Celebration May…Delightful June

IMG_3018Meet my new daughter-in-law….and my youngest son.  It was a celebration for sure, that sunny May day as they wed, only a short week ago now.  And we were there to witness their vows, their joy, their love for one another, and for God – Who brought them to this day.

Weddings should be that way….delightful celebrations of what God has joined together. But as I have contemplated over and over again, the day is not just about a wedding…it’s about a marriage, a covenant.  The wedding lasts one day.  The marriage is a lifetime.

With the constant reminder to myself to “not let things take on a life of their own” (that would be my husband’s voice in my head!), I planned for the rehearsal dinner and the beginning of the celebration events of the weekend.  And having done so, I now want to pass on the joy of the occasion as perhaps you, or someone you know, is planning for their own special day in the near future.

IMG_2902Who has a celebration event without flowers?!?  As I spent literally months in search of silver-plated teapots and water pitchers, creamers and sugar bowls that were large enough to hold a bountiful arrangement, I was quite pleased with what I found.  Being an outdoor celebration weekend, I also wanted to bring in the woods a bit.  Queen Anne’s Lace was my choice of flower for a couple of reasons….they are a beautiful white/green mixture, and they seemingly last forever!

At my booth this month, you will now find these polished pitchers complete with flowers  – all for just $16.95 each, regardless of the size or shape of the container!  Now don’t you know someone who would love to be surprised with such a gift as this?  The flowers are still beautiful, and the pitcher will never lose it’s appeal!  And just in case you are decorating for your own wedding or anniversary event, there are about 18 of these for sale this month, and I promise you I have passed on a tremendous savings to you just in the container alone!

IMG_2897“Birds of a feather flock together”, I have heard said.  These adorable clay birds are sprinkled throughout the booth this month, and are fun additions in any room of your home.  But again, should you be planning a wedding, this cage is a wonderful way to have your guests help start the newlyweds with a “nest egg” of their own. Simply add the chalkboard sign and you’re on your way!IMG_2898Vintage appeal is a charming way to add color to your table, and I have a selection of nearly 20 different tablecloths for you to choose from.  All are priced at only $14.95 each.  Unbelievable, right?  But although I searched specifically for ones to use at the rehearsal dinner, I can’t begin to keep all I found!  So why not share them with you?!?

IMG_2893Insulators have become a new favorite decoration of mine, and all are being passed on to you for only $3 each.  I used these with battery candles (also in the booth for sale!) to create a beautiful ambiance on our tables.  And even the wood blocks are for sale, and  let me tell you why!  I wanted to use something like this, but everywhere I went and saw wood pieces, they were either far too expensive, or not for sale (my biggest pet peeve).

One weekend while visiting my parents in Charlotte, I was leaving to travel home and saw that one of their neighbors had cut a beautiful birch tree and had the limbs piled at the street for the city to take away.  I halted my little Mazda, already piled full, and loaded at least 12 logs into the back to take home to my husband.  Believe me, there was some eye rolling with that move when he helped me unload my car!  And imagine his expression when I excitedly told him my idea to use them as centerpieces for the rehearsal dinner!  Not only that, but I requested that he saw 80 wood rounds for me to decoupage with the newlywed’s picture for guests to take home and use as Christmas ornaments in years to come! IMG_2891You have to admit they turned out to be a hit and a great take-away gift from the celebration night.  I have bagged up some of the rounds for sale as well…don’t let these slip you by!  This was an easy gift to make, and not at all time consuming once the logs were cut (thanks HubE!).

IMG_2901A guest board was another easy idea, and of course, you will find it in the booth for sale as well.  $21.95…what a deal!

IMG_2894My vintage love affair continues, but especially with this cake topper, as it was used on the cake of my in-laws in the 50s.  What a sweet heritage and blessing for me to be able to use it.  And the moss?   Yes, I have even bagged it to sell…$3/bag.  You won’t find it for that price anywhere, I promise!

IMG_2890IMG_2889The table markers with the numbers are another fun idea.  I have one in my kitchen to hold my recipes while I cook.  But you could also use it on a desktop to hold a family photo.  And if in need of plate chargers, get them at Burlap & Lace for only $.50 each….another bargain passed on to you!  I have 75 for sale….

IMG_2899So the idea behind the rocks was that each guest would write a memory on them for the bride & groom to take with them; however, when telling my son of the idea he wasn’t crazy about it.  So I used the planter and rocks to celebrate the love birds anyway!

IMG_3002As I end this blog, I want to give tribute and praise to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  From the moment Mitch was born, I began praying for his bride.  And while he and I have journeyed together these last 25 years, I can honestly say that I have witnessed his love for Liz grow over the last 3 years in ways I have had to ponder….ways in which he truly has sought out her heart and given her his in return.  He has held back nothing…especially not his love for Christ, and for that I could not be more proud.

So here is to covenant marriage, and may theirs be all God has intended it to be.  To Him be the glory forever.  Amen!




Digging deep….

IMG_2629Pushing the shovel deep into the soil with a thrust I thought only my husband could muster, my thoughts came to the surface with the dirt.  “Be in the world, but not of it.”  Well being “in” it was tough without being “of” it, I pondered.

You see, I lived so much of my life being “of” the world….drinking, cursing, playing the harlot…that I have come to know full well how important it is to separate myself from the temptations that used to pull me into that downward spiral of what we have come to call “sin”.   I, however, like to call it what it truly is….drinking, cursing, playing the harlot…I think the word “sin” has become much like the word “love”….overused and totally without a second thought of its meaning.

I knelt to push the tender plant deep into the soil, covering the roots and then watering it.  My thoughts continued….

The church (the building with its people calling themselves Christians) pushed me out a long time ago, taking me away from the calling on my heart to minister to women, helping them heal of wounds through prayer and care, planting the Word of God into the very fiber of their being as I was planting it first into my own life.

I was bitter for a time, but I have come to breathe a huge “thank you”.  You see, had I not been driven away from the women’s ministry at our local church, I would never have gone into the world, seeking where God might use me….and as He would do, He led me straight to countless women who (like I had been) needed to know the love of Christ without the condemnation of those who called themselves Christ-followers.

Oh, I’m sorry….I stepped into the miry clay, didn’t I?  Gardening is often messy work…

I stood to survey my planting….the richness of the tender plants poking their heads up toward the sun brought  a smile to my face.  I was confident that they would grow strong and provide food for our household.

And I am confident that every time God leads me to another woman that He knows could use His Sonshine, that in time, they too will grow strong in Him, and provide food for their own households….Jesus, the bread of life.

Gardening brings me great joy.  So does embracing each and every friendship God has given me to enjoy.

If you are reading this, likely you are one of the women God has blessed my life with knowing.  Thank you, for allowing me to plant a seed that another will water, knowing that  God will give the increase.

Be assured that you have also planted in my life…and I can’t wait to see the fullness of the grown plant one day!  Let’s keep journeying together “in the world”, but not being “of it”.

