Burlap & Lace rings in the New Year … soon!

Burlap IMG_3150& Lace will be ringing in the New Year in early January by designing “Spaces of Intrigue” in and around your home.  Every month in 2016, I will feature creative design venues as well as offer decorating techniques and tips, motivating you to re-purpose items in your own home that may have been neglected or discarded for way too long.

Not only will items be showcased here on my blog that are for sale at my shop (located in the window space at Main Street Market Shops in Brevard, NC), but I will walk you through my own process of Spring cleaning and renovation in our mountain home/retreat.  My desire is that we will enjoy this journey together, and at the end of the  year, we will have finished and delighted in many successful and fun redecorating endeavors.  I even hope you will share your own pictures and success stories with me!

To start off our journey into January, Burlap & Lace will be welcoming in the Bliss of Winter with ideas and tips for creating a fabulous and cozy kitchen and dining area.  Having put all of the holiday baking and festivities behind us,  we will explore ways to get our kitchens spruced up again and ready to welcome in friends and family throughout the coming year.  Not one of us will have time to give a glance to the winter blahs because we will be too busy having fun in our kitchens!

As you tug down the Christmas blitz and bling,  pull on those creative juices to look at your rooms in a whole new light as we approach 2016.  My suggestion?  Guard against the temptation to simply put everything back in order just the way it was prior to decorating for the holidays.  Let me help you tackle one room at a time to get a new look and outlook for 2016.

So take the next two weeks to simply breathe after the holidays, but get ready to push up those sleeves and duck your head into those kitchen cabinets with me.  I dare you not to enjoy this adventure!

Check back here around January 6th…. we will start with a window view into my own cozy kitchen straight out of the 70’s and see what can be done to add vintage charm and appeal and to gain an updated look….in your kitchen as well as in mine!  And if your kitchen has been recently updated, no worries.  There’s always room for some tips on cleaning out and reorganizing!

See you in the New Year!  Blessings to you and yours.

~ Connie


To God be the glory….great things He has done!


I can’t believe this is the last month of 2015.  In some ways, it’s the month I have waited for with the utmost excitement, because it’s the month I highlight the One behind the scenes of my life Who has granted me the creativity to do what I do.  Jesus Christ is not only “the reason for the season” as some have said, He is my LIFE, my BREATH, my ALL.  So to Him alone be all the praise for Burlap & Lace, and for whatever has come out of that shop this year.

As you meander in and out of Main Street Market Shops this month, you will catch the shimmer of Christmas lights from the window, and be met with what I lovingly call “wall art” – original creations that come from old pieces of wood that caught my eye because of their shabby characteristics, other “art” (for lack of a better word) that flows onto canvas after pondering happenings of my day or week, and architectural pieces that I just couldn’t pass up because of their unique design or curves.  Such as….IMG_0954The fabric wreaths were made my myself and my mom in about 1983 when we endeavored to have a craft business together.  We used them overlapping on a table in sets of three, then we used them as a centerpiece with a candle in the middle.  Now, they grace the walls and would make a great addition to any door or room.

There are frames that, even hung alone, add interest and adornment to your walls.  And who says they have to be hung straight?IMG_0953These delightful prints framed in elaborate style are both elegant and playful with their scenes of intrigue….girls enjoying music in a garden, ballroom dancing in yet another scene and children delighting themselves in a meadow of wildflowers.  Sweet….

My passion for writing has not dimmed this year, and I am still working on book #2 (hopefully to be published in 2016).  Because of that passion, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to highlight this writing desk and chair.IMG_0949In the midst of my writing days at home, I often take a break to work on passion #2 – merchandising at Main Street Market Shops, or redecorating individual rooms of our home.IMG_0963

This blue hob-knob shelf unit would be a perfect fit in a living area for what-nots, as a bedroom side piece to shelve books and a lamp, or even to use in a bath to hold towels and essentials.

As I often say….think outside the box!  That will make all the difference in making your home speak style.

Check out this old typewriting and typing desk!  I learned to type on something very similar to this in a high school class room.  Talk about a walk down memory lane!IMG_0948Because the kitchen in our home always seems to be the gathering place for friends and family, I simply cannot get away from highlighting furniture pieces for that room each month!  IMG_0957This vintage wall shelf is the perfect match for spices, measuring cups or that collection of creamers that you have nowhere to display, and therefore forget to pull out and use!

There is a vintage table in near perfect condition that boasts an extra leaf so that your dining can span from seating 6 to 12 easily!  The best part of this table is that it completely disassembles for easy storage (should you only want to pull it out twice a year for big events) and for traveling purposes from the shop to your home!  (Hey, I think of everything, right?!)IMG_0969Should you need plate chargers – gold or silver – you will find a stack of them tucked inside the doors of the dry bar….IMG_0962Talk about a piece you don’t want to pass up!  This bar is straight from the early ’70s and works great just as it was intended….a bar!….or as I used it, as a coffee bar and serving place when guests arrived.  With two full shelves below and a back-dropped mirror beneath a lighted interior, this piece is a must have!  The top folds down so that everything is fully enclosed if you should want to hide those coffee cups you have stored inside.IMG_0955Light is a necessary ingredient in every room of our home.  This antique lamp is one of three this month…where could you use this in your home?

Burlap & Lace always displays items of interest and practicality that can be worked into your home.  This Buffalo china is one of my favorites this month.  Why not grace your table with it for that Bowl game upcoming?IMG_0944                         IMG_0939Because we can become so easily distracted this time of year with so many wonderful things, I wanted to go ahead and give you a preview into what Burlap & Lace will be rolling out in January of 2016.

In keeping with my love of decorating spaces, Burlap & Lace will be Designing Rooms of Intrigue for you this coming year…. highlighting a different room or space each month and offering you ways to decorate your own home,office or even dorm room or school room to gain the interest and intrigue you’ve always longed for and not quite known how to achieve.

With that in mind, what about adding these baby caps to your preschool room for these cold days when someone forgot a cap?IMG_0937I purposely want you to see this bench with the word “Meek” carved into it.  When I saw it I immediately grabbed it….you see, for years I studied the word “meekness” as that was one word used to describe my Savior, Jesus.  The word actually means “power under perfect control.”  Wow!  Seeing that etched carving in the wood makes me want to seek the same for myself….IMG_0943    IMG_0929From tablecloths and runners to snowmen to decorate your porch, there are so many finds tucked into this space already that I recommend bending and stretching in order to see everything!  You can even tell your spouse that you’ve done your gym work for the day after shopping here!  Just a couple more peeks to whet your appetite before moving on to the plan for January…. IMG_0927IMG_0967IMG_0945As we move into the New Year, you will find ideas brought to you from both my booth space, and from our personal home as I endeavor to stir your creative juices and inspire you to get those long overdue projects done around your own home.

January will begin with Spring Cleaning….de-cluttering  in order to get you ready to re-purpose and revitalize one room at a time.  But I’m not telling the whole story yet!  You’ll have to drop in more often to see which room we will work on first!  My goal for 2016 is to blog more, give you more inspiration from my own personal journey, and to have a blast of fun together as we explore and create.

But for now, as you wander into Main Street Market Shops, may you remember first the Creator of the universe – God alone, who gave us the most precious gift that could ever be given…Jesus Christ, His Son.  And may you find hope for not only this season, but for the remainder of your life….in Him.

Peace as you journey –
