My Pet Peeve…..NFS

You know how it goes….

You finally have a day to wander aimlessly through that store you wanted to take a peek in weeks ago, and there it is….the perfect item to adorn your home!  You search for the price tag only to find that pest of a sticker….NFS (not for sale).  Or worse even are the words….”for display only”.  Really?!?

At Burlap & Lace, you will  never see those three letters coupled together, or those three words.  If it’s in the booth, it’s for sale!  That means display pieces, wall boards, you name it.  I promised long ago that if it’s going in the booth, I’m willing to sell it.  Besides, I’ve already confessed how I am drawn to change, so selling even my display pieces means I get to find new ones!

Only 2 days left before the winds of change blow through Burlap & Lace, bringing in the hint of a new season.  Won’t you “let me entertain you”?  Stay tuned to see what’s coming!

~ Connie



Maybe I’m the only human being on this earth that thinks we should stop and smell the leaves before hanging up the Christmas stockings….and while you can hardly find Fall and harvest finds in the stores for the Christmas displays already being put up, I want to embrace the season a bit longer.

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While I personally do not celebrate Halloween, we do –  after all –  live in Transylvania County!  Why not load this pumpkin with candy and have a ready-made treat for your friends and family?

photo (15)Add a little Fall flavor to your kitchen with this cutting board and teapot!

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Ummm, I can just smell the fresh apple cake as it comes from the oven, and what better thing to have on hand to put it in than this glass cake plate with its own lid!  And if you are interested in some vintage flair, why not add some red to your kitchen or garden with this stool?

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While I love the different foods that the holidays usher in, there is nothing more pleasing than to set your table with candles, apples, straw and apples and let the aromas add to the pleasing eye appeal.  There is so much to see this month that you really do just have to come take a peek!

News flash:  Vendor night/open house at Country Creations is from 5:00 –  8:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 16th.  Why not come in for some cider and check it all out for yourself?

See you there!
