About the Blog

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You might say she was the inspiration behind the creations….certainly behind the name.

Being 17 months younger than me, my sister has cheered me on throughout our lives with my first remembrance of such being on the track field, and now in just about everything I endeavor to do.

She has always been the lace….that added feminine touch of gentleness, softness, elegance, and yet possessing an underlying strength that surfaced in the toughest of situations.  I was always the burlap…durable and strong, but truthfully only outwardly.  You might say I was a little rough around the edges, frazzled and worn….until God began to weave within me the beauty and grace that would compliment the otherwise rugged exterior.

It’s been a process of years…and it’s ongoing.

Journey with me and be a witness of the creativity of design that flows from a love of family, of friends, of the outdoors and of my vintage roots!

If there is praise along the journey, may God receive it.

All that I do is done for Him.

One thought on “About the Blog

  1. We are the people who bought the hutch that you are going to paint for us. I should have taken a picture with your decor. If you have not moved it, will you take a picture and send to me, please?


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