelief.  No further question asked, he simply told me that he knows how much I love doing this, and perhaps if I get a booth space I would give up the idea of owning my own shop.  We both laughed at that.  And so the decision was made.

The next week (no, not the next day surprisingly enough), I went back to The Tin Roof to talk with the owner.  As promised, I carried in my portfolio.  She and another vendor met me as I came in and excitedly said, “When can you move in?!?  We want you!”  I was stunned, and didn’t know what to say!  The owner had done as I requested….she read my blog and shared it with several of the other vendors.  She did not even ask me to complete an application!  I got the contract from her and we discussed spaces I could move into.  The one that I envisioned from the beginning was just inside the front door.  In choosing it and discussing how to tag my items, I was told that it was booth space #1….same as I have at Main Street Market Shops!  That meant that I will not have to re-tag a single item!  God is amazing and so, so good!!!  Another answered prayer…

Lest I forget my original promise to my readers, I am still going to continue to blog through our home decorating process.  It will be a long process that will take us through this year and likely into next.  But in addition to that, I will continue sharing wonderful items and ideas with you at my new space which will open the first week of April!  For the month of April you will continue to see me in the window at Main Street Market Shops, but you will also find me at The Tin Roof.  And as I enter into this new adventure at The Tin Roof, I am slightly changing the way I display and do things, so allow me to share with you here first…

As many of you know, our youngest son is getting married in May.  Having worked now on my third wedding (the first being my eldest son, the second my niece’s in Columbia last summer), I have discovered how much fun I have making a reception or a rehearsal dinner a spectacular event for the bride and groom.  That being said, I have decided to showcase a wedding booth twice/year…once in the Spring/Summer and once in the Fall/Winter.  In doing so, I hope you will help me spread the word to brides-to-be that you know of.  What I would like to do is to specifically tailor my booth those months for what one or two brides have in mind.  It will be a showcase for them to come get ideas, ask questions, purchase for their wedding and grow their own excitement over their special day.

The other thing you will see, which will actually not be far from what you see now, is more Farmhouse style mixed with Vintage flair mixed with Shabby Chic pieces mixed with antiques.  What does that look like?  More woods, more metals, more painted furniture, more ironstone items, more silver, more hammered aluminum, more glass, more FUN all the way around!  There will be color, and there will be whites mixed with wood tones.  I can’t wait to show it all to you!  And I am bringing back my own versions of “wall art” ….things I make that have a special meaning to me, and hopefully to you…signs in particular.

April’s booth at The Tin Roof will have you hankering (that’s a southern word!) for more….more garden items, more shabby chic furniture, more Farmhouse finds.  And “find” you will…at Burlap & Lace!  If there is a particular thing you need for your home, let me know!  I love “specific” shopping trips with just you in mind!   And I will find the best bargain to bring back to offer to you at The Tin Roof!  I hope you will become more interactive with me throughout this year.  You are the heart behind what I do, and I am determined to find ways to bring us together more often!

So get ready!  Opening day for me at The Tin Roof will be April 5th,  and for that one month of April, you can shop with me at two venues!

Enjoy this journey with me….it promises to be a delight!



Burlap & Lace rings in the New Year … soon!

Burlap IMG_3150& Lace will be ringing in the New Year in early January by designing “Spaces of Intrigue” in and around your home.  Every month in 2016, I will feature creative design venues as well as offer decorating techniques and tips, motivating you to re-purpose items in your own home that may have been neglected or discarded for way too long.

Not only will items be showcased here on my blog that are for sale at my shop (located in the window space at Main Street Market Shops in Brevard, NC), but I will walk you through my own process of Spring cleaning and renovation in our mountain home/retreat.  My desire is that we will enjoy this journey together, and at the end of the  year, we will have finished and delighted in many successful and fun redecorating endeavors.  I even hope you will share your own pictures and success stories with me!

To start off our journey into January, Burlap & Lace will be welcoming in the Bliss of Winter with ideas and tips for creating a fabulous and cozy kitchen and dining area.  Having put all of the holiday baking and festivities behind us,  we will explore ways to get our kitchens spruced up again and ready to welcome in friends and family throughout the coming year.  Not one of us will have time to give a glance to the winter blahs because we will be too busy having fun in our kitchens!

As you tug down the Christmas blitz and bling,  pull on those creative juices to look at your rooms in a whole new light as we approach 2016.  My suggestion?  Guard against the temptation to simply put everything back in order just the way it was prior to decorating for the holidays.  Let me help you tackle one room at a time to get a new look and outlook for 2016.

So take the next two weeks to simply breathe after the holidays, but get ready to push up those sleeves and duck your head into those kitchen cabinets with me.  I dare you not to enjoy this adventure!

Check back here around January 6th…. we will start with a window view into my own cozy kitchen straight out of the 70’s and see what can be done to add vintage charm and appeal and to gain an updated look….in your kitchen as well as in mine!  And if your kitchen has been recently updated, no worries.  There’s always room for some tips on cleaning out and reorganizing!

See you in the New Year!  Blessings to you and yours.

~ Connie


A girl can change her mind…and give thanks in all things!

Sept & Oct 2013 029

This picture pretty much sums up the whole of my blog….Burlap (me on the left) and Lace (my sister on the right).  We both love vintage finds….for our homes particularly.  So we have done it again….shopped till we dropped – literally!  And what’s to come will be reflected at Main Street Market Shops in the month of December.

Somehow, November has flown by without a blog from me, and so I want to simply say….”I’m thankful” … for so many people in my life who have believed in me being all God created me to be, and for so many ways to express the creativity He has bestowed upon me.

If you happened to drop by Burlap & Lace this week, you saw a pretty bare window space.  You see,  I had determined to close the doors officially for a season with the close of December.  But I am happy to say that a girl can change her mind, and so I have!  At least for the time being.

The book still needs to be written, and there are still a zillion other things on my “to do” list, but for now just walk with me a day at a time and let’s see (together) what God continues to do!

It’s been a great year so far, and I can’t wait to blog in a week or two to give you the finale for this year’s themes.  It’s gonna be good!

Until then….why not shop till you drop at Burlap & Lace?

Smiles –


Sketches of Autumn among an architectural salvage backdrop


It’s official….Fall is upon us and the smell of molding leaves beneath my feet as I stroll through the forest mingle with the drops of rain gently falling around me.  Ummm….what’s not to love about this season?!?

So as October ushers in, this month’s booth is dedicated to the two men in my life I am most proud of, excluding my husband….my two sons, Britt and Mitch.  Both have October birthdays so it was only fitting to dedicate this month to them.  And both  have inspired me in ways that I hope you will visualize this month as you wander through my booth space.  From scripture quotes to rusty hinges, these things tell stories of my strong men and lend me to smiles every time I visit my own booth space.

As you walk through Burlap & Lace this month, you will see things that totally encompass these fine young men….from duck decoys to architectural books, saws and other odd tools to mechanical parts and all kinds of architectural salvage.  The cool thing is, though, these items make their way into any home if you just know how to use them!  So let’s get started on our tour and see what might interest you along the way!


Ok, so what’s with all the school items this month?  And of all things, an abacus?!?  Well, my oldest son is a math whiz, and toys such as this were not just toys to him growing up, they were building blocks shaping him toward the mechanical engineer he is today.  So don’t be surprised if you see stacks of books among the shelves this month!  They remind me totally of Britt, my oldest son.


While my youngest, Mitch, was not so captivated by reading the books, he certainly did show a love for design at an early age.  No wonder, then, that he is headed toward being an architect as he finishes graduate school this coming year.


Of late I have had opportunity to talk with my oldest about the days of teaching him to sew….yes, it’s a manly thing to do, especially if you are a pilot and totally self-assured of your manhood!  This old Singer caught my eye as the perfect thing to perch on a laundry room shelf, or to tuck right atop the stacks of books in your library.  The colors, though not obvious in this photo, are rich with the design of this antique machine.  What a talk-piece this is!


When my sons are home, there is always a pot of coffee brewing.  Some of our best autumn chats are around the woodstove, cups of steaming black liquid in hand (well, mine has a touch of cream added to it).  This changing table  has been renewed to make an adorable coffee bar for your home.  The front bar detaches, and I can so envision it with baskets tucked on the bottom shelves to hold coffee cups, table linens and so much more.  The drawer would be wonderfully fit with the old wooden silverware tray that you see standing up on the top of the bar…perfect for those spoons, tea bags if you are a tea drinker, or to hold sugars to sweeten the brew!

And those caps tucked into the drawer….baby ‘boggans for that child’s ears as he/she strolls with you through the carpet of leaves this Fall. These were hand-crocheted by Britt’s wife….and see how adorable on my precious granddaughter….


Nothing speaks of Fall like  Thanksgiving, and while we are more than a month out from that special occasion, I couldn’t resist getting the table started with these adorable pumpkin plates!  The rosebuds tucked inside the wine goblets (silver inlaid with gold) are napkins!  What a great display for your Thanksgiving feast!  And best of all?  These plates are plastic!  The kids can’t break them, so go ahead and enjoy them for many years to come!



I love the effect that shutters add to a wall….standing against a shelf, or hanging alone….and the wire rack you see behind the old washboard is an oven rack…but what a great backdrop for displaying framed pictures of your kids, or just as it is here….a unique display in a laundry room!  Add a few clothespins to the wire rack and you can attach photographs or love notes or even lost socks….the sky is the limit with this one!


These bar stools swivel for good coffee conversation!  Sturdy, distressed and waiting for you to perch with cup in hand!


This is probably my favorite addition this month….these shoe inserts with the pull out heel knob make the perfect hanger for a hand towel in the bathroom, or for a robe in the bedroom.  Secretly, I am hoping these don’t sell!  I would love to see them in my own home!


So what is it about me and feet this month?  When I found this cobblers shoe form with 4 shoes, I knew it was coming home with me.  I think it was the baby shoe form that grabbed at my heart strings.  Yes, it’s a bit rusty, but that’s the intrigue of it!  Again, this is  a piece that would cultivate conversation in just about any room, but I see it perched upon a stack of books.

And the milk glass goblet is something else I especially am fond of this month.  I would put it on my desk to hold pens and pencils.  How about you?


This cozy table would fit nicely in a corner where you need a lamp and a place to put your coffee cup.  The drawer is perfect to hold your glasses, a notepad or even your cell phone charger!


While there is a selection of books to choose from, there is also the coolest “book” shelf beneath them!  Made from real books, this is another “must have” to add to your bedroom or den.


Unique is this cup and plate holder!  The pegs actually have space to hold a platter above the cups.  Here, I have attached hanging candles to give some ambiance and glow to the dinnerware above, but rolled dishtowels would also work nicely in the upper basket.


Two of these stools stand proudly here this month….perfect seating for the workbench, drafting table or kitchen bar.  And check out the metal fall basket perched on top….I actually would use this in my bathroom on the back of my commode to hold toilet paper!


Don’t overlook these bags hiding in the window-front.  They are burlap table runners….perfect for your table setting!


From fan blades to old trunks (the black one tucked behind the blade), there are pieces just waiting to grace your home and bring a hint of salvage mixed with cottage charm….


And what about these racks?  With clothespins for pictures or napkins, make them a perfect “fit” in your home.


And there are at least 2 decoys here this month…one for each son!  Duck hunting with their dad has become a tradition….so if these don’t sell, guess where you will find them next month?

And what about that antique popcorn popper?  Bet you can still tuck it inside the fireplace for a crackling, yummy Fall treat!


This bench is begging you to have a seat!  Perfect for that Fall yard!


And as you walk out of Burlap & Lace this month, don’t forget to look up!

IMG_0920 Even the screen door laced with branches and lights is for sale, and wouldn’t it just grace your patio?  Or even hung above your bed….what wonderful ambiance this would offer!

So Happy Birthday sons!   Thanks for giving me good things to talk about!  I love you both so much….

Happy Fall Yall!


Inventory reduction/reorganization sale coming Aug. 30!

IMG_0201Growing piles in my husband’s shed prompted the idea….
IMG_0202A Burlap & Lace Home Sale seemed to be just the ticket to clear out inventory and reorganize for the months ahead….so that’s just what is in store at my home on Sunday, August 30 from 3 p.m. until 7 p.m.

But as I pondered on the idea, I reasoned that I shouldn’t just offer these great prices on my home items, but on the items already in my booth space at Main Street Market Shops!  So I have drastically slashed prices there too in order to make way for some really great, new things upcoming!

IMG_0206This beautiful piece didn’t even make it in the front door before it was bought!

IMG_0400But don’t worry…there are still fun items to choose from at Main Street!  Lamps, lamps and more lamps….not any priced for more than $30 and most under $15!  Better hurry in…at these prices they won’t last for long!

IMG_0403And there are some fun new furniture pieces as well….

So whether you shop at Main Street Market Shops, or come to the home sale/yard sale, you are sure to go away happy!

See you soon, and happy shopping!



Shades of Blue

 So here’s my disclaimer….I’m not polished, but I’m genuine.  I’m the burlap.  Meet the lace…

IMG_3848This is my sister and my best friend, Sandy.  This month’s for her ’cause it’s all about shades of blue.  As small children, our Papaw loved to shower us with dresses….red dresses…. because red was his favorite color.  A memorable story in our family was when Papaw proudly donned us with these beautiful red dresses, to which Sandy pouted and exclaimed (and probably stomped her determined little foot!), “But Papaw, I like BLUE!”  The story stuck, and so has her love for the color blue.  It’s her birthday month, and while I didn’t get this blog posted in time for that celebration, today, 8 days past her birthday, I am celebrating her…the lace, and the sister I love so much.  So enjoy the blue, Sandy, and may it make you smile.

IMG_4989Papaw called Sandy his “littlest angel”.  So again, Sis, this one’s for you!  It’s a garden angel, but you could so easily put it indoors as well.  The butterfly that adorns her dress makes this piece a delight!

IMG_4995These shutters inlaid with tin are romantically beautiful and would be gorgeous hung in front of french doors, a patio door, or on a bedroom wall above a bed.  They almost didn’t make it to the shop!




June always makes me think of summer, how ’bout you?!  Every summer for as long as I can remember, our family vacationed at Myrtle Beach in a house that sat on the ocean front.  It was called the Shoreline, and although I never saw a starfish there, these pretty ceramic ones made me remember those days.  The flip flops and beach towels are situated perfectly in a bait bucket, waiting to be taken to the beach for a day in the sun and surf!

IMG_5016So much blue, and so much fun!  From the lace dress form to the trunk filled with fern, to the starfish on the wall and the enamelware pans….everything this month makes me smile and remember my sister in one way or another!


This stars and stripes lap quilt makes a pretty table cover as well.  Two vintage, wicker plant stands await your front porch or back patio! Let these sweet ceramic birds on a plate adorn your table as a pretty centerpiece.  Farm to table napkins, bread basket, teacups, vintage ice bucket, side table…..all need a home.  Why not yours?!?

Until next month….blessings.



Organizational Bliss!


Moma love….there’s nothing like it!

My mom can run circles around any other mom there is or ever has been, and she has taught me so much about so many things that I wouldn’t even know where to begin the list.  So I’ve picked one attribute of her thousand talents to showcase with her this month….her organizational skills.  And I have chosen to call it (for myself) organizational bliss because it is truly so wonderful at the end of a day to feel organized….in my thoughts as well as in my home!



I just love this organizational board, and was tempted not to share it with you this month so that I could keep my ever-growing pictures of ideas, my to-do lists and my pictures of my family on it!  But tempted as I was, I have chosen to “let it go” in my booth this month, hoping that whomever takes it home to be theirs will love using it as much as I believe I would!

IMG_4373Let’s start with a little office organization, since that’s the area I first came to love from my mom’s skills.  Unlike other little girls my age, as a child I would wonder into mom’s office to “play office” with her, using her adding machine, a notepad, pen and a fake cash drawer….all set up in her office on a cardtable just for me!

As I have grown, I still love perusing the isles of office stores looking for organizational treasures.  My love for vintage wares led me to find this metal file tray not long ago and this enlarged paperclip, both to which I was instantly drawn!  The rusty tins in the background are actually bread boxes, but I can envision them keeping my office shelves looking great while adding useful storage for pens, pencils, adding machine paper rolls, you name it!   The basket sitting atop them would be ideal for adding outgoing mail and for clipping keys to the hooks.



The bath is my next focal point, and I must tell you that this Pears Soap print in the vintage frame is a particular favorite of mine.  Sitting beneath the print is a table that would fit perfectly in a bath, holding towels beneath.  And if a bath doesn’t suit you for it, then why not put it in your den area to hold magazines?  The hobnail lamp and black shade make a stunning ensemble, don’t you think?




Moving from bath to kitchen, take a look at this vintage kitchen table, in near perfect condition!


This is sure to be my favorite piece this month…and with it we will move into the kitchen, which as an adult has become my favorite “play” place!


Any mom boosting cookies when her kids come home from school is sure to win a hug or two, but when the children get to pop open the turkey for them, why what could be more entertaining?!?

Choose from an assortment of kitchen goodies this month….from platters to chargers, to ice buckets or wine racks, canisters, wisks, baskets….the list is long and the choices many!




Have you seen the trend with the roosters?  I happen to believe they are charming little creatures…at least when you find them in the kitchen!





This baker’s rack holds some of my favorite finds this month….baker’s rack included!  As a reminder, you will never find a NFS tag in my booth!  So don’t forget to look at the things you would normally view as display pieces in other booths.  The large vintage Sunbeam bread box sitting on the top shelf is perfect for holding your recipe books.  And I still use vintage tins in my kitchen to hold snack bars and cookies.  The picnic tote on the shelf brings back fond memories to me of Sunday afternoon picnics with my grandparents.  And the enamelware tub on the bottom shelf would be the perfect holder for those summertime beverages on your deck, don’t you think?!?

Don’t let your imagination stop in the kitchen, though.  This vintage trunk – again, almost in perfect condition – would house blankets in storage for those winter wonderland days.  There are actually two trunks to choose from this month…so check them both out!




As you leave the booth, why not take a load off in this chair, and grab a business card to give to a friend?  Let your mind settle into organizational wonderland, and meet me back in a week or two on the Facebook Page for Main Street Market Shops to see what new items have been added.  Until then, happy organizing!

~ Connie



“Do one thing, and do it well.”

My children and I give full credit to my husband for being a man of great “one liners”.  In fact, one day I may just write a book of his “themes” that are handed down to us as wisdom statements.

Over and over this past month, his words have stung my heart as they floated past my ears.  “Connie, just do one thing, and do it well.”  He knows my passion for expanding my business, and my ability to let things take on a life of their own.  To me, expanding my business meant being in more than one location.  But I have learned that in such a small town as we live in, that simply doesn’t lend itself to anything but exhaustion!

I have attempted to house Burlap & Lace in multiple locations across this small town I live in, thinking that was “the answer” to expanding my business without having to drive 40 miles to keep and maintain a second booth space.  But because of the uniqueness of Brevard and its shops, I realized that to grow in this manner would actually necessitate diversifying the type merchandise I offered in order to be more unique in the different locations, and that totally went against the grain of the fabric of my business.

My ultimate dream has been to own my own business….to stroll to the quaint little doors of a downtown shop before sunrise on any given morning, slip the key to my shop into the keyhole and walk through the door of a place “all my own”….where once the lights were turned up and the sun gave way to a new day, those passing by might stop to gaze excitedly through the windows and then hurry inside to see what treasures they might scoop up before the next person beat them to the find.

Imagine, then, my enormous delight when the owners of Main Street Market Shops called me one Sunday afternoon and said, “Connie, we want you to take our window space.  We love your style and the way you create.  Are you interested?”  Are you kidding?  Am I interested?  YES!!!!!  I am interested! 

God has a way of fulfilling our dreams and delighting our hearts in ways that are not quite as we imagined, but are oh so much better than we could have dared to dream.  Really.  So much better….

So let me introduce you to Main Street Market Shops, the new home of Burlap & Lace.  Main Street Market Shops is located on Main Street in downtown Brevard, directly across from Mayberry’s and next door to Gravy and Fox Hollow Gifts.  Owned by the same gentlemen that own Fox Hollow Gifts, you will be greeted with some good ‘ol Southern charm when you enter their doors!



Let me give you a preview of my new space…..with entertainment being the “theme” this month…


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As I finished setting up my space last week, the sun was setting and my heart was questioning if I had done the right thing.  This was a big step for me and it was going to require me to make some more changes…significant ones.  I turned to leave the shop, and my eyes fell on this in my newly created window….


God let the last rays of daylight seep through the window and onto a canvas I had painted, giving me a message my heart desperately needed to hear.  I embraced the moment.

So what about Country Creations?  Ah….

Sheila, Christy and Candace have been amazing to me.  The last year (and then some) has been full of fun, friendships and sharing life with these ladies.  I pray those days continue even though my business is finding a new home.  I will close my booth space at Country Creations on February 28th.  What that means is a great big SALE through the end of February!  Begin to look for mark-downs on merchandise that is there through the end of this month.   And then please come find me at Main Street Market Shops!  I’m not gone…I’ve just changed locations.  And not because they haven’t been amazing to me at Country Creations, but because God is fulfilling yet another dream of mine.

Coming in March…..I’m going to have a GARDEN PARTY and you are invited!  You will not want to miss this …  Main Street Market Shops …

March 1-31.

Until then, blessings.


Home Decor, and so much more…

Beth TriceMeet Beth.

She’s probably the single greatest reason I love home decorating the way I do, though I’ve likely never told her so.

Beth and I were college roommates, and being the home economics major that she was, her love for sewing and cooking was contagious enough that I wanted to ‘watch and learn’ from her then, and still do!  Today I credit her  with the reason I have a blog, for when I got hooked on reading hers, I decided to start my own and she was instrumental in helping me do just that by answering a dozen questions flung her way.  So hats off to you this month, Beth, for inspiring me to dream big, and to achieve more than I could have ever imagined!  This blog’s for you!

Two things are especially noteworthy this month for Burlap & Lace – (1) the continuation of my heritage as lived out through the remembrance of my grandmothers and (2) expansion (finally!) into a new location that I can’t wait to share with you!

My grandmothers were two very different women with two very definite and differing personalities.  One sparked energy, artistic ability, and a love of the outdoors while the other was quiet, proper and very unassuming.  As a young girl growing up around both women, I bounced nearly every weekend from painting with watercolors to playing games of Old Maid to hitting golf balls in the back yard to sitting quietly in a room with a china teacup perched on my lap.  Featured this month at Burlap & Lace are remembrances of my wonderful grandmothers and what they have taught me.










My art work boasts of  things that remind me of both women and of days gone by.  Flowers were a favorite of both grandmothers and put a smile on my face as well, so you will see a lot of those this month both in the art, and in other uses and forms.  There will be more of a mix of color mingled in as well, as I could not possibly limit a color scheme to either grandmother (though they both loved yellow and they both loved pink).

IMG_2954One grandmother knitted and crocheted, so I wanted to be sure to include these baby caps handmade by my daughter-in-law.  These would be the perfect baby gifts for that special someone in your life!  And making February even more special this year is that my daughter-in-law is expecting her first baby (my first grandchild!) this month as well!

In keeping with the celebration topic comes news of the expansion that I spoke of earlier.  This month, I have opened my second shop located at Main Street Market Shops (next door to Gravy) in downtown Brevard.  I am VERY excited about this opportunity for expansion and hope you will drop in to either Country Creations or to Main Street Market Shops to see what you may find!  I have only just begun to set up at Main Street Market Shops, but let’s take a peek preview….

IMG_2977 IMG_2976 IMG_2971








You can expect to see some changes there in the week ahead as I get settled in there.  You know I will keep you posted!

Blessings in the journey –




2015: A Year of Celebration Stories and the People Behind the Inspiration

As 2015 peeks its head around the corner, itching to burst through the door we just closed on 2014 with its never-met goals and unfulfilled dreams, my hope is that each of us will look ahead with anticipation and joy of what is to come and let go of what now lies behind.

Burlap & Lace is entering its 2nd year, and my prayer is that it will be a year of fulfillment in more ways than I can ask, think or imagine.  As I have pondered on how to let you in on my dreams for the new year, I thought I would begin by letting you in on a secret…. YOU are a part of my dream….and together, we are entering a year of celebration!

There have been (and will continue to be) many people who have impacted my life in one way or another.  At Burlap & Lace this year, I will be highlighting those people who have had an influence on me and who have helped shape who I am today.  In January, though it may sound a bit egotistical, the celebration is on myself and the fact that I am entering into my 2nd year of business.  For that reason, you will see many of my roots showing up this month….

photo 1This is the house I grew up in, and I can tell you it still looks very much the same as it did when I lived there from the early 60’s through the early 80’s! My room was on the back right side of the house on the 2nd floor.  The day my mom and dad painted the closet doors lime green and installed bright pink shag carpet made for one happy pre-teen girl!  To this day I continue to love that color scheme, and for that reason, you will see a lot of pink and green in my booth this month.

January is also my birthday month, and as tradition would have it, my sister baked me my favorite chocolate pound cake with caramel icing when we met at my parents home for my celebrated day.

photo (36)photo 1aThat she always doubles the icing so she can fill up the hole in the center of the cake for extra helpings makes me smile.  She’s my closest friend, and as you have already read if you’ve followed my blog, my largest supporter for Burlap & Lace so of course we had to get in a little bit of shopping during our weekend!

photo 2


And then there are my parents –

photo (37)It goes without saying that I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for them.  No, not just “here” as in alive, but not “here”, where I am spiritually.  They laid a solid foundation beneath me when I was a child, partly in the way they lived their marriage out before me and partly in the way they always kept God as center.  God has continued building on that foundation and will continue until the day I die.  My parents have been tremendous supporters and believers in who I am , always encouraging me to write and to explore my creative side.  My love of crafts was largely due to Mom’s owning her own business when I was in my early teens and seeing her thrive at what she loved doing.  The overflow was exampled in her love of the people she served with her talent.  Dad was always her avid supporter, both emotionally and financially.  Mom and Dad – thank you for your encouragement and your love without fail.

There will be many others you will meet along the way this year…but starting with my roots seemed appropriate enough.  So let’s explore what Burlap & Lace has to offer you this month!

photo 1eOne of my “finds” on my treasure hunt with my sister was this beautiful linen tablecloth.  I knew it would be the perfect match for the table that was already among my treasures!

photo 3bFrom my Sweet Exchange evening in November came a find I was ecstatic about. This oval table (below)  was a “discard” from a friend, but all it took was a little paint and some love to make it my favorite addition to this month’s booth.  Although its original use was as a side table in a den (it had a lamp pole attached in fact!), I envisioned it immediately in a bathroom as a wonderful place for towels and toiletries.  With the addition of a silver tray from the 60’s to adorn the pink glass bowl holding hand towels, you have everything you need right at your fingertips.  And if you’ve never tried Meyers Soap, you will be hooked on this particular scent.  Cradled atop a vintage soap dish and lit up with the pom-pom lamp behind it, this whole ensemble would complete a bath with one stop shopping!

photo 1One thing my husband will tell you is that I like light!  This lamp was a major “gotta have it” when my sister and I went shopping.  I had already purchased the lime green shade, and this lamp with its floral motif was the perfect fit beneath it!  Set atop a small table, laced with a pink and white doily, what a pretty addition this would make to any room.

photo 3gAnd just in case you want a more galvanized look, this lamp would be my pick…

photo 3fThe flower is a removable magnet, but I happen to think it’s lovely adorning the lamp itself!

While I could easily leave pink and green to themselves, I have mixed in a touch of orange to set off the other two colors this month.  This painted pallet shelf is small enough for a bathroom, but would make a nice coffee bar addition as well.  You will also find many selections  of hammered aluminum scattered about.  These bowls and platters are easily dressed up or down, depending on your serving occasion and need.  And why limit them to the kitchen?  This large tray would make the perfect setting for perfume bottles, toiletries or to show off a bedside lamp.

photo 2aMy love for the natural outdoorsy look plays into every booth, as does a splash of burlap and lace!  You will almost always find a selection of baskets and metal pails or containers tucked beneath a table or inside a cabinet door, or perhaps even hung on a wall.  I find their unlimited uses almost always match their diverse shapes and sizes.  For instance, a metal locker basket tucked underneath this small side table makes the perfect place for rolled up towels in a bathroom.   Moved to a shed area and lined with a piece of burlap, it’s the perfect setting for terracotta pots awaiting potting season!

photo 1bAs you may remember about me, I don’t put anything in my booth that I am not willing to sell!  The louver doors (there are 2 here this month) make nice backdrops for a room that needs a screen to break up the monotony of a dull wall.  In my readiness for spring to come early, I have sprinkled in a few containers that would make interesting vases….from the scientific beakers to the silver urns… and added a few bowls to house anything from food items to decorative finds.  The black shelf unit is metal and can be used indoors or out, for anything from lamps and books to plants and garden shoes.

photo 1cYou will also find a generous smattering of glassware and kitchen items in practically every booth display monthly.  Cooking is a joy to me, and the presentation of the food is every bit as important to me as the taste, so look for table coverings, china, cookbooks and fun tidbits sprinkled about.

photo 1aphoto (38)

 photo 2fAbout all that’s  missing at this point are the wonderful displays of wall art that are soon to come….be on the lookout as the month progresses!   And thanks for sharing the celebrations with me as we enjoy 2015.  Who knows?  You may just be a part of one of my blogs in the months that follow!







Christmas time is here…

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It’s time.  No really….once the last bite of pumpkin pie hits your belly on Thanksgiving Day, it’s time to think about decorating for Christmas.  You know it’s true.   Or start that early-bird Christmas shopping at least…

Tomorrow night is the Open House at Country Creations Florist (where Burlap & Lace is housed), 5-7 p.m.  Don’t miss it!  Just to whet your appetite, take a peek at what’s in store for you there…

photo 2aVintage stockings are hung by the chimney with care (well, hung on the wall anyway!)

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         Wreaths, star lanterns…ooh, the things that await you!

photo 3 (96)Look high, look low….there are hidden treasures inside every nook!

photo 3aphoto 25

Why not adorn your table with stemware…crystal no less…at a crazy price!

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These hand-crocheted baby caps will keep that head snug and warm….perfect gift for that newborn through toddler!


photo 19And don’t forget those gift tags!  Dig through cause there are tons to choose from!

Lighted things

Why not light up that coffee bar with these containers for all the beverages to suit your tastes this holiday season?  Add the pineapple window lights to a window or a counter top!

Maybe a wreath for your table, or a vintage bait bucket adorned with a tree?  Oh, so much to see!!!  See you there!


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Let Me Entertain You!

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The holidays are upon us, and my hope is that you will “Let me entertain you” with all the settings for a Thanksgiving table, a coffee bar set-up, the makings for a cocktail bar, or simply with the ingredients for that perfect movie night!

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In true vintage fashion, my boast this month are these amazing metal cabinets.  They are small enough to fit into tiny spaces, yet large enough to create some great entertainment areas in your home!

coffee bar


rolling pins


With a pallet shelf hung above, this cabinet holds incredible coffee bar potential!  And why limit it to just that?  There is room for your rolling pins, cookbooks, hand towels and aprons as well.

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Lest you be one of those shoppers who has been taught to “look but don’t touch”, I encourage you to break with tradition and open those cabinet doors and drawers!  Both are brimming with ideas for housing your glassware, serving trays and other necessities that you want within reach but not necessarily displayed outwardly.  And those vintage peculators you find there?  Yes, they work and have the plugs tucked inside!

photo 2-1

And why not toss in a mirror-turned-menu-board to whet your guests appetites and have them savoring those upcoming meals during your gatherings?  There are three styles to choose from this month:   the simple vintage mirror (above),a traditional chalkboard-turned-menu-board that has room to house your rolling pin, and a divided window that has room to display your appetizer, entree and dessert choices all in one location!

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Let this padded board serve as a holder for your recipe cards, those soon-coming Christmas cards, or family photos that will delight all during the holiday gatherings.

photo 21


For the more “spirited” crowd, grab some glassware and a shaker and start the party rolling!  Or choose from several different wine bottle holders to grace your table or counter top.

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This metal table expands on both sides to create more space for guests, and a cozy table for 4-6 during those times when there are fewer mouths to feed.  The drawer has silverware compartments and a place for those cloth napkins to rest when not in use.  Take a peek inside!  Surprises await you! (Oh, and the window menu board is hung above as a simple reminder to “give thanks”.

santa cups


For some, once the Thanksgiving turkey is gobbled up, it’s time to hunt down the perfect Christmas tree and start gathering decorations for the next holiday gathering.  From vintage Santa cups, I have created some wonderful adornment for your meal table or just about anywhere you want to display them!

cheerwine bottles and wreath


This lovely berry wreath can be used as a centerpiece on your table, or hung for some holiday color on those winter drab walls….let your imagination flow!  Think “entertainment”, remember?!?   I personally think that pairing the Cheerwine with some popcorn for movie night sounds like a good idea….

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This metal chair and bowl is a fun way to “pop” up some fun when serving that popcorn!  Small enough to fit atop a kitchen counter, or sturdy enough to stand on the floor next to the couch, your family is sure to gather round it!  And while they last, there are a select few movies left (viewed, of course), for just $3.00 each.

light wreath


Want to really “light up” the holidays?  Try plugging in this vintage-style wreath and see what smiles light up your household!  Absolutely my favorite “wall” display item this month!

Enjoy the season of entertaining others…and while you do, don’t forget you could be entertaining angels unaware!







My Pet Peeve…..NFS

You know how it goes….

You finally have a day to wander aimlessly through that store you wanted to take a peek in weeks ago, and there it is….the perfect item to adorn your home!  You search for the price tag only to find that pest of a sticker….NFS (not for sale).  Or worse even are the words….”for display only”.  Really?!?

At Burlap & Lace, you will  never see those three letters coupled together, or those three words.  If it’s in the booth, it’s for sale!  That means display pieces, wall boards, you name it.  I promised long ago that if it’s going in the booth, I’m willing to sell it.  Besides, I’ve already confessed how I am drawn to change, so selling even my display pieces means I get to find new ones!

Only 2 days left before the winds of change blow through Burlap & Lace, bringing in the hint of a new season.  Won’t you “let me entertain you”?  Stay tuned to see what’s coming!

~ Connie



Maybe I’m the only human being on this earth that thinks we should stop and smell the leaves before hanging up the Christmas stockings….and while you can hardly find Fall and harvest finds in the stores for the Christmas displays already being put up, I want to embrace the season a bit longer.

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While I personally do not celebrate Halloween, we do –  after all –  live in Transylvania County!  Why not load this pumpkin with candy and have a ready-made treat for your friends and family?

photo (15)Add a little Fall flavor to your kitchen with this cutting board and teapot!

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Ummm, I can just smell the fresh apple cake as it comes from the oven, and what better thing to have on hand to put it in than this glass cake plate with its own lid!  And if you are interested in some vintage flair, why not add some red to your kitchen or garden with this stool?

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While I love the different foods that the holidays usher in, there is nothing more pleasing than to set your table with candles, apples, straw and apples and let the aromas add to the pleasing eye appeal.  There is so much to see this month that you really do just have to come take a peek!

News flash:  Vendor night/open house at Country Creations is from 5:00 –  8:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 16th.  Why not come in for some cider and check it all out for yourself?

See you there!



Make way for Fall arrivals!

I can hardly believe summer is coming to an end!  Items are marked to move…come on in to Country Creations  Florist and get in on the fun!


This jam cabinet reduced to $85!  What a bargain!  Use it in a kitchen for dishes and recipe books, or in a bath for towels and toiletry items.  Or how about in the shed for gardening tools, gloves and paints?!?  The possibilities are endless!

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Dress forms are both useful as decorative pieces, or for a place to toss a jacket in an entryway.  You can take this dress form home today…it’s decorative enough to stand alone, or dress it up if you prefer!  Look for the 50’s poodle skirt coming this week…just in time for halloween (only $16 for this 2-piece set)!  Dress form reduced to $45!


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As the season gives way to winter, I imagine this vintage cradle (standing on end with pillow in front) on a large table at Christmas, full of holly and Christmas balls and lights.  Ummm….or perhaps nestled by a fireplace holding the yule logs would be the better setting.  It would also be a great addition to your daughter’s doll room.  Get it now, reduced to $35.  What a deal!

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Every room needs storage, so why not take home this chest and use it by a bed or in a kitchen for a coffee bar!  The uses are limitless, and the price has been reduced to just $60!


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Or choose this painted chest instead, in an office, by a bed, or in a laundry room to hold all those old cleaning towels.  Also priced at just  $60!

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I have several of these milk cans at my house….they are perfect for holding hiking sticks and umbrellas by the front door, or garden tools in the garden to make gardening so much easier!  Priced at $35, you will want this to end up at your home next!  It also looks lovely with a potted plant nestled inside the hole, and watering is a cinch because when the can gets full of water, simply remove the plant and dump out the water!

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With the coming of my first grandchild, I envision this window with black and white photos taped in each spot, or perhaps a finger-painted picture from that special child would mingle nicely with his or her photo?  Can be propped, or hung.  Priced at only $36!

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Are you like me….small kitchen and in need of extra work room or serving space when guests arrive?  Why not try this vintage ironing board as your solution?!?  Prop it up to hold the Thanksgiving turkey and dressing and take it down when the serving line dwindles down!  Or set it in a guest room to hold a suitcase, or a laundry room to use as a folding table!  Because is folds, extra space is readily available, and easily removed when not in use.  And it’s VINTAGE!  (and only $25)


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Bookshelves are often hard to find, especially wood ones that are well-constructed.  This small shelf is only $35.  Looks great in natural wood, or paint it if you prefer.


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And this is only the beginning!  Come in and find that still-working vintage peculator, or a crib bed spring that can be used on the wall as decoration, or hung  outside as a type of garden trellis.  Reduced to sell at just $30!  (The rust is free!)  Or how about a pepsi crate priced at only $24.95?  I have mine hung in a bathroom to hold washcloths!

Come on in before Sept. 1 and find lots of fun for your home, or gifts for friends and neighbors.  It’s never too early to begin Christmas shopping!  New inventory will arrive in September, so let’s move this out and have room for more!   Hope to see you soon, and happy shopping!

~ Connie

Industrial vintage…is there such a thing?!?

Thoughts of my youngest son (young at age 23!) came to mind as I set up my “new” booth for the month of August….”Industrial Vintage” was the name I chose to give it.  With a mixture of metal, glass and wood, I thought the name was justly deserved.  But my son being the architect that he is…well, would he agree on the term?!?   I think I’ll let my readers decide!

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The creaky old ironing board was fitting…and somewhat reminiscent of my great grandma’s days.  And the washtub held significance all it’s own….from days of my Nanny soaking everything from clothes to garden veggies in it.

While the vintage school desk was unlike anything I remembered (and it should be noted that even I am vintage at this point in time!), it sparked a smile upon sight and I knew I should include it!  The vintage books add the charm of my own 4th grade days spent pouring over books …


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And who doesn’t remember watering vegetables in the garden with a grandparent?!?  I sure do!


photo 2 (67)As the ideas began to flow and the items began to pile up, my thoughts went to the days of my own youth when Mom would have homemade cookies awaiting us after school… I’m sure she spent the greater part of her days in the kitchen just awaiting our arrival, and she was always there with a smile and a reassuring hug when the day didn’t go so well… “We’ll figure it out”….I never felt alone growing up!photo 1 (69)So whatever your tastes are today, journey back in time with me to see what I think was a bit of “industrial vintage” just waiting for its place in time!   I am sure the burlap and lace added then what I believe they add today…a touch of romanticism to an otherwise industrialized world of  work.  Enjoy the journey with me!

~ Connie

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