Welcome touches of class….

IMG_0594The pattering rain on this ‘ol house’s tin roof brings a certain comfort to the chill of the day.  January is upon us, which translated means….a new year on the calendar, a year older for this shopkeeper, new venues to create, new challenges ahead, new friends to meet….the list is long.  So let me back up a step or two and bring you back to a couple highlights for me from 2017.

Featured in the photo above are a few things I beg you to notice.  First….the sign on the far left, though funny and certainly feels real every morning, the truth is that JESUS makes everything possible.  If you don’t know Him personally, I pray this is the year you do!  He has taken me out of a heavy, cumbersome boot after a broken foot and I am (for the 4th day now) walking in two shoes!  Albeit, I walk like I’m a toddler just learning again due to having worn that boot for so many months, BUT I am walking, and to that praise I thank Jesus for His healing work!

Now, please entertain yet another of my stories just bursting to be told….

Early in 2017 as I was opening my shop on Osborne Road, in stumbled Lynn Driver.  You can read more about her in a previous blog, but let me suffice to say this….Lynn is a local artist whose work is becoming more and more notable not only here but in other states.  To have her work grace my walls is almost too sweet to believe, but believe it you can!  Lynn has been terrific to allow me to describe my “wants and wishes”, and then somehow she magically creates even more than I could have asked for.  As she and I met last week before I reopened this year, she brought me a few of her pieces that – honestly – before when she has mentioned them to me I haven’t given them another thought.  Mostly, I didn’t feel I could give them the attention they deserved.  But with the help of another remarkable lady, by George, I think the three of us have done it!

Scroll back up to the picture….my words to Lynn’s painting are simply “stunning”.  Perched above a beautifully painted buffet, I want to scoop up the entire setting and transport it to my home!


So let me tell you the story of the buffet…

Late in November as I was hobbling around the shop in my boot, in walked Stephanie Schuster.  Here again, you’ve read about her on another blog of mine, but let me say this about meeting Steph.  I am more than sure that the Lord brought her to me at just the right time.  You see, that silly boot had me unable to bend enough to paint, not to mention that I was not allowed to move, pick up or tote anything of any weight, and so my furniture supply was dwindling toward the end of last year.  Having seen (and purchased!) Stephanie’s work at Country Creations, I was elated that she was willing to have me showcase her work in my shop as well!  I am not the easiest person to get along with because I am very picky about my style, and to be completely honest, some days I don’t even know what it is I am looking for.  But Steph’s work is art in itself, and I am thrilled to add her pieces here.


Adding in an abstract piece of Lynn’s to my den setting made the whole room pop!  And the addition of Steph’s upholstered chair to her beautifully painted and stained desk?  Well, I’d so put that set into my kitchen for a place to sit and pay bills, make out my menus or make my daily “to do” list while sipping on my hot coffee!

So help me in welcoming these two artists to Burlap &  Lace.  I am blessed to have their work here, which means that from time to time I am also blessed to have them here!

IMG_0663As we pop our heads out to the porch, I don’t mind admitting that I am having an early case of spring fever!  My sister has always loved blue, and so for some reason (maybe she has been on my heart a lot lately!),  I decided to bring in touches of blue and yellow throughout the house this month.  And I don’t mind saying that wicker has become a new favorite of mine!  This love seat has got to be the most comfortable piece of furniture I’ve had grace this porch!  Sold as a set (cushion included), pair it with the oval table and you’re ready to sit and sip lemonade!

IMG_0664I’m loving this metal table and chair set…perfect for the porch, deck or to use inside!  Remember how it was showcased last month?  Let me remind you….

IMG_9723Ok, back to January’s offerings….

IMG_0658Chippy meets burlap meets rust…..huh?  This old rusty spring is my new favorite piece!  I had it as an umbrella stand last month.  This month?  Perfect for faux florals to soften the corner of the room!


So with all the guests in for Christmas, I found that the first week of January was mostly spent doing laundry at my home, which inspired me to do two things….(1) create a laundry room at Burlap & Lace and (2) listen to my customers’ requests for picture frames!  You see, I have pictures of my family in nearly every room of my home, so why not add them to the laundry room as well?  Seems we spend a lot of time washing and folding the clothes of those we love so why not see their smiling faces gracing our room as we work to serve them?

IMG_0642I’ve also created a linen closet for those of you who – like me – love finding linens to use on your bed, your table, or anywhere really!


And the garden room is open again, springing up with lots of new, fun finds!


I promise you surprises at every turn, and new merchandise added weekly, so don’t let the dreariness of winter keep you indoors.  Come on out to Burlap & Lace and get a breath of spring.  It really is on the wings of winter!  Until I see you again –



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