Sweet Exchange

The day began in a dismal sort of way…the fog was thick, and the rain began to drizzle as we made are way up Hwy 276 to the  Blue Ridge Parkway for a much-awaited hike.  My niece was visiting with 3 of her college friends and the request was that we take them to one of our favorite hiking spots.  It was October, and you never knew what to expect this time of year from the weather; nevertheless, off we headed for Sam’s Knob – absolutely one of my favorite hikes in the Pisgah National Forest.

We retreated from the warmth of the truck’s cab and began our hike across the meadow…


 I had bragged to the girls about this hike and the 360 degree view from the top.  I couldn’t wait to share it with them!  On we trudged….


We literally were starting to walk through a thick mist, and as we looked to the top of the mountain where we were headed, the view did not seem to be improving much!


Not to be discouraged, we took advantage of every view we could possibly find…surely there was at least one out there somewhere!



Arriving at the top, the girls were good sports and let me take their picture against the backdrop  of fog all around us.


Just then, the most amazing thing happened with that fog….


The thickness turned into wisps, and the wind blew back the covering until what was left was –


beauty beyond description!

We experienced a sweet exchange that day….the fog for the October blue sky!  And I am reminded once again of the sweetest exchange ever made for  us….Jesus’s life for ours.

On Sunday night, I am having a “Sweet Exchange” at my home where we will trade unwanted household goods for ones we do want!  In a way, that is the very picture of Jesus trading His life for mine….mine was used up and of little value until He made the exchange.  Now my life is full of purpose, joy and praise!

Thanks be to God, Who alone deserves the glory.


Christmas time is here…

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It’s time.  No really….once the last bite of pumpkin pie hits your belly on Thanksgiving Day, it’s time to think about decorating for Christmas.  You know it’s true.   Or start that early-bird Christmas shopping at least…

Tomorrow night is the Open House at Country Creations Florist (where Burlap & Lace is housed), 5-7 p.m.  Don’t miss it!  Just to whet your appetite, take a peek at what’s in store for you there…

photo 2aVintage stockings are hung by the chimney with care (well, hung on the wall anyway!)

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         Wreaths, star lanterns…ooh, the things that await you!

photo 3 (96)Look high, look low….there are hidden treasures inside every nook!

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Why not adorn your table with stemware…crystal no less…at a crazy price!

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These hand-crocheted baby caps will keep that head snug and warm….perfect gift for that newborn through toddler!


photo 19And don’t forget those gift tags!  Dig through cause there are tons to choose from!

Lighted things

Why not light up that coffee bar with these containers for all the beverages to suit your tastes this holiday season?  Add the pineapple window lights to a window or a counter top!

Maybe a wreath for your table, or a vintage bait bucket adorned with a tree?  Oh, so much to see!!!  See you there!


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Let Me Entertain You!

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The holidays are upon us, and my hope is that you will “Let me entertain you” with all the settings for a Thanksgiving table, a coffee bar set-up, the makings for a cocktail bar, or simply with the ingredients for that perfect movie night!

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In true vintage fashion, my boast this month are these amazing metal cabinets.  They are small enough to fit into tiny spaces, yet large enough to create some great entertainment areas in your home!

coffee bar


rolling pins


With a pallet shelf hung above, this cabinet holds incredible coffee bar potential!  And why limit it to just that?  There is room for your rolling pins, cookbooks, hand towels and aprons as well.

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Lest you be one of those shoppers who has been taught to “look but don’t touch”, I encourage you to break with tradition and open those cabinet doors and drawers!  Both are brimming with ideas for housing your glassware, serving trays and other necessities that you want within reach but not necessarily displayed outwardly.  And those vintage peculators you find there?  Yes, they work and have the plugs tucked inside!

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And why not toss in a mirror-turned-menu-board to whet your guests appetites and have them savoring those upcoming meals during your gatherings?  There are three styles to choose from this month:   the simple vintage mirror (above),a traditional chalkboard-turned-menu-board that has room to house your rolling pin, and a divided window that has room to display your appetizer, entree and dessert choices all in one location!

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Let this padded board serve as a holder for your recipe cards, those soon-coming Christmas cards, or family photos that will delight all during the holiday gatherings.

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For the more “spirited” crowd, grab some glassware and a shaker and start the party rolling!  Or choose from several different wine bottle holders to grace your table or counter top.

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This metal table expands on both sides to create more space for guests, and a cozy table for 4-6 during those times when there are fewer mouths to feed.  The drawer has silverware compartments and a place for those cloth napkins to rest when not in use.  Take a peek inside!  Surprises await you! (Oh, and the window menu board is hung above as a simple reminder to “give thanks”.

santa cups


For some, once the Thanksgiving turkey is gobbled up, it’s time to hunt down the perfect Christmas tree and start gathering decorations for the next holiday gathering.  From vintage Santa cups, I have created some wonderful adornment for your meal table or just about anywhere you want to display them!

cheerwine bottles and wreath


This lovely berry wreath can be used as a centerpiece on your table, or hung for some holiday color on those winter drab walls….let your imagination flow!  Think “entertainment”, remember?!?   I personally think that pairing the Cheerwine with some popcorn for movie night sounds like a good idea….

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This metal chair and bowl is a fun way to “pop” up some fun when serving that popcorn!  Small enough to fit atop a kitchen counter, or sturdy enough to stand on the floor next to the couch, your family is sure to gather round it!  And while they last, there are a select few movies left (viewed, of course), for just $3.00 each.

light wreath


Want to really “light up” the holidays?  Try plugging in this vintage-style wreath and see what smiles light up your household!  Absolutely my favorite “wall” display item this month!

Enjoy the season of entertaining others…and while you do, don’t forget you could be entertaining angels unaware!
