Cottage designs & Farmhouse finds

“Settling in” is definitely something that brings a snug and cozy feeling to my heart, and that is exactly what I’ve been doing in the last few weeks of February at The Marketplace on Locust. As I have moved into a larger, one-room space, I am creating a one-of-a-kind, ever-changing space for you to come enjoy and to gain inspiration from. Every week will usher in fresh new ideas, inspiring vignettes of how you can stage your own living spaces and a surplus of home interior goodies – everything from furniture, to art work, to lamps and every imaginable piece of home decor. Let’s take a tour of the “firsts” that have been designed with you in mind!

Every home needs a desk….whether in a living space, an office, a bedroom or a loft….creating a space that is both unique and functional is important! This kidney-shaped desk is all of the above, complete with a bookcase built into the backside! Plenty of room for a computer, desk pad, calculator or whatever makes your office space “work” for you!

This coffee table is a re-purposed antique piece with so much character and charm that it barely made it into the shop instead of into my own home. Solid wood and tall enough to house beneath it a basket of throws for those cold winter nights or a magazine basket. Stack a few old suitcases beneath it for appeal and extra storage!

This charcoal grey table works well in place behind a love seat or small couch. Would make a nice server with space to house dishes and silverware within the cabinets and drawer. Or what about a TV perch? Use the drawer to store remotes and the side cabinets for those candlesticks you never have a place to store!

There are several antique trunks in my space this month….all restored and perfect storage as well as just pretty pieces to adorn any room.

Spring is on the way so why not start thinking of ways to outfit your home with some of the beauty of the season? This antique basket of lavender is guaranteed never to lose its shine! Use it outdoors or in….And the cloche is a perfect way to transform your dining table or side table from season to season. Seen here with a few antique plates and some white birds to welcome in the season. And how about hanging these tin pieces filled with succulents on a porch or in a bathroom? These beauties will never need watering!

The vintage love in me just can’t help but come through! Try a dress form in a corner of your home and transform it seasonally to keep vintage appeal alive and fresh. Seen this month in linen white fashioned with touches of silver necklaces – all for sale! And this scalloped bookcase is meant to fold but has purposefully been screwed in place to avoid mishap! Just keep that tidbit in mind when looking….easily stores should the need arise! Don’t you just love the chippy patina!?!

Buffets used to be standard fare in homes “back in the day”, and they are making a comeback as more and more we turn to entertaining in our homes again. And even if entertaining isn’t your idea, these pieces are the perfect landing spot for an over-sized TV or for your music ensemble! This particular piece, however, is perfectly outfitted with dividers in the top drawer for your utensils.

Seating options for your home and porch should include both style, fashion and comfort….so expect to always have a choice at Burlap & Lace that meets all three of those criteria!

Try styling a guest dresser with a vignette of vintage pieces perfect to delight the eye and entice the guest to a good night of sleep. This styling is brought to life within a vintage hat box filled with old gloves, an antique book, some greenery and of course, ironstone! You could even add fresh flowers to the bottle vase for your guest!

Don’t forget to adorn your walls with fun, interesting and decorative items! From this whimsical cow painting to the birds nest candle mount or the wooden arches or mirrored door, nothing charms a home more than a bit of wall decor. I try to incorporate a bit of architectural salvage accompanied with practicality in every room of my home. Unsure where to begin? Ask Ilse, the owner of Marketplace on Locust, for help as you browse through the entire store. She is a designer like no other and always ready to help you put together the perfect ensemble for any room in your home or office!

Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 28….the Spring Open House will be from 10-6 at the Marketplace on Locust and everything in the store will be 10% off! Can’t wait to show you what’s coming to the space of Burlap & Lace for that Spring event! Until then…happy shopping!



The “art” of inspiration

Beginnings are important….as are prayers and dreams. So I want to share with you the “art” of inspiration….where it has come from for me, and how it plays into my designs.

For years I dreamed of and prayed for a house with a wrap-around porch to house the business of Burlap & Lace….but not just that….I wanted a yard full of flowers…a place to tend the garden and till the soil on slow days….a place to sit on the porch and welcome guests/shoppers/friends. And God answered my prayer in 2017. This was not my first brick and mortar space, but it certainly was the one my heart had yearned for, and believed for. And so it all began….

There’s always a “back story”, and mine is simply how Burlap & Lace was born. I have a sister 17 months younger, and we teasingly referred to ourselves as the Burlap (me) and the Lace (her) through our adult years. I encourage you to find and read the rest of the story (search the Home page of my blog), but let’s just say that the name stuck and has carried me for far longer than the brick and mortar beginnings.

She’s the encouragement I need, the laughter in life’s difficult moments and the one who will “cheer” me on when I need it most. Simply said, I would’t be “Burlap” were it not for her, the “Lace”.

But I couldn’t be where I am without the love of one man….My HubE continues to be my greatest source of strength on this earth, and I thank the Lord that he truly encourages me daily to be all God has created me to be.

And what I’ve yearned to be most since I was three years old is “mom”….and I couldn’t be prouder of my two sons. They married well and gave me two amazing daughters who love me and, better yet, love my sons and make them better men.

Inspiration in home decor begins at home for me. If you see it in my space of Burlap & Lace, it’s because I likely have it also in my home. You will definitely see themes in my decor….things I love to decorate with because they speak to who I am. So let’s look at a few of those things that inspire, but that I’ll likely never tire of….

The written word is powerful….and whether it’s in vintage items that depict that, or in books and signs themselves, you will likely always see those items in my space.

Pitchers and vessels that would hold flowers, utensils or other objects always draw me in. Not only are they pretty, but they’re useful! Try thinking outside the box and incorporating a few of these items into your own home!

Milk glass is timeless. I particularly love the hobnail type, but all of it is collectible in my eyes. If you haven’t noticed, I love greenery and flowers, and milk glass is the perfect vessel for both!

Architectural salvage will appear often in my designs, and I will point you to ways to use the items around your home in ways that are both attractive and practical!

Art speaks to me, telling a story that is special to the heart. You will see items in my space, as well as in my home, that speak to the things that make me smile….children, birds, nature….What inspires you? Look for that and fill your spaces with those things.

Painted furniture is something I love to mingle in with bare wood pieces, and painting antique pieces that I have found makes my heart happy as I think of who will be inspired by the piece and want to incorporate it into their own home.

At the end of the day, if you are a vintage girl at heart, just shine! And don’t forget to have fun along the journey.



How to survive a kitchen remodel…

I know we are not the first family to undergo a remodel of a kitchen, but when you are embarking on this journey, somewhere in the midst of the excitement lies a small bit of terror as thoughts arise on how you will remodel the kitchen on a budget and yet eat every meal out for months on end. And what about those wee children and hard-working husbands? Bedtimes, nap times and missed ballgames or meetings for your husband will definitely add to your stress if you are constantly dragging your children to restaurant after restaurant night after night and pleading with your husband to miss his game, or his meeting, to take you out to eat.

I know I’m a bit over the edge Type A, but I am only three weeks into this remodel and I can already tell you some things that have saved us.

I began with “eating down our frig and freezer” the month prior to any work beginning. Simply stating, all that means is ….eat what you have on hand and buy very little else. And if you can make casseroles ahead that will microwave easily (providing you will have a freezer to store them in), that will be time well spent!

Secondly, I began to plan where our make-shift, temporary kitchen would be housed. Although it’s not the best idea to use your sleeping space (particularly if you don’t like to smell food odors into the night), it was the most reasonable spot for us as we have a very small home.

I began by clearing out and stowing away easily movable and small furniture items such as side chairs and tables. I purchased several plastic tubs that I could put our kitchen items in (including food) and began cleaning out the cupboards one by one, filling the tubs and labeling them in case I had to find something later on. I used sticky notes to begin my thought process of where things would go in my make-shift kitchen.

Next, I set up our dining room drop-leaf table in our bedroom, covering it with a beach towel and putting our sink drainer on one end. This area was going to become our dish drying station. On the other end of the table, I placed two plate chargers and a stack of paper plates. (The chargers were to provide extra stability beneath the paper plates).

We were fortunate to have a small college-sized refrigerator in our shed, and my sweet husband cleaned it up and brought it and an old work table inside for me. That, combined with some old storage drawer units we had stuck in the crawlspace of our home, created a nice area for our immediate needs.

The next thing was to take stock of what cooking items and utensils I already had on hand that could be used in meal prep without a stove or oven. (Oh, did I mention we were also replacing all of our appliances?) I already had a counter-top microwave so I made a mental note of where that could go in our temporary kitchen.

I also had a crock pot and a rice cooker, so I knew those would be quite useful. We are blessed as well to have a grill and my husband was more than happy to be included in the meal prep, so naturally I would incorporate some good grilled items into my menu planning (but I’m getting ahead of myself!)

I determined that the only other item I didn’t have that would be helpful was a hot plate. When I walked into our local Wal-Mart, however, I found an electric skillet for under $25 and purchased that instead. It’s been such a great find and something I will use even after the kitchen remodel is complete!

As I packed up the staples of my kitchen (salt, pepper, spices, etc.), I left out those that I use most frequently and put all the rest into one of my designated food tubs. Don’t forget to leave out staples such as peanut butter & crackers!

Next I went to work on planning 30 days of menus that would use microwave, grill, crock pot, rice cooker or electric skillet. Oh, I also left out our toaster! I figured if the reno took more than a month, I would simply start over again with my menus! (Yes, I honestly thought we would be done inside a month’s time!)

I brought in some stacking drawer tubs we had stashed in our shed, cleaned them up and stuffed them beneath a plastic folding table I also had in the shed. Those have proved to be super helpful as well for storing some food items and also some glass baking dishes that I use not only to warm food in, but for storage of leftover items. (KEY here is not to plan meals that you actually have leftovers from unless you have a refrigerator to store them in during your renovation!)

How could I forget our coffee station? I found some cute wipe-able place-mats at Walmart for $1 each and purchased two simply to protect our dresser top. Then I brought in a stacking shelf that was in my cupboard and used it to create my coffee station. Works so great!

Be sure to include in your make-shift kitchen area a trash can, liner bags, a recycling area and lots of bottled water! While we don’t have a kitchen sink or a refrigerator with water built in at present, I have found that the convenience of bottled water is just….well, nice.

Okay, the hard work now has been done! Let the reno begin! Let’s see some of the meals we’ve enjoyed during this journey so far….

Broccoli and salmon were prepared on the grill. Beans and tomatoes were heated in the microwave (not as nice as on the stove top where flavors have an opportunity to mesh, but still good!).

Taco salad anyone? I browned the hamburger in the skillet and the rest was easy peesy! Don’t like paper plates? I promise when you get to meal clean-up you’ll be thankful for them!

Speaking of meal clean up, I chose to use a plastic dish tub that fit inside my bathroom sink so that I didn’t have to wash my sink out everyday! (Lazy, I know…). Because I’m not a fan of drinking coffee from paper or Styrofoam or of using plastic utensils, there are always some items to wash, but overall it has been quite manageable.

Keep the main thing the main thing and don’t forget to enjoy the journey! You will get to enjoy the not-so-exciting food prep in your new kitchen soon enough. For now, think…..Camping! You’ve got this!

