To everything there is a season –

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.  Ecclesiastes 3:1

A new season has come to Burlap & Lace…one of addition, change and excitement.  But sometimes with change, assumptions are made incorrectly.  So let me set the record straight before going any further with this blog post….IMG_2307This lovely telephone table sets the stage perfectly for my story to unfold.   When I was a teenager, we had this amazing thing called a telephone (no iPhone or cell phone).  This device had a cord that was attached to a wall plug and a shorter, curly stretch cord that attached the receiver to the telephone, enabling conversation with those you had likely just left minutes before on the school yard but felt you just didn’t get enough time to talk things over.  (No texting with that “last word”). And you certainly couldn’t do anything else while you talked because the cord wasn’t long enough to allow that! So you had conversations that were fully involved in every way and you needed a place to sit still while you talked! Tables like this were “the thing” to have in your home.  Now, they make perfect conversation pieces about “the good ‘ol days” as well as bringing functionality to your home.  Imagine this piece with a reading lamp, magazines or school books tucked inside where the phone book used to go and an evening of uninterrupted reading (or sewing, or homework. ) You get the idea!

Because I had caring parents, my conversations with my friends had time limits set on them because…..perhaps…..someone else might want to use this wonderful device too!  I confess that as a teenager, my conversations were more about “that boy”, or “did you see how she was dressed today?” than anything of substance…..and truthful as I hate to admit, they were little more than gossip.  Yep….that thing that destroys friendships and parts people without cause.

Today we have many ways to gossip…..too many….Facebook, Instagram, text messages, phone conversations in Ingles or Walmart where the whole world is privy to “did you know what she’s done now” type things, and it is that which I wish to set straight.

IMG_2367In a world of flowers and beautiful things (did you notice that print above?  It’s the world in floral design!),  sometimes our motives are totally misunderstood.  Like mine….of taking in two new vendors.  Yes, you heard correctly, and I could not be more excited!

And the comments of “she’s closing up shop” and “she’s taking from other store owners by inviting them into her shop” couldn’t be further from the truth. I remember so well the days of my small beginnings….a pole as a booth space in a local shop here in Brevard.  Someone “took a chance” on me, and I fondly remember them daily for that act of kindness.  And then 4 others did the same for me over a period of 6 years as I opened booth space after booth space.  One thing I wanted was to have multiple spaces in different places so that I had more opportunities of my wares (and truthfully, my name) being discovered.  Makes sense if your goal is to be a business, right?

Same is true of Stephanie’s Creations, who has joined Burlap & Lace with intention and with the blessing of Country Creations owner, Sheila McCall, where you can also find Stephanie’s Creations in the front window space.  Sheila and I have been friends for years, and we help one another out as we can….with ideas, with inventory, with help toting and moving and cleaning and working….isn’t that what friends do for one another?  And while it really is no ones business to know that, we do live in a small town, and some of my customers have seen me “working” at Sheila’s shop and have witnessed her at mine as well.  And who would have imagined the stir that has caused?  Certainly neither myself nor Sheila!

So let me put a stop to the rumors and gossip by saying first of all that neither Country Creations nor Burlap & Lace is “going under” and closing.  We both share a love of Stephanie and her style, so now you can find Stephanie’s Creations in two places in town!  And for Sheila and me, that is a win/win.

Stephanie brings with her a mix of French Country styling and farmhouse design.  And her expertise in her painting and decorating style happens to be one of the things I was drawn to immediately.  Like the country song, “she’s a little bit country and a little bit rock & roll”, I think Stephanie is “a little bit french country and a little bit farmhouse style”!  She’s English, so she brings in a completely different feel than I ever could, and I love that about her!  She simply is who she is and that honest, sweet personality is evidenced in her pieces.

IMG_2370Take this music-covered table for instance.  Stephanie’s clever design would be perfect for the home of the music enthusiast! It has plenty of room for a lamp, a drink, books or….music!

And talk about farmhouse styling….check out these adorable pillows!  Smaller in size, they tuck easily in a basket (such as seen here) for pulling out for the grand-kids, or to toss on a bed or in a chair.  Lots of designs to choose from!  And that green canister set!  For real use or simply decor, these are top of my list of pics from her room at Burlap & Lace!

IMG_2365Stephanie’s furniture speaks for itself.  She makes her own chalk paint and does easy distressing on all her pieces to create that farmhouse style we have all come to love.

Now let me show you some of the things you will find in Stephanie’s Creations booth space at Country Creations!

While you settle on the new discovery of Stephanie’s Creations at Burlap & Lace, let me introduce my second new vendor to you….Elizabeth Beasley.

Elizabeth also brings a unique styling experience…. Vintage style mixed with antique discoveries.

I love that antique dresser with glass knobs!  And the marble top makes for a quick clean up if makeup spills on it or you over-water that plant gracing it!


Elizabeth’s clothesline full of linens draws me back to days of summer breezes….ummm….soon to come!  But until they do, come see the wares she brings with her to Burlap & Lace!

One other thing to note at Burlap & Lace is that spring has finally settled in and the porch area is beginning to show small steps of that floral beauty….

There are several vintage planters on the porch, but don’t forget to take stock of the yard!  New planters have been added, some with plants and some without.  So take a walk around the yard on your next visit.

Lastly, I leave you with some of the whimsical style of Burlap & Lace that you’ve come to know so well….

I appreciate YOU and the shout-outs you’ve been giving Burlap & Lace in your Facebook reviews.  Help me spread the news that is factual…..two new vendors have come to the shop and I couldn’t be happier about sharing them with you!

Until we meet again,



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