Welcome touches of class….

IMG_0594The pattering rain on this ‘ol house’s tin roof brings a certain comfort to the chill of the day.  January is upon us, which translated means….a new year on the calendar, a year older for this shopkeeper, new venues to create, new challenges ahead, new friends to meet….the list is long.  So let me back up a step or two and bring you back to a couple highlights for me from 2017.

Featured in the photo above are a few things I beg you to notice.  First….the sign on the far left, though funny and certainly feels real every morning, the truth is that JESUS makes everything possible.  If you don’t know Him personally, I pray this is the year you do!  He has taken me out of a heavy, cumbersome boot after a broken foot and I am (for the 4th day now) walking in two shoes!  Albeit, I walk like I’m a toddler just learning again due to having worn that boot for so many months, BUT I am walking, and to that praise I thank Jesus for His healing work!

Now, please entertain yet another of my stories just bursting to be told….

Early in 2017 as I was opening my shop on Osborne Road, in stumbled Lynn Driver.  You can read more about her in a previous blog, but let me suffice to say this….Lynn is a local artist whose work is becoming more and more notable not only here but in other states.  To have her work grace my walls is almost too sweet to believe, but believe it you can!  Lynn has been terrific to allow me to describe my “wants and wishes”, and then somehow she magically creates even more than I could have asked for.  As she and I met last week before I reopened this year, she brought me a few of her pieces that – honestly – before when she has mentioned them to me I haven’t given them another thought.  Mostly, I didn’t feel I could give them the attention they deserved.  But with the help of another remarkable lady, by George, I think the three of us have done it!

Scroll back up to the picture….my words to Lynn’s painting are simply “stunning”.  Perched above a beautifully painted buffet, I want to scoop up the entire setting and transport it to my home!


So let me tell you the story of the buffet…

Late in November as I was hobbling around the shop in my boot, in walked Stephanie Schuster.  Here again, you’ve read about her on another blog of mine, but let me say this about meeting Steph.  I am more than sure that the Lord brought her to me at just the right time.  You see, that silly boot had me unable to bend enough to paint, not to mention that I was not allowed to move, pick up or tote anything of any weight, and so my furniture supply was dwindling toward the end of last year.  Having seen (and purchased!) Stephanie’s work at Country Creations, I was elated that she was willing to have me showcase her work in my shop as well!  I am not the easiest person to get along with because I am very picky about my style, and to be completely honest, some days I don’t even know what it is I am looking for.  But Steph’s work is art in itself, and I am thrilled to add her pieces here.


Adding in an abstract piece of Lynn’s to my den setting made the whole room pop!  And the addition of Steph’s upholstered chair to her beautifully painted and stained desk?  Well, I’d so put that set into my kitchen for a place to sit and pay bills, make out my menus or make my daily “to do” list while sipping on my hot coffee!

So help me in welcoming these two artists to Burlap &  Lace.  I am blessed to have their work here, which means that from time to time I am also blessed to have them here!

IMG_0663As we pop our heads out to the porch, I don’t mind admitting that I am having an early case of spring fever!  My sister has always loved blue, and so for some reason (maybe she has been on my heart a lot lately!),  I decided to bring in touches of blue and yellow throughout the house this month.  And I don’t mind saying that wicker has become a new favorite of mine!  This love seat has got to be the most comfortable piece of furniture I’ve had grace this porch!  Sold as a set (cushion included), pair it with the oval table and you’re ready to sit and sip lemonade!

IMG_0664I’m loving this metal table and chair set…perfect for the porch, deck or to use inside!  Remember how it was showcased last month?  Let me remind you….

IMG_9723Ok, back to January’s offerings….

IMG_0658Chippy meets burlap meets rust…..huh?  This old rusty spring is my new favorite piece!  I had it as an umbrella stand last month.  This month?  Perfect for faux florals to soften the corner of the room!


So with all the guests in for Christmas, I found that the first week of January was mostly spent doing laundry at my home, which inspired me to do two things….(1) create a laundry room at Burlap & Lace and (2) listen to my customers’ requests for picture frames!  You see, I have pictures of my family in nearly every room of my home, so why not add them to the laundry room as well?  Seems we spend a lot of time washing and folding the clothes of those we love so why not see their smiling faces gracing our room as we work to serve them?

IMG_0642I’ve also created a linen closet for those of you who – like me – love finding linens to use on your bed, your table, or anywhere really!


And the garden room is open again, springing up with lots of new, fun finds!


I promise you surprises at every turn, and new merchandise added weekly, so don’t let the dreariness of winter keep you indoors.  Come on out to Burlap & Lace and get a breath of spring.  It really is on the wings of winter!  Until I see you again –



Telling the “why” behind what I do…

M and Mom  cheek kissAugust 2014 will always be sweet in my memory.  This is my moma….who I swear has NEVER answered the phone when I called without a smile to her voice, and who – as I have been doing some soul-searching this past week – is a huge part of my story of “why”  I do what I do.  Simply stated – she has inspired me over the years, not so much by what she has said,  but rather by what she has exampled before me.Dad's b'day #3I just celebrated my 57th birthday two days ago.  And if you know me at all, you understand that I am a processor….I think (and speak) out loud a lot of the time when I should be quiet and ponder before opening my mouth.  But in the end, if you know me, you understand. That’s just the way God wired me.  And it takes a lot of grace to love me!

For my birthday, my HubE gave me a book that has been on my wish list for some time now… and in the first pages of the book, the author asks the question, “What’s your story?  What’s your why?  How did you come up with the idea for your business in the first place?”  With some much-needed quiet after a blessed and active Christmas, I have written down that question on paper, and in my mind, and processed it over and over for the past two days.  And while I don’t have all the answers, I believe I’ve found a few.  So if you will allow me, let me share with you a bit about my story, and my why.photo 1This was the first house I remember growing up in.  I was blessed to have come from a small town where I could walk to school and then home again every day.   When I was a young girl, my mom would allow me to “play office” with her by setting up a card table in my room which was across from her office.  She equipped my “desk” complete with my own adding machine and drawer of paper money.  I would then have my sister come to my “shop” (which was my room) and purchase things.  I wanted her as a customer so much that I even gave her money from my cash drawer to use in “purchasing” my goods!  Thinking about that now, I laugh at how I had to coerce her to play my silly “shop” game.  I believe that experience impacted us both in ways that are still unfolding.

As those early years led into my pre-teen years, my mom owned and operated her own florist business – FANCY THAT – in this same small town.  At the time, all I knew was that my mom and a friend of hers spent their time while I was in school in this downtown shop making floral arrangements for people.  To this day, she has the sign from that shop hanging in her craft room.

As I entered Jr High and then High School, mom and I developed a like-passion for venting our creativity into various outlets.  We spent many a night and weekend making homemade crafts….anything from her floral designs to my cross-stitched Christmas ornaments….with the idea that we would enter into craft shows in our area.  That we did…and we each actually won a few blue ribbons for our wares!

Now let’s fast-forward some 30+ years.Booth 021The year was 2008 and my son was in high school, during which he took art classes.  During the summers, he would often have some project or another going, as would I.  It was during this time that he taught me the fine art of making my own pallet signs.  This was my first one, and I was quite proud!  I used stencils for the design work because I couldn’t paint a lick!  And I used spray paint, of all things!

Not long after I began making these signs, I felt the desire in me growing to have my own space to try and sell my signs.  Booth spaces had become a big thing, and I remember applying for and getting my first space in a downtown shop….The Eclectic Cottage.  It was a huge financial stretch for us at the time….$35 a month for a pole space!  Literally, the space was a supporting pole/wall that was not even 3 feet wide but that went all the way to the ceiling.  For my $35 investment, I could fill that pole with anything I could design.  And design I did!  It wasn’t enough for me to just hang my “wall art”….I decided to purchase a small chest, paint it and get a few Goodwill items to display with my signs.  What I soon learned was that I seemed to enjoy designing the space almost more than designing the art to go in the space! And customers were buying both the wall pieces as well as the furniture and do-dads!

I’ll spare you all the details, but suffice it to say that I went on to larger spaces in more than one venue over the next 8 years, all the while discovering a few things that I truly enjoyed almost more than making my signs.

My first discovery was that I found that God had given me a passion for seeing others overcome their own feelings of inadequacy or worthlessness (as He was surely helping me overcome my own), and He was using this venue to expose me to other women with stories all their own. I found myself being inspired by them all in one way or another.

Secondly, I discovered that God….the Master Creator….had instilled a bit of creativity in me!  I was drawn to designing spaces of intrigue.  I wanted others to be drawn into places of coziness and warmth just by coming into my booth space.  And when they wandered out of that space, I wanted them to leave with their own creative juices flowing!

My final discovery is one that was launched as I opened my own brick and mortar space.  I realized that I was becoming a part of others’ journeys, and I was overwhelmed by God’s goodness to allow that.  You see, whether it is a new bride that comes looking to adorn her first home with candlesticks for her mantle, or the couple that has moved out of their “forever” home into a downsized space for their aging years, I get to be a part of helping them find the perfect pieces to aid in their own personal journeys through the years ahead. And our lives – in a small but significant way – intertwine.  I love that!

I know there will be more discoveries ahead.  In fact, I have spent this week preparing Burlap & Lace with all new rooms for you to explore!  So much new merchandise, and so much more to come in the months ahead.  We have a lot of forward-journeying to do together.  But before we take another step forward, allow me to take a walk down memory lane with you, exploring some of my sweetest designs over the past 8 years.  Here’s to the memories!

Signs…wall art….my humble beginnings.

My sweet sister making pillows for my shop –

And then just a few of my “happy” spaces….

Thanks for being the biggest part of my story…and of my “why”.  I look forward to spending this new year with you!



It’s the most wonderful time of the year

IMG_8856Little did I think when I began a retail business that Christmas preparations would need to begin before I had eaten my Thanksgiving turkey!  But such appears to be true!  And I am excited to tell you that Burlap & Lace will be one of 12 businesses participating in the first annual Christmas Crawl on November 11th!  You can start in Brevard at Burlap & Lace and make your way to Weaverville, visiting stores that will all be boasting Vintage Christmas appeal that day.  And I am pleased to announce that Anita will be on site with me that day hosting her Vintage Tea Party for you!  (She was with me on opening day….what a treat!)

All that being said, I have decided to deviate from my regular “change it every week” disclaimer and let Burlap & Lace dwindle down on Fall this last week of October.  Now don’t be thinking there will be nothing exciting or new for you to find though….on the contrary!  What you will most certainly find are LOTS of savings and LOTS of deals on Fall items, furniture wares, and all other manner of things.  Let’s take a peak at what you don’t want to pass by this coming week…

All real pumpkins have to go!  I have three white left and one round orange one, now all reduced to just $4 each!   The smaller ones are now $.25 each….better grab them while they last!  Oh, and one lovely green gourd is now $4 as well.

While wintering ferns is possible, I simply forget to water inside plants.  So this beautiful baby must find a new home.  I have two ferns at $1 each and this lovely larger one for $8.  Two cornstalks are ready to grace your porch at just $7 each!  And I have two mums in baskets marked down as well.  My last summer beauty on the porch is my favorite planter so far….this vintage file bin!  Some green thumb could keep this plant alive all winter in a sunny room….it takes very little water and a whole lot of sunlight.  The bin alone is a steal at just $20!

Let’s talk furniture….in the upper left picture, this child’s washbasin stand has worn out it’s welcome at Burlap & Lace.  It’s an antique piece that has been converted nicely into a side table/bedside table with one drawer and two shelves in the bottom cabinet.  Honestly, it has been a favorite of mine but has drawn little attention.  The fact that it has rollers for feet makes it quite movable.  So, what was once $145 is now…..(drum roll please)…$35!  You really should check this piece out!

In the next picture is a fabulous tobacco stake shelf.  While I have had this in my garden room since bringing it to  Burlap & Lace, I truly think this piece belongs on a porch as a garden shelf, or in a bedroom or den as a bookcase.  Marked originally at $156, this shelf can go home with you for $115!  It is definitely one of a kind.

In the bottom left picture is a hutch that has also gotten many accolades, but to date has not found the right home for it. I see this piece in any and every room of your home:  In a den as the obvious, a bookcase; in a kitchen to hold china, mixing bowls, mixer and recipe books; in a bathroom displaying rolled or folded towels on the shelves and baskets or canisters of bath products behind the sliding leaded glass doors; in a bedroom with shoes on the shelves and sweaters neatly folded behind the glass doors; in a laundry room with glass jars of washing powder and other laundry products and the bottom shelves to house baskets of dog toys, children’s’ hats and gloves or any other numerous but homeless items!  This piece, solidly priced at $574.95 has been reduced to just $350!

The cupboard, once a Hoosier, was $346.50 and is now $200.  Grey hutch was $155 and is now $100.

Can you believe there is still more?  From top left to bottom right:  Cradle was $74.95, now $15.  Farm table with red legs was $184.95, now $125.  Ornate dresser was $540, now $375. Pallet table was $190,  now $75.  Brown loveseat was $164.95, now $50.  Bookstand table (to left of loveseat) was $184.95, now $95.  Queen’s chair and ottoman was $184.95, now $125.  Wardrobe was $425, now $200.

Still not done!  Take a look at this Double Bed, complete with headboard, footboard and rails….was $164.95, now $95!  And this sofa table was $184.95, now $100.

Wait a minute…..why all the furniture discounts?  Because I have a fun new venue to bring you for Christmas and starting into the new year!  And while I have STILL not listed all the deals going on, I hope I have enticed you to come in and see them for yourself!  And one last peek…don’t forget the pieces for your walls!

IMG_8914IMG_8887Until I see you on the front porch of Burlap &  Lace-



Grace for the moments of life –

We received the call on Wednesday late that my husband’s father’s death was imminent.  Not even taking time to put a note on the door of the shop, I posted a FB post hoping to explain the sudden closure of the shop for the next 3 days and off we went on our 5 hour drive.  Arriving at 10:30 p.m. and walking into his dad’s room at the nursing facility, we saw a man whose strength was fading as we were told he had not eaten, awaken or opened his eyes in several days.  By 1 a.m., my husband’s brother and his wife had come in as well.  Sleep was hard to claim that night for all of us….

And then with morning, we arrived at his room to find that he was sitting in the dining room eating breakfast!  The nurses told us he had gotten up that morning, showered and when asked if he was hungry, nodded yes!  So for the next 3 days we enjoyed our time with him.  And although he has not spoken an intelligible word for months, he looked me straight in the eye and said very clearly, “I’m not done yet!”   Then back to bed he went, where he has been since we left last Saturday night.  The sweetest moments?  They were there, and I share them with you….

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love never fails.  I Corn 13: 7-8

Pop will always love his bride!  Knowing that he loves our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ makes his life, or his death, sweet.

So thank you for the grace you have shown me upon reopening this week.   With Vintage Market Days just around the corner (next weekend!) and the shop opening on August 31, there is much to be done.  Yet, you have come in to give and get hugs and speak encouragement to my overwhelmed heart.  God is so good to me.

So what is new at Burlap & Lace this week?  Let’s see….IMG_7903This dresser/chest is a chosen favorite.  Priced at $374.95 it will be gone soon I am sure.  BUT, it’s still here today!  Drop in today or tomorrow morning to see it in person.  IMG_8006I specifically chose this picture to show that not everything in my store is “old”, “used” or “worn”.  In fact, quite the opposite!  Vintage doesn’t mean “junk”.  At Burlap & Lace, the word vintage is actually more of an expression of the type items you will find.  And yes, there are things here that have been loved in another home or life at some point in time.  But there are also brand new things (my sister’s pillows, these fun cosmetic bags, the wreath) that would grace your home or life or make fantastic gifts.  So don’t assume it’s all furniture!  In fact, with the upcoming move, expect more and more gift items to come in that will hold the same vintage appeal for me and for you!IMG_7893This secretary (desk) comes complete with the keys for those drawers/cabinets!   $324.95  Headed to VMD with it next week if still here….IMG_8003I would put this piece in a kitchen for showing off platters, etc. and hide my cook books behind those gorgeous glass doors.  OR in a bath, load it up with linens and bath accessories.  OR in a study/den area it would be perfect as a bookcase.  Honestly, this piece would go anywhere you wanted to put it!

New “smalls” have arrived….from copper pieces to ceramic figurines.  and check out that antique paper roller holding soaps!  What do I always say?  “Think outside the box!”

New throw rugs in as well…to use on the floor, or on a table as a mat.  Cool ideas and cool colors to choose from!

These pictures don’t do justice to my new wall art having just arrived!  Lynn Driver, local artist, has partnered with me to bring you some amazing pieces for your walls or shelves.  Most will be at VMD, but others will appear in the shop so be on the lookout!  These are beautiful pieces at affordable prices….made especially with you in mind!

Last of all, come let me serve you as we journey through this life together.  Be it new home design ideas you need, or a hug on the path of life, I offer both!  Can’t wait to see you again.




Vintage Market Days, here I come!

Countdowns both thrill and scare me!  22 days from today I will be at Vintage Market Days of Asheville.  Sure do hope you will be too!  It’s not too late to get your tickets, and my personal recommendation is to purchase the VIP ticket for $20, which gets you in the entire weekend, PLUS your own designated parking area, PLUS 2 hours of shopping before the actual opening of the event to the public, PLUS…..so much more!  Go to http://www.vintagemarketdays.com today and don’t delay any longer!  You’ll be so glad that you did!

To peek your interest for the event, let me share a few things with you that will be heading to market (unless they sell in the shop first!)….IMG_7856There has been debate over what this piece actually is.  I purchased it from an antique dealer and was told it was a child’s washbasin.  Regardless of its intended original purpose, I would personally make it a nightstand or a chair-side table.  It has two shelves inside and a lovely wood scallop top to it.  IMG_7838A new personal favorite is this small desk.  Take a peek inside the drawer and you will find a place for pens and an inkwell hole! IMG_7850Such a sweet pitcher and glass set.  Topping this vintage mirror, what a perfect greeting for your lemonade-drinking guests!

Linens are plentiful at Burlap &  Lace because I love using them!  You will find table runners, dresser scarves, tablecloths, hankies, pillowcases, aprons and even vintage nightgowns!IMG_7857This week’s personal favorite are the candlesticks/vases.  Look closely!  You turn them one way, insert candles and you have the makings for a romantic dinner table.  Flip them over and add flowers and you have a delightful addition to your bathroom, guest bedroom or kitchen counter.

From Radio Flyer comes this adorable shelf….for inside or out!  Plenty of vintage bottles and glass to choose from this month!IMG_7851

Now let me whet your appetite for some items that are not currently in the shop but that will be coming to VMD….IMG_7453What a beauty!  This chest stands proudly against a backdrop of a window or wall, perfect for bedroom or living space.  IMG_7454Desks are always items my customers request, and this one is a beauty!   Complete with keys, tucked behind those doors are shelves.  IMG_7455A good friend once told me that every room needs an anchor of black in it.  With all the farmhouse white that will be seen at VMD, I can’t wait to show you how to mix in this ebony piece to pull together a dynamite room that can boast both the farmhouse whites and some elements of black.  Remember, I am taking you “home for the holidays”, centering on Thanksgiving and Christmas decor at VMD.  We are in for so much fun!

Pillows make great accent pieces for any room or porch.  The ones you see here will be gone after August 12.  They are currently in the shop and you will not see them again until next season.  That being said, if you want them, better stop in soon!

Beginning this week, I am featuring a “pillow of the month” for you to enjoy.  As you may recall, my sister creates most of the pillows you find in my shop.  Love these newbies!

Last thing for today that I want to share is what’s coming both to VMD and to the shop….a new artist’s work!  I hope to feature her soon with a write up, but until then, let me give you a preview of what’s coming….IMG_7858Her pumpkins make me want to hurry home and get the turkey in the oven!  Just love her style…

Hydrangeas and nests….two things I am absolutely inspired by.  Stay tuned for more to come…and until we meet again,




The Little Girl in me…still has Big Girl dreams!

IMG_7676I recently watched my 2 year old granddaughter tug on her hot pink rain boots and enjoy splashing about in puddles while the rain bothered her none.  Walking in those same boots after the rain had passed, we stopped in front of a field of flowers to take her picture…I smile at the remembrance now.  That so would have been me 54 years ago!  (Gulp at the age now!)

Finding the picture above was a “must purchase”….because as you probably know by now, I only surround myself with the things I love in my shop, and my loves are many….especially things that arouse my memory to sweet moments of my past!

Look again at those soaps and soap dishes, for instance.  My grandmother, for as many of her 99 years that I can remember of her, ended nearly every day by taking a long hot bath.  I try to follow her in her footsteps because there’s something so soothing about letting the day’s drama fade away beneath the suds.  That being said, the soap and the dish are part of the experience!  You will find both within the walls of my sweet little shop.

And speaking of my shop….I have a surprise to share with you!  Burlap & Lace is moving to a new location!!!!!

IMG_7511Can this dream of mine possibly be any more fulfilled than this?!?  When I opened the doors of Burlap &  Lace on Osborne Road in March, I knew it would not be my stopping place.  What I was not prepared to know was how wonderfully God had held this spot for me and that He would reveal it to me at just the right time.  The new address?  244 W Main Street, Brevard, NC….just down the street from Marcos Trattoria and diagonally across from the Brevard Post Office.  And, I must say as well, only a short stroll to the Blue Ridge Bakery!

IMG_7538Soon – this signpost will hold my sign and yours will be the steps coming up the sidewalk to the front porch where you may choose to linger a while before, during or after your visit!  I can’t wait to unveil Burlap &  Lace there!

I have to marvel at the details that God has already taken care of…..from the wrap-around porch I have dreamed of having to the trellis of flowers to the wisps of pink floral beauty sprinkled all throughout the property.  (My granddaughter and I have this thing for pink!)

Of course a house – THIS house – has a kitchen, and I can almost smell the yum coming from it as I take you back to the days of true vintage baking!

IMG_7667I envision cozy nooks for reading and stories unfolding as you creak along the boards of this 1915 home with me.  But until the opening date there, you can still find me on Osborne Road, fully stocked and enjoying the day to day flowing of people in and out.

IMG_6667So if you haven’t met this amazing husband of mine yet, let me introduce you!  No, he’s not the handyman on site, but you will surely see him there from time to time.  He sets the bar high for you men out there….in service, in love, in purity, in faithfulness, in wisdom.  So as I share this great news with you, I wouldn’t think to leave him out of the story!

Look for these new pieces to be arriving soon….and until then, thanks for sharing the journey with me, and this great news with others you think may want to know!



Yes Lord….to Your will & to Your way…




IMG_7377My youngest son said it best in a post right after I opened my shop….(paraphrased now) “My mom has basically talked about this dream all of her life….”  And so I have…

Opening my own shop has opened my eyes to see my own shortcomings and failures.  And perhaps at times when I haven’t seen them, others have taken it upon themselves to point them out to me…often in front of others.

This week has wrecked havoc with my soul.  But as I stand in my shop on this rainy Friday, I long to come back to the place where God sprang up His plan in my heart.  And I remember His words to me, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” Eph. 2:10

And my fervent prayer remains –  that God will remind me daily that I have been created for good works and that He has prepared me to walk in all He created me to do!  And even as I type, I know the truth of His word.

I honestly walk into this space every day rejoicing, yet not fully understanding why I am here.   And then, in walks a woman whose pain is so great that she just comes to sit in a chair and soak in the peace of this place.  It’s not me, mind you, but Christ in me.

And as my day starts very frazzled with misunderstandings from a customer, I kneel in prayer asking God to give me joy in the day, in this place.  I rise, and greet a bubbling woman who immediately becomes friend.  And after moments of laughing and talking together, I ask her name.  “Joy”, she says.  And I almost laugh out loud, thinking to myself, “Well God, you actually brought me a PERSON who radiates joy and is named so appropriately!”  God is so immediately faithful to answer us when we cry out to Him.

So….confessions of my soul in this blog….

God has spent 56 years building me into His image, and He’s not done with me yet!  So if in this time span of 2017 He graciously has given me this 500 foot space to declare Him in, I am more blessed than I can possibly make known.  But hear this:  I am still being perfected into His image, which means that I WILL fail….myself and others alike.  But grace.  But God.  But forgiveness….


Allow me to reintroduce my vision to you, and remind myself of the same….

IMG_7228I like rusty things….and chippy paint….and flowers….and other such things that spark joy in my heart and day.  And my vision has been for a Vintage Home Goods shop.  So let’s talk about that a moment….

Vintage…..doesn’t mean “new”!  But I believe vintage is better than new in many ways.  When I search for vintage furniture, I look for quality pieces that are either already gorgeous or that can be made gorgeous with a little paint and love.  Case in point….

IMG_7330I went looking for dressers since I get numerous requests for them, and granted this was not a piece that drew me immediately because to me it was “fancy”, and I am not that at all!  But I imagined it painted and boasting the patina we vintage-lovers so appreciate.   So I hauled it to my shop.

BUT, I first wanted to offer it unpainted because it is a quality piece that deserves a home to match it’s beauty.  It’s got a nice price tag on it because it’s worth it.  But is it new?  Not at all….but I purposefully picked it….because it caught my attention as I examined it and I felt it was a piece that could sell “as is” or with a touch of paint.  So we can call it an antique if you prefer, offered in a Vintage Home Goods shop.

Let’s talk about pillows for a moment.  You’ve seen them offered here, and you will continue to see them in my shop.   They are of high quality, specifically hand-crafted for Burlap & Lace by my sister.  She has invested herself in my dream with hours of labor, and she is an excellent seamstress who has used quality fabrics and designs that would compliment my own personal style.  So you won’t find a Walmart price tag on these beauties!  Think they’re a bit pricey?  Think of it this way instead….when you purchase a Burlap & Lace pillow you are taking home a statement piece that will be unmatched anywhere else.  I don’t offer “duplicates” of things on purpose, so when you purchase one of these pillows, or even a pair, you are guaranteed that you will likely not see the same thing in the homes of your friends!

Lastly, I “pick” purposefully.

IMG_7380 For instance….if I have a beach vignette in mind, and I find these starfish…albeit “new”, I add them to my collection!

IMG_7176Feeling a bit romantic in my style?  I find items to display that look.

That being said, this is my “new”, yet from the beginning, disclaimer, without apology.

I do my own “picking”.  Always have.  So as much as I appreciate that you want to “donate” things to me, please don’t!  I am not Goodwill or the local thrift store.  And because God has given me a specific plan for Burlap & Lace, I don’t want to continue insulting you as you bring your own special treasures to me and I turn them down.

Also, I don’t consign purposefully, and again, without apology.

While you may have amazing things that would (in your opinion) make my shop look better, please take them somewhere that does  consign and will gladly accept you as a consignee to their space.

I say none of these things to be mean.   And believe me, it is HARD for me to say them!  But in this last week I have offended people by my lack of saying “no” when I should have.  Kindness betrayed me as I made efforts to bring no offense.  But in business, I have learned the hard way, you will likely offend.


IMG_7352Now, with all that said, go find yourself a quiet place of rest this holiday weekend to celebrate the freedom you have.  And my deepest prayer is that you have found your freedom in Christ.  There is nothing like Him!  And I praise Him that He continues to instruct me in righteousness daily.  To Him be the glory.  Forever….Amen!



Farmhouse Home….for the holidays!

IMG_7228Summer has officially been ushered in according to the June 21 calendar date, and here in the mountains of NC we are enjoying some temps that for most areas would be considered Spring-like….

But with the news of summer’s entry, I realize that Fall is quickly following on its heels and my head turns from airy ferns and colorful florals to the more vibrant colors of red, yellow and orange that will soon be turning our heads and minds to the holidays ahead.

SO, with a bit of Summer nostalgia still in the air, let’s get our minds in gear for my favorite happening coming up in August this year…..Vintage Market Days of Asheville!  Mark your calendars for August 18, 19 and 20 and don’t wait to go on line to http://www.vintagemarketdays.com/market/asheville-metro/ and get your tickets!  This year boasts an early buying event on Friday so get to the website soon and purchase not only your own ticket but one – or several – for friends!

This August’s theme at Vintage Market Days of Asheville will be Farmhouse, and I am taking us into the Fall and Winter seasons with Farmhouse decorations for your holiday home.

Let me whet your appetite just a tiny bit….

IMG_0622Just because Fall is on its way doesn’t mean you have to head inside!  Dress up your yard with a fun metal yard bench.  Can’t you just see it gathering up the allure of fallen leaves, rich and vibrant in their fanciful colors?

photo 2 (95)Metal stools often find their way into my yardscape, but sitting in a kitchen offers a wonderful perch for you while you visit with family and friends.

From enamel tables to the settings to adorn them, each day at Vintage Market Days will offer you different treats and surprises.  The coolest part is that many of the items you find in my booth will delight your home after the holidays come to a close because of their versatility…

IMG_7234This mirror, for instance, can be dressed for the holiday with a fall spray across the top or a wintergreen wreath hung down into the middle of it.  Use that imagination!  And yes, I will have both swags of fall and winter persuasion at VMD!

From vintage bulb wreaths to vintage coffee mugs and table linens, I’m ready for you!

There will be lots of Farmhouse furniture pieces as well as other items to choose from.  My style doesn’t lend itself to duplication of pieces or items, so you will definitely find that “one of a kind” item at Burlap &  Lace!

So one more reminder to you….


I can’t wait to share this Farmhouse Vintage Home for the Holidays experience with you!





Hidden Treasures

IMG_7215Morning tends to bring me into a contemplative time…and the music playing softly in the background of my shop only intensifies my thoughts…

“….the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”  Matthew 13:44

Imagine finding something so valuable hidden away, and when you find that something, you realize the value of it such that you sell all that you have just to purchase that treasure.  Think that over.  Jesus gave all that He had….his very life….to purchase us back from the enemy of our souls, Satan.  It cost Him his life.  He found us to be that treasure worth giving all that He had for.  That stuns me.  And that is what His kingdom is all about….a bunch of us that the world saw no value in, but in whom Christ has seen immense value!

This month at Burlap & Lace I want to introduce you to some hidden treasures of a different sort….things you might not have seen or noticed without bending your eye, not to mention your knees and your back, to spy!

IMG_7229Tucked right inside the door (well, today that’s where you will find it, but if you know me at all you realize that by next week I will have likely moved it!) is a sweet little metal shelf, perfect for inside your home or outside….to hold plants or watering cans outside, or to stack your plates and kitchen ware on inside.  I personally would take this shelf into my bathroom to stack towels on for my guests, along with likely a vintage clock and some books for that “bathroom reading”, or just for decor!

IMG_7185Small benches make the perfect items to hold a suitcase at the end of a bed or to perch on when taking off your shoes.  (Can you tell my mind is in vacation mode?!)  You will find plenty of Farmhouse whites here all the time, anchored by the beauty of some solid wood pieces that I have purposefully left unpainted to bring balance to that all-so-popular Farmhouse style. IMG_7234Mirrors should be put in every room in my opinion!   They aide in giving rooms the appearance of being larger, not to mention that they add their own sense of style.  I have several here to choose from.  The smaller ones are great for lying atop a kitchen table or a dresser to bring a wonderful glow to the room, especially when adding a candle to the top of it!

Bathrooms are a challenge at times, but they don’t have to be!  Use a jar to put rolled washcloths in, or use a wire crate to hold that ever-ready toilet paper!  A garden wall piece doesn’t have to have plants in it!  Try it as a toothbrush holder, together with hair clips or brushes.   And if you truly do love it for your garden, then stuff your garden gloves and scissors into one of the pots and add a few succulents.  Bath towels (new!) are for sale as well so don’t miss them.  Used to show off the grey cabinet which doubles as a bathroom piece or a dresser or a kitchen piece….truly the ideas go just as far as you let your imagination run!

I love the outdoors, and plants seem to anchor settings for me, in or out!  Try using rusty buckets to set your fern in.  The bucket catches the water run-off and continues to rust that bucket to an even nicer patina!  A spool works nicely to add elevation and versatility to an otherwise “flat” area.  Or perhaps a rusty garden table is more your liking.  Perch it beside a chair to hold a beverage or use it as a stand-alone piece.  The rusty grain bowl overflowing with annuals is one of my favs.  At the price of only $42. 95 including the base, or $28.95 for the base alone enabling you to perch your own treasured flower pot atop it, I smile at the thought of this piece gracing your porch or garden spot soon.  And if live plants and you don’t mix well, I have some beautiful “fake” ones that work great as well, with no watering necessary!

Don’t forget the wall art!  From hand-painted signs to vintage pieces to created Holiday wreaths, there is SO much to take in and take home!

Hiding in nooks and crannies all over the shop are enamel pieces, vintage tableware, pitchers, bowls and practically everything else you will need for a proper table setting, including napkins and napkin rings!  So my advice -always- is to look high and low, bend your knees (or ask me to grab that hard to see item on the floor!) and have fun shopping!  IMG_7176June extravaganza sale is underway through the July 4th weekend…most items are 50-75% off!  Spread the word and help me make room for some fun new items awaiting a perching spot in the shop until it can make its way to your home!  Until we meet again,



Pushing through – no matter the cost

I seldom write a blog without pictures, and truthfully, this one might actually be the first.  But my heart is so full, and my shop is currently so empty & messy that I felt I wanted to write to you to encourage you in your own faith-walk at the moment.

At our “new” church last night, our pastor stated that he was going to push us….and then he retracted that statement but it was too late, because my simple brain had already latched on to his words…and I remembered my own experience of years gone by.  So from my archives, please allow me to share this story with you…



Anyone who has ever given birth has heard those words at least once.

Though long gone are the days of child-bearing for me, the words resound in my ears again this morning as thoughts of my now 22-yr-old son (he’ll be 27 this year as I am reliving this story) flood my brain.

And I wonder…who is pushing who?

From the pages of my son’s blog at age 20, he spoke of the comfortableness of his life…of having become numb to the  people around him…their needs, their lost state…and of how sick he had become at being comfortable with his life.

Then came his earnest prayer:  God, make me uncomfortable.  Break me.  Tear down all my walls that I have put up to protect me.  Put me in places where my gifts and abilities can be used to Your glory.  Break my heart for what breaks Yours.  And open my eyes to the needs of people around me.  Enable me to act in Your will and purpose.  Fully equip me for everything I may encounter.  Make me uncomfortable.  Break me.


He was six years old, and his devastated mom lay in a crying heap on the floor.  his tiny hand touched my shoulder, thrusting the note card in front of my face before kissing my cheek and retreating back to his room.  Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.  Psalm 125:1


Translated, that means Get up!  Stop crying!  Trust in the Lord, Who is your confidence!

From that time on, my son has been pushing me, but not in the way you would imagine.  Not to gain his own way.  Not to be in control.  His push was more in the way you would push your child on a swing….gently at first, but building momentum with every touch on the back as the words ring out, “Higher, higher!”

From that day, he has pushed me to go before him, to know God so I could make Him known.

And lest I should ever forget….P-U-S-H!!!

Am I willing now to be pushed out of my own comfort zone to be awakened to the faces and heartbeats of those around me?  Can I honestly ask the God Who made me and knows my every thought to break me?  To make me uncomfortable?  Because He will, you know.  I have learned of His faithfulness, and I know that in the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul.  Psalm 138:3

So I am crying out, Lord.  Make me bold with strength in my soul.  Break my heart for what breaks Yours.  For my good, and for Your glory.


Coming back to last night’s message from our pastor, I choose to remember his words as he first stated them….I appreciate being loved enough to be pushed OUT of my comfort zone and into the realm of the unknown, where only God….did you hear that?…..only God….can move.

To Him be the glory forever.  Amen.

~Blessings, Connie




Antiques are antiques….

11238231_820941801308551_2148637034823567877_nWhile it would seem a bit odd to begin my blog with a huge picture of The Tin Roof Antique Market, let me explain why to me it is not one bit odd….

To quote, in part,  from The  Message  Bible-

A body isn’t just a single part blown up into something huge.  It’s all the different-but-similar parts arranged and functioning together.  If the foot said, “I’m not elegant like the hand, embellished with rings: I guess I don’t belong to this body,” would that make it so?  and if ear said, “I’m not beautiful like eye; I don’t deserve a place on the head,” would you want to remove it from the body?  If the body was all an eye, how could it hear?  If all ear, how could it smell?  As it is, we see that God has carefully placed each part of the body right where He wanted it.  And no matter how significant a part you are, it is only because of what you are a part of.”

I wish I had a picture to place here of every business I am about to name.  Sadly, I don’t, but I’ll try to give you the next best thing….pics from their businesses (i.e. finds I have had or now have in my own home!).

You might remember these photos from a previous blog where I introduced you to Billy & Pearl….two characters I have never met but would have loved to do life with.  These photos were in a bin at Underground Salvage Company….Since 1996,  Tim and Nancy together with their grown children, Tyler and Jenny, have equipped Brevard with salvaged goods, first in their collection of Architectural finds, then in their vintage treasures.  Having moved from Main St into the Railroad district of Brevard (off Caldwell St) has only given them more space to display their finds.  I invite you to go plunder!  IMG_3448This old ladder made picture frame in my guest room came from Underground Salvage as well.  If you haven’t been there, you need to find them and check out their great items!

Another favorite of mine, located also in Brevard, is Shabby Shack Antique Mall, owned & operated by Travis Rhodes.  Travis has a number of vendors that display their wares in his shop (over 30 I believe)….and you will always be met with a smile from Betsy on the days she works the counter for him.  Do you need dishes?  Furniture?  A doll for your grand-baby?  Artwork for your home?  The finds are limitless…and vast!IMG_6533Yes, these wall planters are now gracing Burlap &  Lace’s entrance, but where did I find the galvanized wall planters to begin with?  You guessed it!  Shabby Shack!  I simply took something that I found and fell in love with and made it into something even better for my home, and now my shop.

img_5527Have you been into Country Creations lately?  Located at 338 S. Broad Street in Brevard, just past the library, it’s a walk on a summer’s day from downtown, and well worth the trek (although I would advise driving so that you can load up all your finds!).  This desk, first used in my home and now repainted and moved to my shop, came from there years ago!  Not just a florist….although you have known them for years if you’ve been in Brevard for long.  Sheila McCall spreads her love for the Lord with her smile, and will help you find just what you need to grace your own home or to give to a friend on her special birthday.  As you walk in, the right side of the store is stocked with vendors’ wares while the left houses antiques and floral designs, as well as jewelry.  Truly, this shop is on my “must go to” list every month!

Let’s move on to Gravy, located on Main Street in Brevard.  When you shop there, you are not only supporting the 20+ vendors who sell their wares there, but you are supporting the Boys and Girls Club of Transylvania County!  The sign above hangs in my shop….I found the old baby bed frame in a booth at Gravy, then painted something on it to remind me of the truth I daily need to remember.  I loved the patina and the chippy paint…two things I purposefully did not “correct” when I painted on it.

So let’s move on up Antique Alley toward Mills River….

My friend Melissa, who is the owner of the Tin Roof Antique Market, owns a fabulous store located on Hwy 191 as you head toward the Outlet Mall.  img_5519You’ve seen this hutch in my blogs before.  Melissa’s husband, Bobby, painted it and I immediately knew it had found a new home…mine!  She has a round table and 4 chairs painted to match now….oooh, better hurry there before I do!

I honestly don’t know how many vendors she now has….over 20 spaces for sure…and full of everything from antiques to vintage goods to clothing to farmhouse style goods.  Best just to check it out yourself!  I may even see you there because I know I’m in at least 3 times each month, or more!

From The Tin roof, you can turn left and then take I-26 toward Hendersonville.  Get off at the exit for Hwy 25, take a right and head toward downtown Hendersonville, making sure you stop at Southern Chicks (on the left side of the road)!  Sheila and Mike own this cute house-made-store.

SO many of my home items came from Southern Chicks!  And just in case you wonder about the shoe forms on the wall?  Those are now in my shop….but at home, they were hangers for my guests’ towels in their bedroom!  And the silver water pitchers are also in my shop (not but one left actually)….used for my son’s wedding last year!

As you turn left out of Southern Chicks and back onto Hwy 25, take a right at the first light and then find the purple Honeysuckle Hollow on your right.  Jan will greet you in full fashion attire….from the vintage line she carries in her store.  What else have I gotten from Jan?

Platters..linens…benches….and even this wonderful free gift….photo 2 (83)Bean seeds to climb my garden fence and bloom incredible purple flowers!  Jan, when summer  comes, gives seed packets harvested from her own bean vines, to her customers.  What a sweet thing she is!

Wind you way back to Brevard via Hwy 191 (turn right out of Honeysuckle Hollow) and take a left onto Hwy 280, coming to the stop light in Brevard across from Arby’s and what will you find as you travel down Antique Alley?


I hope you see that without my friends in all these other places, I would not even be able to be a shop owner or have goods to sell!  They each in their own unique way have inspired me, helped me find what I was looking for, and let me feed off their individual creativity until I could find my own niche’.  So let me introduce you to a couple of my latest finds that now grace my own shop….

IMG_6669This antique dry sink is on my favorite list right now.  If my home had a  place for it, it would never have made it to Burlap & Lace.   And see that gorgeous bowl and pitcher?  It may indeed come back to my home if it doesn’t get snatched up soon…have a closer look!IMG_6670My love for birds and flowers made this a beautiful find.  I pray it goes home with someone who would enjoy it as much as I have!

IMG_6668I didn’t believe this was actually an antique piece when I first saw it.  But it is, and beautifully intact!  It even has a surprise that I didn’t find until I got it into the shop….there is a slide-out cutting board that I believe would have been used to roll out the pie dough after sifting the flour from the bin!  Come on in and have a peek!

IMG_6671More favorite finds….the two plant holders come separately from the bowls on top…also planters with a rusty patina that quite suits your garden spaces!   The “thing” at the bottom gets the most comments of anything I’ve put in my shop to date, and I love it for the story it holds.  My grandmother (who died at 99 last year) was a hairdresser.  In her day, this would have held her curlers after she had washed them, getting them back in shape for her next client!  I think it would be lovely on a patio, flat side down, with succulents planted in the curler holes.  What do you think?

No matter what finds you are looking for, I guarantee that if you stop into any of the places I have mentioned and don’t find what you are looking for, you will be directed to one of the other spots listed her.  Why?  Because we are all part of the same “body”, and we see the function we each have….separately, yes, but we could not survive without the others.  No two people are the same.  Why should any two shops be?

Until we meet again, happy shopping!

~ Blessings,   Connie

Spring Celebrations….

IMG_3018It was last May that my son and his new bride celebrated their wedding day amidst an outdoor room full of guests….family & friends celebrating together a union in the eyes of God and before man.  As I am now in my third week of celebrating the opening of Burlap & Lace, I have had the privilege of meeting a few brides-to-be who are excitedly planning their own celebrations coming up in May or June.  As I remember fondly the fun that I had in planning a rehearsal dinner for my son and his new bride and in sharing the joy of these new friends I’ve met at Burlap & Lace, I have decided to bring a couple celebration events into the style of Burlap & Lace for the next few weeks…

  1.  Weddings – You will find things to make your special day a true celebration, be it items to use on the celebration day or items to gift a new bride and groom.  And if you need ideas, ask me for suggestions!  I would love to help the new couple fix up their first home!  At Burlap & Lace you will everything from dishes to pillows to furniture….and all the trimmings in between!

2.  Garden parties – Who doesn’t love a reason for a party?!  I love thinking outside the box and coming up with different ideas to make your party a success.  Be it a backyard barbecue, an informal gathering of neighbors or kids coming home for Easter, there is always, always a reason to celebrate!  Even just celebrating Spring and the birds’ songs lifts my heart!  Come see what things are here to help you celebrate your upcoming occasions….

3.  Coming up in May is Mother’s Day….I don’t know about you, but I see reflections of my mom and my grandmother in my every day living….women who have taught me much about giving of myself and stretching my self-imposed limits in ways I didn’t think possible.  And Mom- whoever she is to you- is worth celebrating!  I have everything here to help you do just that…from already made planters for the garden or porch to lovely tableware to help her brighten up her own table to pillows for her bed when she snuggles down for a nap after a long day.  For the mom you just don’t have a clue what to get….try some sachets for her dresser drawers or to slip beneath the seat of her car.  Or maybe a nice basket for her to put her cosmetics in on her counter.  Soaps are always a win and I have some wonderful fragrances to select from.  I have scarves that are bright displays of beauty for the neck or for the table!  Or perhaps your mom still loves to send handwritten cards…I have some special ones for you to choose from.  Come check it out…

Whatever you find to celebrate, I’d love to share that special occasion with you.  Until we meet….



Humble beginnings…

photo 4 (52).JPGDaisies are my favorite flower.   I’m not sure I’ve ever pondered on why….perhaps they remind me of the sunshine with their brilliant yellow center.  And their white petals….soft to the touch, but reaching outward from the sunny center as if to say, “Go ahead and pluck me if you will….you can have the same tenderness that I have, and the same ray of sunshine can be yours.”

I’ve not slept enough in the last month.  Wonderful adventures have kept my mind and my body alive and awake with anticipation, planning and staging this next phase of life.  I literally ran headlong from Vintage Market Days of Asheville into a long weekend event with my mom away from home straight into the opening of Burlap & Lace in its own location for the first time ever.  Entrepreneurship entered my life from the fast lane and I haven’t stopped to fuel my tank in 3 weeks.  Not enough food, not enough rest, barely enough time in the Word.  And so yesterday, I literally crashed.  My body screamed at me….”ENOUGH!”

Just like the daisy….we have a center.  It’s called Christ in us, the hope of glory.  Why the hope?  Because if we don’t stay connected to Him, if we don’t nourish ourselves properly or rest when He gives us rest, we have little glory to shine.  Yesterday my light literally burned out.

Today’s a new day.   And I thank God for it.  The winds of the night blew in gusts of cold air, biting yet refreshing air to fill my lungs.  The sun is not yet up for me to witness how my daisy – given to me by my husband at my Grand Opening – has survived, now planted in the soil of our back yard.

I’m learning so much in this new adventure….

1.  I can’t do it alone.  Not without Christ.  Not without my husband.  Not without my amazingly supportive children.  Not without you – my friends and encouragers.

2.  My body needs time to rest and recover.  For me, that may be time in the yard playing in my garden.  It may be time to do laundry and clean the house.  It will most certainly be time that is “quiet”, with nothing but the song of the birds or the heavy breathing of my lab next to me as music.  Because Jesus begs us….”Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”  We have to initiate the steps toward Him.  Then He so lovingly fulfills His promise to us.

3.  It’s okay to bend with the wind.  My daughter-in-law is teaching me that.  I am such a structured personality….planning is just part of my being.  But when my plans don’t go my way, it’s OK.  If I try to maintain my sturdy stance, I will likely break.  But bending with the wind allows me freedom….to feel the winds of change and embrace them, to “go with the flow” and enjoy the ride, to “let go” and let God.  We’ve made that such a cliche’, but it’s so true. God’s ways are not our ways.  Bending with the wind allows me to let Him move me when I’d rather plant my feet stubbornly in the sinking sand, which only leads to me falling, stumbling or otherwise being uprooted in most unpleasant ways.

Now – I’m leaving you with this….

Burlap & Lace (i.e. Connie) has a plan to open Thursday, Friday and Saturdays from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. weekly.

Already that plan is changing, as yesterday in my moments of crashing (I actually became quite ill and had to abandon my rearranging of the shop and head home to bed), I did not get the shop ready to open at 10:00 this morning.  I will open, God willing, but it might not be today as I planned. It may be tomorrow….

I apologize for any inconvenience or disappointment that may arise as a result of my lack of care for myself in this endeavor (i.e. not keeping my appointed hours so soon in the game).  I am learning…..sometimes painfully.  Some things are just learned the hard way.  For me, that means that although God provides me with rest, if I don’t heed His call to do so, He will see to it that I get what I need…one way or the other!

I am excited about this journey for many reasons.  For me, it’s never been about anything more than making Christ known and He has graciously allowed me to share my joys of knowing Him through the lens of Burlap & Lace.

There will be new treasures awaiting you when I do reopen my doors…because just like the daisy’s surprisingly soft petals that are easily plucked, I want you to find soft touches for your home that bring delight.  And in plucking them and taking them to your own abode, I pray you find that the joy is not in the “having” that something new, but in sharing it with those you love most and in making your house the home you always dreamed it would be.

Thanks for walking this road with me.  You make me smile.




If you build it they will come…

img_6131Okay y’all…the walls are built and ready to go to Market!  That means all you have to do now is show up and shop!

If you know anything about me at all, it’s that I do my best work when focusing on a theme.  So for Vintage Market Days of Asheville, I have designed three days of Vintage Home Goods to delight and tickle your fancy.

Day 1:  Farmhouse Style –

Nothing says “farmhouse style” to me quite like the hues of white and grey, with splashes of color mixed in between.  Be assured on Day 1 you will see plenty of those colors and plenty of artful pieces for your walls.

Day 2: Cottage  Living –

Vintage linens, hammered aluminum, metal art wall decor, chippy frames all speak of days gone by, yet fondly reminisced and longed for once again.  Day 2 will take you back to a time that you don’t have to just dream of anymore…

Day 3:  Beyond the Garden Gate –

No use pretending…Spring and Summer are by far my favorite seasons.  One whiff of the warming breeze and I’m hooked!  Yes, the garden calls me (as do the weeds), but also drawing me in are barbecues, garden parties and fun with friends “beyond the garden gate” playing croquet in the yard.  So Day 3 will send us off with a taste of spring fever ushering in plenty of architectural salvage pieces for your garden, deck or patio,  glass and stemware for that picnic or barbecue, and a fanciful blend of wood, clay and metal pieces to give any plant, garden or patio that whimsical or romantic flair you’ve been searching to create.

My advice?  Don’t miss ANY day of the Market….You’ll be happy you didn’t!



Dreams really do come true

img_5647I have put off writing this blog for months.  Fear has perched on my shoulder and anxiety has caused me to wait.  This morning in my quiet time with the Lord, I clearly heard, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.”  Jesus IS the Way, the Truth and the Life.  So what does that all have to do with Burlap & Lace?

I know that everything I do with this business, and in this life, is to bring God glory.  It is because of Him, and it is for Him that I can do anything at all.  Even breathe.

I wrestle with how I can make Him known through Burlap & Lace, and honestly, I don’t have that one figured out yet.  But this I do know….it’s not about the “stuff”.  If what I do puts a smile on someone’s face, that is enough.  If something I’ve made entices a conversation with the customer, my heart is happy.  I am here to serve.  It’s that simple.  And God has blessed me to be able to do that through Burlap & Lace.

One of the desires of my heart was to work at a Bed and Breakfast.  Nearly three years ago, God granted me that desire by giving me a job at Bed & Breakfast on Tiffany Hill in Mills River.  My journey there has been a delight to my soul.  But in January of this year, God began to speak to me that it was time to leave and to fulfill another dream and desire….to make Burlap & Lace into a business unto itself.  So with this blog, I announce just that!

I will be opening Burlap & Lace on March 30 in a location in Pisgah Forest, just around the corner from Shabby Shack Antique Mall.  And I cannot wait to share my Vintage Home Goods collection with you there!

But first….

Vintage Market Days of Asheville is just around the corner!  And I have been so busy working on my creations that I have not taken time to fill you in on the goodies that weekend will hold!  So let me give you a preview here if I may….

These are two of the larger pieces I will be bringing to market. And if you know me at all, my love is really in the decorating more than in the finds themselves.  Nevertheless, one cannot take place without the other!

Spring is on the way!  And that means fun things in store…flowers, fancy table settings, wall art for redecorating, throw pillows for fanciful beds and couches.  I can’t wait to enjoy it all with you!

So stay tuned…. and put these dates on your calendar….

March 17-19:  Vintage Market Days of Asheville at the WNC Ag Center in Fletcher

March 30:  GRAND OPENING of Burlap & Lace: 470 Asheville Hwy, Unit E – around the corner from Shabby Shack Mall and Love That Yogurt.

See you soon!




The Thrill of the Hunt

img_4469The question I am asked the most is, “Where do you find your items that you sell?!?”  My answer is always the same….my grandma’s attic, my neighbor’s closet, yard sales, estate sales, flea markets, antique stores, Goodwill even.  Surprised?

For me, it’s all about the thrill of the hunt.  I love a good find as much as you do!  And what that means is that you rarely find two-of-a-kind items in my shop.  If I succeed in finding  two or more items that are alike, I am likely to re-purpose them or display them in totally different ways.  So if you see something you like within the walls of Burlap & Lace, don’t think you’ll see the same item again in a month or two, because when I tire of something, then I give it to Goodwill or find another way to re-purpose it even better than the first!

To be clear, that is why my prices are my best offer to you, the buyer.  I like going into a shop and knowing I will find quality items at prices I can afford.  I want you to find the same.  And if you see two things that do happen to be identical or nearly so with different prices, likely I found them at different locations and paid different prices for them, thus bringing my best price to you.

My mantra is that you will not find a NFS sticker in my shop, or a “not for sale at this time” sticker.  If it’s not attached to the building, it’s for sale!

My focus this month is on wall art….can’t wait to bring you my favorites at Vintage Market Days of Asheville  March 17-19!  Until then…



Blurring the lines

img_5524The cabinet…would you call it vintage?  Cottage?  Shabby Chic?  Farmhouse?

Or what about these items?  Which category would you place them in?

Ok, you get what I’m doing.  Obviously, the lines between vintage, shabby chic, cottage and farmhouse can be a bit blurred from time to time,  But the style speaks the same language….rustic, salvaged, renewed, even a bit enticing to the senses, yes?

As I have been packing my boxes for Vintage Market Days of Asheville, I am labeling them in three different ways:  Day 1: Farmhouse, Day 2: Cottage, Day 3:  Garden.  My husband grins, but doesn’t dare ask.  And then he can stand it no longer….

“It all looks the same to me!  What’s the difference?!?”

Giving him full credit, the lines do tend to blur.  Suffice it to say – the more worn, tattered, distressed and/or rusty, the more valuable to me!

Given that nondescript description, let me be clear about this.  As my rack cards read, “Burlap & Lace is a unique style….”  Enough said.

See you in March at Vintage Market Days!  Come blur the lines with me and enjoy whatever you wish to call my style.  I lovingly call it a sickness I hope I never get over!



Pushing through the mess of life

img_5500Order has always been important to me.  So much so that disorder can make my head spin to the point that I literally accomplish nothing.  “Analysis paralysis”, my husband calls it.

Such is the reason for my taking so long to blog.  I reasoned that until everything was set in order and perfect in my surroundings, I had nothing to offer.  Now I am laughing at that ridiculousness.

img_5647This is my starting point now.  Let your eyes feast on this sign, for I hope you see it more and more often in the months ahead.  Vintage Market Days of Asheville is just around the corner.  My excitement mounts, as do the piles of inventory at my feet – even as I am typing.

I rented a storage unit in December, reasoning that our shed space was getting cramped and unable to hold anything else.  I closed the doors on it last week….full to the brim….with still more that needs to go in.  Sigh.  That’s good, right?  So I’m back to housing items in the shed, and in our spare bedroom until March 17.  Again, I am smiling….anticipating my first Vintage Market Days experience and the fun of that weekend event.

img_5653Pieces are being assembled, painted, handcrafted….all with YOU in mind!  But mostly, I am anticipating meeting the other vendors, making new friends, and greeting those that stop by to say hello.

Many have asked where the name Burlap & Lace originated.  Although I love using burlap in my creations, the name is so much more than that.  I invite you to look  back in my blog space to discover the name’s significance.  But I’ll give you a hint….


My sister is the lace behind the name, bringing a touch of elegance to all she is and all she does, and encouraging me to do the same.  I am the burlap, the rough exterior (just look at my paint-stained clothes and sandpaper-rough hands!), but sturdy, and adding my own touch of class to the things I create. I am thrilled that my sis will be joining me at Vintage Market Days, bringing her own love for vintage (and for me) with her.

Anticipate with me….the weekend is only a little more than 6 weeks away.  Until we meet there…




Vintage Market Days are coming….

IMG_2949I painted this sign a year ago….because at the time it was what I needed to do…BE STILL.  Today is no different, and I smile at the slow lesson I am trying to learn.

I am humbled beyond belief to have been welcomed into Vintage Market Days and their Barn Dance to be held at the WNC Ag Center March 17-19, 2017.  No….H-U-M-B-L-E-D.  Wait…let me back up.

I knew that closing Burlap & Lace at the Tin Roof Antique Market was what I needed to do for a time, but I really didn’t know for how long, or why.  So on 11/30/16, I packed up my Highlander and drove away….from a place and from people that had inspired me, and that I loved.  But I knew that I knew that I knew I was following God’s lead.

So about a week ago, a friend sent me a Facebook link to the Vintage Market Days Barn Dance coming in March.  My love for Vintage overtook my senses and I went on line to apply for tickets for the weekend event.  But wait….what if….I applied as a vendor?  My fingers stopped their clicking for ticket sales and I went back to investigate applying to be a vendor.  Quickly I prayed, God, please don’t let me do anything that is not in keeping with Your will.  If this is not what You want, then please don’t open this door to me.

The application was 6 pages, and I was allowed only one photo to depict my style.  Are you kidding me?  One photo?  What is my style?!?  I chose one picture, put in my application and got an immediate response that my application would be reviewed and that I would be notified within 6 weeks.   I would have to wait….

But not 6 weeks!  Within a few hours, I had been accepted in as a vendor!  My head was spinning with excitement.

Well that one photo experience and my acceptance into the Market led my husband and I to our evening discussion topic as we sat by the fire….What is my style?

He grinned at me…and I thought of that old song, “I’m a little bit country; I’m a little bit rock and roll.”  Musing over the question, I could only come up with one word really…eclectic.  You see, my style is anything from vintage to farmhouse style to cottage living to industrial salvage.  It all really depends on the day and the item and my mood.  Let me illustrate….

img_5531This is our entry way into our living area.  Our home was originally designed to be a weekend cottage, and over the last 12 years we have left it as such.  But we have decided that 2017 is the year to renovate…at least partially.  And we have decided to start with our main living space.

img_5523I found this piece a year ago and knew it would basically fit our needs.  I have never liked the finish on it, but have had every intent to paint it.  This coming year is the year!  But that’s beside the point.  How would you term this piece?  Cottage?  Farmhouse? Vintage?

I am finding that those terms can be intermixed.  Whites generally flow into the cottage and farmhouse arena, whereas colored pieces more typically generate vintage appeal.

IMG_3470This is a wall shelf in my kitchen, complete with vintage canisters and cream pitchers.  Vintage all the way, yes?

img_5525Not by choice, I have orange counter tops.  So you see, when I began my decorating 12 years ago, I simply decided to work with what I had.  And I have loved it all!

img_5500Over the years I have found and added pieces that appeal to my cottage living style, such as the mirrored window and this cute table.

If you walk into our guest room, you will find touches of industrial salvage mixed in with cottage living pieces…and my office offers the same, but with a twist of color.

So what is my style?  It will be fun as we move forward with our decorating in 2017 to see what stays and what goes to Burlap &  Lace – the one other place that I can be as eclectic as I desire.

So as Vintage Market Days approach, stay tuned to see how my style is shaping up!  Certain things are for sure….I have already got plenty of architectural salvage and farmhouse finds on hand!

Can’t wait to see you at the Barn Dance in 2017!  Get your tickets today at https://vintagemarketdays.com/Market/asheville-metro/home.  Stop by Burlap & Lace for a special gift from me!




A Taste of the Tin

img_5439As I closed the doors to Burlap & Lace at the Tin Roof Antique Market on November 30, 2016, it was not without a mix of emotions.  Everything in me wanted to stay through this season…a season in which I knew I was being called away.  And yet I was excited that Melissa, the owner, was able to bring her own heart’s desire into my once occupied space with what she has decided to call “A Taste of the Tin”.

Upon entering the Tin, you will find just to your left a unique display of items from nearly every vendor in the store, along with some pretty nifty sitting space for those who just want to “sit a spell” and take in the sights and sounds of Christmas vintage-style, perhaps even enjoying a cup of warm cider or hot coffee while tunes of the season drift upward from the vintage stereo-turned-cooler! (Yes, even that is for sale!)

Let your eyes wander to the right as you sit and sip and you will see our newest vendor, Pam Dyson, and her bright display of calligraphy pieces.  What wonderful gifts for young and old alike!img_5419Turn your head to the right and you will see uniquely crafted and re-purposed items such as the organ bar and stereo speakers turned into shelves.  img_5420Across the way, feast your eyes upon some primitive Native-American displays and pieces, not to mention jewelry finds to whet your appetite.  Yes, I think you are through sitting and sipping and ready to wander through the rest of the booths here…img_5418If it’s smaller treasures you seek, then you will need to walk this booth in a circle to the right, then circle back around to the left just so you don’t miss anything!img_5417And for mostly primitives, this is the place to begin your hunt!  But don’t be surprised when you want to haul those finds right back out the front door and home with you!img_5416Night Own Vintage has only a few items left….better get them while they last!img_5415And for unique, one-of-a-kind items straight from the 50s and 60s, check out this space!img_5414Feasting upon antique treasures is something that must be absorbed slowly….and purposefully in order to find that special item especially suited for your home…img_5413img_5412img_5411From antique desks and sofa tables to crates of old bottles and handmade scarves, why not take a gander through this booth today?img_5410Is it vintage tools you have a hankering for?  Picture frames?  Silver utensil pieces or antique glassware?  As you wander through the booth spaces, be sure to wander slowly so you don’t miss a single item!img_5409And then linger a bit longer at Tracy Lee’s corner where you will ooh and ah over the uniquely crafted furniture pieces.  Go  ahead and open the doors and drawers to see Tracy Lee’s amazing styling techniques that don’t stop with the outward appearance!  Or take home a handmade designer shirt that is absolutely adorable with a pair of jeans or leggins!img_5407And….what is this?!?  img_5421Piles of laundry in my own home awaiting me…remnants of a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving with my family.  And antique furniture pieces awaiting my paintbrush as we begin remodeling some in our own home over the next couple of months.

So while I am taking a season to re-purpose Burlap & Lace a bit and to get my own household in order, I invite you to stop into the Tin Roof to get a taste of what’s in store for you there….and don’t let just one visit be your last.  The vendors keep their booths changing weekly so you will want to visit often, sit long, and drink in not only the visual surroundings but linger over the friendships made while there.  Yes, it will happen!  All in a day’s shopping….




He’s got the whole world in His hands…

img_4953The smoke filled my nostrils and stung my lips, but as I rounded the corner while walking my dog, this was my view.  Now wait a minute….scroll back up and drink in the whole picture….the light stinging the bottom of the green leaves, only to illuminate into brilliance the reds of the maple.

No.  I mean it!  Scroll back up!  You won’t get this if you don’t!

OK.  Let’s continue now…

So I had to stop walking to take it all in.  “He’s got the whole world in His hands…”  Breathless anticipation of what God was speaking to my heart held my feet to the pavement…

Papaw wasn’t much of a singer, but that song he belted out to us as children.  And not just on special occasions…..on every occasion that I remember being together!  He sang the lyrics, but he lived the song.  His life demonstrated his trust in the Creator.  And his love for the Same.  So my wonder began to grow….I think I was likely about 8.

Climbing up into his lap as a young girl, he would tell me stories from the Bible as if they were being lived out before me that moment.  I would snuggle up to his chin as I sat on his lap, legs pulled up almost to my own face with the anticipation of the story that was soon to unfold before me.  He made what was ancient seem new….the stories….the way he told them…the way he believed them.  The way he knew their twists and turns.  He made the Bible seem realimportant….even intriguing!  Maybe it was the sparkle in his eye as he talked about the One he loved so much.  Yes, I noticed.  And I wondered…

As I walked into the Tin Roof on Tuesday, one of our newest vendors, Pam (forgive me but I don’t know her last name!) was there, having just put the finishing touches on her booth.  Pam does amazing things with calligraphy…something I have never been able to do!  And her “wall art”- as I have grown to call it- drew me in to her space.

And there it was….”He’s got the whole world in His hands” spelled out on….get this….PINK paper!  Okay, I admit it.  I’m a sucker for pink!  To be the “burlap” sister, how in the world did I grow to love pink so much?!?  Isn’t that the most feminine color imaginable?!?

I digress…stay with me.

As I began to write this blog tonight, the evening news was blaring somewhere in the background.  That in itself is unusual for me.  I don’t normally get home in time to hear the news, nor am I apt to stay up late enough to see it before I hit the sack.  But I have a reason that I want to hear it now more than ever.

Let’s just be real for a minute….I figure that whatever I see out my window in the morning is news enough for me.  I am blessed that most days that is an amazing mountain view and a somewhat skewed view of the rest of the world.  But not this morning…the smoke was thick.



Meet my son and my only grandchild. (I know….she’s gorgeous!)  When our children aren’t where we can reach out and touch them, we have to know this…

“He’s got the whole world in His hands….”

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light….I Peter 2:9

I thank God that my sons know Jesus Christ as their Savior.

So there’s my point (just when you thought I didn’t have one!).  Our vendors at The Tin Roof don’t just fill their spaces because they need a dumping place.  They fill their spaces with meaningful things that speak to them.  The delight comes when what they have labored to showcase speaks to someone else…

Wander in to The Tin Roof this week, won’t you?  I guarantee you will find something there that speaks to your heart as Pam’s calligraphy spoke to mine…if you will only take the time to seek….you will find.  And I pray in the midst of the hunt you find Jesus….the One Who has the whole world in His hands….

~Blessings –






New beginnings…from old memories


If you’ve been with me any time at all, then you have met both the Burlap and the Lace behind the business name.  My sister, Sandy, will forever be my best friend for so many reasons.   Always the lace….grace covers her and flows from her.  Oh how I love my sister!

We’re the perfect combination, Sandy and me.  Because of her, I can take a silver water pitcher and lace it literally with Queen Anne’s lace and hydrangeas.  Yet the rustic side of me can nestle in tree logs, moss and ceramic birds, intermingled with the vintage tablecloths we both love and there you have it….the perfect blend of the two of us.  It’s how the business was inspired, and how it has thrived now for over 6 years.

As new beginnings are just around the corner for Burlap & Lace, you may ask what that means exactly?

I’m smiling, because I am still praying about the answer to that question!  I just know that when Burlap & Lace returns, it will be the perfect match of the elegant and beautiful her mingled with the rustic and eclectic me.  In what way and form?  That is yet to be determined!

So walk down memory lane with me a bit, won’t you?

I adore the photo of us in my sister’s kitchen before her daughter’s wedding shower.  We were to dress in vintage clothing, and the styles we chose sure did express our personalities to the tee!  She looks a bit like June Cleaver, yes?  And I am the perfect replica of Carol Brady, don’t you agree?!?

Our styles and mode of dress may differ drastically (her the lace and me the burlap), but our love for the classic, the worn and tattered for the outdoors and the antiques go hand in hand.

I feel like breaking into song…”these are a few of my favorite things”….  From above, you see my tastes of floral arrangements, mixing the vintage with the fresh and new, my favorite flowers (daisies), my favorite colors (pink and green), my favorite holiday (Christmas) and simply a few of my favorite displays through the years.

Now for the signs  and wall art that gave me my start….and that I still enjoy creating…

And what about taking those forgotten but treasured furniture pieces and transforming them?


Where will the Lord lead me now?  Again I am smiling.  The journey of faith is a fun ride friends!  I pray you will stay with me as I begin walking it out and letting go of the familiar, ready to embrace what is  new and to come.

Be sure of this…whatever it will be….God will be glorified in and through it!  Because He is the sole reason I do any of it.



Home for the Holidays

img_4806There you have it….my news.  But don’t let me lose you just yet! While Burlap & Lace has decided to go “home for the holidays”, that statement has more than one meaning.

If you read my previous blog, you know I have been in prayer over this decision…and it’s one that I promise has not been decided lightly.  But due to numerous reasons, I am bringing Burlap & Lace home….for a season.  Yes, I am leaving the Tin Roof…for a season.

While in our natural world, seasons take on the form of several months (3 to be exact), I cannot promise that my season will  be the same.  BUT…PLEASE stay tuned with me on my blog in the months ahead…my season of homecoming.  Because….I plan to stay connected to the Tin Roof to let you know what is happening there while at the same time giving you an inside look into my own home renovations soon to be in the works!  And when/if the time is right, I will be back in full swing.  And YOU will be the first to know when that is happening!

So let’s get back to the Tin and see what’s in store for you there!

If you’ve gone into any retail space of late, you have noticed that Christmas is all around us…at least in the decorating sense.  So since it’s my last month at the Tin (last day there will be November 30), I have decided to join the ranks and get us started on our Christmas spirit!  In fact, Thanksgiving is typically our family’s time to decorate, so let’s get started!

img_4805Let’s celebrate a Farmhouse homecoming this Christmas, starting with the great door featured here.  With the chippy table in front and the fabulous lighted wreath above, what a great place to welcome your guests into your home.

The pineapple is a symbol of hospitality, so in keeping with what Scripture tells us in Hebrews 13:2, “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.”  Why not grace your entertainment area with these lovely lamps? Only $40 each!

img_4802You will find plenty of holiday dishware here this month, as well as the storage space to house those plates, plate chargers, cookbooks and serving pieces!  The braided wreathes are lovely gracing a table when overlapping three together, or they are unique enough to hang on a wall or door for eye appeal.  Cake plates await the holiday baking you will be doing…and don’t forget to peek beneath the glittery Christmas ornaments to find the silver-plated dishes beneath…the perfect dish for holiday candy!    Why not let these crocheted linens double as curtains after the season is done?

img_4803This round table with the scalloped edges disassembles into three pieces for ease in moving and/or storage.  It makes a lovely cake table for a wedding, or cover it with a round cloth for a bedroom where it can easily be nestled between two chairs.  Also a great table for seating up to 4 in a small area!  It can conveniently be taken apart after the dinner party and stored in a closet space, but you won’t want to do that…it’s too pretty not to leave out!

There are three trees for sale…all with lights already attached…$25 each.  Great for a table or kitchen counter!

Cookbooks are scattered about for only $.25 each!  Fabulous recipes…go ahead and take a peek inside one or two!   These would make great stocking stuffers.

The leather stool is a must for kicking up your feet during Superbowl night….ridiculously priced to go.

img_4800Stemware is now all priced to sell at $1/stem.  Get your holiday glasses while they last!

This door panel hanger has 7 hooks…perfect for those winter scarves, mittens and hats!  And speaking of hats….these baby caps were handmade by my daughter-in-law.  Great baby gifts and stocking stuffers for the newborn!

img_4813Tables grace the booth space this month…from farmhouse style to coffee table to side tables.  Take your pick!  And while you are looking, check out the napkins – only $3 each! – and napkin rings to match. This lovely Christmas cloth is less than $20! Square red and green plates make a wonderful holiday place setting for a family of 4, or wonderful to hold those holiday baked goods when guests come to visit!

img_4809This trunk would be perfect as a side table, or in a bedroom to hold toys, blankets or simply to hide your Christmas gifts until they are wrapped!  The garlands are less than $5….seriously?!?  Seriously!

img_4808Mercury lamps,  rustic lamps, coffee pots….There is simply more than I can tell you about in the space this month.  I hope you will stop by and enjoy Burlap & Lace in my last month at the Tin.  There is so much to celebrate going forward.  Remember that this is not goodbye…just simply a season of change.  I pray you will enjoy this journey with me through the eyes of my blog in the months ahead. And don’t forget to visit the Tin Roof often.  So many vendors with so many great things to explore! Thanks for the love…



The Crowded Life

The crowds pressed him.  The noise deafened him.  He knew He shouldn’t leave them alone, but He was weary.  Hungry even, and unsure of what to do next.  He needed guidance….clear direction….to hear, and to be heard.

So He went to His Father…in prayer.

“Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.

And Simon and those who were with Him searched for Him.  When they found Him, they said to Him, “Everyone is looking for You.”  But He said to them, “Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also, because for this purpose I have come forth.”  Mark 1: 35-38

Jesus didn’t do what everyone thought He should be doing.  He did what His Father desired to be done.  And Jesus knew what that was because…..He asked Him…..in prayer.

I’ve felt pressed myself lately, the noise of this life deafening me at times to the point that I don’t clearly know what steps to take next.  Following Jesus’s example, I pray.  I seek guidance and clear direction.  And I receive just that, when I ask in faith believing I will get an answer….in His timing, not mine!

With that prayer has come a decision regarding Burlap & Lace.  One that I want to share with you because you have journeyed with me thus far.  But you have to stay tuned….to see what is coming next!  Until the next blog….

Blessings –



Setting the table of grace

img_4462It’s Fall y’all!

Well maybe not officially, but it’s coming!  And for those of us living in these NC mountains, our 60 degree mornings definitely whisper hints of delightfully cooler weather.  So I wanted to give you some things to think about with the approaching  Thanksgiving season because I’m convinced that if the next 2 months fly by as fast as the summer has, I might not get another opportunity to do so!

Before I take you to the table of Burlap & Lace, I want to take you to a different table – one full of grace, and forgiveness.


The air is thick with conversation, though none of it worth much in value.  There is talk of church and people who won’t serve.  There is mingled in gossip about the affairs of the town’s people, none of it bathed with concern but only spoken to make little of them and much of the one talking.

Suddenly the conversation is hushed as she enters.  They all know who she is.  She enters quietly, and even somewhat gracefully, though none would ever have attached grace to a description of her.  She carries a bottle of fragrant oil, and tears wet her cheeks as they flow without hindrance down a face aged and now wrinkled by regret.

Today her expression is different…unbridled kindness fills her eyes, and love moves her entire being toward him.  Nothing will be held back today, for she loves him much.

Her body stoops to the ground, carefully cradling the flask of oil so as not to drop it.  Her tears wash over his feet, and as she kneels, she takes her hair and gently rubs away the stains caused as they splash upon feet streaked with the city’s dirt – feet now being lavished with tears from a thankful heart.  She begins to kiss those dirty feet, cradling them in one hand while with the other she pours out the oil and rubs them clean.  Her tears never cease.  But it is her heart that is most noticeable.  Well, if you are really seeing the heart of the matter.

The sneers and whispers begin…Don’t you know who she IS?

And Jesus simply turns his gaze toward her, but speaks to the accuser.  Do you see this woman?  I entered your house; you gave me no water for my feet, but she has washed my feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head.  You gave me no kiss, but this woman has not ceased to kiss my feet since the time I came in.  You did not anoint my head with oil, but this woman has anointed my feet with fragrant oil.  Therefore I say to you, her sins which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much.  But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.

 I believe the room was silenced after that.


It’s quite a story, isn’t it?  Honestly, I can claim this story as my story.   Is it yours too? What of your life has made you so thankful that you would lavish your giver with tears of love?

With that thought in mind, slide into the table set at Burlap & Lace this month. My prayer is that you will find grace and forgiveness to offer those who gather with you at your own table this season.  Mistakes may have been  made along the way.  Wounds have healed over into scars that remind you there was once a battle being fought.  Maybe it was with a family member.  Perhaps it was with a friend.  Have you forgiven?  Have you loved the One who forgave you of so much that you would lavish the same love of your heavenly Father all over the one who has hurt you so much?  Can you share your table, as Jesus did, as one laid with grace, and forgiveness?  I pray so.  That would truly give meaning to the celebration of Thanksgiving, now wouldn’t it?

Why not add some quote cards to your table this year?  They make great conversation starters, and afterward your guests can take them home to frame or to use as a postcard to send to someone that could use a kind word along their way.

While yellows, oranges and browns certainly give you a feeling of Fall, consider dressing up your table in colors that are favorites of yours!  I am offering blues mixed with greens after finding these gorgeous flower napkin rings.  Paired with the blue plates, they make a fun and festive setting for any day of the year!img_4475So take a quick journey with me into my past…as a young girl, cloth napkins were only used at our house during Thanksgiving and Christmas.  And napkin rings made using the cloth napkins so much more fun!

So now, a glimpse at my present finds me working at a Bed & Breakfast where cloth napkins are an everyday occurrence, and napkin rings too!  I simply love to find new and creative ways to fold the napkins and show off the napkin rings.

img_4473Ah, and when the crowd overflows to the kitchen bar, how about some vintage bar stools to add charm ?  Don’t let the white color scare you….I brought these home, took them to my driveway and sprayed them with a hose and a solution of Clorox and water.  They glisten!  So no need to worry about the color…embrace it!

Check out the assortment of tablecloths (vintage, of course) and table scarves (crocheted)!  And then let your eyes drift to what’s holding those table scarves and mugs.  What a great piece with so many uses….for mugs, dishtowels and pot holders in the kitchen…..for damp towels in the bathroom…..for caps by the front door….for garden tools and gloves at the garden shed or on the side of your garage…. for scarves or jewelry in a closet…..the ideas are pushing through my head faster than I can type!

And what about that distressed white cabinet?  In it’s former days, it held record albums, but today, I see it just as displayed….for dishes, cookbooks, kitchen serving bowls and pans….OR, with rolled up towels in a bathroom….OR as a shoe caddy in a closet….OR as a bookshelf in a bedroom or office.  Again, so many great uses for this piece!

img_4478This side table was also a record holder in another lifetime, but it’s the perfect piece today to go next to a chair, creating the just-right space for books, newspapers or a basket to hold the TV remotes….OR in a dining area to hold dishes….OR in a bathroom for towels.  Why not add a couple baskets underneath to hold hair dryer, curling iron, and all the essentials of a busy morning routine?  Oh, and while letting your eyes feast on the table, ease your eyes on down to see the collection of jars, now reduced to $3 each, regardless of make or color or size.  These are the perfect item for holding fresh flowers, cotton balls or Q-tips in a bath, drier sheets in a laundry room or coins on a bedroom dresser. And if you happen to be a collector, you should definitely take a look!

img_4469This piece caught my eye as the perfect thing for holding toilet paper in a guest bath.  Hammered aluminum is a favorite of mine, and this tray could also hold a collection of bottles filled with fresh flowers on an entry hall table, or in the middle of your kitchen table!  Wide enough to hold glasses two deep, you could also use this as a tray to serve those holiday beverages from!

img_4467Meet “Patch”….a cute little fellow just longing to perch on your front porch atop a crate.  The apple basket he’s propped against would be great for pumpkins or apples.

img_4476This metal sign is the perfect addition for your kitchen this Fall…and so reasonably priced!

img_4453Although these are not at all in keeping with my cottage style, I simply had to offer these plastic, insulated wine glasses to you!  Perfect for the crisp evenings to come and the still-warm days that are currently upon us, they make great gifts as well!

Furniture pieces galore have come to Burlap & Lace this week, with more still on the way!  From the desk at top left to the bookcase holding glassware to the shabby shutters….there is much to choose from and much to imagine (like where a certain piece might fit into your home!).

img_4470Getting back to the table, let me leave you with this thought.  Relationships, I have found, take work.  Hard work.  Intentional work.

It’s easy to sit and think about all those who should be reaching out to you, but what if those same people are sitting and wondering why you haven’t reached out to them?  Maybe it’s time to make the move toward mending some broken fences.  Oh, I know….why do I always have to make the first move?!? I have thought that thought more times than I can count.  And the answer always comes to me….

Because –  God Himself moved out of heaven and into earth, giving Himself freely to us all so that we could spread a taste of His grace around our own table.  You just might find that the person whose life you thought you would change has actually been the one to change you.  And when that happens, don’t forget to lavish your Redeemer, Jesus Christ, with praise.  It will be a great  Thanksgiving Day!

Happy Fall Y’all!



Tip of the Day

IMG_2169The first course was plated.  It was Sunday on Tiffany Hill, and I was ready to present to the guests.  And the words from Matthew 20:28 entered my mind, “…the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve….”

As is our custom, I entered the morning time with the guests in celebration…this morning I chose to celebrate blessings…the blessing of each of them, and the blessing of friendships and marriage…and then I moved into the kitchen to plate the main course.

IMG_3870I smiled, plating the food onto my 99 year old Grandmother’s china.  She would be so happy to see me using it here…to serve others as she often served our family around her table at Christmas.

A gentleman about the age of 80 spoke up, telling a story of his mother’s teaching him of how it was not right to work on Sunday.  I smiled, because he had no problem receiving the food I placed in front of him, without a second thought to the fact that I had been up since 4:15 that morning just to prepare myself spiritually as well as physically before coming to serve him and the 13 other guests around our table.  As I brought out plate after plate and placed them in front of the guests, he said to me, “How do you deal with working on a Sunday instead of being in church?  My mother taught me that was just wrong!”  I smiled at him, and disappeared into the kitchen for two more plates.  “Lord, please work through me in this place….today”, I murmured in my heart.

Back out at the table I shared with him a story of the Sabbath (you can find the story in Mark 3:1-6).  Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath, and was condemned for it.  And before that he had told the Pharisees, “the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.”  I simply told him after sharing the story….”Jesus healed and did good deeds on the Sabbath (Sunday in His day and time); why shouldn’t I follow His example?  You needed breakfast this morning, didn’t you?”

I left the guests to talk, ponder, and savor both the food and the conversation.  And then I reappeared with dessert – their third and final course of the morning.

IMG_3912There were no more questions asked.  The food was taken in, and the man – at the end of the meal – simply said to me, “Thank you for serving me this morning.”  I smiled.  He packed his bags and left without even leaving a tip.  And again I felt the nudge within me that made me smile and give thanks to the One from Whom all blessings flow.

I did receive a tip that day…a thank you that was real and from his heart, and also this that I share with you now.  Indeed, the Sabbath was made for man.  Why?  Because God – in His infinite wisdom – knew we would need to rest and be refreshed, just as He did after His creation of all.  Exodus 31:17 says, “…in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested, and was refreshed.”

So serve.  No matter the day of the week, or the hour of the day.  But take time “off” to rest, and to be refreshed.  It’s your Sabbath.  God intended you to do as He did.   And serve without any expectation of anything in return.  God has your reward.

There’s the tip of the day for you….savor it as you will.



Team Work don’t Seem Work!

I coined that statement from a long-ago coworker of mine, and I use it often.  So why not apply it to what we have going on at The Tin Roof Antique Market?!?

IMG_4104Meet Tracylee….designer, artist, interior decorator….you name it…she’s got it going on!  Tracylee has hands down encouraged me the most during my venture into The Tin Roof…with her words and hugs, but also with her contagious spirit of enthusiasm and design.   And this is how she describes herself….IMG_4107Kinda makes you want to sit down with her a while and catch the coattails of her vision, doesn’t it?  Think about it….taking the broken to beautiful reminds me of exactly what Christ has done in me!  The lost to found…yep, that’s me as well!  The forgotten…well, good news is Jesus never forgets us!  He has our name inscribed on the palm of His hands!

But sentimental I am, so let’s cap off this journey together at The Tin Roof in August by allowing me to showcase a few of our other vendors…(and forgive me that I can’t name them all yet, as I still have quite a few to meet!)…

Tracylee has taken some beautiful wooden “neglects” and turned them into masterpieces with her artistry and technique.  This piece is calling me….not as a desk so much, but as a piece for the end of my bed.  As she described and I completely agreed, why not tuck a basket underneath it to hold your winter throws, then use the top as a place to perch while putting on shoes?  Even throw a suitcase on top when your friends come to visit.  In antique white, it would fit in any room!

IMG_4109Kimberly is all about fashion…capturing the vintage look and giving it a twist as she puts it to use in this day and time.  But clothing is not her only appeal!  Check out the other finds she has tucked away in her space…

IMG_4110This booth is one you have to walk through one way, then turn around and walk the other way just to take it all in…from glassware to furniture pieces to lighting oddities to….well you name it!

IMG_4111Love, love, love this folding picnic table!  And the vintage cloth is nearly flawless!  The enamel table with the sewing machine base in the backdrop is another favorite of mine.  And look in the very back of the picture to what brings the music to your soul as you shop….Melissa (shop owner) has crafted a cooler right into this vintage stereo!  What a clever way to host a brilliant party for your friends!  And when the entertaining is over for the night, simply close the lid and put your pretties back on top for an eclectic twist to your living space!  Now you can barely make it out in this picture, but there is even an old organ made into a bar!  Truly, you have to see this piece to fall in love with it as I have!  If only my living space were large enough to boast this….

Burlap & Lace even has a few things to show you this month….and more to come soon!IMG_4077Take a fresh look at these crates made into wall shelves.  I think the thing I love most about these is that they are easy to change around if you get tired of them looking a certain way or holding a certain space in your home!  (Or am I the only one who embraces change that way?)  I might note that many of the things you see here will be “leaving” The Tin Roof in a few weeks in order to bring in totally new inventory.  Those of you who know me well know by now that I like to switch things up often, so if you see it, you’d best get it before it’s gone!

IMG_4052This server’s cart and tray have been shown to you before, but I’m not sure they will keep their post here much longer.  The awesomeness of this piece is threefold:  (1) it folds if you want to store it out of the way (but why would you?  It makes a lovely side table for a bed or a wonderful cart for your kitchen or office area.)  (2)  It has two detachable serving trays…the one standing in front with the crown in the middle of it and the one attached to the cart.  That one has legs so that you can use it as a bed tray!  How clever is that?!  and (3)  It has the ability to have wheels added to it so that it can be a rolling cart for your patio.  Truly, I may just incorporate this piece into my own home if it stays here much longer!

IMG_4051It’s been told to you before that I don’t put things in my space that I wouldn’t want in my own home.  Such is the case of this awesome, round table!  Its legs are detachable from the table top, so it is actually 3 pieces, making it very easy to move.  The top has a scalloped edge (my favorite part!), but as you can see, you can dress this table up with a round cloth should you so desire.   Chairs will easily fit around it, giving space for a lovely setting for 4.  I used this table at my niece’s wedding last summer to hold her wedding cake!

The birdbath topping the table might also find its way back to my home!  I love that it’s smaller than most, and the pineapple is a southern sign of hospitality, which also speaks to me.  I would easily use it in my garden space as it was intended, but I would also from time to time change it up to use on my side patio as a table beside a chair to hold my summer peach tea!  It comes with the round glass top included.

IMG_4049Okay, let your eyes feast through this photo….this picnic table could be used as a farm table indoors, or a picnic table outside.  I personally would bring it in!  There are so many ways to use this table…you will see more ideas in the blogs to follow this one (after I make my way to the booth next week to give it a face lift!).  I have reduced the glass cake plates, but soon they will leave to find their home elsewhere as well.  My fav is the silver turntable with the glass top.  These two are priced separately (the glass top being only $4!).  All others come as a set.  There are still a few silver-plated pitchers to choose from, so get yours before they are all picked over!

IMG_3985This antique desk is solid wood and boasts the original hardware….obviously it could be used as a desk, but why not put your sewing machine on top and use it as a sewing table?  Or fill it with writing paper and top it with an old typewriter (or even a modern day laptop!) to make a wonderful writing desk for that aspiring writer in the family, or the guest who is visiting?

IMG_3896Such a sweet little dresser this is!  I always have my favorites about a piece, and this one is its rolling wheels.  Again, this makes it easy to move about.  The small stature makes it perfect in a dining area to hold your table linens, or in a child’s bedroom to hold all the necessities of a little one!

IMG_4053Architectural pieces delight my eyes…and this one would be amazing over a bed as a headboard.  Or top a fireplace mantle with it, or patio doors.  It has a hanger for ease.

So as the “team” comes together at The Tin Roof Antique Market, you can easily see that
“team work don’t seem work” as you meet the vendors and see their creative juices flowing from their hearts into your home!  Let us help you make those updates to your own living spaces today….you’ll love bringing our teamwork into your home!





Finding Joy

Sleep doesn’t always claim me, yet when it does and I awake after a restful night’s sleep with a definite thought in my head, I take note….

“This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.”  I heard it.  I’ve known it.  I’ve quoted it near daily, but more like this….This is the day the Lord has made.  HELP ME GOD to rejoice and be glad in it!”  It’s more like a plea bargain I’m looking for.  My God is so very patient with me.

So as I pondered that scripture (Ps.118:24 for those of you who want to go there and read it for yourselves) that early morning – before I actually went to my Bible to read it, I visualized that whomever wrote it surely had his eyes closed, fist clenched – along with his teeth – and was hunched over a table with one palm pressed hard into his forehead while the other fist pounded the table in front of him…..declaring with all his might that he would rejoice, when perhaps all he wanted to do was scream, or punch someone in the face.  Could it be, I wondered before reading, that he was fighting discouragement, discontent, or frustration?  Was he perhaps digging as deep as he could within himself to state the obvious…that God made the day, He controlled the circumstances of it, and knowing He should receive praise – even when this psalmist didn’t feel like praising – he was declaring to himself and anyone else around that he was determined to rejoice through his circumstances?

And so I read….and discovered…the psalmist had been “chastened severely, but not given over to death”; he found it “better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man”; he was “pushed violently that I might fall, but the Lord helped me”.  And then his declaration, “You have answered me, and have become my salvation…..This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Suddenly I see the psalmist unclinch his fist, lower his head to his outstretched arm, and weep.  This huge hunk of a man (in my mind’s eye) has fought the good fight of faith….and has decided it better to trust in the Lord than in man – man who always disappoints and frustrates, and he gives up his will and decides to put his confidence in the Lord, who has saved him from his enemies.  And so he decides to rejoice….through tears that come only after the fight….within himself.  He decides.

Okay.  I’ve taken a lot of liberty with this scripture, but God has shown me so clearly that rejoicing and being glad in what He gives me within any given day is my choice.  My choice.  To rejoice, or to be discontent.

Rejoicing, celebrating, finding joy in the journey….how does one do this….daily?

IMG_3798Find something that makes you smile, then widen those lips and show those pearly whites!

I don’t know who Billy and Pearl are, but in my browsing through a local antique shop, I found this picture, and yes, I paid $2 for a faded photograph of people I don’t know.  Why?  They made me smile….

Note that they are standing about 2 feet from one another…farm boy moments prior was chasing this cute little girl around that gigantic porch (brother and sister?) when the voice yells loud, “Stop!  I want to take your picture!”  Obliging, they stand as far apart as allowed for the snapshot, and then…whoosh…..off they go running again.  What do you see when you look at this?

IMG_3799This one I like even more….woman on the right, the one shading her face from the sun, declares, “Emma, do you really believe those men of ours can get that field plowed today?”  I love the stances….two with arms folded tight against their chest, and two with hands on hips.  I’ve been both….have you?  I laughed as I thought through all the possibilities of conversation these women might be having, standing against the array of flowers dancing at their feet. I think – had I been in that photo – I might have had my arms up in the air as I spun around wildly through the field of flowers….oblivious to the conversations going on around me.  You?

These photos are in my booth space because they make me laugh…every time I see them.  Admittedly, I find humor in the oddest things sometimes….

IMG_3810I painted this sign, originally, thinking of marriages….but then it hit me that this is just life.  Not always easy, but worth living.

Burlap & Lace offers some things this month that are “bulk”, because of my collecting of things that I love…mostly for our son’s wedding this past May.  You will notice on Facebook soon the posting of those bulk sale items….be sure to check out that page post!

IMG_3804And while you are busy complaining (yes, we all will from time to time) about the lack of service you’ve received or the unkind people you’ve encountered today, remind yourself to “be the Aloha you wish to see in the world”.

IMG_3803Garden delights still grace the doors of Burlap & Lace this month…IMG_3802IMG_3815If you’ve seen the movie Braveheart, you recognize this saying….this sign hung in our son’s room all throughout high school as a reminder to him from his dad….God has a plan for your life; stay the course.  Keep running the race set before you….and you won’t miss the mark.

Just a few more photos from the booth this month before I leave you…IMG_3814This tea cart is three pieces.  The attached tray removes to become a bed tray and there is a separate serving tray (propped at the bottom) as well.  Add wheels if you want a rolling cart! IMG_3792


One final thought….”Be content with such things as you have.”  That’s a lot to think about, and a lot to find joy in.   Make the choice….I have.



Celebration May…Delightful June

IMG_3018Meet my new daughter-in-law….and my youngest son.  It was a celebration for sure, that sunny May day as they wed, only a short week ago now.  And we were there to witness their vows, their joy, their love for one another, and for God – Who brought them to this day.

Weddings should be that way….delightful celebrations of what God has joined together. But as I have contemplated over and over again, the day is not just about a wedding…it’s about a marriage, a covenant.  The wedding lasts one day.  The marriage is a lifetime.

With the constant reminder to myself to “not let things take on a life of their own” (that would be my husband’s voice in my head!), I planned for the rehearsal dinner and the beginning of the celebration events of the weekend.  And having done so, I now want to pass on the joy of the occasion as perhaps you, or someone you know, is planning for their own special day in the near future.

IMG_2902Who has a celebration event without flowers?!?  As I spent literally months in search of silver-plated teapots and water pitchers, creamers and sugar bowls that were large enough to hold a bountiful arrangement, I was quite pleased with what I found.  Being an outdoor celebration weekend, I also wanted to bring in the woods a bit.  Queen Anne’s Lace was my choice of flower for a couple of reasons….they are a beautiful white/green mixture, and they seemingly last forever!

At my booth this month, you will now find these polished pitchers complete with flowers  – all for just $16.95 each, regardless of the size or shape of the container!  Now don’t you know someone who would love to be surprised with such a gift as this?  The flowers are still beautiful, and the pitcher will never lose it’s appeal!  And just in case you are decorating for your own wedding or anniversary event, there are about 18 of these for sale this month, and I promise you I have passed on a tremendous savings to you just in the container alone!

IMG_2897“Birds of a feather flock together”, I have heard said.  These adorable clay birds are sprinkled throughout the booth this month, and are fun additions in any room of your home.  But again, should you be planning a wedding, this cage is a wonderful way to have your guests help start the newlyweds with a “nest egg” of their own. Simply add the chalkboard sign and you’re on your way!IMG_2898Vintage appeal is a charming way to add color to your table, and I have a selection of nearly 20 different tablecloths for you to choose from.  All are priced at only $14.95 each.  Unbelievable, right?  But although I searched specifically for ones to use at the rehearsal dinner, I can’t begin to keep all I found!  So why not share them with you?!?

IMG_2893Insulators have become a new favorite decoration of mine, and all are being passed on to you for only $3 each.  I used these with battery candles (also in the booth for sale!) to create a beautiful ambiance on our tables.  And even the wood blocks are for sale, and  let me tell you why!  I wanted to use something like this, but everywhere I went and saw wood pieces, they were either far too expensive, or not for sale (my biggest pet peeve).

One weekend while visiting my parents in Charlotte, I was leaving to travel home and saw that one of their neighbors had cut a beautiful birch tree and had the limbs piled at the street for the city to take away.  I halted my little Mazda, already piled full, and loaded at least 12 logs into the back to take home to my husband.  Believe me, there was some eye rolling with that move when he helped me unload my car!  And imagine his expression when I excitedly told him my idea to use them as centerpieces for the rehearsal dinner!  Not only that, but I requested that he saw 80 wood rounds for me to decoupage with the newlywed’s picture for guests to take home and use as Christmas ornaments in years to come! IMG_2891You have to admit they turned out to be a hit and a great take-away gift from the celebration night.  I have bagged up some of the rounds for sale as well…don’t let these slip you by!  This was an easy gift to make, and not at all time consuming once the logs were cut (thanks HubE!).

IMG_2901A guest board was another easy idea, and of course, you will find it in the booth for sale as well.  $21.95…what a deal!

IMG_2894My vintage love affair continues, but especially with this cake topper, as it was used on the cake of my in-laws in the 50s.  What a sweet heritage and blessing for me to be able to use it.  And the moss?   Yes, I have even bagged it to sell…$3/bag.  You won’t find it for that price anywhere, I promise!

IMG_2890IMG_2889The table markers with the numbers are another fun idea.  I have one in my kitchen to hold my recipes while I cook.  But you could also use it on a desktop to hold a family photo.  And if in need of plate chargers, get them at Burlap & Lace for only $.50 each….another bargain passed on to you!  I have 75 for sale….

IMG_2899So the idea behind the rocks was that each guest would write a memory on them for the bride & groom to take with them; however, when telling my son of the idea he wasn’t crazy about it.  So I used the planter and rocks to celebrate the love birds anyway!

IMG_3002As I end this blog, I want to give tribute and praise to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  From the moment Mitch was born, I began praying for his bride.  And while he and I have journeyed together these last 25 years, I can honestly say that I have witnessed his love for Liz grow over the last 3 years in ways I have had to ponder….ways in which he truly has sought out her heart and given her his in return.  He has held back nothing…especially not his love for Christ, and for that I could not be more proud.

So here is to covenant marriage, and may theirs be all God has intended it to be.  To Him be the glory forever.  Amen!




Digging deep….

IMG_2629Pushing the shovel deep into the soil with a thrust I thought only my husband could muster, my thoughts came to the surface with the dirt.  “Be in the world, but not of it.”  Well being “in” it was tough without being “of” it, I pondered.

You see, I lived so much of my life being “of” the world….drinking, cursing, playing the harlot…that I have come to know full well how important it is to separate myself from the temptations that used to pull me into that downward spiral of what we have come to call “sin”.   I, however, like to call it what it truly is….drinking, cursing, playing the harlot…I think the word “sin” has become much like the word “love”….overused and totally without a second thought of its meaning.

I knelt to push the tender plant deep into the soil, covering the roots and then watering it.  My thoughts continued….

The church (the building with its people calling themselves Christians) pushed me out a long time ago, taking me away from the calling on my heart to minister to women, helping them heal of wounds through prayer and care, planting the Word of God into the very fiber of their being as I was planting it first into my own life.

I was bitter for a time, but I have come to breathe a huge “thank you”.  You see, had I not been driven away from the women’s ministry at our local church, I would never have gone into the world, seeking where God might use me….and as He would do, He led me straight to countless women who (like I had been) needed to know the love of Christ without the condemnation of those who called themselves Christ-followers.

Oh, I’m sorry….I stepped into the miry clay, didn’t I?  Gardening is often messy work…

I stood to survey my planting….the richness of the tender plants poking their heads up toward the sun brought  a smile to my face.  I was confident that they would grow strong and provide food for our household.

And I am confident that every time God leads me to another woman that He knows could use His Sonshine, that in time, they too will grow strong in Him, and provide food for their own households….Jesus, the bread of life.

Gardening brings me great joy.  So does embracing each and every friendship God has given me to enjoy.

If you are reading this, likely you are one of the women God has blessed my life with knowing.  Thank you, for allowing me to plant a seed that another will water, knowing that  God will give the increase.

Be assured that you have also planted in my life…and I can’t wait to see the fullness of the grown plant one day!  Let’s keep journeying together “in the world”, but not being “of it”.




A Deepening Love for the Unlovely

IMG_2420This is my new “happy place”…The Tin Roof Antique Market located on Brevard Road just a hop, skip and jump from the Outlet Mall.  To be sure, you are likely to see plenty of items for sale here that are “lovely”.  But what about the unlovely things?  Be sure they will be here too, but you won’t recognize them as unlovely! And I’ll bet your love for these items will grow as you linger over the stories behind them….

IMG_2421Some wouldn’t think of putting this metal sink table anywhere near their home…but as is my way, I like to think outside the box, which means that I see this with a lot of “story” behind it, and even more “story” waiting to be told….when it finds its new home in your home!

Imagine that it sits outside your back door to be used as a washing station for those grimy little hands (and big ones too!) before they come inside after helping mommy plant flowers in her garden.  The side towel bars are perfect to hang a hand towel from, and the bottom shelf could easily be a place for a lovely potted plant.  Just dump the dirty water from the sink bowl out onto the plant after hand-washing!

Or use it indoors in a bathroom to hold your towels (bath towels folded underneath, even perhaps displayed in a wicker basket), hand towels and washcloths rolled up and displayed for a quick grab in the basin, silver pitcher full of fresh picked flowers adorning the back corner.  Ummm….how I wish my bathroom were larger!  Then this piece would not even have made it into the booth this month!  It has just been discounted from $220 to $145.  And yes, it is indeed an antique!

IMG_2458Besides all the lovely display pieces you will find, don’t overlook the “unlovely” crates!  Originally $40 each, they are discounted to $20 each.  Stacked to make shelving against a wall in your home, or used in your child’s room with the addition of wheels on the bottom to make a great rolling toy caddy, the functionality of these crates will long outlast the crates themselves!

IMG_2453Hand-painted signs are unbelievably priced…this one at just $21!  They all have a meaning that is especially important to me.  God created us each individually, for His purposes and His glory.  Be who you are!  You are beautiful!

IMG_2448Birdbaths aren’t just for the birds anymore! With the addition of a glass top, why not perch this on a patio beside your favorite chair?  It’d make a dandy place for that glass of lemonade or morning cup of coffee!  Only $75 for this birdbath-turned-table.   And when you no longer want it indoors, then find a resting place for it in your garden!

IMG_0953Lovely young ladies singing lovely songs to their furry friends…kinda makes you smile, yes?

As you wander through Burlap & Lace, keep in mind that everything here was chosen….just as you were chosen by the Creator of the entire universe!  God sees the lovely in you…go ahead and stroll through this month keeping your eyes open for that treasure that is every bit as rare a find as you are!

God so loves you….His lovely creation!

Blessings –



Let it Settle –

IMG_2317Can you see the heart that my husband is pointing to in this fence?  Well I sure did….the minute he produced this work of art for my new booth!  Amazing, that man is!

And more than that, he challenges me daily with his wise counsel.  So this week, in the throws of some pretty rough stuff (health issues, work issues, nearly slicing my thumb off at work today), I needed and heeded his wisdom….”Let it settle, Connie.”  I was reminded of I Peter 5:10 which says:  “But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen and settle you.”

Settle me, Lord.

I have just walked away from a sink full  of dirty dishes to write here tonight.  I can count on one hand the times I have left dishes overnight….three times, with tonight being the third.  You see, I hate a mess on the start of a new day.  But tonight, I want to write, then my pillow is calling me so that I can get up at 4:15 in the morning.

Settle me, Lord.  Make me steadfast to do what You have called me to do….be who You have called me to be.

So today….this is where my “calling” led me…

IMG_2473My new booth space!  This is definitely the place I am supposed to be, as evidenced by a gentleman that I met there today.  I’m not sure of his age, but he was walking with a walker, and loved telling stories about his life.  And I loved the gleam in his eye as things such as this brought out a good story…

IMG_2456Pick anything here and a story evolved from his lips and his life…the apron, the syrup bottles, even the apple crates.

IMG_2476We talked about the fence…and where he grew up…and I notice…the fence still bears the outline of the heart…can you see it there in the middle?!?  But it’s the concrete birds perched on top that make me laugh….I can almost hear their song bursting forth.

Don’t miss the birdbath-turned-table behind the fence.  It’s probably my favorite “out of the box” item displayed here this month.IMG_2448

IMG_2462So if you know me at all, you know I only put things in my booth that I love and would want in my own home.  And this painting is one of those items.  Seen first in my son and daughter-in-law’s home, it makes me stop and pause to think of the romance of this young couple….and the servitude of their accompanying companions.  Ah…both spark a light in me.  Which am I?  The servant, or the one being swept off my feet by my One true Love?  I guess it depends on the day, to be honest…

IMG_2452My other son is a lover of giraffes. They, too, make me smile as they bring me remembrance of him. My children are among my greatest gifts…

IMG_2425With my youngest son’s wedding on the horizon, my hunt was fueled to find insulators like the ones used to make this lamp in order to make some beautiful candlelight for his rehearsal dinner tables.  So naturally, this lamp spoke to me, but not just of the one son….the top is a grease funnel!  And my oldest son has dreamed of being an auto mechanic for as long as he could spell the word grease.  So this piece was a must for my space.  If it doesn’t soon find a new home, I am sure it will end up back in mine!

IMG_2450As is my style, everything in my booth space is for sale, and everything evokes some positive sentiment in me.  These swirl mugs seem to invite me to a cup of hot chocolate around our wood stove.  Would they hold your tea, your coffee, your jellybeans?!?

IMG_2478So these flowers out of place (otherwise termed weeds) stopped me as I drove home from my new booth space today.  Literally.  As in –  I stopped my car, stopped traffic, rolled down my window to take this shot.  Why?  Because they were absolutely breathtakingly beautiful swaying in the wind.  And I love a good surprise.

Settle me, Lord.

For a brief moment in time, I was settled.  Happy to take in this view.  Happy to know and remember that  God has a purpose for the weeds in my life.  And even those seemingly uncontrollable weeds can be beautiful to the beholding eye.  I dare you to stop and allow God to settle you in His world of purpose and perfect peace.  You might be surprised, as I was, at the beauty of it all.

Blessings –







The Cluttered Life vs the Full Life

IMG_5217Meet my Dad….Sam Elliott.  Now really…how many dads do you know that would help you make burlap bows for a wedding after standing in the 101 degree heat of the day?  But that he did….last summer for my niece’s wedding.  He and I have a lot of fun together…just this past weekend we stood in line for over 45 minutes to get into an Estate Sale, and while that may not seem like much to you, to him it means PAIN and a lot of it.  His diabetic state does that to his body, but you will not hear him complain.

He’s an example to me of how to live a full life.

I am sitting in my office which has now become temporary home to my booth items because my own aging and arthritis makes it difficult for me to climb the stairs to my loft like I used to do effortlessly many times a day.  Seeing what lies around me makes me feel like I am in the midst of clutter, but I wonder….

Is not all of this the reason my life is also full?

I walk to my kitchen where nearly 75 plate chargers threaten to topple with just my passing by, nestled tightly in the midst of about 20 silver coffee pots waiting to be polished.  All of this is a result of my son’s upcoming wedding and my desire to make the rehearsal dinner a night of majestic wonder for him and his soon-to-be bride.  And again I ponder…

Is not all of this the reason my life is also full?

So I challenge my own thought processes tonight, and I beg to challenge yours as well.  As you trip over the toys that your toddler left all over the den floor, think about how empty your life would be without that tiring bundle of energy that runs circles around you all day long.  When dinner sits ruined on the stove because your husband had to work late tonight, lift hands of thanks to the God who gave you a husband in the first place…one that works hard to provide for you and your family.  And when you don’t seem to find time to fold the laundry, but only go to the drier day by day to grab out what you need, remember that it is because your life is full of sports games with your children, gardening with a friend, or lunch with the lonely widow that you can’t get it all done in a day.

As I have struggled over many things lately that I feel I am neglecting or leaving undone, and wondering what “job” I should give up first, my husband has challenged me to remember and hold fast to these three occupations that I have been given:

(1)  My first and primary calling is to my God.  Spending time with Him will not only refresh me, but will cause me to think rightly about my situations and how my time is spent.  When I take time to take care of me and our home, I am fulfilling the first thing God called me to and that I love so much…being a wife, mother and homemaker.  This he called my “nurturing” work, and what I do daily for us as office manager of our home, housekeeper, chef, gardener, bookkeeper, banker, grocer and laundry supervisor.

(2)  Spending time with others throughout the course of my day usually seems disruptive to what I have planned for myself.  He reminded me that, although my other “jobs” might seem neglected, this is primary to what God has called me to do, and I should not neglect those things I do…taking time to visit with that neighbor who is housebound, doing outreach to the members of our church body that are struggling, writing the book God has put on my heart to write, taking time to pray with that woman whose husband just left her.  This, he called my “kingdom work”.

(3)  I have been given a job that earns me a paycheck  and a passion for creativity that earns me not only a paycheck, but provides me with a source of fulfillment.  These things, also, cannot be neglected.  This, he called, is my “income work”.

The challenge lies in prioritizing…and so I challenge you as well.  Is yours a full life, or a cluttered life?  Maybe it’s simply your attitude that needs adjustment (like mine!).  Or even more so, perhaps your quiet time with the One who has given you all….and His all through Christ, is what needs sharpening.  Think about it, and choose to live the full life that Jesus freely gives.

~With love and a grateful heart,


All Things New

IMG_2162As I write to you this evening, many changes are underway, and this sign I have strategically placed on the love seat in the window of Burlap & Lace really sums it up for me…

There are still many things to browse about and see/purchase in the window space at Main Street Market Shops, but after much prayer (and admittedly a stubborn streak that was hard in letting go), I have decided to “close up shop” at Main Street Market Shops on April 30, 2016.

Our home life is changing again as my husband prepares for retirement soon to come.  And our youngest son is graduating from graduate school and getting married within two weeks of each other in May.  Other things not yet time to reveal are also taking place in our home, and with the decision to bring Burlap & Lace back home for a season, I have much peace.

So what does that mean for you followers/shoppers?  Good news actually!  For the next two months, if you see it in the window at Main Street Market Shops & want it, my advice would be not to wait!  Everything will come out on April 30 and no, there will not be sales underway this time.

IMG_2144I only choose pieces for my booth space that I would want in my home, you see.  So if it doesn’t sale, no worries!  My journey with you will continue as I work on renovating our home in the months ahead.  I will be blogging about that and continuing to offer you ideas for creative ways to manage your space, decorate with a new vision, and shop for the best buys.  I think you may even enjoy this journey more with me because I will be allowing you deeper access into the crevices of my heart as we journey.

I am still determined to finish writing the book I have started, so time at home will allow me that opportunity as well.  But most importantly, I will be reuniting into the “job” I love most….being a homemaker and wife/mom.

I hope you will continue to follow my blog, and message me when you have questions or ideas to share!  I will – from time to time – be offering home sales so if you keep up with me here, you won’t miss out on the fun!  I know that after the wedding in May I will have some lovely things to share with you!

So let’s get back to Main Street for now and what you will find there as you wander in this week!

IMG_2115Easter decorations await a new home….IMG_2155Wreaths, bunnies….IMG_2041I do want to showcase this love seat…IMG_2112In a soft beige color, there’s not a room this wouldn’t grace!

IMG_2146Be sure and check out the linens and furniture pieces.  This wooden table has been marked down…the perfect item to tuck into the corner of your bedroom or den.

IMG_2156With summer on its way, this table piece is marked at an unbelievable price and would make a lovely centerpiece on your dining room or patio table, especially with the fresh flowers of the season!

IMG_2136Every month I have a “favorite” find…this metal sink rivals the vanity…IMG_2052This piece is so lightweight, yet so versatile in that it would work in a child’s room or a bathroom, or a guestroom.  Pick the spot!IMG_2130And just as a reminder….time is running out for Burlap & Lace at Main Street Market Shops!  I hope you will stop in soon and enjoy my happy place.

~Blessings, Connie

IMG_2048Rooms of intrigue….that’s where we begin as February ends and  March winds blow in around us.  Doesn’t just the sound of that make you want to jump right in and find out what’s so intriguing about Burlap & Lace?

As I’ve told you, spring cleaning has begun at my home, and with it comes a refreshment that I would like to offer to you for your home as well.  So March begins with intriguing baths and bedrooms….not leaving behind the nostalgia and bliss of vintage appeal, but adding to it a “newness” that will set off your decorating with pizzazz!  So let’s see what’s awaiting you at Main Street Market Shops…

IMG_2052Vanity, oh vanity!  And so I have offered you two to begin with this month….vanities to appeal to the little girl inside, or the young woman as well.  This is my personal favorite….so lightweight and portable, yet not without its stable curves and charm!  This piece is perfect for your bedroom, bath, guest room or child’s room.  The mirror swivels up and down to adjust to your height…a clever feature I dare say.  The top is white, though I have covered it here with a table scarf.  Had I not been so excited to get it in the booth, I probably would have substituted the top for a wooden one, but should it not sell quickly…well, now I’ve given away my secret!

Perched beneath the table is a basket perfect for your towels or magazines, and what bath doesn’t have both?

IMG_2054Who says towels can’t be displayed in a manner that’s both attractive and useful?  My personal favorite way to do so is the use of baskets.  You will find many styles and shapes here this month…

IMG_2049Again, the perfect bath piece is a shelf unit for towels and other “essentials”.  Focusing on blue and green hues (with, of course, other splashes of color mixed throughout), this piece makes a stunning statement for your bath, OR your bedroom.

IMG_2043This table is a must!  It’s actually a vintage sewing accessory table, boasting a lift-top lid that houses a removable drawer with 4 compartments and more storage space beneath.  Painted a chippy white, it offers appeal to any room.

IMG_2038Moving on to the bedroom, this dresser adds that “touch of black” to your room that brings in balance and structure, not to mention style.  Priced at only $185, this piece won’t be here long!

IMG_2061Not all baskets have to be wicker, you know.  This one is metal, slightly rusted to give it a vintage look, and would be perfect for washcloths, a plant or to use as a small waste basket.

IMG_2039One of my favorite new additions to my own home space is a vintage ironing board such as this one.  Draped in a woven dresser scarf and topped with a lamp and a few “pretties”, this piece not only functions well as a side table, but makes a statement all its own.

And don’t forget to check out the chippy-green side table next to the chair.  I especially love that the corners of the table are “caddied”!

IMG_2068This antique high chair can not only be used as it’s intended purpose (it’s quite sturdy and in excellent condition!), but it doubles nicely as a side table for books, a lamp or a plant in any room.

IMG_2050Easter is upon us, so why not dress up your rooms early with a wreath, or a rabbit?  There are several to choose from.  And remember that thinking outside of the box means not every wreath has to be hung…

IMG_2042Why not grace a table with a wreath used to display a candle?

Hop on down to Main Street Market shops today and climb up into that window space!  There are items marked down as well, so be sure to look for those as you poke around! Let me leave you with a preview of other items you will find along the way.  Merchandise is updated weekly, so if you see something you like, don’t wait…it might not be here the next time you stop in!

Blessings, and happy shopping!


Spring Cleaning begins…

IMG_1926It’s a microfiber…and a Magic Eraser…my new two favorite items!  When Spring Cleaning began at Tiffany Hill (my place of employment) this year in January, I was determined that this year I would finally get our home cleaned as well.  And as you know if you have been following my blog at all, with cleaning was going to come redecorating!    So allow me, please, to walk you through my process.

IMG_1123This was my office space.  Not bad, but I knew it could use some sprucing up.  And as you also know if you are following my blog, I am writing a book!  So the office was my first launching point to get in order.  So there are a couple of things I want to tell you about this space…

First, the color of the room.  Yellow with touches of red….a cheery place no doubt, and chosen colors because of this one item…

IMG_1927A picture that was passed on to me by my grandmother (who will be 99 at the end of this month!).  Honestly, I am not sure if she painted it or not, although she was an amazing artist in her time.   The picture hung in her sunroom for as long as I can remember, and my husband absolutely loved it because he said it reminded him of me.  The girl is in a field of daisies (my favorite flower), and the rustic fence is so reminiscent of how much I love the rustic outdoors.  And so with the selling of her home, it became ours, and the focal point of my beloved office space.

IMG_1124Our office doubles as many things…a guest bedroom when kids come home, my prayer room, the place where I pay bills, and the abode of my many booth items before they come to Main Street Market Shops.  So I wanted to keep all those things intact while also changing things up a bit…getting them fresh and giving the space some new life.

IMG_1126The desk space was crowded and although I tried to make it personal, combining our oldest son’s Air Force memorabilia with my prayer wall, it left a lot to be desired.  And so the fun began…

IMG_1937I started by rearranging all the furniture in this 12 x 12 space.  I know…it’s a square room.  My son the architect would frown at my whim.  But I wanted something fresh and different, remember?  So I put the futon under the window, tightened up the curtains with a hemp cord, moved the bookcase into the corner (caddied, of course!), and put the desk on the wall as you immediately walk into the room.  Done.  Now for the fun stuff!

For a little under $30, I replaced my old pillows on the futon with some bright, new, fun ones.  That was easy!

IMG_1947 Now for my prayer wall.  In keeping with the “field of daisies” painting from my grandmother, I found an architectural piece that I loved and later found the metal flower that I hung in the center.  The ring now holds pictures of those that I am currently praying for, right above my desk where my eyes land frequently, calling these people to mind.   I love this piece!


Next, I moved an architectural column into the room to balance the corner opposite the bookcase.  I found a back to an old refrigerator and hung it…yes, caddied…to frame out some pictures that our architect son took.  To be honest, I want to put a larger one in the place of the top picture, but I need to find a frame to fit the photo that I want to use.  So for now, this one works.  The “self-portrait” of our son was part of one of his architecture projects when he was in undergrad at UNCC.

IMG_1933I longed to use the wormy chestnut boards that were given to our son (now don’t be jealous!) when he worked construction during high school.  So I hung a shelf above my desk to add some interest to an otherwise long and dull wall.

IMG_1943Adorning the shelf was the fun part…I used the picture of my parents cutting their wedding cake as the focal point, then added aluminum pitchers (my new favorite thing to collect), some ironstone pitchers (also a fav), a rusty bread pan and some colored bottles to make a collection that is simple, but adds vintage appeal and calls to mind those things I love so much.

IMG_1941Keeping this room as a place to call me into not only work, but also into prayer, was not necessarily a challenge to balance because to me, the two go hand-in-hand.  You see, my work IS a matter of prayer, and my family is primary, so it was easy for me to see the two merge into this beautiful spot.  Now I could again hang the Air Force pictures of the planes our son began his flying career in, and the pictures of his Academy graduation and commissioning.

IMG_1939Last, but certainly not least, my prayer corner.  Rightfully placed beneath the picture acquired from my grandmother is her rocking chair (my prayer chair).  And beside it, an old ironing board that I purchased in a thrift store…perfect to hold a lamp and some other “finds” that rounded out the room.  The chalkboard was a frame from my grandmother that my youngest son completed with the chalkboard.  It now is my “verse of the day” spot….where I put whatever the Lord is calling me to remember and to ponder on.  I really should call it just “the verse” spot, because somethings those ponderings stay up there for months until I finally absorb all the Lord wants to teach me on His word.

IMG_1949Allow me two more finds before I show you the finished project…I needed a place to house my twine and price tags for  Burlap & Lace, and so I stumbled upon this garden wall hanging and made my  office its new home!  The outdoors is perhaps my favorite place to be, so this called in a little of that love to a spot that I often find myself the better part of most days and/or nights.  Remember, one of my favorite challenges to you is to think outside the box!  Planters are not just for plants!

IMG_1954 And this make take a bit of your imagination….these are metal time card holders from an old factory warehouse.  A wonderful guest (now friend) that comes to Tiffany Hill always gifts us with origami dollar bills formed into something that represents his stay.  I searched and searched for the perfect place to display these until I stumbled upon these hangers.  They are ideal!  And perhaps I am a bit presumptuous to purchase three..but I hope to fill them all before I leave Tiffany Hill!

IMG_1995 So there you go….my January.  Back home after Inn sitting at Bed & Breakfast on Tiffany Hill since Jan 4 until Feb 8, I am happy to say I completed renovation project #1.  And now it’s time to center in on Burlap & Lace and what’s to come in March as we continue our Spring Cleaning together.  I’ll give you a big hint….I am starting on the bathrooms next, so get ready for what’s in store at Burlap & Lace to help you with your own redecorating project!   And in the meantime, don’t forget to comment here and let me know what projects you are tackling this month (or year).  Let’s do this together!  There is comfort in the company of others…especially when you are undertaking large projects!

Until next time…blessings.


To God be the glory….great things He has done!


I can’t believe this is the last month of 2015.  In some ways, it’s the month I have waited for with the utmost excitement, because it’s the month I highlight the One behind the scenes of my life Who has granted me the creativity to do what I do.  Jesus Christ is not only “the reason for the season” as some have said, He is my LIFE, my BREATH, my ALL.  So to Him alone be all the praise for Burlap & Lace, and for whatever has come out of that shop this year.

As you meander in and out of Main Street Market Shops this month, you will catch the shimmer of Christmas lights from the window, and be met with what I lovingly call “wall art” – original creations that come from old pieces of wood that caught my eye because of their shabby characteristics, other “art” (for lack of a better word) that flows onto canvas after pondering happenings of my day or week, and architectural pieces that I just couldn’t pass up because of their unique design or curves.  Such as….IMG_0954The fabric wreaths were made my myself and my mom in about 1983 when we endeavored to have a craft business together.  We used them overlapping on a table in sets of three, then we used them as a centerpiece with a candle in the middle.  Now, they grace the walls and would make a great addition to any door or room.

There are frames that, even hung alone, add interest and adornment to your walls.  And who says they have to be hung straight?IMG_0953These delightful prints framed in elaborate style are both elegant and playful with their scenes of intrigue….girls enjoying music in a garden, ballroom dancing in yet another scene and children delighting themselves in a meadow of wildflowers.  Sweet….

My passion for writing has not dimmed this year, and I am still working on book #2 (hopefully to be published in 2016).  Because of that passion, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to highlight this writing desk and chair.IMG_0949In the midst of my writing days at home, I often take a break to work on passion #2 – merchandising at Main Street Market Shops, or redecorating individual rooms of our home.IMG_0963

This blue hob-knob shelf unit would be a perfect fit in a living area for what-nots, as a bedroom side piece to shelve books and a lamp, or even to use in a bath to hold towels and essentials.

As I often say….think outside the box!  That will make all the difference in making your home speak style.

Check out this old typewriting and typing desk!  I learned to type on something very similar to this in a high school class room.  Talk about a walk down memory lane!IMG_0948Because the kitchen in our home always seems to be the gathering place for friends and family, I simply cannot get away from highlighting furniture pieces for that room each month!  IMG_0957This vintage wall shelf is the perfect match for spices, measuring cups or that collection of creamers that you have nowhere to display, and therefore forget to pull out and use!

There is a vintage table in near perfect condition that boasts an extra leaf so that your dining can span from seating 6 to 12 easily!  The best part of this table is that it completely disassembles for easy storage (should you only want to pull it out twice a year for big events) and for traveling purposes from the shop to your home!  (Hey, I think of everything, right?!)IMG_0969Should you need plate chargers – gold or silver – you will find a stack of them tucked inside the doors of the dry bar….IMG_0962Talk about a piece you don’t want to pass up!  This bar is straight from the early ’70s and works great just as it was intended….a bar!….or as I used it, as a coffee bar and serving place when guests arrived.  With two full shelves below and a back-dropped mirror beneath a lighted interior, this piece is a must have!  The top folds down so that everything is fully enclosed if you should want to hide those coffee cups you have stored inside.IMG_0955Light is a necessary ingredient in every room of our home.  This antique lamp is one of three this month…where could you use this in your home?

Burlap & Lace always displays items of interest and practicality that can be worked into your home.  This Buffalo china is one of my favorites this month.  Why not grace your table with it for that Bowl game upcoming?IMG_0944                         IMG_0939Because we can become so easily distracted this time of year with so many wonderful things, I wanted to go ahead and give you a preview into what Burlap & Lace will be rolling out in January of 2016.

In keeping with my love of decorating spaces, Burlap & Lace will be Designing Rooms of Intrigue for you this coming year…. highlighting a different room or space each month and offering you ways to decorate your own home,office or even dorm room or school room to gain the interest and intrigue you’ve always longed for and not quite known how to achieve.

With that in mind, what about adding these baby caps to your preschool room for these cold days when someone forgot a cap?IMG_0937I purposely want you to see this bench with the word “Meek” carved into it.  When I saw it I immediately grabbed it….you see, for years I studied the word “meekness” as that was one word used to describe my Savior, Jesus.  The word actually means “power under perfect control.”  Wow!  Seeing that etched carving in the wood makes me want to seek the same for myself….IMG_0943    IMG_0929From tablecloths and runners to snowmen to decorate your porch, there are so many finds tucked into this space already that I recommend bending and stretching in order to see everything!  You can even tell your spouse that you’ve done your gym work for the day after shopping here!  Just a couple more peeks to whet your appetite before moving on to the plan for January…. IMG_0927IMG_0967IMG_0945As we move into the New Year, you will find ideas brought to you from both my booth space, and from our personal home as I endeavor to stir your creative juices and inspire you to get those long overdue projects done around your own home.

January will begin with Spring Cleaning….de-cluttering  in order to get you ready to re-purpose and revitalize one room at a time.  But I’m not telling the whole story yet!  You’ll have to drop in more often to see which room we will work on first!  My goal for 2016 is to blog more, give you more inspiration from my own personal journey, and to have a blast of fun together as we explore and create.

But for now, as you wander into Main Street Market Shops, may you remember first the Creator of the universe – God alone, who gave us the most precious gift that could ever be given…Jesus Christ, His Son.  And may you find hope for not only this season, but for the remainder of your life….in Him.

Peace as you journey –



Sizzling Summer gives way to Fall Prelude

IMG_0661We know that Fall is upon us as the breezes stir  and whisper their gentle rustling through the drying leaves of the turning trees.  Ummm…I can almost smell the leaves as they crunch beneath my feet on the forest floor.  I love this time of year!

Still, the summer heat draws me again to my garden where I grasp hold of the last bits of bliss from that bit of heaven on earth for me….


For that reason, you will find brushes of Fall at Burlap & Lace this month, mingled in with the last hints of summer bliss.  From watering cans to Fall decor, there is plenty to whet your appetite for the smell of forest fires while grasping hold of the last hints of summer.


This red metal bench is among my favorite this month….planted beneath a towering tree, it would be the perfect spot for reading or visiting with the birds in your backyard.

IMG_0623And I am pretty sure there are still a couple bluebirds in search of a home….these are handmade by my father, complete with hardware for hanging!


You will find a pumpkin or two here this month….getting us ready for that Thanksgiving season yet to come….


Or how about some dried apples to grace your table setting?  Perched upon this vintage shoe-fitter’s stool, don’t overlook the old trunk nestled underneath.  Quite a find!

IMG_0629The basket spilling forth fall flowers would be perfect to hold your magazines.


This pretty side table would pare well in a living area or beside a bed.


And why not go ahead and grab a hand-crocheted hat for your baby before those cold winds start to blow?  Let me show you the perfect model….my granddaughter…..


And there is always a selection of glassware and china to choose from at Burlap & Lace….



So as you dream of the cooler nights and long to hold on to summer’s warmth, why not visit Burlap & Lace and indulge in both seasons all at once?  I know you will want to linger long….

Until we meet again,



Woman of Distinction; Man of Style

IMG_5462Classy lady, she is.  And boy can she entertain!  She can produce a party from nothing more than peanuts and a Coke.  Her family and friends spark her life, evidenced by the fact that she can produce candles from a dusty box and create a splendid, romantic evening for two in a moment’s notice.  Her name is Wilma, and she is my friend as well as my mother-in-law.  Classy lady, she is!


Man of style, they called him.  From his dusting of red hair to the kind way he called the waitress “Sugah” while his eyes tinted humor, nevermind his plaid pants that didn’t match his sport coat, or the way he wore his belt on the side.  He created his own style, and wore it well.  So well, in fact, that he made his own kind of statement and was respected for it.  That’s my Papaw.  His name was Sam. His faith and love of God was what carried him through life, and what he passed on to me….a heritage I am thankful for.

I have dedicated this month at Burlap & Lace to these two important people in my life. Each has touched me in ways that would take decades to tell of.  And each is noted in my booth this month in ways that tell a bit of their stories….

IMG_0149Let the party begin!  This glasstop table and 4 colorful chairs welcomes a gathering of friends or family and calls for all to be invited in!  Keeping with the vintage style I love, you will find a plethora of things this month to get the party going in your own home!

IMG_0144A favorite of mine is the mirror-turned-menu board boasting an antique frame.  Hung atop it are vintage napkins, making a simple make-do valence for any window or wall.  The mint cabinet is small enough to tuck into a corner of the room, but don’t hide its vintage appeal!  Let it showcase your vintage linens, towels and toiletries in a bathroom or use it to keep your favorite entertainment pieces on hand near the kitchen. The etched-in-black glass door fronts your display and keeps you oooing over this piece for years to come.

IMG_0148Hankies aren’t just for looking pretty in a lady’s purse!  Use them to tuck on a platter for your baked goods, as a napkin (a fun way to throw a party is a different one at every place!), or to hang as a valence in a bathroom window.

IMG_0146I know modern day kitchens have put to bed these aluminum coffee, sugar and tea canisters, but I have a set in my own home that I now use to stash away granola bars and snacks to grab in a hurry.  And choose from a variety of table and bed linens in various sizes and colors this month.  Think out side the box when decorating your table!
IMG_0137It’s a washtub, it’s an amazing place to throw some ice and drinks on the patio, or keep it outside to give the dog a bath or the kids a quick swim!  It would make a wonderful laundry tub to give your laundry room a vintage feel and house that dirty laundry while it waits to be washed!

Bags of burlap pieces sit nestled in a wooden bread box, which by the way is another fun way to display bottled water or soft drinks at a party!

IMG_0142From silver goblets to aluminum ice  bucket, this planter takes on a new look of service at a party!  It is resting atop an aluminum-topped table …..what a find! Pull back the tablecloth and take a peek!  It’s in near perfect condition and begs a spot in your vintage kitchen or on a side porch.


Check out those stools!  They are the perfect height for your table, workbench or to sit at the kitchen bar.  With just the right amount of rust patina on the tops, these won’t last long before someone snatches them up and takes them home!


Papaw was known for the way he wore his belt buckled on the side, so this month I had to bring in a few belts in his memory!  Choose from three classics for the man of style in your life…all at ridiculous prices!  And why not take home the hanger for your necklaces while you are at it?  Or use it to clothespin on your greeting cards from friends or your notes and reminders to your spouse and/or children.

Think “classy”, think “entertain”, think “sophisticated”, think “distinctive”….and you not only will have gotten to know Wilma and Sam a bit more, but you will be sure to discover things at Burlap & Lace this month to match all those great descriptive words!
IMG_0132So come on in and grab a  bit of style to take home with you!
IMG_0141IMG_0140IMG_0138Happy shopping!


Waves of work and play…from office to lake, here we go!

IMG_0116Meet my dad – Sam Elliott.  Might I just take this moment to say that not only is he a role model that I thank God for, but today is his birthday! So Dad, this blog is for you!!!

As long as I can remember, Dad has loved the water.  But growing up, what I remember most about him was that he worked like a Trojan all week long in order for us to play together on the weekend, and where else better to do that but the lake?!?  In my early years, we would visit Lake Norman, take our boat that I am sure he worked long hours to purchase, and put it in at a dock called Skippers Landing.  While the lake breezes were amazing, Skippers offered some pretty amazing hot dogs as well!  What wasn’t to love about these times with him and Mom and my siblings?  Later in life he and mom actually built their second home on Lake Norman, and so my teenage years were some of the sweetest….with hamburgers on the grill, fresh vegetables from the garden that my dad and grandfather planted and my mom made taste more amazing than ice cream, skiing until dark, sitting in a swing on our point until the sun set and sizzled into the lake…..ummmm, memories take me back!IMG_5580Ours was definitely a “home sweet home”, and our friends were always welcome, and usually there!  Mom had a knack for entertaining, and Dad would drive us around that lake until the boat ran out of gas, then gas up and go again!  I am sure I took a lot for granted in those days.IMG_5578Growing up, I was certain it was true….Love really IS all you need!  And so this month this sign hangs as a reminder of that truth.IMG_5571Remember this type of anchor?  I couldn’t pass it up when I saw it!  Perched atop this desk, it is a reminder to me of what Dad so beautifully patterned for me, and demonstrated in his own life…that God is the anchor of our soul.  (But I happen to think it would make an awesome paperweight as well!)



IMG_5569There are several anchors to choose from this month…and sailboats, and oars and most anything that will remind you of a day filled with sunshine, warmth, water and waves!

In fact, you might notice a few lingering beach items….Dad wasn’t just partial to the lake.  We vacationed every year at The Shoreline in Myrtle Beach….a magnificent Southern home complete with a deck that invited you to it with its rocking chairs facing the lapping waves of the ocean and the salty breezes.  Oh how I can smell it now!

So let me give you a preview of some of those beach items that could easily transition to the lake as well!  Things like flip flops, beach towels, bait buckets….

Take a peek!IMG_5576

IMG_5575And although it seems a little late for this, there are still a few July 4th items in the mix….another favorite memory of mine with Dad!  There were fireworks across the bow of the boat as we launched onto the lake in the dark of night to watch with hundreds of other boaters and 4th of July enthusiasts….always watermelon and always meals on the screened porch.  Thus, you will also find a delightful table and chairs this month…a memory to me of days gone by, of meals shared, and laughter plentiful.IMG_4990




Maybe it’s the season for time to stand still in the midst of your own memories?

This clock might be just the thing to help you keep track of moments you are in the middle of…moments that you don’t want to escape your notice.  Moments you want to grasp hold of….for just a bit longer.

So take a walk with me through the rest of this month as I celebrate my Dad….who, by the way, has not only been much of the inspiration and encouragement behind Burlap & Lace, but doesn’t mind a good shopping spree with his daughter from time to time to help her fill her booth!

I love you Dad!

Blessings –



Spring Fling!

Selena Head Shot - 2014 IMG_3817The Secret Innkeeper

Selena Einwechter is the owner/proprietor of Bed & Breakfast on Tiffany Hill in Mills River, NC.  She is living proof that dreams do come true, and while her story is inspiring, it’s the genuine warmth and passion igniting her dream every day that makes you want to check in to the B&B and “do as much or as little as you like” during your visit.

This month I’m featuring Selena because she and I share a love of the outdoors and gardening.  As you step into the window of Burlap &  Lace (located in Main Street Market in Brevard, NC), look for the book featured above.  It is a well- written story by Teresa Hall, local author and illustrator, capturing the fun behind the dream of Tiffany Hill.  You can meet Tuxedo, the subject of  Teresa’s book, at The Bed & Breakfast on Tiffany Hill  –  located just 15 minutes from downtown Brevard and 20 minutes from the Asheville Airport.  What a perfect spot for your next vacation or family gathering!   Check out Selena’s website at http://www.BbonTiffanyHill.com for more information.


As you step into the window of Burlap & Lace, my hope is that you will feel instantly transposed into a fragrant garden of delight.  Not only do the fresh flowers awaken your senses, but your imagination will want to linger over the inspiring ideas of how to transpose your own personal garden space into one of intrigue and beauty.


Never thought you’d see a croquet set in a garden?  Well how about placing it at the garden’s edge for a little afternoon fun with the family after planting in the hot sun?  Imagine the sips of lemonade as you frolic over the grounds of your yard, letting the summer breezes stir your sense of joy and playfulness as if childhood has reclaimed you.

IMG_3823You will find treasures awaiting you in the form of baskets, yard art and metal chalkboard signs for display along your garden paths.


Don’t forget to peek inside this antique trunk for more garden fun!  And go ahead and pull down the trunk’s lid to take a look at it’s rounded top….it’s a beauty for sure!  Add this piece in a bedroom or living area as an eye opener and conversation piece.  It’s deep enough to hold your winter throws and blankets as well.


If you’re a bird lover, then please don’t overlook these hand-crafted blue bird houses, made specifically for Burlap & Lace by my retired father from Charlotte, NC.  Each one has hanging instructions inside, and guarantees that bluebirds find their way to your home!


This red metal stool is a favorite of mine as well.  Imagine it perched in your garden with a clay pot of geraniums atop it.  I love splashes of yard art mixed in to my garden adding interest and a pop of color before the flowers actually nestle in around the pieces.  All the hand painted signs are protected with a clear coat should you desire to hang them outdoors or inside.

Featured also this month are furniture pieces to use either in or out…like the table underneath the metal chair.  It adds the perfect rustic look to a porch or garden setting.  Look for other pieces of interest this month such as the bookcase below.


There is no such thing as a “display piece” in my booth!  Every piece is for sale….imagine the uses!  This bookcase actually can be used to top a hall table and could easily display your own dishes (as on the top shelf) or can add space to your garden table to hold your pots and plants (as seen on the second shelf).  Obviously, it stands alone just beautifully and can be added to a porch or to any room of your home.


Don’t overlook metal buckets holding flowers!  They are priced $12-$18 and include the plants!  What a fun way to “dress up” your garden or porch and you don’t have to worry about over-watering because the buckets hold the extra water!  This distressed table is the perfect combination for a deck space or a corner of your home and would be ideal for holding plants, a lamp or some other artful piece.


The secret this month is to look high and look low….there are treasures awaiting you in every nook!  Bring your friends and come fling yourself into spring with Burlap & Lace.  See you in the garden….


There’s a party going on around here…a celebration!

Oh, if you could have only seen his face as I saw it the first time he held our granddaughter.  I still puddle up happy tears at the thought of it.  And now when asked about her, my husband’s response is, “She’s perfect!”  We agree completely.


So this month I am celebrating my HubE of 32 years AND our first grandchild AND the month of our remarriage after a nine year burp (some would call it divorce)- now 10 years in the past, AND the month of our first son’s marriage (the one who together with his fine bride birthed that beautiful, perfect baby you see pictured here).

So…..LET’S PARTY!!!!!  God has given us SO much to rejoice in!

Burlap & Lace is enjoying settling into it’s new location at Main Street Market Shops, but I admit that I was not prepared for shoppers to be so wary of stepping up into the window to poke around!  Why my sister and I practically knock over people to crawl up into some pretty small window spaces in shops, so the thought never crossed my mind that that would be an issue.

You will hopefully notice the addition of this sign just inside the shop….

IMG_3150Please spread the word to step up into the window and shop!


Because I absolutely LOVE the outdoors, I have chosen to center around a garden party this month.  One of my favorite finds is this vintage metal flower stand, now doubling as a wine server.  Imagine the versatility of this piece!  After the party, simply drop in those pretty flowering plants and adorn your patio all summer long.  Bring it inside in the winter to use in a bathroom to hold towels and toiletry items, or in a bedroom as a nightstand for magazines and favorite books.

IMG_3192 IMG_3681 Another favorite piece is this chicken wire door.  It’s so lightweight, and so versatile.  Watch as it transitions this month from a garden party serving post into a work station for your garden!  As you see it pictured here, the chicken wire affords you the ability to post party notes or clip on photos of family and friends.  Serve up your favorite beverages above, and utilize the space beneath for coolers or crates to hold your drinks.  Use it outdoor on a patio or indoor as a serving piece – or in a hallway as a coat rack.  The two hooks on the sides are great for hats or scarves.  This piece would also be a focal piece for a hallway with the addition of a mirror hung in the middle.  At Christmas, it would be a wonderful place to attach cards from friends and family.

IMG_3667 IMG_3208 IMG_3670

I love spring and the flowers it brings!  Pink and green just happen to be among my favorite colors, so when I found these dishes, I was smitten!  I can so envision a party with these plates!  And if you are a tea lover, then this tea pot will surely make you smile, even without the aroma of the tea!


Who says a tool caddy has to hold tools?!?  Why not let it hold your silverware for your next party, then your plants, and THEN your garden tools?  I truly look for items that have a dozen uses!  The three-legged table is a find all to itself….small enough to fit anywhere and with such vintage flair you can give any room a makeover in a weekend easily!

IMG_3190IMG_3662Look for pitchers that can be used for water, then use them for flowers when you bring them in from the garden.  Use wooden tables on the patio or by the bedside.  Bowls are great for serving, yes, but why not use them for gathering herbs in the garden as well?  Need help with ideas for your next celebration?  Feel free to email me!

I love a celebration!  It’s what life is made of!!!

Blessings –


Christmas time is here!

Dec - full view of table and picsThere’s a lot to take in, isn’t there?  Look closely….I don’t want you to miss anything!

The metal table is my focal point this month and I want you to see and experience why…it has two sides that pull out to expand the seating capacity.  The drawer is already fit for silverware, napkin rings or whatever other treasures you might hide within.  (I would likely put candles in the drawer for a quick celebration dinner set up!)  Any table covering pairs well on this vintage table dating back to the early 60’s – burlap, vintage cloths, or even a table runner with plate chargers.

The shutter is an added “fun find” that happily graces the table and adds character to the place setting.  For the holidays, why not add the vintage bucket filled with pine cones and laced with candy canes (you could add real ones for an easy dessert option!).  A selection of candlesticks gives opportunity to add romance, charm or some simple ambiance to your table setting.  Dressed with festive red and green paisley dishes (hung above the table), red plate chargers and white restaurant ware, you have all the makings for a holiday splash that will have your friends and family singing Fa la la la la around the table.  (All plates are dishwasher and oven safe!)

But let’s not stop there!

Dec - coffeepot and hammered aluminum

Every meal needs beverages, and you will find something for everyone housed inside the nooks and crannies of the booth this month.  Two vintage coffee pots (cords tucked inside, both in good working condition!) are available…for use or for display..as well as a few coffee mugs of choice.  A simple glass bowl and glass mugs are the perfect addition to that holiday ice cream punch!  There are crystal glasses etched in a fine ribbon of silver and you will not believe the deal on these!  After a holiday meal, our family has often found ourselves playing tunes from the crystal goblets…you should try it!

Dec - bucket with candy canesCheerwine in bottles…what a pretty way to add some color to your table, letting each guest pour their own into the stemmed glass.  And in case hot tea is the beverage of choice, you will find teabag cozies for each place setting.

Dec - metal heart stool

For displaying the holiday menu, there is a collection of boards to choose from – all chalkboard style. My personal favorite addition is the chair and bowl combination tucked beneath the table display.  There are so many fun ways to use this….as a popcorn bowl for those late night movies….a cookie bar, full of bagged assorted cookies for guests to take home after the holiday office party….or take the bowl out and insert a clay pot to house the live sapling tree for the guest room.  When spring arrives, this would make a nice addition to an herb garden, complete with a pot of fresh mint!  In fact, why not start the mint during the holidays indoors and then move outside in the Spring?!?

And the bait bucket with the tree adds some vintage flair to any room that needs a bit of Christmas cheer!

Dec - urn with tree

This is another “double-header” display….the plant urn currently houses a delightful tree with metal ornaments (yes, the price tag is correct….you get it all!), but come Spring you have a beautiful plant urn for your patio or deck.  The tree simply lifts out and has it’s own burlap base.  The star cut-out shutters behind make a fun display on a garden wall, or on a shed.

Dec - lamp and burlap shade

Don’t let the snowman fool you!  Cute as a display, it has 3 compartments for storing those freshly baked Christmas cookies!  This makes a wonderful gift idea (of course, you need to supply the cookies).   Don’t miss the pineapple window lights….there are 3, all brass and quite lovely.  Each has a rolling switch to easily turn the lights off and on as needed.  And talk about lamps….this metal lamp and burlap shade would add the perfect touch to any room in your home, don’t you think?  There are also two hobnail lamps for sell this month…look for them in the photo below.

Dec - top of cabinet

Metal is IN, and this vintage stool would be the perfect addition to a spring garden (can you tell I have early spring fever?). But while you await the change of seasons, use it in a laundry room, bedroom for holding books by the bed, or in the kitchen as a step stool!  The snowman shutter would be a fun display by your front door, or the garden gate.  Or perhaps you prefer it hung on an inside wall?  Lightweight (painted on a plastic shutter), it hangs easily.

And while we are talking about metal, note the two cabinets on either side of the metal table.  These are in near perfect condition and are an unbelievable find!  Lightweight, yet sturdy, I envision these in so many places with so many uses….in a kitchen as a coffee bar (the shelves and drawers would house all the necessary supplies for the perfect party set up)….in a shed or workshop for tools and garden supplies….why not use it as a dry bar for entertaining?  Or in the laundry room for detergent, old towels and cleaning supplies?  The uses are endless, and the white color tones and Formica top allow for dressing up or dressing down, depending on the use.

Dec - hidden treasuresDec - hidden treasures 2

Look high, look low is the key to shopping at Burlap & Lace!  The cabinets are currently full of items that you will not want to miss…like the tea, cocoa and coffee jars, the metal cake plate, metal holiday buckets and tins for gifting supplies of cookies or hot chocolate mix to that hard-to-buy for friend or family member.   Don’t miss the serving tray, the pepsi crate, the metal bread boxes and the many other surprises…even the drawers of full of vintage aprons and recipe books, drink coozies and rolling pins.  Think “stocking stuffers”….and note the space in those cabinets!

And last, but not least, there is a collection of favorite books for you to consider….like The Secret Innkeeper of Tiffany Hill, and Max Lucado’s You are Special….both books of choice for either the young or young at heart.

Dec - Tiffany Hill book

And my personal favorite (wonder why?) is a devotional written by myself and my son three years ago.  It’s a collection of encouraging stories from the pages of our journals…Only One Gets the Prize.

Dec - Only one gets the prize As you can see, the booth is packed with goodies, and new items are literally being added weekly.  I do hope you will find encouragement (and a gift of two) from browsing this month.

Blessings to each and every one of you as you discover the joy of celebrating Christ with me this season.


A Secret Worth Telling!

The Secret Innkeeper

My sweet husband has been praying for me specifically over the past 6 months …..   to find a job that would fit all the gifts God has bestowed upon me, and one that would enable me to be all He has created me to be.  As he would pray, I would always picture the job I have aspired to since I was three….to be a mom and homemaker!  Knowing that the fulfillment of that role has come with time, I was intrigued to see what God would do next.

In August of this year, I was offered a job at The Bed and Breakfast on Tiffany Hill in Mills River as the Chef Assistant. Of course, there is a long story that goes with how that came about, but I will save that for another time.  For now, suffice it to say that….well….talk about fitting my sweet spot!  God is so very, very good!   I actually get to go into a Five Star B&B and cook breakfast, serve guests, turn rooms, and work in the gardens to my heart’s delight!  What’s not to love about this?!?  I would say that my husband’s prayers have been answered to the fullest!

The latest outcome of this work adventure is the book featured here….The Secret Innkeeper of Tiffany Hill.  It’s a wonderfully delightful story of the “true” owner of the B&B…a cat by the name of Tuxedo!  The story will surely delight the young and the young at heart.

The book is for sale in my booth – just in time for Christmas!  Tucked inside the book is a rack card on The Bed and Breakfast of Tiffany Hill.  I know you will want to share the secret of this Bed and Breakfast, housed in Mills River, NC with friends and family!  For more complete information, please visit their website:  www.bbontiffanyhill.com

Until I get to serve you breakfast at Tiffany Hill, I hope to see you at Burlap & Lace.

~ Connie

Sweet Exchange

The day began in a dismal sort of way…the fog was thick, and the rain began to drizzle as we made are way up Hwy 276 to the  Blue Ridge Parkway for a much-awaited hike.  My niece was visiting with 3 of her college friends and the request was that we take them to one of our favorite hiking spots.  It was October, and you never knew what to expect this time of year from the weather; nevertheless, off we headed for Sam’s Knob – absolutely one of my favorite hikes in the Pisgah National Forest.

We retreated from the warmth of the truck’s cab and began our hike across the meadow…


 I had bragged to the girls about this hike and the 360 degree view from the top.  I couldn’t wait to share it with them!  On we trudged….


We literally were starting to walk through a thick mist, and as we looked to the top of the mountain where we were headed, the view did not seem to be improving much!


Not to be discouraged, we took advantage of every view we could possibly find…surely there was at least one out there somewhere!



Arriving at the top, the girls were good sports and let me take their picture against the backdrop  of fog all around us.


Just then, the most amazing thing happened with that fog….


The thickness turned into wisps, and the wind blew back the covering until what was left was –


beauty beyond description!

We experienced a sweet exchange that day….the fog for the October blue sky!  And I am reminded once again of the sweetest exchange ever made for  us….Jesus’s life for ours.

On Sunday night, I am having a “Sweet Exchange” at my home where we will trade unwanted household goods for ones we do want!  In a way, that is the very picture of Jesus trading His life for mine….mine was used up and of little value until He made the exchange.  Now my life is full of purpose, joy and praise!

Thanks be to God, Who alone deserves the glory.


Always …my mom…

Dad's b'day

I honestly don’t remember how old I was when she told me she had enrolled in a computer class at the local community college.  I thought she was nuts!  But through the years, my mom has continued to set the bar high and be the role model of perfection….at least perfection in mom standards.  She is the reason I wanted to be a mom in the first place…always loving Dad first and best, and loving us as only a mom really can….unconditionally.

Dad's b'day #2

We still know how to play together….my dad created horseshoe pits in the back yard and she immediately initiated them by daring me to a game!  I think she even beat me!

M and Mom  cheek kiss

And she will forever be my mom….how I thank God for her!  So this one’s for you, Mom.  Thank you for making me want to love God, love my husband, and love my children….as only a mom can.

 I love you!

~Connie Lee